HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-07; City Council; 5624; Ballfield use study' AGENDA BILL NO. 3-4 2 4 - -- DEPARTMENT: Parks alnd Recreation C. rdgr. Sub] ec t : BALLFIELD USE STUDY Statement of the Matter Due to the increasing demand for use of lighted and unlighted ballfields and the corresponding increase in costs, the Parks and Recreation Commission has approved a fee schedule and priority use system for the fields. The Commission recommends the adoption of the study for immediate inplementation by the City. EXH I B I T blemorandum to the City PZanager Ballfield Fee Comparisons RECOPMENDATION If Council concurs, the conditions should be placed in the Parks and Recreation Policy bianual. Council Action: 11-7-78 Council concurred with staff and directed staff to place the conditions in the Parks and Recreation Policy Manual. I MEMORANDUM TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Parks and Recreation Commission DATE : October 18, 1978 SUBJECT: BALLFIELD USE STUDY The Parks and Recreation Commission at its regular meeting on October 16, 1978 approved this study and recommends its immediate adopt ion. Due to the increasing demand for use of lighted and unlighted ballfield demands, and only 3 lighted diamonds in Carlsbad, it has become necessary to establish a uniform, city-wide policy and procedure regarding priorities and methods of handling requests. With the passage of Proposition 13 last June, we are obligated to address the costs of field preparation, costs of lighting, and staff costs to secure fields and equipment after use. The following recommendations are made and are open to discuss and modification or deletion: PRIORITIES FOR FIELD USE 1, Pony League, a Carlsbad youth group, has 1st priority for softball season at Pine Field equivalent to previous year's use. 2. Little League, a Carlsbad youth group, has 1st priority for softball season at Chase Fields #1, and #2 equivalent to previous year's use and Bobby Sox has 1st priority on Field #3 equivalent to previous year's use. 3, Departmental use for leagues (including classification and tournaments) and co-sponsored activities, 4. Community youth groups (other than Little League, Pony League, and Bobby Sox) such as Colt League, Pop Warner, Boys and Girls Club, etc. 5. Schools (other than CUSD), community service groups Note: During school hours of the traditional school year, CUSD has exclusive use of Pine Field, other schools' use of Chase Fields for physical education pruposes receive priority 4 during school hours. 6. Resident group or individuals. 7. Non-resident group or individuals. c -2- The department reserves the right to classify requests for ball- field use into priorities. PROCEDURES FOR EXPEDITING BALLFIELD USE REQUESTS 1. Applications may be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department office at any time. 2. Applications received far in advance will be held in file and no action taken until 90 days prior to date of use, with no priority given for early submission of request. Applications received for use during the traditional soft- ball season of March through August will be reviewed, ranked by priority and by December 1, (or closest working date), will be approved/disapprovedandall requestors not if ied. 3. Requests for field use by adult teams in the department leagues may be made for a maximum of four (4) times use per app 1 icat ion. FEES FOR FIELD USE The cost of maintenance, electricity and field preparation for Pine and Chase Fields are included in the current budget and are intended to cover the community youth groups and departmentls adult program. Recommendation: All requests, other than Carlsbad youth groups and depaTtEal requests be subject to the fee schedule established to cover costs for such use, Proposed Ballfield Use Fees -.....-_Cr_ 1. Day Time Use - When ball diamond not in use by schools or organized leagues or reserved for a tournament, fields will be available on a first come-first served basis, free of charge (no reservations taken, no field preparation and no bases provided) a 2. Night Time Use - Two hour minimum - Lights only Fee: $10 - Resident group or individual $15 - Non-resident group or individual 3, Night -.. Time Use - Two hour minimum -- Lights, field preparation, bases Fee: $15 - Resident group or individual $20 - Non-.resident group or individual I .. -3- 4. Tournament Fee: $25.00 Fee applies to other than department or Carlsbad youth group tournaments, and does not include lights, field preparation or bases. Field preparation, bases, and lights (2 hour minimum) Fee: $15 - Resident group or individual $20 - Non-resident group or individual Additional 2 hours of lights Fee: $10 - Resident group or individual $15 - Non-resident group or individual Where a fee applies for use, the full fee will be paid to department when submitting facility request form. versus non-resident status of group or individual. Department determines resident Respectfully submitted, ['Chairman Parks and Recreation Commission JI) : swf c .. _I - BALLFIELD FEE COMPARISON,% CITIES Oceanside Vista Escondido San Marcos El Cajon Chula Vista City of San Diego City of San Diego Increase Santa Ana Proposed Carlsbad DAY TIME NITE TIME a 0 b H 2 2 P.4 X w -- $5 mil: no Prep. I bases c. z U k4 2 z 0 H s p: w v) U d res res res LO re s re s re s res re s E 3 E 2 z: H H - 10 2 hr 2 hr 2 hr res :s/ : Ise re s res 10 10 NON- SPONSORED TOURNAMENT iIrst come, first served, )y permission If Director ;3/hr staff .f needed i10 perseason 'outh groups i15 resident, ;20 non- Sesident ; .ights, bases iield prep. $25+lights 6 field preparat ic $25, light field prel