HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; 5399-4; URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM?. e - CITY OF CARLS~~AD " -* 6 AGENDA BILL NO. 5 399, Supp1emen.t # 4 '* DATE: February 6., 1979 Initial: Dept . IId . C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND. RECREATION . C. Mgr, Sub j ect : URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION .PROGRAT~I (SB 174 BLOCK'GRAN __~~~-~~~-~~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ - ~~~-~ ' Statement of the Matter At its meeting of October 17, 1978, Council approved the Parks and Department's application for grant funds under the Robe.rti-Z'berg-U Space and Recr-eation Program. The city's grant allocation of $6,11 with the city's matching share of $2,825 is to be used for the acqu and installation. of station.ary concr'ete picnic tables, benches and stands at six city'-owned parks at'.a total project cost of $8,938. We may.now request an advance of 90% ($5,502) of the grant amount a accepting quotes on the equipment. Because we originally anticipat receipt of .these funds in July. 1979, the project was not budgeted f fiscal year. In order to begin work on the project during this fis we request $2,825 to be transfered from the unappropriated fund bal $he Park Maintenance Capital Outlay account. Exhibits .. a Resolution # p+j-(&-L) Memorandum to City Manager Project Agreement Recommendation Approval for a transfer of $2,825 from the unappropriated fund bal; account #01-161-3900, Park Maintenance Capital Outlay. Adopt'Reso. No. 564jCp . Authorization for staff 'to begin accepting. quotes for picnic 'table. and barbeque stands. Council Action: '2-6-79 Council adopted Resol.ution No. 5656 approving a transfer appropri,ations from the unappropriated fund balance to th Maintenance Capital Outlay Account; and authorized staff begin accepting quotes for picnic tables, benches and bar stands. .. * e ,* q MEMORANDUM TO : Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM : David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director p DATE : January 19, 1979 SUBJECT: URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM (SB 174 BLOCK Attached is a letter notifying us that the city's application f grant funds under the SB 174 Block Grant Program has been appro for funding in the amount of $6,113. The city's matching share $2,825. Council approved our application to use these grant funds for t acquisition and installation of stationary concrete picnic tab1 benches and barbeque stands at Maxton-Brown, Pi0 Pico, Oak, Rot and Holiday Parks and Chase Field. We originally anticipated the receipt of these funds in July o-f year; therefore, the project was to be included in the 1979-80 However, we have learned that we may request an advance of UP 1 of the grant amount at this time. I recommend that we request the advance at this time and begin quotes for the subject equipment. This will allow us to take 2 of current rather than future, further inflated prices. I also recommend that the city's matching share of $2,825 be t. from the unappropriated fund balance into the Park Maintenance Outlay account in order that we may begin work on this project as possible. DB : SLH: swf ST,\lE OF CALIFORNIA.--THE REFCURCES XSil c_"_""_"" """."".. ~". e- a= EDMUND G. BROV/ "____"_ __ _"".___."."""...." ~"_~"~ "_",_," "_" "". . DEPARTM';b!I- OF PARi<S AND RECREATIGP4 P.O* BOY, 2390 SACXP.MCNTO 9581 1 , (93.6 ) 322-9592 Decemkr 28, 1978 .. Mr, Jcseph 8. Eggleston, Director Psrk and- Recreation Department . City oS,Carlsbad 1200 EZi Avenue Ca~lsb~+$, CA 92008 Dear I&* Xggleston: Urban Grants I4Logram Park Fecilities Ikvelopment $BG-37-301 - Enclosed is a fully-execured Project Agseement EO& the above Program arid Project, 2. You may7request a 10% advance for the preparation of ecqufsition 1374 and X376 Bmd Acts. Such documents must be submitted to this Department for review, Upon Stare approval, up to 902 of this grant amount may be zdvancedo ' documents and/or construction plzns and specifications for the The Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Frogran: does not requ-ire the review of acquisition documents or plans and specifica- tions. Up to 90% of this grant arncunt may be advnnccd when you are ready to comerrce work on the Pzoj ecte If YQU a~ish an advance, submit the 4 (€our) enclosed Billing Statement and/or Payment Request forms to this Office. You are encouraged'to review the Prccedural Guide for the appropriate 1 . ]Program for instructions on accounthg procedures and. allowable costs, Sincerely yours, ;> /-" yJ/AA~&dc~&9p~ /9/' [/ Wayne H. Haug Park and Recreation Specialist e EncLosurf: .b el- ,'. 0 I .. .. .. a State of Cafifornia - The Rescurccs A!;etlcy DEPAR~I'l.v?EN7' OF ('ARKS AND RECREATION Urban 0pc.n Space and Rccrcation Program ,. BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION Applicant (Agency) ~~~i~: City of Carlsbad, Parks and Recreation Department . Address: 1.200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 Person with day-to-day responsibility for this application: Name: Joseph N. Eggleston, Director, Parks and Recreation Phone: (714 ) 729-1151 extgnsion 07 State Senate District No, 3 8 Srale Assembly District No. 76 Attach a cop'{ of the Resolution authorizing applicaiion for grant funds from the applicant's governing I sample resolution may be found in Appendix B of the Procedural Guide.) .". Certification I 'hereby certify that the applicant has met, or will meet, all federa!, stz& or local environmental, public relocation, afiirrnati.de acticn, and clea:.inghouse requirements and al! other appropriate codes, laws, and-re!, prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. (Public Resources Code 5G2G (c) (See Appendix G, State Regula' the Procedural Guide.) . I further certify that the applicant frrlly understand- that the State Department of Parks and Recreation cable Federal, state or local codes, laws or reg compliance. ' City of Carlsbad Legal Counsel for Parks and Rccrca t i.bn Dc1~artmcnt Name of Applicant s- 1 DPR I54 (Rev 7/77) '. .. PROJECT DESCRIPTfGM 1. Name of Project Park Fa.cil ities Devc1o1me.n't Project Location (enclose city or county map indicating project location) Six park locations throughout tl16 :ciycy, namely, bqaxtor;dB:o\qn. Park, northeast; corner of State Street and Layuna Dri.veg Oak- (See Attached Page) ProjectDcscriptionflC~lliSj.ti.On and ins4al.l ation OF stntjon2ry concret -b%-a-b- . !I . C 1 . f: Y - 0'12' -p*A nr~~~~~~i~~-~~~~~~~€~~ to accom.odate the vast ~13dlllher of pecq11e cllrrcltntly 1lqing t-ht. F The facilities will be located at the following parks4 T\Iaxtc 1 Fiea and. Hoiiday Park. ___l"- 'I ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ - > ~ ~~ Attach additional pages if ncccssar - Indicate land ownership for development projects: Fee Simplea Less than Fee Simple Lease n, Easementn Other (explain)n Estimatctl Total Project Cost $8 . 9 3 9 Amount of ~ralll Reqtlcst G 2 1-1 3 Amount of Matching Funds $ 2 . 8 2 5 Sourca 01 Matclling Funds u-2 0 0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Name 04 Projsct Project Location (enclose city or county map indicating project location) Project Description ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ -~ -~~ -~~ -~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ I Attach additional pages if neces: - ,lndicatc! land ownership for development projects: Fee Simple n Less than Fee Simple Ci Lease E.asemcnt a Other (explain) n Estimated Total Projtxl Cost * .. Amount of Grant Request Amount of Match;ng Funds Sourcc of Matching Funds B-3 e 0 State of CJlifornia The riesourccs Aot.ncy , . L . DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECI'IEATION BLOCK GRANT AGREEkqENT URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM APPLICANT c3f-y of cg-lrl Thga PROJECT NUMBER & g7-- (Name of Applying Jurisdicrion) (Leave BIZ Under tho terms and conditions of this egreemen?. the app!icant agrees 10 complete tho project as described in tho proicct desc! ond the Stem of.Caii:ornia, acting through its Director of Parks and Recre3:inn pursuant to the Robed-Z'bcrg Urban Open Sp; Rocleaiion Prograrn Act, (Public Resources Code Section 5520 ti) agrees to fund the project(s) up to the total slato grant c indicztcd. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (indicate acquisition or development) .. Park Facilities Development Acquisition and installation of stationary concrete picnic table benches, and barbeque stands at six, City-owned parks to provide City residents with sufficient facilities to accomodate the vas7 number of people currently using the parks. The facilities wil: located at the following'parks: )!axton-Brown Park, Pi0 .Pic0 Pa; Oak Park, Rotary Park, Cl1ase Field and Holiday Park. ., dtc&#p3" 06 Total Slate Grant (not to exceed the grant entitlement oor to exceed 75 percent of Project cost) . Leavc Blank City of Car1sba.d m Applicant (Name of appiylng jurisdicticn) /' i The Gencrai Provisions lister3 in Appendix 1 Sirjnatu,eof'Aulhorizfd RepresenfBrfi L Procedural Guide are mzde a pad I Bv - ,. 4f%/2,h,,!" / kt <71~&L , . re+ Ur63n f?pm-Sp3ce snd Wecreation F - 6 incotporzted into the Agreemeqt. Ti&Parlcs E Recrea.tj.on Director Date i p: I. {-&$>e .\ fi )i '1- I E"? x./ L 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA .DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECRWO: BY A - /= ~ xH<+;/ &/ Title BY "_ /& ' Date' Date /- / //y" - CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING (Leave Blank) CON1 RACT NUh'lOEH FUND yo"7q" 02 0 dW44@X- AMOUN r of- .rt{ts ESI~IMATE , APi'tlOPRIATION - s 6., //x 0 0 ' , 232- 1 '36-7 I 7r s ~~ /%.& f"$ UNENCUMULRED IIALANCE ITEM CHAPTER STATUTES ADJ. INCIILASING ENClJlil. . FUNCT!ON , f;\ Ui3RNCIL AUJ. [Ji ?lt~,'i~li\r<; t:NCtJM- Bf{ANCC LiNkT1l.M ALLOlMtNl "3"" s $0-79-4 o 2-/ 6 H g6 6 I lit-rr!~y Ccrclly ulmn r11~ ow11 (1crsnnal hnowlvtiqr tlmt Lltrdy?ct!d Iumh art! av;iil,lblv ~OI tt)15 l!rrcurnL,l.iIic:l!. r 'J.D.A. No. , ~~~~%~~.~,,~,~',~-,~~~~',~r~~,(,~~~lli~~(~[~~ I 1('[-1{ ,'.' 1>;3tc: 0 ,. Project Location - continued Bark, northviest corner of Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Oak Avenue; Pi0 Pic c Park, northwest corner of Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Knowles Avenue; Rot Park, northeast corner of Washington Street and Elm Avenue;, Cha ,Field, bordered by Chestnut Avenue, Harding Street, Palm Avenue Jefferson Street; and Holiday Park, bordered by Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Avenue and Eureka Place. .. .. ” , I 4 .. .+ - I1 0 0 .' .. , 1 '2 3 4 5 6 R RESOLUTION NQ b 5 6 5 6 c A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE TO THE PARK MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT # OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA J WHEREAS, the City of Caylsbad's application for grant i .. 7 under the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Prc 8 Development Project; and 9 has been approved in the amount of $6,113 for the Park Faci: 10 'WHEREAS, said grant funds are now available for encumb: 11 and 12 WHEREAS, said grant program req.uires the city to provil 13 14 matching funds in the amount of $2,825; and WHEREAS, said project was not originally included in t 1'7 and barbecue stands in six city parks; and 16 include the acquisition and installation of picnic tables, 15 WHEREAS, the Park Facilities Development project is to 18/lbudget for the 1978-79 fiscal year;. and 3.9 I WHEREAS, in order to begin development on said project 20 amount of $2,825 from the unappropriated fund balance to ac 21 request for a transfer of appropriations must be approved i . 22 01-161-3900. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: ! 24 J. The above recitations .are true and correct; and 25 ///// 2% ///// 27 ///// 28 ////I II :a ll ' * c, 4 .1 2. That Department of Finance Fund Transfer NO. 19. 0 2 in said aepartrnent and incorporated by reference. herein is 3 // gpproved . > 4 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t 5 City Council of the City of Carlsbad; California, held on t day of ' February , 1979, by. the follow 6th €j J .. +o wit: 8 9 - AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis NOES : -None Councilwoman Casler 10 ABSENT: None 11 .-R&fPM . 'RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor X' 13 ATTEST: 14 15 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) .e I