HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-06; City Council; 3552-11; Magee Barn./I- . . L. - CITY OF'CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ?,d -3-2 - #// DATE : March 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT: City Clerk Initial- Dept . Hd :,&$ C. Atty C. Mgr. [,,&L?d *w Subject : MAGEE BARN Statement of the Matter The City Council, at their meeting of December 19, 1979, agreed to allow the Historical Society to renovate the Magee Barn subject to their submission of a concept plan of renovation to Council within ninety (90) days. In addition, Council directed that construction must be completed in a year and the plans are to coincide with the existing plans for landscaping and completion of the park. In response to this direction, the Historical Society has submitted a letter dated February 8, 1979, for Council, consideration. EXHIBITS: 1. Copy of letter to Historical Society dated December 28, 1978. 2. Copy of letter from Historical Society dated February 8, 1979. Council Action: 3-6-79 Council accepted the letter and proposal from the Historical Society and agreed to allow them to proceed with their plans for the barn. - e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 December 28, 1978 TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1 181 Mr. B. M. Christiansen, President Carlsbad Historical Society 2796 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Christiansen: The City Council, at its December 19, 1978 meeting, agreed to allow the Historical Society to renovate the Magee barn subject to the Historical Society's submission of a concept plan to the Council within 90 days. a year and the plans are to coincide with the existing plans for landscaping and completion of the park. ~ The architect for the park has confirmed that the proposed renovation of the barn, in its present location, will not interfere with the landscaping design of the park. This letter confirms the information provided to Mrs. Christiansen on December 21, 1978 by Joe Eggleston, Coordinator of Parks and Recreation. If you need further assistance concerning the plans for the park, please contact Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation. The construction must be completed in .. Sincerely, Is/ Aletha Rautenkranz City Clerk AR: swf .. MAYOR Robert C. Frazee COUNCIL LIAISON CHAl RMAN VICE CHAIRMAN Mary Casler Dr. “J” “C” Fikes E. H. (El) Jose, Jr. E. M. Christiansen, Emeritus Constance M. Luedtke Reverend Gordon J. Baker Georgina Cole Robert A. Crawford Tony Howard-Jones Jayce McClellan John J. Marnaux W. H. Mensching Jerry Rornbotis Guy Ryan Molly Acuna Dan Arnson Alvin Broido Jim Broorne Jack Casler Barbara Davis Gil Davis Jay Courtney Fikes Joseph H. Eggleston Patricia Eggleston Steve Ellis Robert Herring Dolores Hutflesz Myers Jacobsen Jay Klopfenstein Mattie Long Frank Marez Victor Moreno SECRETARY EXECUTIVE BOARD COMMITTEE M EMBERS CARLSBAD BICENTENNIAL COMM I TTE E CITY HALL 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Aletha Rautedcranz Carlsbad City Clerk 1200 Zlin ,4ve , Carlsbad, Calif. 92OO8 Zood Forning : The Carlsbad Bistorical Society is hereby responding to your letter of Decenber 28th, 1978. The letter ad-vised of the action of the City Council on Bc. 19th resarding permission for the Zistorical Society to renovate the :.:agee property barn, providing that they subinit the concept plan within 90 days, to the City Council. The Historical Society complies as follows. Reroof ing the barn with shakes, :I, 700.00 shake cost. Repaintiw the exterior, 1800 sq. ft. Acrilic paint, r’:84.00, vith 20,: discount = (“67.20 I 11% qil stain 1’72.00 17 TI I? - ~57.60 William C. Nickles Nick Papoutsis Robert B. Repucci Y0u.r letter stated that thls work should not be Roy R. Sanchez contrary to the landscaping plans and- that the Eistorical Lou A. Sciarra Society would have one year to complete the abave work. Claudia Stebelski Michael K. Sullivan William H. Tieman Kathy Tiernan Nettie Wilson I$ i nee rely, CITY LIAISON MEMBERS Ron Beckman, Ed Johnson, Director of Public Works Director of Parks and Recreation former Mayor and Bicentennial Chairman David M. Dunne, 3. K. Christiansen, President. March 19, 1979 Mr. B.M. Chrfstiansen, President CARLSBAD HLSTORICAL SOCIETY 2796 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, ch 92008 Re: Agenda Bill No. 3552, Supplement $13. Historleal Soctetp's Renovation Plans for Magee Barn Dear Mx. Chris tfansen: At their meetinp of !{arch 6, 1979, the City Council accepted your letter of February 8, I379 outlining the proposal for renovation of the Magee Barn and agreed to aZLow the HfstoricaL Society to proceed with such plan. As previomly indicated in my letter to you of December 28, 1978, all wxk ~ust be completed by December 19, 1978 and must not re~trict any landscapin3 work or sther completion of %gee Park. You are again invited to contact Dave Bradstreet, Dfrector of Parka & Recrelation, if you need any further assistance concerning park and landscaping rechadultaa. SinoersEy , WR: ab bcc: Dave Bradstreet, Director Parks & Recreation Department