HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; 3481-21; Revision for Plaza Camino RealCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO: 35/ r/ - DATE : February 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT : PLANNING Initial Dept. Hd. Cty. Atty Cty. Mgr. -?-- SUBJECT: REVISION TO PRECISE PLAN FOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL/CHANNEL RELOCATION CASE NO.: PP-24B Statement of the Matter May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. has requested a revision to the Precise Plan for Plaza Camino Real. The revision is based on a proposed relocation of the flood control channel that runs east to west along the north side 6f the shopping center. The approved Precise Plan includes a relocation of the existing channel alignment and was addressed in EIR-389. a portion of the realignment channel within-a box culvert to allow parking in close proximity to the shopping center. fied as a significant environmental impact. The proposed channel align- ment would swing north of the Oceanside sewage treatment plant and eliminate the need for a box culvert. The proposed channel alignment would actually increase the potential habitat area and allow additional parking closer to the shopping center. The approved Precise Plan shows The box culvert would have -eliminated approximately 12,000 square feet of habitat area and was identi- Exhibits: I Memo to City Manager, dated 1/19/79 ‘‘Memo to Planning Director, dated 1/19/79 b”Letter to Paul Bussey? dated 1/11/79 -*- Exhibit A, dated 2/7/79 - /Resolution No. J(07& . Recommendat ion If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. c[07& approving Revised Alternative Precise Plan (PP 24-B). Council Action: 2-6-79 Council adopted Resolution 5676, approving with conditions a revised Alternative Precise Plan (PP 24-8) for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. MEMORANDUM DATE : January 19, 1979 TO : Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: James C. Hagaman, Planning Director44 SUBJECT: Revision to Precise Plan for Plaza Camino Real/ Channel Relocation CASE NO.: PP-24B Background When the development of the Plaza Camino Real site was being comtemplated back in the early sixties, the land owners and the City determined that the best solution for improving the drainage of the area was to confine the water in a channel adjacent to the roadway which is now Highway 78. Attempts were made to accomplish this, but for various reasons those attempts failed and the pro- perty was developed with the drainage channel constructed in its present location. During most of the planning for the shopping center expansion, no consideration was given to a relocation of the channel. The water was confined and the previous attempts and failures to have the channel located to the north persuaded the property owners not to pursue the issue. As plans progressed, it was found necessary to box a portion of the channel to accommodate some of the parking requirements of a fifth store. Although Ron Beckman raised the possibility of having the channel relocated to the north, it was found that because of the number of parties involved, it was not feasible at that time. Now that a development plan for the Plaza extension has been approved by all parties, interest has again been raised in seeing if the channel can be moved to the north rather than covering a portion of the channel for parking. Oceanside City Council has endorse such a proposed change. Discussion There are several reasons why this relocation would be beneficial -1- to May Company. economical to the developers of the Plaza and provide better use of the developer's land. It appears that the relocation would be more From the City's position the relocation, which is entirely in Oceanside, does not seem to detract from our approved plan and in fact, may be considered an improvement. The movement does appear to mitigate some environmental concerns expressed in the project E.I.R.. By eliminating the covering of the channel, the long range impact on the wildlife should be lessened. The movement of the channel may also provide an additional physical demarcation line for future sphere of influcence consideration. Refer to the attached memorandum for further environmental analysis. The channel project is in Oceanside and approvals for grading will be Oceanside's responsibility. The City of Carlsbad, however, must amend the Plaza Precise Plan and consider supplemental E.I.R. information, in addition to the certified Environmental Impact Report. (EIR-389). Recommendation I suggest that staff recommend approval of this revision to the Precise Plan for the following reasons: 1. The proposed channel relocation would mitigate an identified significant environmental impact of the approved channel alighment. 2. The proposed channel relocation would allow more parking closer to the stores than the approved channel alignment would provide. Such recommendation for approval should be conditioned upon the applicant's compliance with Section 1603 of the State Fish and Game Code. -2- MEMORANbUM DATE : January 22, 1979 TO : James C. Hagaman, Planning Director FROM: Don L. Rose, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR CHANGE TO PRECISE PLAN 24A (PP 24A) - REVISED REALIGNMENT OF THE BUENA VISTA CREEK CHANNEL Backaround Earlier this month we received a proposal from May Stores Incorporated to again revise the realignment of the Buena Vista Creek Channel. In August of 1978 a similar realignment was proposed, This design called for approximately 240,000 square feet of channel (2400 linear feet by 100 feet of width) which included 280 linear feet of box culvert and a bridge covering 230 linear feet of channel. . The box culvert and the bridge were of some concern because it effectively reduced the available habitat that a dirt bottom channel would provide. Hydraulics was not an issue, The proposed new realignment is also about 2400 feet long by 100 feet in width. The new proposal is, for the most part, slightly north of the one previously approved and is considerably straighter. The alignment of the new proposal would place that portion of the channel entirely within the City of Oceanside. The previously approved channel realignment was subjected to environmental review. It was reviewed by staff and Westic services. Westec had prepared the original E.I.R. for the entire May Company expansion including the realignment of the Buena Vista Creek. The conclusion was that the channel realign- ment did not constitute a significant enough revision to the project to warrant a revision to the original E.I.R. (E.I.R. 389)- I feel confident in stating that this latest revision is even less significant, from an environmental standpoint, than the previous one. This proposal eliminates the box culvert and the bridge, thus increasing the area of potential habitat. The straighter alignment should provide better hydraulics, it will also improve the parking lot design in this area of the project. The State Department of Fish and Game has reviewed the proposal. They have no objections. They did stipulate that approval should be conditioned on compliance with Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Cdde. Said section involves notification and agreements with Fish and Game. (a copy of Section 1603 is attached) A spokesman for the Department of Fish and Game has indicated that they will require certain mitigations via Section 1603. Such mitigations will include construction and maintenance schedules for the channel to allow for maximum retention of habitat. Department of Fish and Game would be the responsible agency most concerned with channel realignment. In my opinion the The City of Oceanside has already reviewed the proposal. The Council has given its blessing to the concept drawings. RECOMMENDATION Based on my investigation, I am prepared to recommend with confidence that the proposed change in the realignment of Buena Vista Creek is not significant enough to warrant an amendment to the E.I.R. 389. Nor is the proposal significant enough to warrant-further environmental review. This recommendation has one qualification: that as a condition of approving the amendment to Precise Plan 24A, the applicants be required to comply with Section 1603 of the State Fish and Game Code. This document should be made a part of the environmental record for the subject project. If you agree with my conclusion, please sign the concurrence statement below and this document will become the environmental record for this revision to PP 24A. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE, DISCUSSED ITS CONTENTS WITH THE APPROPRIATE STAFF AND CONCUR WITH THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS. 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 Q 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c b' A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A REVISED ALTERNATIVE PRECISE PLAN (PP 24-B) FOR THE EXPANSION- OF THE PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER. -- - %' > WHEREAS, the agreementlbetween the applicant and the City of Carlsbad, which pro9ides for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center, requires that the details of that expansion be submitted to the City Council for z - approval in the form of a Precise.Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on August 2, 1977, by the adoption of Resolution No. 5166, approved the Precise Plan (PP 24) for the Plgza Camino Real expansion; and WHEREAS, on August 1, 1978, the City Council, by the adoption of Resolution No. 5499, approved an Alternate Precise. Plan (PP 24-.A) to provide for the contingency that the expansion of the center would include a third major .department stare; and . WHEREAS, the applicant wishes to revise that alternate a plan; and WEREAS, the Planning Director has determined that this application has satisfied the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 by prior compli- ance fn that an Environmental Impact Report was certified for the project which has been fully considered bytthe City Council. as part of this action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: E c c 2 3 B. That the findings made by the City Council irr 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 connection with the Alternate Precise Plan (PP 24-A) as contained in City Council Resolution No. 5499 also apply to this.revision and constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. i b C. That the environmental review of the proposed revised Alternate Precise Plan has been completed pursuant to CEQA and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. . ' D. That the.revised Alternate Precise Plan is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. This approval is granted for the property described in the application and as shown on the revised Alternate Precise Plan labelled Exhibit A', dated February 7, 1979 on file in the Planning Department'and incorporated by reference herein. 2. This approval is subject to all conditions of Resolution No. 5499, which are incor- porated by reference herein. 3. The applicant shall comply with Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code. 4. -This approval shall not be effective until - and unless arranqements satisfactory to the 6. City Council are-made to accomplish- the . relocation of the Buena Vista Creek sewer trunk line and other utility lines if such relocation is required. The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Buena Vista Creek Channel Exhibit A, dated February 7, 1979 on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein. By the acceptance of this approval the applicant agrees to provide insurance and to hold the City and Parking Authority harm- less from any.liability arising from the Buena Vista Creek Channel between Jefferson . as shown on the Precise Plan labelled 2. . . ., .. . - * .. , ... , 2 3 4 5 .6 7 9 10 11 12 0 ig 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 and El Camino Real as it now.exists or will exist after relocation arid from the work to be done pursuant to the Precise Plan. r E. The applicant shall-have the option to develop the rc *. . shopping center either in accordance with Precise Plan IPP 24) as approved by Resolution No. 5166 or in accordance with the Alternate Precise Plan .(PP 24-A) as approved by Resolution No. 5499 or in accordance with the Revised Alternate Precise Plan as approved by this resolution. . c / PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the ' City of Carlsbad, California, at a regu1a.r meeting held on the 6th day of February , 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, lewis and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler FdE m RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: rk (SEAL) 3. Thr May Store Shtrpping Centers, rue. A Sulwitliur). of The 3Iuy Department Stom Company January 11, 1979 Mr. Paul Bussey City Nanager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, California -92008 Dear Kr. Bussey: I have enclosed the revised drawing of the channel at Plaza CarJino Real, By this enclosure, I am requesting a revision to the Precise Plan for Plaza Camino Real, to'incorporate Drawing B, indicated at the bottom of incorporates an are2 of 240,QOO square feet as conpared to the original revised channel of 145,000-square feet. -the page. This channel revision -. You will also note on the drawing, that virtually the entire ch&neL -- will be within the City of Oceanside. I would sppreicate your initiating the necessary processes to revise the Precise Plan to incorporate the revised channel as requested, - * i * P Yours very truly, ! JDW: lch cc: Robert Bourcier City Manager City of Oceanside Enclosure .. .. . .. STATE OF'CALlFORNtA-RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 350 Golden Shore Long Beach, CA 90802 (a31 590-5n3 J~UW 12, 1979 James Hagaman, Planning Director City of Carlsbad 1200 ELm Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 6 1979 Dear Mr, Hagaman: As you recpested by phone call to Bruce ELiason, Ea-rvimnmental Services Superc visor, on January 12, 1979, we are pleased to present the following comment regarding the May Company proposal to realign the Buena Vista Creek Channel. The Department of Fish and Game would concur if the City of Carlsbad issued conditioned supplemental environmental documents and/or conditioned permits regarding the May Company*s recently modified proposal for realignment of Buena Vista Creek within the cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside, The condition required in order to gain our concurrence is that the City's documents and/or permits be conditioned upon May Company*s compliance with California Fish and Game Code Section 1603, responsiblity for compliance with other applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances, Such compliance does not relieve the applicant from I appreciate your interest and concern regarding this resource, We look forward to continued working relationships in matters of mutual interest. Sincerely, Fred A. Worthley Regional Manager Region 5