HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-07; City Council; 5653; Residential Care FacilitiesCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. S~t» £'3 Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: November 7, 1978 Q A i DEPARTMENT: City Attorney C. Mgr. subject: RESU^T!^ CARE FACILITIES SERVING six OR LESS PERSONS (ZCA-102) Statement of the Matter The present Carlsbad regulations on residential care facilities are not consistent with recent changes in State law. An ordinance amending the Zone Code has been drafted to make Carlsbad regulations consistent with State regulations. Exhibits Memorandum to City Attorney, dated October 19, 1978. Senate Bill No. 2093. Ordinance No. 9-JJT/ 3 Recommendation The City Council should review the draft and if it approves, direct the Planning Commission to set the matter for public hearing. Council action: 11-7-78 Council directed that the matter be returned to the Planning Commission and set to public hearing. DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1978 TO: CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES AND ZONING RESTRICTIONS Existing law requires that a state-authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster home, or group home serving six or fewer mentally disordered, or otherwise handicapped persons, or dependent and neglected children, be considered a residential use of property for the purpose of zoning if such facility provides care on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis. The law also requires that such a facility be a permitted use in all residential zones, but allowed cities to require a con- ditional use permit for such homes or impose on them more restrictive conditions than those imposed on other similar dwellings in the same zone, necessitated by health and safety considerations. (Welfare and Institutions Code Section No. 5116). On September 19, 1978, SB 2093, an urgency statute, amending sections of the Health and Safety Code and Welfare and Institutions Code relating to residential care facilities, was signed into law to take effect immediately. Among other things, this bill revises the existing provisions relative to residential facilities serving six or fewer persons by deleting the authority of cities to require conditional use permits, zoning variances, or to impose zoning conditions on such facilities that are more restrictive than those imposed on a single family residence in the same zone. In short, for health and safety and zoning matters, such residential facilities must be treated as single family residences and the residents considered a family. This legislation necessitates amending several sections of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which now require conditional use permits for such facilities, so that the Code is in conformance with the new provisions of state law. PAUL COOK Assistant City Attorney PC:vm o CO g CC < o> ~" ° <O LL i! -9° ii2: ,. uj ir S3 UJ *£. CN ^ |p"§> H- cc ^_ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ORDINANCE NO. 9513 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE ZONING REGULATIONS REGARD- ING RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES SERV- ING SIX OR FEWER PERSONS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Title 21, Chapter 21.08, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of Section 21.08.015. SECTION 2: Title 21, Chapter 21.10, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of Section 21.10.015. SECTION 3: Title 21., Chapter 21.16, Section 21.16.015 of the Carlsbad Muncipal Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (1) to read as follows: "(1) Residential care facilities serving more than six persons." SECTION 4: Title 21, Chapter 21.24, Section 21.24.020, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (2) to read as follows: "(2) Residential care facilities serving more than six persons." SECTION. 5: Title 21, Chapter 21.42, Section 21.42.010, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of Subsection (8), and by the amendment of Subsection (9)(A) to read as follows: "(9)(A) R-3, R-P, RD-M, C-2 and P-C zones only: (A) Residential care facilities serving more than six persons providing the following conditions are met: ( i) The facility shall meet all requirements for the approval of such use imposed by the City Building Official and the Fire Marshal as a Group "D" Occupancy, Division 2. ( ii) The facility shall comply with all the 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 12 i § 13 < o>e \14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 O ii. ~.**3 Z lu O fC~ o OHI Z IN <£ O <£ •" CO <? tt >- °H O rules, regulations and standards required by the State Department of Social Services. (iii) Off-street parking as required in Section 21.44.130. ( iv) The Planning Commission or the City Council on appeal may modify any of the above standards, if it is found that such modification will not be detrimental to the health and safety of the residents." SECTION 6: Title 21, Chapter 21.44, Section 21.44.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (24) to read as follows: "(24) USE - Residential care facility and professional care facility. PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - (a) Residential care facilities serving six or fewer persons: same as for single family dwelling requirements pursuant to Subsection (5) of this section. Serving more than six persons: two parking spaces, plus one space for each three beds. (b) Professional care facility with six or less beds: two parking spaces. More than six beds: two parking spaces, plus one space for each three beds." SECTION 7: Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.04.145 to read as follows:' "21.04.145 Family. "Family" means an individual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than four persons who are not related by blood or marriage, living together in a dwelling unit. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Title to the contrary, the residents and operators of a residential care facility serving six or fewer persons shall be considered a family for purposes of any zoning regulation relating to residential use of such facilities." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after it adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbac City Council held on the _day of_ , 1978, and thereafter 2. Q § § si? §0 < O LL S —o o"| g 5 0 5 J H> iS Z ._ o O10 ?? s •£ Z O to o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the day of ,1978 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: ABSENT : RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 3. f 1 *Tg| coS Ol ^^—« ojsII CO 01o3££o» o I o ^j U* (y j> '-w ^ (L^^ W " «3 rt O t3 <0 r* C w •" «J « * £ CJ jll^I^^£ 1 S .Si 3 ^ Si<* c «^ « 5 ca°SJs;;??« o"° u.MO <a« t g "- w _«sgg?«sg 2 &:g g-S g ilP!°w *J T3 4) o £'K c C > 3 OpPgB^-a •i-t •*-• w ,^3 "11.1 cs "S5 ic O bO 5 W) *^ G *H C Q) '& O G n "3 N °= o;^ S S JB?!0.^0-o Sago |g }f H' L *** A O *; *•" >* ..1 iLcn c w» <u o *^j 55 3 * M^ S tt :x| £ - " 'gl^gs'S "|sS £ so ° " a "'sP _ e «,2 » »„ 2 - 4) So* ff2^r •3 -9 « w S.fi• •- o " • c -S ^ •§ 2 o"f,o2g Jill ICX G > .2 oO *- ^3 X.- C £ <- Si M l tw* W W I 4) *i 'T" ^ ^*" i* <fl f, -S B P1 IB C£ .£, 4^ 3 w o.o E"* a .si»5^—* _- O tj_fe * °" •*-» —O. B 6 CB HI!ls 5/3 F 41 « s ij O^el"|£&- s ljj-8 |h s &3 i-g °1"3 r> "" 2 3 4) e • • n•*-• bfi X Htlafe S p S a? 8 o^ jj x c: S g •S e ."• 4) 4) cd 5 S5 .g US-'.3 i« t3a 4) 4)3 o-tsoc i_-2 e 2 Ij5 J5 = ?!8.^ s « g 0^5!§•§•+H ^ W5 S2"S so JS S« ISaSo 8 W)4-.S S E cdut/ W -T"4, 4, 4) l§Si-g. q S 4)N fc- O_ 3-00 & bC 3l^.S'SJSfeis .. s><£ S IIi-S-5-g - XC5B— W] *^. TO 'o "tio^ S • ^l.£.s g D fc'E 0-sb « gitffi1 SSPIe cd 4) *J *"•S 4- B o .-a BO gi'K J3 X. C E » « 2"o S-f-g ££w E^^£E a °etrg^^ o 2 8"cj vK >Z fsi-s^QJ .— fcn *-^ 5^ _«r] O C ^-MCO (-, T3 fl ^ xO w- ^3 nj ... C £ O,* ' !-a a o «.j .3 c >,2 -S « a'" ^ -2 E-C-^'cg"* ^ -a >• g E 3 •§ S ES1 - ' "cd ° cd —• jJ _o^— .s'l's1 0) =5 C- O B <^ fe 4) Eo a^ I > 3 u *"'.•'— '53 r«: >.a ° « g1"?-0". 57 «<o^S « g g^!B-C<B"r.Or5i* -o * 8E .§•2*58 •s'a *U Q. d*X^S g E ^'2 o a «*SEs|g.all1o jfi S x-2 (5 — x M "s"^s|°«^s-?asl&x-less E^S §"« O I I 4) i u 1 1O 1 Department of Developmental Services and the State Departmentof Mental Health shall jointly develop and implement a statewideprogram for encouraging the establishment of sufficient numbersand types of living arrangements, both in communities and statehospitals, as necessary to meet the needs of persons served by thosedepartments. The departments shall consult with the followingorganizations in the development of procedures pursuant to thissection:(1) The League of California Cities, County SupervisorsAssociation of California, and representatives of other local agencies.(2) Organizations or advocates for clients receiving services inresidential care services.(3) Providers of residential care services.Each department shall also prepare and transmit to theLegislature on or before March 31 of each year, commencing in 1980,an annual report detailing obstacles to assuring sufficient numbers ofliving arrangements for persons served by each department,detailing obstacles to providing an adequate quality of care andservices to persons served by each department who reside inresidential facilities, and containing appropriate recommendationsfor legislative action.SEC. 3. Article 7 (commencing with Section 1566) is added toChapter 3 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:§•aC3 1<UK 1 i-^ jj ^o1-1 ' 1566. The Legislature hereby declares that it is the policy of thisstate that each county and city shall permit and encourage thedevelopment of sufficient numbers and types of residential carefacilities as are commensurate with local need.The provisions of this article shall apply equally to any charteredcity, general law city, county, city and county, district, and any otherlocal public entity.For the purposes of this article, "six or fewer persons" does notinclude the licensee or members of the licensee's family or personsemployed as facility staff.1566.1. Any person licensed under the provisions of this chapterwho operates, or proposes to operate a residential facility, thedepartment or other public agency authorized to license such afacility, or any public or private agency which uses or may use theservices of the facility to place its clients, may invoke the provisionsof this article.• This section shall not be construed to prohibit any interested partyfrom bringing suit to invoke the provisions of this article.1566.2. A residential facility, which serves six or fewer personsshall not be subject to any business taxes, local registration fees, usepermit fees, or other fees to which other single family dwellings arenot likewise subject. Nothing in this section shall be construed tosd a1— - -. » u r^ i_ 4~* M QJ rt s llvs-a-•S£:2 g^ £:« J5 3 > £ C <U f3 §i1*s6J 8-5 ^B "88,^o-i^ %%£ S S °c ^s-2 3 s c w £ « i-^ " .9 S c «s i'a o r; o o ° <c. O IH _C ^ ***c o~S o o u -i *• ^ •'t. ? g ejjL. -_o, o ax o a c- S3g w—^t3 wi cfl ^-^— W J3«> C «5 . 1 aT^ca t- o.-" 61-C C 3-SSJj 01 — <pTO :/) a e_0) oo Bn*1566.4. No fire inspectionclearance, or similar authoriz;s « sf •H ^ 0^^so£_o _ !a.§ 11 *™a. 1> P8f — ^\facility because of a failure tcwhich such facilities are exemt< 8 ' aV"o 0)ute -Co WJ «£ S c* ow: | 0).£ 0 i"aaa 1 I- rt <l> C3 X«fl-«C(^T3O(lJ w w *" "O r3 C <Dr3<U ^^ *> rt i- u TI m ;Ki£ * -^ >. "ncu^Qoo)*''*^ -C C c ft JS^STJS" ""* <u o £ ,c aj I^||l|ll1li§ % lllfl ll|i| ^ S^lft§8sg£§x1^-s°S^o 1 ll|'^ Sl^s^ S c^sct;-?^•3 -si lilsP fills i3:i^i|si-g^3g •§ -sliSijj !f«oc -a Oot-cEaMvS-S^=S=-I3 « TJ^SC'S^ T3g°<ug a ^s^it|.Siils8 S !1l!s§ l^^HSl81-lflp^lli I HI* Si Willis=Ilsii|l|llif.j ! tjlisi $°suh* III?IsS-S•s'^"3*»< ^^ r*<U 4J . 2 tfl f ^H O 3*£ B <U °XS£5r^ «f§.« I^acJ Is-gga^o s amended to read:.2 -GIst/3 ao .S > •sl 2-0w Qjw; ll •3 ^ o-S six or fewer mentally iDns or dependent ari residential use of prones provide care on a5116. Pursuant to the pstate-authorized, certified, orhome, or group home servingotherwise handicapped persichildren, shall be considered ;purposes of zoning if such horbasis.ntial zones,ngle-family0) tf> sJl "3|-SS o «(T *^ 3 C TgS1s R= a D JS'lli<n C S3H^=O „ . tsl111"II 1 4) C4)> «M4 JS4-»t •8 »-« | fA SEC. 6. Notwithstanding !U 8• ui- ntj tr,|!i£S S « § a ° >- 'iiHHltlTJCuiSD* 3XR ag°-£^^g^.1 eS fc « « ~ °... °idential facility which1 within the definitioni or home for the carester care home, guestlome, or other similary is a business run forle family residence,instrued to forbid- anyC 43 Igl^l i _?> o ;1 5 •s s i^"-5ajj 3 §.5..s^a* :-« S 5 5 J CC *~^ u tt a'-S S S "S ^ ^'S a ° x S *2 "&" S S •:: c .S ^ .2 g c ,-s .2 u a3<u c Ss *"^ —."li0—•"M^oi^ 'Q rt »S _ ^ >, rrt C , H —•* C r5 1 W5 •• : C j2 B.I 3^ o » fe ««O 0) « -C ^j u- ^-- ^ O "rt §1^1^''•" '5 c "S •£'5 4> O 9 . ?tl!§ili!O k-t i-^ O *^ Sf^ ^* O^M^BO^SS^^ o S c,C S_a S <D .5 - - _- n ^ •—' r* L •™~t "S —G oT ^ 5r **• "13 ^*3 3 S ^H ^"^ .H s "* g*?lll <2 > B*O SI'S ao 4>T3 £ a = -»- R i? 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