HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-07; City Council; 5444-1; Encina solids processing facilities agreement1 * AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: DEPARTMENT: /""\ CITY OF CARLSBAD £*S 5444 - Supplement No. 1 November 7, 1978 Water Pollution Initial : . Dept . Hd. £• C. Atty.VT^ -? C. Mgr. r* ftffl*Lt^— iePj p \^> SUBJECT: Amendment to the Agreement for Design and Consulting Services in Improving the Solids Processing Facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. Statement of the Matter At their May 16, 1978 meeting, the Carlsbad City Council approved an agreement with C M Engineering for Design and Consulting Services in Improving the Solids Processsing Facilities at Encina. Task No. 7 of the Agreement calls for an evaluation of various dewatering systems to select a device that will provide an interim solution to the Encina solids handling problems. The scope of work for this task has already exceeded the originally planned work. In addition, minor cost overruns have occurred in Task No. 1. At their October 25, 1978 meeting, the JAC considered the following alternatives: 1. Request that the Engineers complete the work within the original cost ceiling. 2. Approve the overruns already reported (approximately $2,250) and authorize no additional work. 3. Approve the previous overruns and authorize additional work (approximately $2,250 + $3,950) for a total contract increase of $6,200. The Adviosry Committee unanimously approved a motion to approve a contract amendment in- creasing the contract cost ceiling by $6,200. Exhibits A. Resolution No. \$i£ *? 7 approving the Amendment to the Agreement. B. Letter from C M Engineering. Recommendation If Concil concurs, they should adopt Resolution No. SS7*7 authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute the Amendment to the Agreement with C M Engineering for Design and Con- sulting Services in Improving the Solids Processing Facilities at the Encina Water Pollu- tion Facility. See Page 2 for Council action W Agenda Bill #5444 - Supplement #1 Page 2 Council action: 11-7-78 Council adopted Resolution No. 5574, approving an amendment to the agreement between C M Engineering Associates and the City of Carlsbad for design and consulting services for improving the solids processing facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. 1 . RESOLUTION NO. 5574 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 3 C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR DESIGN AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPROVING THE SOLIDS PROCESSING 4 FACILITIES AT THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 6 as follows: 7 I. That certain amendment to the agreement between the City of Carlsbad 8 and C M Engineering Associates for design and consulting services for improv- 9 ing the solids processing facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control 10 Facility, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and made a 11 part hereof, is hereby approved. 12 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and 13 directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 15 the City of Carlsbad held the 7th day of November > 1978, by the follow- 16 ing vote, to wit: 17 AYES: Councilmen Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and CounciIwoman Casler 18 NOES: None 19 ABSENT: Councilman Packard 20 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 21 22 ATTEST: 23 24 ALETHA L IUTENKRANZ, C i ty CI e. 25 26 (SEAL) 27 28 AMENDMENT NO. I TO THE AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND CONSULTING SERVICES IN IMPROVING THE SOLIDS PROCESSING FACILITIES AT THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY THE AGREEMENT for Design and Consulting Services in Improving the Solids Processing Facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility in the City of Carlsbad, California, dated May 16, 1978, consists of eighteen articles which are to remain in full force and effect except as amended herein. AMENDMENTS ARTICLE 111 - Progress and Completion Delete the last sentence and substitute the following: "The tasks described In ARTICLE I will be completed by January I, 1979." ARTICLE V - Guaranteed Maximum Fee Delete the figure of "$21,200.00" and substitute "$27,400.00." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of , 1978. C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED AS TO FORM: 'RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., Gifr/ Attorney ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING . ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES LAND PLANNING AND SURVEYING. October 18, 1978 Mr. Les Evans General Manager Encina Joint Powers 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Les: The present contract between the City of Carlsbad and C M Engineering (Resolution #5418) is approaching completion. As per our discussion of 12 October 1978, we are submitting this status report on the vari- ous tasks of the contract along with the expenditures to date for these tasks. Task 1 - Continuation of Pilot Digester Program The pilot digesters have been operating successfully for the past three months indicating an absence of toxic materials in the raw sludge. There have been no foaming incidents noted in the pilot units, substantiating that well mixed, well heated digesters can function at the Encina WPCF. The original estimate was for 24 hours of engineering time over a twelve week period. This amount has been exceeded by some 14 hours due to C M having to get the units back on line after county forces overhauled the units. This extra time was discussed with and auth- orized by yourself at the time. It is recommended that C M be authorized to continue the program for an additional 12 weeks at 2 man-hours per week in a continuing effort to identify potentially toxic agents. Task 2 - Literature Review The literature review has not been successful to date. Task 3 - Conversion of Digesters #1 and #3 to Fixed Cover Design Design is complete, with the bid awarded. C M has expended $4461.59 (Budget: $4500.00) to date. The remaining funds for the task will be used for follow-up. 550 West Vista Way • Melrose Center • Vista, California 92083 • Phone (714) 758-3680 225 E. Airport Dr. • P.O. Box 6087, San Bernardino, California 92412 • Phone (714) 884-8804 or (714) 825-9562 Mr. Les Evans October 18, 1978 Page Two Task 4 - Design of Mixing System for Digester #3 Status same as Task 3. Expenditures to date $3838.23 (Budget: $3860.00) Task 5 - Conversion of Heating Systems Status same as Task 3. Expenditures to date $1477.85 (Budget: $1500.00). Task 6 - Develop Digester Program Preliminary program planning has begun with expenditures to date $534.00 (Budget: $1920). Task 7 - Pilot Dewatering The expenditures to date are $8380.50 (Budget: $6720.00). The expendi- tures have exceeded the budgeted amount due to the following changes in the scope of work, as well as other specified reasons: 1. The original plan was to test two dewatering devices, a centrifugal and a belt press. To date two centrifugals and one belt press have been investigated. The original time budget called for approximately 84 man-hours per system (including acquisition arrangements, pre-test preparation, field work, post-test analysis and report preparation). To date C M has expended approximately 80 man-hours per system, or several hours less than estimated per system. 2. The original time estimates for task completion assumed assistance from the Encina staff to minimize engineering time expenditures. Due to the present manpower shortage at Encina, the project engin- eer assigned to this task, Mr. Tortorici, has had to do everything from pipe up the systems to wash sample bottles. This level of effort was applied to insure timely completion of the project, and to minimize Encina's expenditures for rental of the various test units, vacuum trucks, etc. Should Encina wish to test the Winklepress, as has been indicated, an additional appropriation of some $2950.00 for an additional 84 man-hours will be required. Task 8 - Final Report and Rerating Consideration No work has been done to date. This task will be undertaken upon completion of the other tasks. Mr. Les Evans October 18, 1978 Page Three Summary Total Budget: $21,200.00 Total Expended to Date: $20,299.42 Authorized Work Remaining: Task 1:Task 1: Task 2: Task 3: Task 4: Task 5: Task 6: Task 7: Task 8: 0 $ 40.00 $ 38.41 $ 21.77 $ 22.15 $1,386.00 0 $1,600.00 Future Work:Task 1: Task 7: Total $3,108.33 $1,000.00 (continue pilot digester program) $2,950.00 (test Winklepress) Total $3,950.00 Very truly yours, C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES S. Murk Principle Engineer Environmental Systems Division JSM:bc