HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-21; City Council; 3684-2; San Diego Regional Criminal Justice Planning BoardCITY OF CARLSBAD* AGENDA BILL NO. 3 ,QS/- 1%- 7 Initial: Dept.Hd. z,C'� DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 1978 C. Atty..V)$6 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER C. Mgr. I - :T Subject: AMENDING CITY OF CARLSBAD RESOLUTION NO. 3963 - SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD Statement of the Matter The Planning Board of the San Diego Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board amended Article III, Membership, Section 2A and 2B of Resolution No. 3963. Section 2A was amended to add a membership position for a municipal court judge from an outlying municipal court judicial district. Section 2B was amended to change the membership for the Assistant Chief ?administrative Officer for the Fiscal and Justice Agency of San Diego County to the Chief Administrative Officer of the County. The changes do not effectively alter the composition of the Planning Board. The membership is now twenty-four (24) members but the majority are still elected officials. Exhibit .1 Resolution No. %Vo 1 Letter from San Diego Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board, dated October 13, 1978. Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. �� approving bylaw changes to City of Carlsbad Reso ution No. 3963. Council action: 11-21-78 Council adopted Res. 5614, approving bylaw changes to City of Carlsbad Resolution No. 3963. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3963 ?+ 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING 3 ITS CONCURRENT SUPPORT FOR THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CRIMINAL 4 JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD. 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad wishes to continue the 6 improvement of the criminal justice system for the increased 7 protection of its citizens; and g WHEREAS, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act 9. of 1968 provided a national strategy to address problems in the 10 administration of justice, and the Crime Control Act of 1973 was 11 enacted by Congress to continue the efforts of this Act; and 0 12. WHEREAS, the California Council on Criminal Justice, as the Cn 5 co 13 State agency responsible for planning for the improvement of °o o'L 1.4 criminal justice throughout California has, pursuant to Penal x m 0 15 Code Sections 13904-5, required that a balanced planning board LL z8 16 with a broad community base be established and designated as the a > a 17 entity for conducting regional criminal justice planning in the > U t 18 Sari Diego Region; and 19 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad deems it appropriate to ' 20 promote the increased efficiency and effectivenesp of cooperative } 21 criminal justice planning in the San Diego region by supporting } 22 the establishment of such a board; and ti 23 WHEREAS, it is recognized that effective evaluation and t 24 A-95 review is necessary to the conduct of such an effective 25 cooperative planning effort; and 26 WHEREAS, Section 13902 of the California Penal Code provides 27' that each county in California shall constitute a local criminal 28 justice planning district upon execution of an arrangement accept- I Integrated Planning Office of the County of San Diego. 2 4. The assignment of evaluation of criminal, justice 3 projects funded by the Board to the areawide A-95•reviewing 4 agency, the Comprehensive Planning Organization. 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the tit y I ; 6 Council on the 20th day of July , 1976, by the 7 following vote, to wit: 8 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler 9 NOES. None IEI 10 ABSENT: None 11 0-1 0 12 ROB RT C. FRAZEE,-Mayora 13 �a m 14ATTEST,': a m a`-o`' 15I L1 J a WQ u� r � a 16 G ..lL.-L� � - .r�• 2�� z'o GAP T E. ADAMS, City Clerk >� 17 8 (ShAL) 3.8 19 20 21 22 f 23 24 25 = 26 27 28 i 3. Abh SAN DIEGO REGIONAL UREGION CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD 2fOW. ASH St., SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 • (714) 236-ZS44 CH AII. Mf" VICU CHAIRMAN OR. PHILIP del CAMPO. ?RESIDENT HON. EARL H. MAAS, JR.. JUDGE $AH DIt00 COMMUNITY COLLiOi• A. 0I1100 OURT October 13, 1978 !ram 7 " V svt Ronaid Packard, Mayor ( City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, 29008 Dear Mayor Packard: - CITY OF CARLSBAD RESOLUTION #3963, JULY 20, 1976 The San Diego Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board is a multi-jur,sdic- tional advisory board that directs the administration of federal grant funds for 'the improvement of the criminal Justice system. The grant program is .part of the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Program. The Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board was formed pursuant to supporting resolutions adopted by the County of San Diego and the incorporated cities within the County area. Your City Council adopted and approved a resolution on July 20, 1976. The bylaws adopted by the Planning Board to regulate its affairs require that I notify all local units of government of any amendments to the Board bylaws. The Planning Board amended Article III, Membership, Section 2A and 2B at the Board meetings held on July 27, 1978 and September 28, 1978, respectively. Although the amendments were minor, it is my duty to inform your Council of the alterations. Section 2A was amended to add a membership position for a munici- pal court judge from an outlying municipal court judicial district. The change was made to enhance the scope of representation on the Planning Board. The Board decided that since the operations of the four separate municipal court districts were diverse an additional representative would enlarge the Board's perspective of problems within the criminal justice system. Section 2B was amended to change the membership for the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer for the Fiscal and Justice Agency of San Diego County to the Chief Administrative Officer of the County. The change was made necessary because the position of Assistant CAO, Fiscal and Justice, was eliminated in the County's recent administrative restructuring. Mayor Ronald Packar _2_ October 13, 1978 The changes do not effectively alter the composition of the Planning Board from that which you adopted in your resolution] of support for the Planning Board. The membership number is now 24 members but the majority are still elected officials and the other relationships within the Board remain the same. We would appreciate your Council"s adoption of the attached resolution expressing your approval of these membership changes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our staff coordinator, Marc 4lilson, at 236=2844. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sin e ly /�' D (JAI Dr. Phil del Campo, Chai n San Die Regional Criminal- stice Planning Board PDU DM:eg Attachment l RESOLUTION NO. 5614 2 AMENDING CITY 01' CARLSBAD RESOLUTION NO. 3963, SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CRIMINAL ' JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD. 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad hereby amends the 6 above resolution to reflect a change of membership of the San Diego 7 Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board to include an additional 6 Municipal Court Judge and to replace the County's Assiatant Chief 9 'Administrative Officer, Fiscal and Justice Agency, with the Chief 10 Administrative Officer of the County of San Diego. 11 PASSED, APPkOVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 12 City Council on the 21st day of November , 1978, 13 'by the following vote, to wit: 14 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and, 'Councilwoman Casler 15 NOES: None 16 ABSENT: None 17 r s� ��-�'� _ RONALD C. PACKAFD, Mayor 118 •ATTEST: . 19 ` ALETHA L.RAUT NKRANL, City leek ' 20 (SEAL) 21- 22 23 24 25 26 27I 28I ,