HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-05; City Council; 5645-1; Fifthe Year HCD Block Grant Applicationrt CITY OF CARLSBAD i AGENDA BILL NO. 5645 Gum 1arran t _ Initial Dept. Hd. DATE: December 5, 1978 C. Atty. C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Redevelopment (Planning) SUBJECT: FIFTH • YEAR 11CD BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION Statement of _the Matter eting of November 7, 1978 the City Council took action At its me notifying the etinty of San Diego that it desired to participate in the Urban County's Fifth Year Block Grant application. At that time staff advised Council that all proposals for funding would be analyzed and a recommended program of funding presented for consideration. Stair has completed its analysis and arrived at.a recommendation. The analysis process is detailed in the attached memo from the Redevelop- ', ment Coordinator dated 11/27/78. EXHIBITS Memo to City Manager from Redevelopment Coordinator, dated 11/27/78 Resolution Sto-J RECOWIENDATION If Council concurs with the staff recommendation after considering information presented during the hearing, it should adopt the attached Resolution -No. C7&3 j In the event Council desires further staff research -it should so direct. Council action: 12-5-78 Council adopted Resolution 5631, requesting funding for Fifth . . Year Block Grant Projects. ,KEMORANDUM DATE: November 27, 1978 TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager (,,n" VV FROM: Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: FIFTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM At its meeting of November 7, 1978 the City Council notified the County of San Diego of its intent to participate in the fifth year of the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. Additionally, at that time Council was notified of a number of proposals which were to be analyzed and presented for consideration at a public hearing. It is the purpose of this memo to explain the analysis process and the rationale for arriving at the staff recommendation. Neighborhood Revitalization Area The area designated as eligible to receive funding from this program is unchanged from last year, and is shown on attachment "A". This area (Federal Census Tract 179.00) is in all probability the only tract in the City with demographic data capable of supporting an application. In addition, the City's recent efforts to bring about stabilization and revitalization in the area strongly suggests a locally identified need for grant related activities. Discussion: Attachment "B" sets forth the general type projects previously presented to the Council. A review of HUD regulations in- dicated that the following proposals were ineligible for funding: a. Bus/NCTD related proposals b. Tree trimming C. Lease of R.R. right of way d. Undergrounding of utilities e. San Dieguito Little Theater f. Beach improvement Additionally, several of the proposals are funded with fourth year funds which will be released shortly after the first of the year. These proposals are as follows: a. Improvement of State and Grand property b. Sidewalks on Grand fro,a State Street to the R.R. tracks C. Northwest corner of State and Grand Housing related proposals are not recommended for funding due to the fact that the third year rehab program evaluation will be under- taken in January. At this point it is entirely possible that County staff will recommend revisions to the programs which could include consideration of proposals made during this year's application process. MW Correspondence with the County staff indicates that they do not anticipate a departure from the fourth year funding strategy as expressed by the board. (attachment C) That strategy basically called for funding to be applied in the following areas: + Residential Rehab Programs + Public Improvements + Site Acquisition for housing construction + Planning studies + Administrative costs Social service and counseling programs were proposed by three groups and one individual. Although eligible for funding under the HUD regulations two situations exist which resulted in these programs not being recommended for funding. First, these programs are not highly emphasized in the County's funding strategy at the current time. Emphasis appears to be in the areas of economic development, housing, and public improvements. Secondly, it appears as though these services might not principally benefit target area residents in that a community center of the nature proposed would probably draw from far beyond the target area boundaries. Therefore, it is recommended that the proponents of these projects be advised to approach the county directly for funding on a sub regional basis. Recommended FIFTH YEAR Program The projects recommended to be forwarded to the County for fun2 ing in the fifth year are basically extensions of the yet -to -be implemented fourth year Village Area Improvement Program. The projects recommended in the fifth year would carry out public improvement plans which will be completed between now and late spring utilizing fourth year funds. However, the total list of projects found to be eligible under the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the County of San Diego is as follows: + Alley improvements + Pedestrian safety items Development of standards Incorporation of rest areas + Public information signing + Sidewalk improvements + Intersection signalization + Street trees and furnishings + Off-street parking + Traffic islands on Elm + Property acquisition + Administrative costs Council may desire to direct staff to research options in any of the above noted areas. However, the following recommendation is submitted for Council consideration. ATTACHMENT "B" MEMORANDUM DATE: October 2, 1978 TO: File FROM: Redevelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: FIFTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT APPLICP_TIONW A community meeting was held on September 21, 1978, at the Harding Street Community Center. Seven citizens attended and provided input as follows: Mr. Sanchez a. Alley improvements 1. Behind Pine School 2. Roosevelt from Palm to Oak 3. North of Elm b. Fire protection program of some tvpe. Julie Bagley (of the Chicano Federation) a: Child care NOT Ihl Cotv1PL/ANICE bVIM C0CJN7X Sr,e r560) p b. Drug abuse 4NC�T /nI Cc��pG/��'� Gurr� Cbu�� sr•Qis-rE6Y , Thelma Hayes a. Pedestrian safety i Carrti pLi�S w t r4 1. Elm to Laguna 2. Ocean to Freeway b. Standards for private voluntary improvement of pedestrian circulation C. Overall pedestrian safety (circulation) program d. Parking improvements - courtesy citation for blocking pedestrian ways e. Rest areas incorporating bench, amenity, shelter Harold Clarke a. Front end money for project design (architectural) 1. Preliminary working drawings (loan) � QUE51a0)1%dL°�4 b. N/W corner State and Grand CFOV27'{E VEAR Pko�.RA � 1. Information stand 2. Directory for businesses 3. Transfer (NCTD) information Jesus Mariz a. Loan program - non owner occupied - , 3 d Y Fury oin<6 j - r CQ►r �u,nclt b. Alternative housing strategy C. Crossing for school children at RR between Elm and Chestnut C�U����sc��►� d. Neighborhood Community Center - Jefferson school area 1. Child care ( NO-r jN CDru�4�-MN:..6 L' c � CouNYY 2. Health & Social services outreach Forg4toO STRA-Mcy) e. Contaminants in drainage channel south of. Elm (EAJFVRC6M6✓T FAdJBe-F'-"I) Bert Freehof , a. Beach condition improvement (our oFS�Ys� � ( �'`� \ �' b. Beach access study and implementation '�'' 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5631 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CALRSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING FUNDING FOR FIFTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public nearing on December.5, 1978 for the purpose of considering the City's fifth year Block Grant application; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the program of funding outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though fully set forth is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby directed to forward the program outlined herein to the County of San Diego for inclusion in the Fifth Year Urban County Block Grant application. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of December , 1978 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: —&dz-4U-T�ENKRANZ, ALETHN L. Clerk RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor Exhib,-k "A" to Resolution 5631 The recommended fifth year program is as follows: PHASE II VILLAGE AREA IMPROVEMENTS Streets Attachment "D" State (9501) 38,000# @ $1.25 $47,500 Sidewalks (10' wide/commercial) Attachment "E" Along State between . - Grand & Elm 420' (x2 for both sides) 240 x $11.00 ln. ft. (x2) $ g - Cedar & Grand 130' (both sides) 2,860 x $11.00 ln. ft. (x2) A portion below, south of Elm 100' (both sides x $11.00 2,200 x $11.00 ln. ft. (x2) * Subtotal $14,300 Along Grand between . . . State & Roosevelt 200' (both sides) x $11.00 ln. ft. (x2) $ 4,400 Along Elm between . . . State & Roosevelt 200' (both sides) 4,400 x $11.00 ln. ft. (x2) * Subtotal $ 8,800 Alleys & Parking Area Attachment "F" Between State & R.R. & Grand & Elm (20' wide) 400' x $17.00 ln. ft. plus 1320 (concrete approach) $13,370 Parking Area 8,000 15% contingency $12,445 * improvement subtotal $95,415 Commercial Structure Rehabilitation Pilot Program This program is recommended to compliment the public improvement projects noted above. The exact forr•+at of the program is undetermined at this time. Staff is researching various options available in structuring the program. Among the options available: a. Grants b. SBA leveraged loans C. Local leveraged loans d. Direct interest subsidy e. Direct local loans serviced by local lender It is anticipated that the program would carry a maximum amount of $5000 per business unless a leverage approach is ultimately chosen. Staff will report to Council in January on the recommended format of this program if Council grants tentative approval. amount $30,000 Subtotal $125,415 10% admin. costs 12,500 TOTAL RECOMMENDED REQUEST $137,415 I