HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-03; City Council; 5593; ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDSm * . CITY OF CAk?LSH;> 13 __c____I___ - In3 tiz2-t ItGRYCA GILTA T;C) c --__ 55 -- 7.7 __-- - Dl1 ).I)? ; .- -_ - " _I - -Y ~Q&L- 5x19-ls I.1^_yIv- d an- ,tmm m-rv -.-*- Dept.. Iii- 0 ____I c, ltLtjqa c. Mgr. 5 --- ''IJ': City Attorney -- _~l___ll_-.l ~ "_- __- ll__l__ I____ l_l __-- ._ ---...- --1_1111- ___I-. - subject :: ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS - --- I_--I*-- --.-------^-- - ___- __. _IC.I ~ --I--- ..e-- _I_ 11: f-JE i-!1c JTCk -- ~ -_I-I- __-I- In 1968 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1537 authorizing the City Clerk to accept deeds on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. A more appropriate procedure is to provide that the City Council make the decision in that regard. Resolution No. 1537 is attached. A resolution rescinding Exhibit Resolution No. .T54/6 . Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. 553% - Council Action: 10-3-78 Council adopted Resolution No. 5546, rescinding Resolutior No. 1537 to provide for City Council acceptance of conveyances to the City for public purposes. a. , 1 2 31 7 41 6' 7 8 9 lo 2'1, 12 n I 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 5546. ll__l^- A RESOLLJ%ICN OF THE Y.I%Y COLJNCIL 07 -3 T''7 IFHE CJ~ 67 ~w,xwx~ , cAL:I?ojin JA f ~;~:,s~~~DI~~G px~~~gq~?~'<-.p~ .. ~c). 153 -7 TO P ROVI PjE FOR C I TY Cc>I!I!C I L AC CEP TAX CE - -.- ____ W~IE??EAS, the City Counci1, on July 2, 1.968, by thc adopt of Resolv.tion No. 1527, authorized. the City Clerk of the City , Carlsbad, on. behal.f of the City, to accept coxvey%.rices to the .-. City of Carlsbad for public purposes; and WKEI?~AS , the City CoumcLi has detenniried t?mt this z.cth.c I tioiz is no longer desirahie; )?O?,J, TI-IE~~~F@IIC; 5E IT :C?ES@l,VZD by th.e City Coun~il cf th 19 20 1 FASSEU, APPROVED AND E,DOPTSD at. a. reyvlar :nee::.j.ncg c:E khc I Cj.1;)) C0un.ci.i of the city ~f Carl.sbad., Cali.f0rni.c2~ held 0:: thc