HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; D; SCA-2 Robbins Bill Burbank Joint Resolution,: t (i]j -BYRON E. COOK MA'(()A OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL e: DANIEL REMY January 17, 1979 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: Plea~e find enclosed copies of a joint resolution adopted on January 11,, 1979, by the Burbank City Council and the School Board in support of SCA-2 which is the Robbins Bill, and the advi~ory local ballot proposition which the Council elected to place before the voters in the forthcoming election. You are urged to read and consider the action taken on January 11 in the City of Burbank, and if you find it accept- able to your city, you are requested to take similar action. In the interim, you are requested to contact your representa- tives in the State Senate and Assembly oefore January 30, 1979, and urge support of SCA-2, which has now been passed out of committee in Sacramento with only one committee member dissent- ing. Very truly yours, -6~f~cnrl Byron E. cook Mayor nb Enclosure i75£ O~IV[ AVt o PO BOX 6'5> • BURBANlt CALlfO~N1A 91510 IZ1)184Hl¢$ ' t'. AGENDA JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL-BOARD OF EDUCATION Board Members January 11., 1979 7 p.m. Auditorium Burbank High School 902 N. Third Street City Council Mr. Harlan A. Proctor, Jr., President Dr. Henry B. Hunt, Vice President Mr. Robert E. Benson Mr. Byron E. Cook, Mayor Mr. E. Daniel Remy, Vice Mayor Mr. Leland C. Ayers Mr. Peter J. McGrath Mrs. Tasi.a C. Velasquez Mr. D. Verner Gibson Mr. James L. Richman Miss Margaret P. Kelly 1. Cffi,L TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. WELCOMB AND OPENING REMARKS Presiding Officers: Marlar. A. Proctor, Jr., President Board of Education Byron E. Cook, Mayor, City of Burbank 4. REPORT BY THE BURBANK COUNCIL PTA METRO· BUSING STUDY COMMITTEE S. JOINT APPROVAL OF THE RESOLUTION URGING A ''NO" VOTE ON THE ADVISORY PROPOSITION WHICH WILL APPEAR 0~ THE BALI.OT FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION IN THE CITY OF BURR\NK ON FEBRUARY 27, EXHIBIT A 1979 6. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION orrosING METROPOLITAN PIANS (As adopted 12/19/78 by the Board o·f Education, Burbank School District) Note: To assist in the maintenance of accurate and detailed records, the meetings of the Board of Education are tape recorded. -1- EXHIBIT B I i . } j l ~ j f t I l 1-~ ; i l J t i ' l 't --~ '-~ ~. "' ~ \ t t ' t t ! 't l ' \: 7. MOTION BY COUNCIL MEMBERS SUPIDRTTilG THE RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION .OPPOSING METROPOLITAN PIANS AND SUPPORTING STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 (SCA-2) (As adopted 12/19/78) 8. RESR>NSE TO WRITTEN·QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY THE AUDIENCE REIATING TO AGENDA ITEMS #5 and #7 9. ADJOURNMENT -2- ... ; '. ' '' I .-.... A -· 1 l· March 12, 1979 League of ~aHfori11a Cities 1400 •I(" St. Sacraaento, CA 95814 ATTENT.ION: Don S,enn1nghoven Enciosed ,p1eue •find. a copy of Re'solution No. 5694, urging pus.age of SCA•2 by the talifornia Legislature. ihis r~so1ut1~n ~as adopted by t~h Carlsba~-c;,y. Counci1 at .t regular meeting he1d ·on the 6th day of March, 197-9. 'ALETHA t. RAUTENKRANZ City Cle'rk '. ALR:krs Miu•ch 12., l 919 Ass~~blywoman Jean Moorehead St~t~ Capitol . SaeYoaMento ., CA 95814 Enclosed n1eue find a copy of Reso_lut.fo_n No'i u694, urging passage ·of SCA-2 by tfie Cal ffowrr1a Legislature. This re~olution ~as adopted bj the Ca~lsbftd City Council at a regul~r meeting held on the 6th day of Harth. 1979. ALETHA t. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR:krs Enclosure (1) March ii, 1.979 Asninhlyman ~at.rick J. Nolan Stater.Capitol Sa¢raEeuto,. tA· 9S~14 ~n~1ostd ,please. f.Jnd a ~(?.PY of ,eso1~1tio11 No. 569ii, urgfng pastage' ·-0f SCA~2 by the CaH:forn1a • L.egi'shture. T~is reso.i,tti"or. .-~&s adopted -by 'tha .Cb.~1.sba~ OHy Council a.t a re'.~1:tlar' meetfng held on •the 6th day of H~reh, 1979\ -A~ETH~ L. RAUT:~HKRAffZ City Chrk Alit:krs Efl'closure {l} March 12, 1979 As$emblyman William HcVittie State Capi.tol Sacramento,, CA 9581°4 Enclose~i' ple~se find a copy.;,of Resplution ·«r,,. 5694, urging passl)ge of SCA~2 by ,the Gal iforriia t~gisla'tµre. This nsolu~to·n -was adc,p.ted by the Cat-l~bad City . Couht11 at a regular meetfng hdld on thj 6th day of March, 1979. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ C1ty Clerk, At.R:krs Enclosure O) March 12,. 1979 As$emblyman Alister HcAlister State l.1apftol Sacramento, CA 958i4 Enclosed· p1e,se find a copy of Resolution No. 5694, ur9H1g passage of SCAM2 by the Cal ifornU i~.gis1ature. Th1s. resolution ·~as adopted by tltlt ·CarlsQad C1ty Council at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of March, 1979. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR:krs Enclosure (l) March 12, 197.9· AssemM'yman Wilter M. Ingalls Stat~ Capitol Sa~i~mento, Ck ·9581~ Enclosed please find a copy of Resolution No. 5694, urging p1s1age·~f ~CA-2 by the: Ca11forn1a Legislature. This reso11,-l4on ■as adop.ted by tfie Carlsbad City Co~nci1 at a regular meeting held on th~ 6th d~y of March. 1979. · ALETHA l. R'AUTEl'(KRANZ City Clerk ALR:kt·s Enclosure (,1 )· March 12 • 1979 Ast.e~btyman Richard D. Hayden State Capitol Sacramento. CA 95814 Enclosed 'J:lease find a copy of Resolution No. 5694. urgin1 passage .of SCA-2 by tha Cali_f~rni,a t...egislatur.e. This resolutf cn WIS adopte'd by the Ca'rlsbad Cf ty Council at ,a r~9ular meeting held on the Gt~ day of March, 1979. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Cfty Cleric ALR t-krs Enclosure (1) March 12, 1979 Ass~mblyman ij1111e L. Brown, Jr. State Capitol Sacramento, CA 99814 Enclosed please find a copy of Resolution No. 5694, urg1~g passage of SCA-2 by the Ca11foro1a Legisl•- ture. ih1s resolution was adopt~d by th~ Carlsbad C1ty Council at a regular meet,lng held on the 6th day of March, 1979. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAHI C1t.Y Clerk ALR:krs Enclosure (1) l i ·March 12, 1979 Assemblyman Charles R. Imbrecht State Capitol . Stfl:ra111ento. CA 95814 Enclosed please find a copy of Reso1utfon No. 5694, urging passage of ~CA-2 by the C~1Ho.rn1a· Legisla- ture. This re,o1ut1on was adopted by the ,Carlsbad City Count11 at a regullr meeting hel~ on th~ 6th day of March, 1979, ALETHA L. RAUrENKRANZ City Cletk ~LR:krs Enclosure {ll AsseMblyma~ ffowara L. Berman State Capf tol Sacrn~ento, CA 95814 Enclosed please. f.ind a copy of Res.oll)tion No. ·s694, urging pissage of SCA-2 by the Ca1ifOrh1a t,g1s1a• t~r~~· T.hi~c-·r..eso.lu.U.on was adopted by· the Carlsbad c1 ty council i:'t i-~regi;,lar' me,ff1ng held on· tne ·oth day o~ March, 1979. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Cfty Clerk ALR:krs Enclosure (1) ·' I Jrt'arch 12,. 1979 Asstmblyman ,J~ck Fenton State CapHo1, Sacramentoi CA 958lf Enct~sed pleast fin~ a copy of R,s,lution M6. 5694, urging posage of sc~-2 by the Callf.ornh Legisla- ture. This r,esolution w~s adopted ·by th~ C~rlsbad Citl' Counci 1 ·lt 'a regular meeting he'lii on the 6th day of'MJrch, 1919. 'ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAHZ 'City Clerk ALR:krs E!!clo:1ure {1) ~~nator William Craven State Ca.p1.to1 Sa~ra~ento. CA 95814 En<;'losed p1~ase find a c9py of Resolutfon t4o. ·56!i4, urging passage of St-A-2 -~Y the CaHfo,-rrh J.,egtsla!" ture •. Ta-is r-esolution w~s adopted by tile Carls~ad Ci-tl -Council at a reguhr meet-1ng held 01'.l the 6th ~ay·~f March. 1979. ALtTHA L. RAUTEHKRANZ City Clwltk · At:R: ii::rs Encl ostire ( 1) \ ' \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ·\ March 12, 1979 Asse~blyman Robert Frazee State Cap1to·1 e Room 5175 Sacramohto. C~ 15814 Enclosed please find a to;y.of Resol~tion No. 5694, urUl!J pusag~ Qf SCA;.2 by t~e Calff.o_"i"nia Legis.Ja;.. ture.. ih1s te!!-olu.t1on was adopted by the• Carl ~bad C1ty Cou~~11 at·,-r~gular meeting held bri•the 6th day of Nar~h, 1979. ALe1HA L. RAUTE~KRANZ Cfty Chrk ALR:krs Enciosure (l) A JOINT RESOLUTION OF TB~ MEMBERS URGING A "NO" VOTE ON ADVISORY PROPOSITION. WHEREAS, the Bu4bank City Council h~s placed on the ballot of the Burbank Primary NominatinCj Election an ad- visory proposition which reads as follows: PROPOSITION "Do you favor any metropolitan plan to desegregate ~ublic schools that would bus Burbank students from the public schools in Burbank to public schools outside the Burbank Unified School District?" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT JOINTLY RESOLVED by the Members of the Burbank City Council and the Board of Education of the Burbank Unified School District that each body will formally consider for adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting a resblution or motion urging a "No" vote on said advisory proposition and that each said member will support such motion or resolution. Exhibit A See Agenda Page -1.,. RE50llJTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OPPOSING METROPOLITAN PIANS (As Adopted 12/19/78 by Board of Education, Burbank School District) WHBREM, the experts appointed by Superior Court Judge Paul Egly to st:udy Les Angeles school desegregation issues have responded by propos- ing a Metropolitan Plan as a means of complying with the California State Supreme Court directive to the Los !>.nge1es Unifietl School District regarding desegregation, and WHERFAS, the Burbank Unified School District has been named in the experts' responses as a recommended participant in their proposed Metropolitan Plans, and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the Burbank Unified School District were clearly established in full compliance with the applicable laws of the State of California as duly established under Califomia State Constitutional provisions, and WHEREAS, the members of this Board of Education, as the elected representatives of the people of this District, beH.eve in and have consistently sup- ported the concept of strong local control and local accountabili~y with regard to the government and management of this school system, and WHEREAS, this Board of Education is currently establishing a Citi.zens I Advisory Conmlittee to assist the Board in careying out the mandate of the State Board of Education regarding the development of a plan for this Dis- trict which, when finalized, will focus on equality of educational opportunities for all students in this school system, and upon the improvement of the quality of education for all students, and WHERFAS, California State Senator Alan Robbins has introduced to the Legisla- ture a proposed State Constitutional Amendment which, if passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor, would alter state con- stitutional provisions in such a manner as to require mandatoxy busing only in accordance with present federal requirenents, N™ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board of Education unalterab],y opposes any intervention by the Courts or the Legislature which would mandate school desegregation progFams for the schools of this District with other districts by means of busing pupils across district boundaries, or through the dis- solution or adjuotment of school district boundaries, and ExhlbltlL Ses Agenda Page .A.. .. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board of Education will take all appropriate legal and political action as may be necessazy to prevent such intervention by the Courts o:-the Lcgisle.tl!rc, ~"ld BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: That this Board of Education supports State Constitutional Amend- ment Number 2 (SCA-2) as introduced to the Legislature by State Senator Alan Robbins and herewith urges all concerned parents and citizens of Burbank to likewise support SCA-2 as proposed by Senator Robbins, and to so notify their state legislative representatives and such other state legislators as may be instrumental in bringing about the passage of this proposed legislation by telephoning, writing to, or otherwise making their suppr,rt of this bill known to said legislators.