HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-19; City Council; 5702; CARRILLO RANCH - RENTAL/CARETAKER AGREEMENT.a a a CITY OF CARLSBAD d 'k." AGENDA BILL NO. c 5-702 Initial: /"j DeDt . Hd. ,k A. DATE : December 19, 1978 C. Atty. .jF) DEPARTMENT : City Manager C. Mgr. 5 Subject : CARRILL0 RANCH - RENTAL/CARETAKER AGRE=EMENT Statement of the Matter The City owned Carrillo Ranch property is being cared for by Mrs. Delphy's stepson and their caretaker since her death, but will soon be vacated. In order to provide maintenance and security, it is proposed that the property be rented to a City employee who could provic security and maintenance of the house and buildings, as well a: the animals and birds. The rental would be $1.00 per year for the caretaker services. Interviews have been.conducted to select a caretaker tenant anc one of our park caretakers, Keith Beverly, has agreed to occup~ the property and provide security and maintenance. Exhibit Rental Agreement Recommendation If Council concurs, approve agreement by minute motion. Council action: 12-19-78 Council approved the agreement subject to the addition of a statement that would prohibit any structural changes to existing buildings unless approved by the City. a 0 a CARRILLO RANCH CARETAKER.AGREEFIIENT This agreement, entered into this 19th day of December 1978, by and between the City of Carlsbad and Keith Beverly I the Caretaker of the Carrillo Ranch Park, provides for and stipulates responsibilities of both parties pertaining to the maintenance and security of Carrillo Ranch Park. The term of this agreement shall comtence on February 9 I 1979. I. CARETAKER RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Caretaker shall provide 24-hour security of the property, 7 days a week, and in exchange will be provided shelter for him and his immediate family at a cost of $1.00 annual rent, payable in advance; B. Caretaker shall pay a cleaning fee of $100.00 tb guarantf that the premises will be left in a clean and sanitary condition upon termination of tenancy. Such fee will be refundable in the event the City is not required to perform repairs other than maintenance - due to normal wear and tear and damage by the elements; C. Caretaker has examined the premises and all furniture, furnishings and fixtures and accepts the same as being Clean, in good order, condition and repair, with noted exceptions. D. Caretaker shall not keep or permit to be kept on said premises any dog, cat, parrot or other bird'or animal which will interfere with and/or cause harm to domestic animals and birds currently on the property. 0 a , E. Caretaker.sh&ll not violate any city ordinance or state law in or about said premises; F. Caretaker shall not sublease the premises or allow any individuals other than he and his immediate family to reside on the premises; G. Caretaker shall provide a phone at which he can be reached. H. Caretaker shall pay f6r all utilities including gas, electricity, and all other services, except as herein provided, supplied to said premises; I. Caretaker shall notify the Director of Parks. and Recreation one week in advance of his expected absence from the property for a time period exceeding 6 hours. during daylight hours or exceeding 3 hours during the dark hours. In the event an emergency arises necessi- tating the Caretaker's immediate absence from the property for a time period expected to exceed 6 hours during daylight hours or 3 hours during the dark hours, the Caretaker shall so notify the Difector of Parks and Recreation immediately; J. Caretaker shall give the Director of Parks and Recrea- tion 30 days advance notice of his annual vacation; K. Caretaker shall provide 14' days notice of his intent to terminate his employment with the City. L. Caretaker shall promptly notify the Director of Parks and Recreation of any deficiencies to the buildings and grounds. 0 0 M: Caretaker shall feed the domestic animals currently on the property. N. Caret'aker shall make no structural changes or improvements without prior approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation. . 11. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES A. The City of Carlsbad shall provide fire and .liability insurance; B, City shall provide supplies for upkeep of grounds, buildin; and domestic animals currently' on the property; C. City shall provide any electrical or major plumbing repai. D. City shall pay all property taxes on the property; E. City shall pay all water bills; . F. City shall perform periodic inspections of the property with at least 24 hours prior notice given to the Caretake In an emergency,-the Dir2ctor of Parks and Recreation, or his authorized representative may enter the premises at any time without securing prior permission from Caretaker for the purpose of making corrections a or repairs to allev such emergency. G. The City shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon 30 days written notice given to the Caretaker. I I I. GENERAL If any legal action or proceeding be brought by either party to enforce any part of this agreement, the prevailing party shall recover in addition to all other relief, reasonable attorn'ey's fees and costs, c e 0 . This agreemekt shall remain in effect until such time as (a) a.new agreement is drawn up and signed by all concerned parties, or (b) the agreement is' terminated by either party in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. Jd, / Parks G Recreation Director /K.&.. 23, (977 ./ j.7 : 0 -c .' L. (? .': p \j p "k.C ,a 4-6-7 A, /, LtZ) Date v City blanager fY I e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ,-. {' ~ *,i TELEPHI (714) 729 Cltp of CarMIab December 28, 1978 Mr. Jay Delphy P. 0. Box 365 San Marcos, California 92069 Dear Mr. Delphy: This letter is to confirm your telephone conversation with Jon Hatch of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department on December 27, 1978. It is requested that you quit and be vacant from the premises of the City's portion of Carrillo Ranch by Friday, January 19, 19 During your conversation with Mr. Hatch, you mentioned that'you could not move until the estate was out of probate and the Intern Revenue Service had appraised the property. In that the Ranch is City property, it is requested that.you inform the City of how it property is involved. If you cannot be clear of the property as requested, please conts Mr. Bill Baldwin at the above address. Sincerely, Aletha Rautenkranz City Clerk AR: swf cc: Thomas 'N. Smith 111, Attorney - MEMORANDUM >:adition to P&R Commissi Packets DATE : November 15, 1978 TO 2 Joe Eggleston Parks/Recreation Department FROM: Bud Plender, Assistant Planning Director SUBJECT : Request for Restaurant - Park Site Rancho Carillo This memo is in response to a letter from E.L. Daugherty and R.J. Smith doing business as Lake San Marcos Market. They asked the Parks and Recreation Commission for the use of the buildings at Rancho Carillo as a restaurant. These applicants .should be made aware soon in the processing of the City requirements. The zoning of the property is P-C and their is an approved Master Plan (MP-139). The site is shown on the Master Plan as a public park and does not call for a commercial enterprise such as a restaurant, Therefore it appeal to me that the Master Plan would have to be amended before the City could consider a restaurant on the site. The processing of such Master Plan Amendment may be long and involved dealing wit1 environmental reports and economic impact statements as well as total review of the land use of the existing Master Plan. Another option, that should be reviewed by the City Attorney if we wish to use, is to consider the restaurant public and .,leased out to public operators. If this is acceptable it may be then possible to process a conditional use permit with the present z( of P-C for a public building. In reviewing a CUP for a public building, the City would look at the impacts of providing sufficient parking, a safe and useable two-way driveway, proper access to Palomar Airport Road, and other similar concerns. The City Council will in addition have to consider other impact such as who will pay for the above mentioned improvements, the improvements of the building, is the use of a restaurant a pub1 use, and finally what are the impacts of the long-term goals fo Carillo Park vs. the short-term needs for occupancy to protect building. There may be many other concerns that I have missed at this tin but I felt it was necessary to give you some idea of the problc that would face any applicant for such a request. BP/ar cc: James Hagaman,Planning Director e e is. i. :j- ;.q snit, I)dA Lahe hut t 'IrncoA ~Ia,~~&e.t f 11 $5 j'an ..Zi&LO ;;;"e L4e Jon ,+jOrw~, LJ y2C6y / &:\one 744-1551 - il>mzhn a' 2-n com-&&n 1m &!til i!"rnUe L-&&d :y J b.' 92033 J;tt: ,:he ]oe ,<;7 pabn i'lml $e w-9 3 an a- L~LJ W~A LO ,wu h OLLU~ none o$ d~ du LAYZZ 9 did"& w~& you ht :=e.%. /io 9 A& yu, we /mve un L-L-EUC~~ in zhe :'?anclto ~~RLUO /~40;3-. 3 thou &at cd AO:~ ~~v.e in L'Z @ne & mea DX! be dev&,neLj by X%.& L&y 0; ~c~~&bcLd inak tz benu;ti;cLe pd. Om -32 in & [)x?gd; i~ khee {oA. F&;t d ;>JKCWA~ JX i~ om hMn to riuzin;tni fie ,?mido rn 2 :,m uz &e &.p dm 2 CP- /nu& huve hzez one 0; '7he'' ~hvl~ phca OF /!b& [ourzky. Seco&/ by uaUc+xng ~/z;d pw,va~/ acl a wmmu w), sz u,v~.~ nirov~e a /wu.me or inco;:,ze ;to [dhhcza! M b no;t a: ~ ~rjE b-, Vj + I d, 'TW~ ~7nd (2; come ~xpolctaz~ ;to un wa br khe nm*/ w & wm Le p&coIitbzc& ,&.a w5. 1:i.m. Ce+ti~ JLCL~) .indicdal b UA ;thet &e ud! veJy ;w'l 20 t8wve ;to ano& ~&n.cc u:Lich &e o~n~, D& became OF A&? RO&n 01 &E ru~24L ~lte l& &c~t i,t mutd noot -3L (>e vmo!a~~;eti by mlze o~ ;tire w ox :lw.t;;,ct+ dd use 'A mea Am$Lh;L &E "mzc/t pmvdk. hi& jm long k ,A+ rticsL? ;to khk /WUA~ &ace QO b/E WU no2 r;wve L~,oE & AXIXX.& ccuz be i&,:k cnd occupd on a A Lux a + bmL. 4 P/ k Ji h OWL in&rdLon &'wz io develop hzb piro,n&z inb u yowunet xe?r- by doiy &.LI & pmwAe~ LX)~& be OCCU~J>X~ con;tinUc~~~L,! and WUZC! ~ULUWL -e A .. pmbbilA 0; vn&m. r'it & h 3 WO~ &e io out.&ne =iLe A~A ;tha;t w uiU dde ;to bxiy .-&& con- ven;tune h ~~LLAJ. 1. :?e tuioz obM %om & &. hdA2 impectom ope a d& ,&kt o[ .&tar) fo hiiki# .bib 6..iec&ry 1lf3 ;to -thE pZre4& Code Rya Jn cdcLXon fo ;ttLid ke WLY dm be dome chunya +& & &e eeecLxlraeLL, wom,y &e& TACZYfdd o a h be ad.. Wpd. T/z.e RmGfw 5'2 i.4 om idenLon to -ah AiLc._ +m..ix O/WJ OF ~hae bd&p d .!AAe 94 WJ. 1' .. -8 4 4 h~ &a main Il~L&.&up. 3 have med- CL i.4 c0,y~d of Jf- beverrae b-, 6eoAiia";tie n fiviRg, $uaztt.IL* dWl [J&k &\en PZ C$5'/7eCuzrulCe Mb$, rhi?$ U)i& /UVe no #I&& 2. 7"we & a "'L;vLiau' o{ Po-, phuh, ha, cucti, nn~i FA& &.~s,-~y ,~LDWLUW~U~L L.L~ &me cznd pou/t&. Uue fr;l l"aClz 01 ~LO,CWL Cane, a l~iee ZL,L IxulJz LCLNG~, utf~n;)! La&, &y, cud ,LYC)~A&& nmovt~e OF AOZ o[ ;tire ,at~wtb. I &A ULU be done an 1rqlL1.led, !2eq~a k ,ximi ;t:Le Mon +X rv& pLun.&ry UUA done. 9 /mve M . - 5 0 @ % :I)& &A a $eeiJ/y c&od ;ti;in il/zL! &e n& .Lid llh. LaxCLfo w a &he LL'eze ac-ttmt4~ ,dm&d by /Li71 ,rxmo/za&. TAme me ~evd pcGt'Ld hd tu& v-1~ +a 0;': d anCr ~cm. %e i. ;to AU&.&y .&@ by il- +LLhL$ &e p&b 00 .&$ai .tlLey can be w:d&d c~vy d w. Axe loe m& 09- be oyen +R bu4bledb dLv;/itc 2%: &ai bUX? cud if& &e evc?nh$L XOWIb, .&#Le uLU he IZO conw in & pad- Lo2 D& viLbm o{ ;the pd ped ldva 0; cm ,&Ll!A 0; pi#l;e "qe nrd .t&d 1iU-m. 0; $ie /,lGY& OA. ;tlz, $UdA *I AL na;tcLLLILan;t. Q& hallA;L, 0Uch ac, uh p"'n-", cora&rg uVLoy4A hotr, pCL;tz3? 3. The decon o,i! &e 3;nm.i.d fl&z OF okia ~1m loa vag plain cutd ' D.h.G!OU hGYLb, hV$!. ~eafher $L'UIY-? dC. 32 iA Q#L dah h maia&h hk5 arum 01 a!ew&~r huuqh o(~t &e m..tLze co..yk. ,be UU ~tb~onl, .& wd OF & &.e dove :mLtioned u'wyeb. - //me L4 a beau+ udamant in dddoa Pa&. 32 A ;'mom ru) La& :;el itey ,;jOm. /,4z ciacox h a ccu~Aa?u-on/dc J+n.i.d~ AkLde. 7,k ,maarce 01 k&4 ahbh~d b a peat ad.& &a d~ocr ~cd. ++ 'zeepky L& ~codaz, & ,&ha, QT(ci &.e ryLup O$ .!-eo LwtYo a;t Lma Se l~ om 2a.tavmrd can lz $he haw u%)~at b ffu La.; OF &&bai &ut L~+ ik! jky i bm .L z% Bdboa j'artl,. /t& am cone in fie . om o/! mruA co,W on &e .&me 0; r mowdaf by LLC~ cia be a navhp ;to Lhe L.itjl. whm & punk h co:~de.ki, om - .I - .k&A ['nOp&fi$. 20 W. L?TelU&.lL&?A FOX CyJfZE 0 0.' La;@. [jxot'3&i GZd AW'iiSJ 1 - 21 f-.,, i nhamce *e u)i,U be an &ai dduwzi ;I, vdr;~ [m ihc emtine '?a&, &.? T 9 &til& .&%e VWL rmrc!r 20 & -my p&mhg a.71rdion me+ ph- h 8a ;IW;BR~ 2cuz~h >j'zo,od;L. 9 &x)& gxeatey c!p?w&e a d I m..i.ox ;to A4e t.ltc&p. 7ku& you in udvan~e p/c ;SOW coo,cmm.&m ir2 a& matt-. (fg@d? @* vw$L ,tjUdi/ youhd 2.i. Jwh 2.a. Sd cc-: P. ijuddey (&5L Jy=!eL cc: ;;* d&h I ,n;i.4.iCd &$ 1'~ianUiferc LC=.- j. l-laFuz BkZctOX of! P-2 d Lc"22 &.I. <I/ > ;'; ; (1 - 0 cI*rY GE' cwumD "- 0 PAP,KS-AP\LD RECREATION DEPkRT?4ENT " - " PROJECT PLANNI?JG T.:ORi<SHE:ET -1XGXCT YITLE: CARKJI-1.9 t',iiNCH PARK STUDY CIP P : 3004 . " - ARGE'T (;OI.IPI;IE'I'PON DATE z Cctoker, 1978 PROJECT XANAGER: Joe Egg1 eston ""- I " BTII4ATlD DATE OF AC"JAL mu~m INITIATION mrnmm DATE ! TMTIES OR I-STONES (Circle) DATE CCX4E'IETIOhT INITIATE3 ' --A J.'J tificauxm/Backg:ground Rernrt Qe$ NO 1 /78 3/16/78 1/78 itriso-ry Cmmission Action Hame of ccp;~rknj_ssi.~~~ Pa.rks & Recreation t, yes). NO 3/ 201 78 3/20/78 r is-". - 'LC - "' - -~~J~xcT~~c~- C_lea.rmce EZR (Rquired) Yes No Neg. &ciaration Yes No " - I cnrlincj Ccxmnission ' .. X, .. ;, ..,. Yes6; . . No "- --. ty Council z-ipprwal to Prcceed \.Y.es_. No 4/78 . . - - - - ., .. :".".. - -.. ~stal~ Caxmissio+l Ap2roval .gal Review Yes No < "" ..-. ._ fy& No '.."., - X? Required -lint ZqreGwnt Fquircd Yes No Yes c NO) '."/ - - __ " r3 licquisition 2wJuired ;..,Yes , No :.: . : :la]- ~~~re~~ts 1 ..I:?rj: Tr&?sfel" c,L^E;~~; ,?qplicaticm BUdg&& X : .!sign hxlbjmaxy Final .XI Check Yes No i .Yes NO "- " " yes::. No Yes' No - 'i Yes '". No (~es.; Ea - . . ,. " "" "- " , .. . '"_lJ' -. ,. -..;, . ,Ztant %quired .\ -._ I ;? -dyed iYes *' ND 5/78 6/78 ; ;ge3n!2nt Fieytlird (Yes NO 6/78 7/78 "- 1ri"Lsact 3KT?$reim*ts <:, ." Yes:? . NO - ml-lsui"mt REPJrt ;,.Yes KO - 7/ 78 10/78 - ," ... -. . - . . .I Bid Project ( Yes,: " - -1 NO - Amrd Contract ': Yes ,. KCI "- Catple'c-ion of Cmtract Fjnal Iicceptance !. Yes ', ' No ;,Yes; NO m -. . .- . _., - ?viw/Ac"Li.on Q7 0 ther Ikpxt~~~~~ts &par Lmr.t : - P!dA ;xes, No bo+!) lkpwhmnl: Yes No . ~.. I. klXtWlt : Yes No " "- er (Spcify) ...-.. Historical Society, C:~rl sbacl Car- ; Yes I. ~;7 J"-r3 ;.I li 1, i-6 g 0 ii r c 11 I sLLLic*:)T.-, I "- Yes No "" -I_- -. - ." ".- I_ 1 mxrks; Gene\-a'i P1 an conformi tv acktm;l edqed receipt and f-i 1 ed by CC_-17,L3-2J-7" ~ """- "" FY 77-78 ~uciget approved $30,000 for e:-lgit?ecr;ng ($12,OOO frow iiJ.L (?lid $l8,OrZC c~eneral opcr%at.ir;g budget) . __"~_l _." ""_ I.""_.."- ~ -."- ""----""-"-.--- -~ ..""...... II ""." " ""-.""- "-.- ."__ -."- - ""- .-."" _^" _""._..." __III..""" " "- "I I -;" + #' CITY OF CARLSBI?D 0 i PARKS-AND RECREATION DEPARTPENT PROJECT PLANNING WORKSHEET PROZZCT TITLE: CARRILLO RANCH PARK STUDY CIP 8 : 3004 TARGET COMPLETION DATE : October, 1 978 PROJECT ~!NAGER: Joe Egg1 eston * EST- DATE OF ACIUAL - INITIATION ESTIIJIR.TED DATE _?CTJYITIES OR MIL;Ea3KNES (Circle) DATE COjT~ION INITI.AW Justif ication/Background Report @No 1 /78 311 6/78 1 /78 _Advisory camnission Action Name of mssion - Parks & Recreation @ No 31 20178 3/20/78 Rnviromtal Clearance EIR (Required) Neg. Declaration Planning ccarsnission &: P City Council Approval to Proceed Coastal Carmission Approval Tqal Review CUP -red Joint Agremt. Required !and Acquisiticn Required Financial Requi.rmts Fund Transfer Grant Application NgeM AXX Preliminary Final Plan Check %sign Yes No Yes No @ No @ No Yes <No! @ No Yes iLN9 /" '4 L- ~ Yes @ k3 No @E 4/ 78 - pg (2!j$k3 ilonsultant Required RFP Required .@No 5/78 6/78 Agreeit rrc<pirec? (Yes) NO 6/ 78 7/ 78 consultant Reprt c Yes) No 7/78 10/78 C!ontrzct %qy.i:remts @ No Bid Project ; @ No Award Contract cy> No capletion of Cmtract @ no^ Final Acceptance @No &view/iktion By Other Departments '. % Yes No DqEutmnt : PWA @ No Department: Department: Yes No Mer (Specify) Historical Society =No Yes No " -ks: - General Plan conformity acknowledqed receipt and filed by CC 11/22/77, FY 77-78 Budget approved $30,000 for engineering ($12,000 from PIL and $18,01 genieral operating budget). * - t - i-" ... 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD " 0 ,' ~ PARKS'AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT PLANNIIIG WORKSHEET - XUZCT TITLE: CARRILLO RANCH PARK STUDY CIP h' : 3004 GET COI-IPLETION DJ~TE: October, 1978 PROJECT i4LNAGER: Joe Egg1 es ton l3STIMAm DATE OF ACTUAL .. R32UIIIED INITIATION ESTTI.IATED DATE XMTIFS OR MIIESTONES (Circle) DATE CCXPLETION INITE3TE3 _]stif ication/Bs.ckground Report @N6 1 /78 3/16/78 1 /78 ~kisory Ccmniso;ion Action l'aIrK3 of mssion Parks & Recreation @ No 3/20/ 78 3/20/78 - iviromtd Clearance Keg. Ikclarati.on ELR (Pmired) laming Ccarsnission &I i'+~ Council Approval to Proceed :=tal Cammission &pproval ," xpl Review P Res\;llred -lint Agrement Required LT Acquisition Required hmcial Recpi~:enents Fcnd Transfer &ant Application €?&get& iA -sign Prelminary Final ].an Check ' ~ >&dtant Resujxed RT Required Agreanmt -RqIir& . ._ Consultant Reprt -)n*tract ,Requirc3mts Bid Project &-an3 Contxacl: Ccrrpletion of Cm,tract E" Ac!epta?ce Yes No Yes No @ ' No &zJ No Yes i_i3;;5 , @ io Yes @J Yes @ @ No &;? E .& No (E& :: No .@ i @. No @ No (h-2 % =No- @ hb 41 78 I_ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ - - - v 5/78 6/78 -. - - 6) 78 7/78 7/78 10/78 - m xim/Action By Other &prtmmts &mnt: - P W A @ No Ikprtiwnt: Yes No . Ik,mt: . Yes Ro w Ax (Specify) Historical Society (GJ Na - Yes No - mxb: General Plan conformity acknowl edqed receipt and filed by CC 11 /?2/77, FY 7:7-78 Budget approved $30,000 for engineering .($12,000 from PIL and $18,OC genera1 opera ti ng budget). I