HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-20; City Council; 5755; Report on Draft Redevelopment Documents and Project Area CommitteeL r e CITY OF CARLSBAD e
Initial ; Dept. Hd. - '* DATE: February 20.: 1979 C. Atty. /s, C. Mgr. e </ $4
DE PARTME NT : Red eve 1 opme n t /P 1 anm a
Statement of the Matter 9
The attached report from the Redevelopment Coordinator recounts tk.
redevelopment process to date and explains the reasoning behind tk selection of the current process.
In addition, the report requests authorization to distribute drafi
redevelopment documents (pre-prints of which have been provided tc
Council under separate cover) and recommends that Council initiata efforts to appoint a project area committee to advise on finalizaf
of the plan.
The Community Redevelopment Law requires that a project area comm:
be formed when a significant amount of displacement is to occur ai
result of redevelopment activities. The law reads that when sign.
displacement is not anticipated, a project area committee - may be
formed or the Agency shall consult with the residents and communi.
organizations as outlined in the Project Area Committee compositic section.
Although the level of displacement is not anticipated to be high,
the most advisable approach from a legal and administrative stand is to proceed with the appointment of the committee. This is recl
mended due to the number of possible interpretations of the word
"significant" and a desire to ensure procedural conformity with t
Community Redevelopment Law.
Report from Redevelopment Coordinator dated February 9, 1979
If Council concurs with the staff report is should:
1. Direct that the draft documents be distributed.
2. Authorize the posting and distribution of notices calling for
applications to serve on the Village Area Redevelopment Projc Area Committee. The filing of said applications should be completed prior to 5:OO P.M., Tuesday, March 6th.
Council Action:
2-20-79 Council approved the above stated staff recommendation.
1 e a
Date : February 9, 1979
To: Chairman and Members, Carlsbad Redevelopment Agel:
From: Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinato
Subject: Report on Draft Redevelopment Documents and Projt
Area Committee
At its meeting of September 26, 1978, the Agency was advised th
an initial draft of the Village Area Redevelopment Plan would b
available in early 1979. The purpose of this memo is to begin
process of soliciting the community input which will refine the
draft into a plan to be presented for formal processing by the Redevelopment Agency.
Past Efforts
This process has been ongoing for some twenty-two years. The c
first master plan contained a plan for redevelopment of the con
cia1 core.
This phase, the latest, began nearly four years ago with the fc
tion of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the retention of
"special agency counsel". Since that time Agency rules and re(
tions have been adopted; cooperative agreements between Agenc:
City have been executed: a full-time staff person has been hi.
and the actual plan formulation process has been initiated.
A preliminary plan, the Village Area Redevelopment Project Pre
Plan, was presented to the Council this past fall (September 2
1978). That document, as general and brief as it was, contain the output of the "Interim Village Area Advisory Committee in
form of "goals and objectives" for the redevelopment of the Vi
Current Approach
Those same "goals and objectives" are the basis of the draft c ments provided under separate cover. What has been added is 5
a methodology, a framework if you will, within which the "goa:
and objectives" of the preliminary plan can be attained and mi
tained. Whether this methodology can work or not is unknown - the community can make that determination.
This particular approach was chosen following research into w-
plan was never developed in the past. Several efforts have b
e 0
instituted to formulate a plan, but all appear to have bogged
down before a comprehensive framework was available for review.
Hopefully, by providing this level of detail at this point a spe~ific focus fog CQment and dialope will result.
Chamber's latest survey attempt has probably sparked new interes
in the future of the Village Area. Their attempts should provii
a good setting for the distribution of the plan and solicitatioi of public comment.
Action Requested
At it's meeting of February 20, 1979, the Council, as legislati.
body of the City of Carlsbad, should:
A) Authorize distribution of the prepring redevelopment
documents submitted under separate cover, and
B) Initiate the process to appoint a project area commit
as required by the California Community Redevelopment Law.
The committee's functions are to advise on matters of plan
formulation; planning and provisions of residential facil
sation; is required to function during the plan adoption process; for three years thereafter; and subsequently, a pleasure of the Council. Finally the committee is requirG
contain the following, where applicable:
1) Residential owner/occupant
2) Residential tenant
3) Businessman 4) Members of existing organizations
and replacement housing, The committee serves without con
The formation of this committee will put the Village Area Plan
the final process prior to Council/Agency adoption hearings.
During this process possible funding strategies and time table be developed based upon public input and presented, along with
final plan, to the Council and Agency for consideration during
required public hearings.
It is suggested that Council, through the media, existing orga
tions and individuals, call for applications from individuals ' ing one or more of the four criteria above.
a notice calling for applications is attached.
It is further recommended that the P.A.C. size be limited to f
or seven members. These are the most common sizes found and appear to function more effectively and efficiently than groq larger sizes.
Possible wording
$ 0 0
I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member
of the
(Name of committee or commission)
In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve, I may be
requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointed.
My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that
I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens
of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below
which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if
Signature (Print Name)
** 0 0
The City Council of the City of Carlsbad is currently seeking
applications from persons interested in being appointed to the
Village Area Redevelopment Project Area Committee. eligible for appointment an applicant must be a
TO be
a. residential owner/occupant, or
b. residential tenant, or
c. businessman, or
d. member of an existing organization from within the boundaries shown on the attached map.
The committee is charged with the responsibility of advising
the City Council and Redevelopment Agency on matters relative
to formulation of a final redevelopment plan for the Carlsbad
Village Area.
Committee members will serve without compensation at the pleaE of the City Council.
If you are interested in serving on such a committee, applicat
Carlsbad, California, 92008.
The filing of said applications should be completed prior to
5:OO P.M., Tuesday, March 6th.
are available in the office of the City Clerk at 1200 Elm Aver
1) 11)
A Jj 9 fl&
o" v' 8 1 ,%* \ k3,LA it
The City Council of the City of Carlsbad is currently seel;i.ncj
applications from persons interested in being appointed to the
Village Area Redevelopment Project Area Committee,
eligible for appointment an applicant must. be 8
To be
a. residential owner/oceupant, or h, residential tenant, or
6. businessmano or
d, member of an existing organizatian from within the
boundaries shown 011. the attached map.
The committee is charged with the responsibility of advising
the City Council and Redevelopment Agency on matters relative
to formulation of a final redevelopment plan %or the Carlsbad
Village Area.
Committee members will serve without esmpensatioy1 aC .khe" plea,$ of the City Council.
If you are interested in serving on such a committee, applica. are available in the office sf the City Cleirk at 1.200 ~kn rive: Carlsbadp California, 92008,
D&aQ*r, -'u
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