HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; 5745; LCWD sewer capacity plan check applicationsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ,q7qLq DATE : February 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT : City Manager Initial : Dept . Hd . C. Atty. C. Mgr. 4 Subject : ACCEPTANCE OF PLAN CHECK APPLICATIONS AND DISCRETIONARY PLANNING APPROVAL - Leucadia County Water District Sewer Capacity Statement of the Matter . Leucadia County Water District has indicated sewer capacity for approximately 3,000 equivalent dwelling units will be available in April or May, 1979. be issued within the Carlsbad City boundary. The City Manager has proposed that the City begin accepting application9 for building plan check and discretionary planning reviews to help smooth out the staff work load. Approximately half of these permits will Exhibit Report from City Manager to City Council dated 2/2/79 Chart - Analysis of LCWD Sewer Allocation List Letter from Leucadia County Water District dated 1/9/79 Recommendation See City Manager's report Council action: .2-6-79 Council autharized staff to begin accepting applications for building pl-an check and discretionary planning reviews for Leucadia County Water District. .. DATE : TO : FROM: SUBJECT: For some FEBRUARY 2, 1979 CITY COUNCIL City Manager SEWER PERMITS - LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT time, Leucadia County Water District has been planning the reactivation of the sewer treatment facility located at La Costa Boulevard, east of El Camino Real. Their current schedule is to apply for a discharge permit in April from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. They anticipate that upon approval, they will issue sewer permits for approximately 3,000 equivalent dwelling units. At that point the City of Carlsbad would be required under our Code to accept Building Permit Applications and applications for discretionary planning actions. When the capacity is available, it will all be available at once. Under those circumstances, Leucadia County Water District is reluctant to phase the issuance of that capacity over any period of time. The availability of so much capacity at one time does, however, have the potential for placing a strain on the City's ability to process the resulting applications for building permits and discretionary planning approvals. With the aid of Leucadia County Water District staff and Fred Morey of La Costa, we have analyzed the present Leucadia County Water District sewer allocation list to understand what impact the release of this capacity will have on the City staff. At this time approximately 1,300 of the sewer permits will be in the City of Carlsbad. This does not, however, mean 1,300 projects or building permits. It is clear from an analysis of the allocation list, and discussions with some of the principal developers, that not all those eligible under the allocation system will be prepared to begin immediately upon the availability of sewer. As an example, on Exhibit 'A' of this memo, at least 50 of the commercial permits will not be immediately applied for, nor is it anticipated that most of the units owned by La Costa will be ready to begin immediately upon sewer becoming available. Further review of Exhibit 'A' indicates that the number of builders or projects (the two are not always identical) is significantly smaller than the actual number of equivalent dwelling units. Page 2 February 2, 1979 Subject: Sewer Permits - Leucadia County Water District Additionally, it has been determined through discussions with Leucadia County Water District that many individual lot owners have not yet had building plans prepared. It is also anticipated that the present money market will prevent some individual property owners and, possibly, some developers from moving ahead at this time. Ideally, it would be useful to know the intention of each person on the allocation list but we have not been able to make that determination. The point of all this is that the staff now feels that the availability of sewer permits will not create a work load for the City which would cause us to recommend a phasing of applications for building permits or for planning approvals. Those persons that are prepared to move ahead will all wish to be processed by the City as soon as Luecadia actually issues their permits and that may,unnecessarily,cause confusion and delay. The present Building Permit and Planning Moratorium provides that the City Manager may authorize the acceptance of applications if he (City Manager) determines that capacity is available. No building permit may actually be issued however, until the applicant has a valid sewer connection permit from the District. In order to facilitate the processing of plans and provide a more orderly flow of work, it seems reasonable to make the determination that capacity is available for those persons on the current Leucadia County Water District allocation list. Each person submitting an application will be required to sign a statement acknowledging that they are proceeding at their own risk and that they recognize the City of Carlsbad makes no guarantee on the availability of sewers or the issuance of sewer permits by Leucadia. It will also be made clear that they will be subject to all City Code requirements in effect at the time of final planning approvals and the issuance of building permits. Recommendation This report is primarily an information document. has expressed interest in this matter. No action need be taken if the Council is satisfied with the proposed action. If the Council has concerns, the staff would welcome input and further policy direction. The City Council h PAUL d BUSSEY City Manager PDB: ldg .. . Z * (3 .. ** *** d cn cn cnmg 00. I R I I I ol 0 N 0 I I L N cn I I I I I I I I cn 0 cn 0 I I I I I= P R h) 0. v 4 * * h) v w 0. N h) w N N 03 R - 9 I- n 3 Q I n 0 + 0. P N 0 d 0 --. P le 0 N h) d h) 00 0. I 03 a * * h 0 h) W 9 w -r I cn 0 I I I I I I I I I I cn 0 I I t LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT POST OWICE BOX 2397 LEUCADIA. CALIFORNIA sma4 0 7sa.oims January 9, 1979 Mr. Paul Bussey, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: The Leucadia County Water District has been operating a 0.75 mgd sewase treatment plant at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real since 1961. Reclaimed water from the plant was used for irrigation of the La Costa golf course until 1973 when the District purchased capacity and became a participant in the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. In March or April, the District will be making application'*to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (WQCB) for a permit to again discharge treated effluent to the La Costa golf course. Although some odor control improvements and other work appurtenant to the plant will be necess- ary, no expansion of the facility is planned as part of the reactivation. will he able to allocate 2100-3100 sewer permits to applicants on the District's Allocation List. coordinating of building department processes of the City of Carlsbad. in attendance were Jim Hagaman of the Planning Department, Ron Beckman, Direc- tor of Public Works and Joan Geiselhart of my staff. My understanding of the issues discussed is as follows: When the Waste Discharge Permit is obtained from the WQCB the District We met in your office on December 19, 1978 to discuss the Also l} On January 16, 1979 the City Council will be requested to amend its ordinances to permit the Building Department to accept building plans for check- ing from those applicants to the District's Alllocation List prior to the time sewer permits are issued. 2) The Building Department will be instructed to accept building plans from those applicants on the list who need only obtain building permits. applicants who require discretionary approvals from the City will not be able to complete the necessary processes within the 60-day time limit established by Ordinance No. 14 of Leucadia County Water District. Therefore, an amendment to However, DISTRICT OFFICE: 1960 LA COSTA AVENUE CARISBAD. CALIFORNIA Mr. Paul Bussey January 9, 19.79 Page 2 Section C2A of this ordinance will be necessary so that projects such as condo- miniums, P.U.D. or those requiring conditional use permits can remain eligible for sewer permits. After review of the enclosed Allocation List your staff will advise the District of those applicants who will need to be advised of this conflict. 3) There is a possibility the Building Department will phase the - issuance of building permits. This policy would not be in conflict with the 6Q-day time limit established by Ordinance No. 14 as special circumstances are provided for in Section C3A of that ordinance. 4) At some time in the future, the City Council will initiate action to hring the zoning of our existing plant site into conformance with the general plan of the City of Carlsbad. plans to reactivate the 0.75 mgd sewage treatment plant. Documents relating to the original County approvals of..the opera- tion of a sewage treatment plant at the present site will be forwarded to YOU- administration of the policies of the District and the City. The current zoning will not conflict with our 51 We look forward'to working with your staff to insure an acceptable Yours very truly, -. LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Richard E. Hanson Secretary-Manager REH/jrg cc: Sewer Moratorium Comi ttee (LCWD) 3. Whi tney G. McBain