HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-19; City Council; 5399-3; Urban Open Space & Recreation Program, 0- e CITY OF CARTSGA~ "- t' AGEmA BILL N0.5399 Supplement 3 DATE: December.19, 1978 Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty.. - DEPARTMENT; Parks and Recreation C. Mgr. Subject: .. - .. URBAN OPEN SPACE AND. REC~EATION PROGRAM (SB 170;) Statement of the Matter The Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program (SB 1.74) has been a ver successful grant program, providing much needed funds for recreatio facilities in urban areas throughout the state.' For the City of Ca 'it.has provided $20,959 for.the renovation of the Harding Street C Center. In that the.program will not be funded for the 1979 fiscal year unl is included in the budiet bill to be signed by the Governor, it is mended that Council adopt a resolution urging'Governor Brown to inc $25,000,000 for,this grant pro'gram in his budget for 1979-80. It.has been recommended by the California Parks and Recreation Socj a resolution be adopted.. Exhibit Memorandum to the City Manager Resolution # 5,&I/2 Recommendation Adoption of Resolution #\rcaq2 urging Governor Brown to include f the Urban .Open-Space and- Recreation Program in his 1979-80 budget. .', .. Counci 1 action: 1.2'-19-78 Council adopted Resolution 5642, urging Governor Brown t i ncl ude funding for the Roberti-Z' berg Urban Open-Space and Reweation Program in the budget-for the 1979-80 fiscal year. .. .. .. .. *. ,.' ' - . .. .. .. 7. - ~. .. . . MEMORANDU~%~ .. i - -. I TO .: CITY MANAGER .. * FROM : harks S&per;ntedent .. 4. DATE J November 21, I978 'SUBJECT: URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGFU4bi (SB.174) . " : . Yesterday, we received the attached letter notifying Us that th State Department of Finance did not intend to recommend the' Urb Open-Space and Recreation Program for funding in the State's 1979-80 budget. The deletion of this extremely. successful grar .. proiram would have. .serious ramifications for the State and all cities and counties within it. Because of the facts-presented below, I recommend Council and/or the Mayor send a letter to Governor Brown urging him to include at feast $25 million in hj 1979-80 budget f~or the urban park program. This letter should sent as .soon as possible -to be followed. later by a resolution . .- , 'adopted by the C0uncj.J.. As Governor Brown will be making final ' decisions on the budget within -the next few weeks, hzste is .imp( The Urban Open-Space and.'Recreation Proiram provided $15 millic -. .. during fiscal year 1978 and $25 million during fiscal years 19: - 1977 for 75% sta.te matching fund.grants to cities, counties an( park and recreation districts for the acqui,sition and deveLopmc . Carlsbad received $20,959 of-this for the renovation of Hardin Community Center Auditorium. This year's allocation.of $6,113 earmarked for procuring and installing picnic tables, benches . . barbeque stands in the parks. Without SB 174 funds,. -t,hese pro .. recreational areas and facilities in urbanized areas.. The Cit- 'may not have gotten off the ground. - ... . . : .. . -. Many other projects in San Diego County may not have become re . . without the SB 174 program; the San Narcos s..wimming p00.1 is on - example. .. *. . *On a statewide basis, this grant l>rogram has been very success . .Project completion rates, equal.to 'or bett.er than any other sta . federal grant program, show a.comrnitment OR the part of progra strators to provide needed recreation facilities as quickly as . . feasible. .. .. .. -. .providing for the most urgent and unrnet needs of California's I -. Should this grant program gain the support of Governor Brown ; included in the 1979-80 fiscal yeas budget at $25 million, thc ' Carlsbad could expect an allocation of about $10,000, These : be used for lighting the third ballfield at Chase Field, yrov: shelter house at Holiday Park or other eligible projects. Wi. passage of Proposition 13, and the rising inflation rate, the *' .. 0 .. <- t e. .. ..', .- 0- . , .. 0 .. .. .. * 'D .. have funds for fewer and fewer projectS..an'd.will almost surely benefit from'the type of f.inancia1 assistance that the Urban Op . . . Space a and Recreation Progran could provide. .. *...a +VdF . , @n Hatch, t .. arks Superintendent . JH~SW~ . ._. - Attachment .. ,. .- . s .. . .. -. 0. *. *a .. .. .. ,~ ., ., .. . .. . .. .. -. .. ': .. b > I' .. i . . . . " : .. e. . : .. .. ..= .. .. J .. . .. .. .. . .. * I 1 g Bi - :.' -. . : i L. c. L ,. ........... - i ..*. .. _. ... -, . NEW ADDRESS ..... . :. .. * 1400. K Stxeet, Suite 302 - . .. .. ...< .... ... .- . kcramento, CA 9 5824 .. & .. . ,- .. ... .. .- .. _. Hdvember 56, 1978 .. , .. - *. ... ..... ..... .. . .- ... - ....... _. .. ."C . .- . . , -* . ' . . URGEXT ACTION =QUESTED . SEI 174 mThiS IN JFOPmy ... .......... ..... co p :a ...... .. -_ ..... - .- . 2.. e.,.. . - -. 30, : PARK & RECREATION ADMLNLSWTORS yt IXOX : LM.. E. EIILW, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR i &.a .>a+- .4. -. -.. - . , SUBJECT: 1979-80 EINDING FOR SB 174 IN DANGER .. . _. st has came to our attention that the State Department of Finance is E recommending that Governor Brown include $25 mill,%on for the €tlnding of SI^ . , . the "Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program'' .in the SLTtc': - budget. Even though the State Department of .Parks & Recreation has reconnc the ~IXALSAOZI of $25 million, the Department of Finance has seen fit to- ret before sending it on ta Governor Brown, -. : ... . 1 strongly urae that you request your city counsels, boards of supervisors 2 %,t-: boards. of directors to ' i-mmediately adopt. resolutions urqing Governor Brown include at least '$25 million in his 1979-50 budget ' for the urban park prog . . There is some urgency to this request, since the Governor will be making f decisions on the budget within the next few weeks .' If you cmnot get a re ... that quickly, please have your .mavor or chairman of .the. board send a lettc . Governor Brown and follow-up later with a resolution. Please also copy yc t . . resolution or letter to Roy Bell, State Director of Finance, Russ Cahfll, L Director of Parks 1Sr Recreation, Senator Albert Rodda, Finance Conrittee Ck . Assemblyman Daniel Boatwright, \Jays and Means Committee Chairman, your ow1 * and CPRS. Addresses are listed at the end of this memo, b -1 The SB 174 program has been successful for a number of reasons: -; !. $ - .. * .1. It has become a national model for those advocating progressive ' .. recreat-on programs and adequate open space in Our urban and no iI <. *i .. ' comunit ies. f. ;.' ,; ? 2, It is one of the easiest programs fron the poht of' view of loca r: ! .. ' because of its flexibility and ease of application. :t j! '1 (continued on page two) ... .. ... " . ., . . ,_ I, .. -. .. c e .j To: PARK & RECRCATXON MPSINISTMTORS .. 0" .. I., liovernber 16, 1978 Page two """""L-l...""""""""""""""""""""""~ .- .. .. .. 3. 90% of the Eirst two years of appropriation3 have been encumbered. 4. a AI1 three years of appropriations will have been encmbered by the f ' Of 1978-79. , .' .* .- 1. .. 5. Project completion rates are equal to or better than any other stat federal grant program. 6. There are hundreds of example-s of suc&ssful and meaningfrll recreat projects that have been completed beczuse of SB 174, Tn your cornu , .' with Governor Brovwn, please indicate sone of the successes in.your In addition, the program should be continued for a number of good reasons: 1. Our greatest deficiencies are still in urban areas and there is no that local agencies will be able to meet these needs in the foresee f u tuze 8 2. The financial assistarice is more important now, after Proposition.! than when the prograrn came into existen& in 1976. . 3. SB 174 may soon be the only state grant program remaining. The 13' Act Grants are 99% encumbered. The 1376 Bond Act Grants are %X . . encmbered, These funds, along with SB 174 funds, have been princ: . sources of matching funds for the Land E( Water Conservation grants the past several years, Without state funds, and with. the continu; - the Proposition 13 situation, local agencies may not be able to ma. .: Land & Water Conservation funds in the future, * -\ . ' 4. In your communications with Governor Brown and your legislatcrs, p -. '. give examples of future projects you would be able to accomplish w .. . .- SB 174 funding. Please respond quickly to this request for action so that we will not have . , undertake a major battle in the Legislature to restore the. funding for next Addresses: . . Roy Bell, Director State Department of Finance . Room 1145, State Capitol : - Sacramento, Ch 95814 Russ Cahill, Director State Dcyclrtomtt of Parks & Recreation 14lG Nlnth Street Sacramento, CA 95824 . .- Senator Albert Rodda, Chairman Senate Finance Comxittee State Capitol Sacramento, CR 95814 Assemb lymm 'Daniel Boatwrigh t , Assembly {Jays f; Hems Conmittc State Capitol Sacraniento, Ch 95814 .. . . -. .. *. h L 0 0 1 RESOLUTION N0.5642 2 3 OF CARLSBAD URGING.GOVERNOR BROWN TO INCLUDE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY FOR THE 1979-80 FISCAL YEAR 4 SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM IN THE BUDGET FUNDING FOR THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OPEN- 5 WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of California 1 6 -8 which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of 7 enacted the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreatiol facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and 9 State of California for acquiring lands and for developin, .. 10 WHEREAS, said program has been very. successful in pr 11 within urbanized areas, recreation opportunities to meet .I2 of urban residents of California; and 13 in the 1979-80 fiscal year budget bill to be signed by th 14 WHEREAS, said program is not currently-included for WHEREAS, said programmustbe included in the budget 16 of the State of California; and . . 15 & 1'7 18 the 1979-80 fiscal year in order 'to continue providing fu acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urb 19 recreation needs in the most heavily populated areas of t 20 xx 2111 xx 22 23 * 24 . 25 xx xx xx xx I 26 27 xx xx 28 xx .. II 2 r ." 0 0 .1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council o 2 Program in the Budget Bill for the 1979-80 fiscal year in t 4 funding for the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open Space and Recreat 3 City of Carlsbad hereby recommends that Governor Brown incl ' amount of $25,000,000. 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t 7 the following vote, to wit: 8 City Council on the 19th day of December Y 1978 1 .. 9 10 11 12 13 14 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis and Councilwc Ca: NOES: Councilman Skotnicki ABSENT: None 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 JplJflgLa77 4% p RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST :. ALTHEA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Citydlerk (seal) * 1" 28