HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-20; City Council; 3652-9; HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - CONTRACT NO. 1049a CI'i'Y OF CARLSBAD I .I e Initial : AGENDA BILL NO. 3652 - Supplement #9 Dept. Hd . C. Attyb! DATE : February 20, 1979 DEPARTMENT : Pub1 ic Works C. Mgr.' d- - ^- zi - . Subject: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - CONTRACT NO. 1049 Statement of the Matter <. 3 Bids for'the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center were opened by the City Clerk at 4:OO p.m. on February 5, 1979. Five bids were receivc and are shown on the attached Bid Summary. The low bid was submitted by Armstrong-McHugh Corporation of Del Mar in thc amount of $385,089. This bid exceeds the engineer's estimate of $360,000 I: 7%. Due to the current high and fluctuating inflation in the construction industry, the difference should not be considered out of line. Funds are budgeted for the project as follows: General Fund $ 94,620 Second Yedr HCD Block Grant SB174 Bodck Grants (2) 20,959 1976 State Bond Act 136,959 Subtota I $307,578 55,040 . e Additional funds in the amount of $77,511 could be transferred for the proj as follows: Park-in-lieu Fund, Area 4 $ 25,040 Genera I Fund Unappropriated Reserves 52,47 I ' Su btota 1 Grand Total $385,089 $ 77,51 I. Exhibits I. Bid Summary 2. Memorandum from Pub1 ic Works Administrator dated February b, 1979 . 3. Resolution No. 5&83 authorizing transfer fo funds 4. Resolution No.S&pq accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 1049 Recommendation If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No.SGf3 authorizing transfer of func and adopt Resolution No.&.,pYaccepting bids and awarding Contract No. IOL ' .x * m Agenda Bill No. 3652 - Supplement #9 Page 2 Council Action: 2-20-79 Council adopted Resolution 5683 authorizing the transfer of fi for the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center and Resolution No. 5684, accepting bids and authorizing the execu of a contract No. 1049 for the renovation of the Harding Stre Community Center with the exclusion of item #8, the security system, to be further investigated by staff to determine the desirability of obtaining bids for same. .\ .. c 1. * m MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : Pub1 ic Works Administrator DATE : February 9, 1979 SUBJECT: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACT NO. 1049 The subject project was readvertised in January, 1979, and bids were opened on February 5, 1979. The low bid of $385,089 was submitted by the Armstrong-McHugh Corporation of Del Mar. mate of $360,000 by 7%; however, staff feels the bid is responsive in terms of today's escalating construction costs. general contractor who submitted a late bid in October, 1978, is $5,684 less than the previous bid. Greater coverage was made in advertising this bid and in excess of 60 sets of plans and bid documents were pro- vided to general and subcontractors. The bid exceeded the esti- This bid, by the same Funds in the amount of $307,578 have been allocated to this project: $ 94,620 General Fund 55,040 Second Year Biock Grant 20,959 SB174 Block Grants (2) 136,959 1976 State Bond Act $307 , 578 Tota I Additional funds to accomplish the total project amount to $77,511. These are ava i lab le i n the Genera I Fund Unappropriated Reserves ($52,47 I 1 and Area 4 Park-in-lieu Fees ($25,040) for transfer to the project ac- counts. In the event a reduction in project cost is desired, Items 2 through 9 on the Bid Summary Sheets indicate those items which could be deleted from the contract with no compensation to the contractor for the deletion. 2. Shade Structure - covering, column supports and footings for patio next to the Recreation Hal! would not be installed. 3. Renovation of Building D - current garage and apartment behind rec- tory would not be renovated. 4. Renovation of Masonry Wall - wall across front of the property on the east side of Harding Street would not be lowered and recapped. 5. Shuffleboard Court - item would not be constructed. 6. Two Lights in Parking Lot - items would not be installed. 7. 8. 9. Two Driveway Approaches - current driveway approaches to parking lot would be used. Security System - intrusion and fire alarm system would be eliminated. Wood Fence - a solid wood fence would replace proposed block wall around parking lot. Low bidder has indicated the reduced cost dif- ference. Other bidders indicated actual cost of wood fence. m -2- .. * RECOMMENDAT I ON That the City Council approve the transfer of necessary funds for the project and award the contract to the Armstrong-McHugh Corporation of Del Mar. w-u- Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Pub I ic Works Admi n i strator RAB: J E: VEB CC: Parks & Recreation Director 1 RESOLUTION NO. 5684 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK (SEAL) 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 5683 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, rs Q‘ c 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘7 8 9 10 3.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,.- W RESOLUTION NO. 5684 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOWIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1049 FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STREET C0I”ITY CENTER . WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbz the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center, Conti No. 1049; and WHEREAS, the low bid received for this renovation was submitted by the Armstrong-McHugh Corporation in the amount $385,089.00; and WHEREAS, funds are available in Accounts No. 1-145-301 No. 26-220-3013 for this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of City of Carlsbad as follows : 1. 2. The bid of $385,089.00, less $11,908.00 for furni and installing a security system, which item shall be delet 1 from the contract with no compensation to the contractor fc deletion, by Amstrong-McHugh Corporation for Contract No. for the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center i hereby accepted, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefor. (LINE NOT USED) (LINE NOT USED) (LINE NOT USED) (LINE NOT USED) /I (LINE NOT USED) ’I The above recitations are true and correct. k W’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11: ii2 1. 2: w e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of t City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held th’e 20th day of February, 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Lewis, Anear, Packard and Skotnick Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None /7 0 (” *’rL&/@d fRONALD c. PAcm, Hs ATTEST: I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ., . .( i r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 92 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 21 28 m 8 RESOLUTION NO, 5683 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HARDING ST'REET COMMUNITY CENTER BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carls as follows: 1. That the transfer of Thirteen Thousand, One Hundrt Thirty-Two ($13,132.00) Dollars from the Area 4 Park-In-Lie1 and Fifty Two Thousand Pour Hundred Seventy-One ($52,471.80: Dollars from the General Fund Unappropriated Reserves to thc Area 4 Park-In-Lieu Pees and to the Harding Street Cormnunit: Center Project Account is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No, : on file in said department and incorporated by reference he- is approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 20th day of February, 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilman Lewis, Councilman Anear, Councilman Packard, Councilwoman Casler 5nd Councilman Skc NOES: None ABSENT: None I &ALE& OYLL RONALD C . PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST: 2 1 A~uuTEmGiiiy j (SEAL) 1 w e MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : Pubi ic Works DATE : January 17, 1979 SUBJECT: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACT NO. 1049 An addendum has been issued for the above contract changing the bid opening date from January 22, 1979 to February 5, 1979. Contact with the contractors receiving plans and specifications revealed that only one contractor would have been able to meet the bid date of January 22nd; however, several have indicated they will respond if an extension of time is provided. /;/= (! %,@ oe Eg eston ubl ic Works V EB CC: City Clerk Parks & Recreation e 0 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPI- CARLSSAD, CALlFORNlA 92008 (7141 72 aitp uf Carlslbab ADDENDUM NO. 1 JANUARY 16, 1979 PROJECT: RENOVATION OF HARDING STREET COMMUNlTY CENTER CONTRACT NO. : . 1049 On Page 1, "Notice Inviting Bids", the bid opening date is changed from 4:OO p.m., January 22, 1979, to 4:OO p.m., February 5, 1979. - -. e*m- RONALD A. BECKMAN, P.E. PUBL I C WORKS ADM i N I STRATOR VEB 3 TEi.EPl tal44 7: ,* * 0.. " CAR !SSP, D ~ CY--. ti i Q; ~ SXpT c my 19'78 I .1 J,D9 I "-- 4y; ; ~y):,;? -J xG ,y?FG;yl c [,rpI-jrw 1 I - .i C'?"'TF'B !.L,l\ - .. r-, L1 _. ,YE p-~;i 71 ..;i 71. .3 r~q~~~~~ d.. i\.:.t J.,5 Clb$.!(GCD FRQ::; 3 : (20 ;p01jo ~ g[;y 1[7,>&L, .yy'? &.; 2.9'18, TO j:c3 P.?!je9 cIclroI32? lb, :1?>7$* .-,x .,L4m' -" --,- "&_. .-%-=.*--,*.-~. ---- TO : r,7y dLe5ek?_ OFFICE: pd.d/z ~oAWX 1 ? LJage .... 1 .A a m CL'TY OF CARLSEAT), CALI';;'OKNIA ' N()'.[:Ir,E IK'VITING E-J-DC,, SEALLu BIDS w~l.1 be received at the OffZ.ce of the City Clerk, Cit Kall, 1200 Elm Auenue, C.arlsbad, Califcrnia, until. :4:00 p.m. on the -- 4th day of October , 19 75, at which time they will. be opc ed and read, for performing the'3ork as follows: RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACT NO. 1049 Said w3rk shall hc perform& in strict confcrmity witkk the specl: cations therefor as approved by the City Council- of the City of Carlsbad on file in th.e EnqLneering Department. Reference is he: by made -bo said specifications for full particulars and d.escript: of said work, No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal. form fur nished by the Engineering Department. Each bid must be accompan by cash.,. certj-fied check or bidder's bond made payabie to the Ci of Car1sba.d for an amc,unt equal to at least ten percent of -khz a bid. Such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom th contract is awarded fail to furnish the required bonds and to en into a contract with the City within the period of time prcvided the bid requirements. I The docume;.;ts lilcluded within khe sealed bids which reqcire con^ tion and execution are the following: L. Proposal. - Page 3. 2. Designation of Subcontractors - Page 7. 3. Bidder's Bond - Page 6, 4. Contractoris Financial Status - Page 8. Said documents shall be affj-xed. wikh the appropriate notaried si tu.rcs and titles of kh.e persom signing on behalf of the biader, For corporations, the signatures of the President or Vice-Presid znd Secretary oi^ Assistant Secretary are irequireci End the corpoi seal shall be affixed to all docilments requiring siynatures. Ir case of z partnership, the signature of at Least one general pal is required. AI9 bids are to he compared on the. basis of the Engineer's esth The estimated quantities are zpproximate only, being given solel a basis for the comparison of bi.ds, No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licer in accordance britt1 -the provi.si.ons of Chapter 9, Division 3 of t:l Business aiid Professions Code. The contractor shall state his 1 number and classification in the proposal. The estimated cost ( work is $292,319.00. Page 2 e * The work to be performed under this contract is being partially financed through a program providing Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and will be subject to Federal Labor Standards outlined in HUD Handbook 6500.: a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Public Works Ad- ministrator. Each craft or type of workman needed to perform work under this c( tract shall be paid not less than the minimunwage established by the U. S. Department of Labor, the latest copy of which is includt in the bid documents, or not less than the prevailing wage as detc mined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to the Stai of California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 1770, 1773 and 1773.1 on file in the Office of the City Clerk of . City of Carlsbad. Prior to using any apprentices or trainees for this contract, the contractor will be required to furnish written evidence of approv( of his apprenticeship program by the U. S. Department of Labor. , so, the prime contractor shall be responsible to ensure complianci with provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code of the State 1 California for all occupations with apprenticeships as required o public works projects above thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or twenty working days. Affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity will be required o the contractor as indicated on the "Notice of Requirement for Af- f irmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity", a copy which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" , and incorporated he in by reference. The Contractor shall corrTly with the requirements of the 1970 Cle Air Act (42 U.S.S. 1857 of Federal Water Pollution Contract Act) amended. The contractor is required, to the greatest extent feasible, to p vide opportunities for training and employment of lower income re dents of the project area. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject any or all bids to waive any minor irregularity or informality in such bids. The amount of the bond to be given for the faithful performance o the contract for the said work shall Se one hundred percent of th contract price therefor, and an additional bond in the amount equ to fifty percent of the contract price for said work shall be giv to secure the payment of the claims for any material or supplies nished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by t contractor for any work or labor of any kind done thereon. Approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Resolution No. 5384 adopted on April 18 , 1978. DATED: September 6, 1978 * EXHIBIT A a *' -4 . -.,** NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRNATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EFIPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EXECUTIVE ORDER 11246) 1. tunity C1 ause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Con- struction Contract Specifications" set forth herein. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Oppor 2. The goals and timetables for minorjty and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the &ontractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as fallows: Timetables Goals for mi norl" ty participation for each trade Goal P for fema7 e particfpatic tr~ each trac (P \ These goals are app'l icabl e to a% 1 the Contractor's construction work (whether or not it is Federal or federally assisted) performed in the covc area o The Contractor's compP iance wi th the Executf ve Order and the regul &t* in 41 CFR Part 6Q-4 shall be based QW s"ts frrtplementatfun of the Fqua'O Opp tunity Clause, specific affirmative action ob1 igations required by the sp fications set forth in 411 CFR 60-4,3(a), and fts efforts %a meet the goal established for the geographical area where the contract resulting from t solicitation is to be performed, The hours of minority and female emploj ment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length c)F contract, and in each trade, and the contractor shall make a good faith E # - 5-4- c I -- " -.?._n____-- - - 0 * *, to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The trans1 of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor’s 5 shalt be a violation of the contractp the Executive Order and the regulati in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with the golas will be measured against 1 total work hours performed. 3. The Contractor shall provide written notification to the D-irectc of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs wfthin 10 working d, of award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier construction work under the contract resuft-8”ng from this solicitation, $I notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the sub contractor; employer identification number; estimated dollar amount of thl subcontract; estimated starta’ng and completion dates of the subcontract; the geographical area in which the contract is to be performed. 4, tion, the “covered area” is State of California, County of San Diego. - As used in this Notice, and in the contract results’ng from this soli , J i 3 1 * 0 0 - MEMORANDUM TO : City Clerk FROM: Public Works DATE : December 4, 1978 SUBJECT: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION CONTRACT NO. 1049 Attached is a copy of the Notice Inviting Bids for the above project with a bid opening date of January 22, 1978 at 4:OO p.m. City Council directed staff to advertise this project more widely than we did the last time. place ads in the L.A. Times and an Orange County newspaper in addition to the newspapers you generally advertise in. Would you, therefore, j $yf ~ *\n Thanks much. *-.I ,d c CIA' Vicki Burkin Public Works Attachment .-\ c ..% I --. Page w e. ,. x1 .. -.A < -, y- CITY OF CARLSaAD, CALIFORNIA SEALLu BIDS WL~:! be received at the OffFce of' the City Clerk, C Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Califci-nia, until 4:OO p.m. or the 22ndday of January , 1.979, - at which time they will be c ed and read, for performing the work as follows: +* * NQ'I'ICE INVITING EIDS I ._ . ( RENOVATION OF THE HAWING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACT NO, 1049 Said work shall be perfornzc? in strict confcmnity with ths spec cations therefor as approved by the City Council of the City oj Carlsbad on file in the Engineering Departnent, Reference is 1 by made to said specifications for full particulars and descrix of said work, No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form fi nished by the Engineering Departnent. Each bid must be accompz by cash, certified check or bidder's bond made payabie to the < of Caslsbad for an amount equal to at least ten percent of thz bid. Such guxanty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom t contract is awarded fail to furnish the required bonds and to E into a contract with the City within the period of time providc the bid requirements (. J - .g hl, The docume~ts included within the sealed bids whish require eo: tion and execution- are the following: f, Proposal - Page 3, 2, Designation of Subcontractors - Page 7, 3, Bidder's Bond - Page 6, 4, Contractor's Financial Status - Page 8, Said documents shall be affixed with the appropriate notaried : tures and titles of the persons signing on behalf of the biddei For corporations, the signatures of the President or Vice-Pres: and Secretary or Assistant Secretary are required and the corpc a. * seal shall be affixed to all documents requiring signatures. z case of a partnership, the signature of at least one general p: All bids are to he compared on the-basis of the Engineer's est: -The,estirnated quantities are approximate only, being given sol( a basis for the comparison of bids: No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been lict in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Divislon 3 of 1 Business and Professions Code, The contractor shall state his . K- number and classification in the proposal. The estimated cost . is required, x- work is $360,000.30. cw-J-- I .. . **. '. * * The work ta be performed under this contract is being partially financed through a program providkg Federal financial assistance from -ae Department of Housing and Urban- Development and will be subject to Federal Labor Standards outlined in HUD Handbook 6500. a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Public Works Ad- aini strator * .X=ach craft or type of workman needed to perfom work under this c Axact shall be paid not less than the minimum wage established bl -me U, S. Department of Labor, the latest copy of which is incluc 5.n the bid documents, or not less than the prevailing wage as de? -mined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to the St; -~f California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 3770, 1773 and 1773.1 on file in me Office of the City Clerk of -Prior to usag any.apprerntices or trainees for this contract, tht ,conWactor will be required .to €wish written evidence of appro- -02 his apprenticeship program by the U. S, Department of abo os, -so# the prime contractor shall be responsible to enswe compliant provisions of Section 1777-5-of the Labor Code of the State -?CaI.ifornia for all ocapations -wia apprenticeships as required c ($30,000) or ( * - ==-ty of Carlsbad, &lic works projects above -thirty ~-kbo-iasanddollaxs - -3zwaty working days, -2kff~"Lve acticPm to en-sp1~e equal oppmtmi-ty WfPP be required c ,d % &he contractor as indicated on -the "Notice of Re@.rement for Af- 3kcnative Action to Ensme Equal ,Employment Opportunity"r a copy itfh is attached hereto., marked IEdxb.iSit "A", .and incorporated fit . A - __.- -kn -by .reference, -%e Contractor -shall - com~ly witll -$&e -requirements sf -3&e 1370 Clt * ~ct (42 U,S,S, 1857 05 ~edesa~ ~akek POUU~~Q~ mneact.Act) 2zs?x31&do =e csntra@t=or is repired, to -%he -g-eeakest extent feasible, to 3 -*de opportunities for training =a employment of Jowes i3ac~me ri 'The City of Carlsbad reserves *e right to reject -my or all hi& waive any ra2.1~~ irxegularity .ox info-ky in sn& -bids, .3%eamount of the bond 4x1 be given for the faithful perEormmce c --ae contract €or the said work shall be one hundred percent of tl -entract price therefor, and an additional bond in the mount eqi --a fifty percent of the contract price for said work shall be gi~ -to secure the papent of the claims for any material or supplies zslished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by . szondtractor for any work or labor of. any kind done mereon. ApproveEi by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Cali3I.ifOrni.a -on November 7, 1978. -- - - -xkm-Js of the project area, m * 0. DATED: December 1, 1973, e 0 MEMO RAN D UM : DATE: January 2, 1979 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Deputy SUBJECT : PUBLICATION OF NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION (CONTRACT 1049) A telephone call today from the Los Angeles Times indicating the cost for requested publication would be $1,000 prompted inquiry of both the Santa Ana Register and the Anaheim Bulleting regarding their costs of such publicat In view of the quote from the Register of $404, and quote from Bulletin of $120, we were instructed to cancel advertis in all three newspapers. The Register indicated their would be a cancellation fee of one-half of one publication, or $101. The Bulletin, who has a special City rate and were the least costly of all three, indicated that because we were a City ,there would be no cha Register: 835-1234 - Rose 73-1/4 inches at $15.25 per inch cancelled 1/2/79 at 3:07 P.M. Bulletin: 774-7870 - Diana 14 inches at $4.25 per inch (CITY RATE) Cancelled 1/2/79 at 2:14 P.M. Times: 629-4411 - Ms. Madison quote was $1,000 - did not obtain size or rate Cancelled 1/2/79 at 3:30 P.M. Addresses are shown on attached copies of transmittal letter { $7 Gy c - $ f lj flxJt”‘ (JJ 1 ~~rn~~r 28, 1978 Legal Advel.t%sfng Anaheim, CA 92805 Re: P(ARDIFJG STREET COMWNITY CENTER RE~~AT~~~ GOWRACT NO. 1049 Eosclased 4s B NOTICE INVITING BIBS which we would apprecla ysuF pub1 4 shJng on two occ~sions, not less than five days apart, the ffrst publication befng mot later than January 91, 1978. Followbrig pub1 feat8sn, please fumlsh thfs offfee w%th you^ PROOF OF PUiBLlI AFF I DAV If. Should you have any ~~~$~~~~~~ please eontact thBs BW Thank you. MITA BACK MURPHY Deputy Cjty Cl0Pk Enel owe D$CQ&P 28, 19978 Bog01 Wdvo vt9 8 B ng SAFiTA ANA ~~~~~~~~ SQaIa Anao eta 9278% poet @?'re!cC2 BOX 'rllb%6 DIKB STREET CW NITY ~~~~~~ RE TRACT H8. 1049 ~~~~~~~~ is a !mrICE ~~~~~~~ ow ttio ~~~~~~~~5~ no& 1 not IatGT %ha Fol IOWD ng pub1 BcatBoa, pleas@ ~~~~~~~ %h9$ oPP9e WBth yQuk PROOF OF ~~~~~~~~~~~ $~~~a~ YOU have any ~~~~~~~~$* ~IGQSG co~ta~t ~RDS Q-~YOCXMQ ~~~~~~~~~ 23. SUM ~~~~~~~~~~ your iPt0 tkQ PBrrat pub0Bc€i Thank you. ~~~~~ DAW b4UR EweIoouiPe u%y Efty CIwk bes 28, 8978 NTER ~~~~~A~~~ uld ~~~r~~~~~e OUP PMbl f Shfng to the f.dP$t pu ~~~~~~~~ b@hg ~~&~~~~~i~n, ~~~~~~ ff~r~~~~ thls ff%ee wfth your ROOF 61: ~~~~~~A~I~~~ Shoulld yw hewe any ~~~~~~~~~~ 841 &SO csntaet thds of 4ce at ~X~~~$~~~ Thank you 0 NfTA 8ACK ~~R~~~~ ~~~~~~ city Clerk Enc?! BSU6@ - - ir .\ ? to7@du /, q /97p * /Lk A/-&. Aau dfy .&-f=&J dddf Udd ?/ q""B &4&W Pa/& 63zA 9 &&-A! my wd &n-A dJw, c34 Q&&&.J a- -- -/ m&--2kL/ g WQAk-fjfjed, J /--y 4wu g -&2!LcJ As 'a L- A.H& 2 &&.-@-J-c&- Y2-6 & - edu +%z4u/u&A* %m&& c;, &i/G49s& B /- -* &% & .+A?&&& 4-L d@d,a d9fe 9.25/* 4y-z=.&&& &A df72 & Jk@& /5&-$~&4/&- i- n / . b& fl I d&d.< Lp Q &L,C &@ -& c&, -l &pfl&&d2 L/ &.l &LL &x, (&yyJdJ;/ &ud/L&L *&Ld/&Jd4 64c a*&-. 4- rJ;~,~YLi,&l!/ 5i-”&$/dj d LQc/C z5 .a4 &L.d &d &dL2d2h c y5- D w -L/&JJI @&+L,i?cd k2&-8+ __ F7 .A 3- .a&--7y JY(j9 hLm5wc/ C7.I.id 2- &2&i:zc_ /; lfc -7% --ke +he Ad p/+r/?,1 /, c, 1 @/I G fc/i //z,~c= reicz cis ~172, kjg pz, rndVr-1 sflc71 +he fa 84 % /9py 7A,/!?,/f ?& / - (qI&WA AH3 && &2041/s.i I J+ee//J;l-c2. $4 UP.rW;f m0C.L 1 .*lt‘ yo 81: PAP/4&4&! -’=/fi /3 L04g t,/m4- ,L@g,&-&&,j cd g!5P+C, /“y 5Wc-JS /n*/-p/p& Jh4//.4> &du/d Sdug-. -.%ha* +?F>,f T&$&Q/+”G <h~p&&i 0 p2- UJiZ- C+i++~d kg7.p # f /mdipfl24 Kk+&”I/~ amp I I +IU,Cd& /q ls7y j / &- & -ff2L44 /-;f/-e 1 a -A - @-Le445 *s2&pd&dd &!! co LaL. &xL 1-d- I .TU &&I dM-a& pv-4 p*, XL i- ' i?cw &"I y&J&, &,ffA* 7 i1-C 4. c f . 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(hG2 JTUd&4J 24-a?k $922- a!!&* 4-3 *Z@d-e/ &J&J<& d =+ L&n/y~~~ d&&J2.Jn fi+P/L &&& AL4A” &J& 9 2 RM-A4J ?@ d 1TPi.4 //- 7F & / /*PPI &4A&P * @ 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPHO CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 729- January 26, 1979 Victor Moreno 5365 Arbol Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. bloreno: Re: 3075 Harding Street As you are aware, the property which you currently occupy was acquired by the City in 1976. were allowed continued occupancy pending completion of plans and specifications for the alteration of the site. At that time you Planning is now complete, and bids for construction activity are currently being sought. you are hereby notified that you must vacate the premises not later than 12:OO midnight April 25, 1979. As you were previously notified, the City, through a Soneone from the City of San Diego's In accordance with applicable State and Federal law contract with the City of San Diego, will provide you assist ance in relocating. Central Relocation Office will contact you in the near futur to explain the relocation process. If you have any questions or desire additional- informa- ti-oii please do not hesitate to contact me. JACK E. HENTHORN Redevelopment Coordinator JEI'I : j d cc: City Manager Parks and Recreation Director City Engineer Planning Director Public Works Bd'd i rig D ire c to r Finance Department ,k$ty Clerk