HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; 5740; 2nd phase sewer allocation systemCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial Cty. Atty qa Cty. Mgr. AGENDA BILL NO: 7 q0 Dept. Hd. Ac,H DATE : February 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT: Planning Department SUBJECT: SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM Statement of the Matter The planning moratorium was originally established by the City Council along with a moratorium on tbe issuance of building permits last April' 26, 1977, and subsequently extended on August 25, 1977. On April 18, 1978, Council voted to amend the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance to reflect the current sewer situation and allow approval of proposed developmental projects on a case by case basis. The Council also directed at that time that a Second Phase Sewer Allocation System be prepared. The Sewer Committee has met with city staff and proposes a guide for the Second Phase Sewer Allocation System, as outlined in the memorandum from Council Sewer Committee to City Council members, dated January 18, 1979, attached hereto. EXHIBITS Memorandum from Council Sewer Committee, dated January 18, 1979. RECOMMENDATION If City Council concurs with the attached outline, request staff to prepare a Second Phase Sewer Allocation System for use when sewer capacity 'is available and set the matter for hearing before the City Council. Council action: 2-6-79 Council directed staff to prepare a Second Phase Sewer Allocation System for use when sewer capacity is available and to set the matter for hearing before the Council in accordance with the desires expressed by Council; to include preferential treatment for projects who have proceeded to some degree as opposed to new (raw land) projects, reverting to a lottery if necessary. In addition, those on septic would remain on septic, and developers would enter into agreement re payment of any established fees, MEMORAN DUM DATE : January 18, 1979 ',. TO : City Council Meinbers . c I. . FROM : Council Sewer Committee SUBJECT : SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION .. Your Sewer Committee has met with city staff and reviewed many of the alternate possibilities available for the development of the second phase sewer allocation system. The committee has taken as a guide the general outline contained in the Plannhig Director ' s report to the City Council, (attached) dated April 18, 1978, wherein it was stated that the system would be substantially different from the first phase system . - in that first a person would obtain a sewer allocation and then proceed with the necessary developmental approvals which must be completed within one year. We have reached a point in our work where we feel it is . appropriate to share our findings with the City Council as a whole,. We have generally agreed on'the structure of the second phase allocation system and liow it should function-- The criteria for the proposed system is listed below for your . consideration. 1. When, and if, sewer becomes available this year we should have at least two allocation periods, one'as soon as possible, and one six months later. system will be: 2. Criteria for becoming eligible to participate in the . A. The project would. have no jtequired capital or other costs to the City. B. The project is located within the infill area of the conununity or is adjacent to existing development. C. Establishment of a city wide construction fee should occur prior to any allocation, if possible. .. D. No existing projects with septic tanks, or proposed. projects which have been approved for a septic tank may apply for sewer under the allocation system. This 5.5 an area thc Council committcc feels the City Council may wish to discuss ng it involves a policy of whether to gct thc most miIeagc out of available sewer as possible, or to upgrade our sewcr systems by the climination of septic systems, .. .. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7; 8. If , It is intended by the cornmi-ttee to maintain the same distribution of sewer by land use as in previous allocation systems : 30% . 158 50 20% 10% . . 5% 15% of available sewer to industrial -. to general retail to of fice/comrnercial to single family residential, i.e. residential density of 7500 square feet of land per unit or less to multiple family residential to community facilities (parks, schools, govern- mental buildings, churches, hospitals and airports) contingency (failing septic tanks, community development rehabilitation programs, redevelop- ment areas, capital improvement programs, other exceptions to sewer moratorium contained in Section.l,E.04.170 of Carlsbad Municipal Code) ..- . Also it is recommended that in the residential categories no allocation of more than 50 sewer permits per development or .. individual will be permitted and in the commercial or industrial categories, no allocation of more than 25 sewer hookups per development or individual will be permitted. -a .. It is intended that the applicant must apply for a 5uilding permit or a discretionary permit within 60 days after receiving sewer allocation. In addition .the project must be under construction within one year after issuance of a sewer permit. Anyone receiving sewer allocation will not be allowed to transfer said allocation to another project, such allocation will be non-transferrable. . 0- .f '- The allocations will be on a lottery system for each land use category. total for t1-p next,allocation system. Any remaining sewer will be added to the There will be a 30 to 60 day period for everyone to apply or make application for sewer allocation. . Subsequently the staff will review each application and assign a number Cor the drawing to be held at a City Council meeting. these criteria'for a second phase allocation system meet _. with ycncral City Council approval or if you wish your committcc to explore further the systems, we will do so and return with the proper documenks' for' City Council consideration at an'appropriatc hearing. a. , .. .. .. .. 4 we wish to present for Council consideration schedules need to be adjusted prior to An addj. tional concern is that the sewer fee the implementation of any second phase sewer allocation system. . MARY H. CASLEI?, Councilwoman -. . .. ..