HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-06; City Council; 5444-2; Amendment to Phase III Design AgreementV, -• CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^</</4 - J. .^h^Jt M—^ f 7f %L- ^rrrtnrviri ^=»^- Dept. Hd. , DATE: March 6. 1979 c. Atty.V/^3 DEPARTMENT: Encina Water Pollution Control Facility C. Mgr. Subject: AMENDMENT TQ pHA$E In DESIGN AGREEMENT Statement of the Matter Recent changes in the Phase III project: The change from line filtration to activated sludge as the secondary treatment process and the proposed use of multiple construction contracts, necessitate a change in the existing agree- ment between Brown and Caldwell and the Vista Sanitation District. The attached staff report discusses in more detail the nature of the changes and some of the protective language included in the amendment. Since this amendment involves a change in the total compensation figure, the Vista Sanitation District has requested that the amendment be agreed to by the member agencies. Exhibits 1. Staff memorandum dated February 2B, 1979 2. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Step 2 Engineering Services between Vista Sanitation District and Brown and Caldwell for Phase III Enlargement and Upgrading of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Recommendation It is the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee that City Council approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Step 2 Engineering Services and authorize the Vista Sanitation District to proceed. Counci1 Acti on: 3-6-79 Council approved Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Step 2 Engineering Services and authorized the Vista Sanitation District to proceed. MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator DATE: February 28, 1979 SUBJECT: PHASE III DESIGN CONTRACT The agreement for Phase III design services was signed on June 7, 1978. It provided for the preliminary design services and blocked out an amount to cover final design subject to approval of the preliminary design. The first amendment to the agreement was signed on December 6, 1978. This amendment set forth in detail the scope of work involved in the final de- sign and adjusted the reimbursement schedule to reflect the known work pro- gram. Within the last several months, two things have happened which necessitate a second amendment to the agreement. The first is a change in the basic design concept from the biofiltration process originally proposed to an activated sludge process. This has been discussed with Council and need not be repeated at this time. The second change is in the management of the project from that of one construction contract to that of multiple contracts covering major segments of the project. This allows us to deal with smaller, more manageable contracts which will attract local bidders. It also allows us to "fast track" the project. "Fast tracking" is a tech- nique that allows the acceleration of design on one major segment and the subsequent construction of that segment while design is being finalized on another segment. The result is the project is finished sooner and the effects of time-related inflation are forestalled. Amendment No. 2 addresses the change in the scope of work and reimburse- ment attendant to the change to activated sludge and the additional work to prepare multiple contracts. Page 5 of the amendment addresses two im- portant points involved in this change. Section 18f provides assurance that Brown and Caldwell meet a timetable to be approved by the Joint Agency Manager. This helps to insure that we can gain the advantages of an accelerated construction schedule. Section 18g clarifies that we will not be charged for any additional costs associated with any redesign re- quired in the change to activated sludge. Amendment No. 2 is the result of several sessions with the JAC Negotiating Subcommittee. It has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Joint Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee that the City Council approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Step 2 Engineering Ser- vices and authorize the Vista Sanitation District to proceed. toriaTd A. Beckman, P.E. Public Works Administrator RAB:VEB /«N ^Agreement No. 108-P-78 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR STEP 2 ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR PHASE III ENLARGEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1979 by and between the VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district, hereinafter referred to as "District" or "Owner" , and BROWN AND CALDWELL, a California corporation, hereafter referred to as "Engineer": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, parties hereto entered into an Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Basic Agreement) on June 7, 1978, for Step 2 engineering services regarding Phase III Enlargement and Upgrading of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility; and WHEREAS, the Basic Agreement was amended on December 6, 1978 (herein- after referred to as Amendment No. 1) to expand the scope of work and compensation for engineering services to be provided hereunder; . _ WHEREAS, the scope of the work has been increased because of the substitution of the activated sludge process for the biofiltration process of secondary wastewater treatment, the addition of sludge thickeners and the additional work associated with preparing as many as 12 individual contract bid documents for the project; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the Basic Agreement in order to provide for the increase in the scope of work and compensation for the Basic Step 2 Services; and WHEREAS, overtime work will be necessary to meet the District's time schedule; and WHEREAS, Engineer, in accordance with Exhibit B, has billed the District for Preliminary Design Services on the basis of an interim overhead rate of 1.45; and WHEREAS, Engineer's fiscal year 1977-78 was concluded on September 30, 1978 and based on figures audited by an independent certified public accountant, the actual overhead rate for this fiscal year was determined to be in excess of the interim overhead rate; and • 2. WHEREAS, Engineer and District have agreed to establish a provisional over- head rate for Engineer's fiscal year 1977-78 and to increase the estimated cost ceiling to reflect the increased overhead cost for that period for the preliminary design services; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. Delete the recital regarding professional labor categories and approximate manhours on page 1 of Amendment 1 and substitute the following: Basic Step 2 Design Services Labor Category Approximate Manhours Chief Engineer 1,163 Managing Engineer 1,758 Supervising Engineer 3,074 Principal Engineer 2,044 Senior Engineer I'Sf? T. 0,000Engineer 1/500 Associate Engineer 95 Assistant Engineer Draft of Operation and Maintenance Manual Labor Category Approximate Manhours Chief Engineer 18 Supervising Engineer 28 Principal Engineer 182 Senior Engineer 388 Engineer 388 2. Add the following to the list of Special Engineering Services described in Paragraph I.E. of the Basic Agreement: 22. Additional engineering services required to design the project and to prepare contract documents to bid the project as a number of separate contracts. 3. Delete all under Paragraphs B.4. and B.5. of Exhibit "D" attached to Amendment No. 1 and substitute "Exhibit E", attached hereto. w 1* 4. Exhibit A, page A-5, Paragraph C. "Time Schedule" , item "C. Basic Step 2 Services" . Delete the sentence and substitute the following: Unless modi- fied by the design schedule under Paragraph B.3. of Exhibit D, the 99 percent sub- mittal of the design tasks will be submitted to the District prior to December 21, 1979, 5. Delete the first sentence in Paragraph A. 2.a. of Exhibit B and substitute the following: The cost reimbursement portion of the compensation -shall be the sum of direct labor costs, indirect costs, other direct costs and overtime premium .costs, as herein defined. 6. Add the following to Paragraph A. 2.a. (2) of Exhibit B: "In accordance with the above provisions, the following is the interim and agreed upon negotiated provisional overhead rates: For period June 7, 1978 through September 30, 1978 Interim Provisional Engineering services overhead rate overhead rate Preliminary Design Services i /ic (Exhibit A, Paragraph A) * L'b 7 . Add the following after the last paragraph of Paragraph A.2.a.(3): (4) Overtime Premium Costs Overtime premium costs shall be the total number of overtime hours worked by employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (generally all technical and clerical personnel) times 50 percent of the regular rate for the respective employee's labor category. Overtime hours are defined as hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week or an excess of eight hours in a given day. The total number of overtime hours worked by technical and clerical personnel that shall be billable to the project, is limited to a maximum of 3,000 hours unless otherwise authorized by the District's Project Officer, 8. Delete the first sentence in Paragraph B.I of Exhibit B and substitute the following: For the cost reimbursement portion of the compensation, invoices shall include the following: (1) each labor category and the total number of hours worked by employees in that category, (2) direct labor rate and costs for each labor category, (3) total indirect costs, (4) each general category of other direct costs and (5) total overtime premium costs of all technical employees and of all clerical employees, 9. Based on the negotiated provisional overhead rate for FY 1977-78, delete the estimated cost ceiling of $189,004 in Paragraph C.I.a. of Exhibit B for Preliminary Design Services and substitute $195,721. 10 . Delete all under Paragraph C.l.b. of Exhibit B and substitute the following: b. Basic Step 2 Design Services 1. Design Tasks (Exhibit A, Paragraph B. 1.) Basis of Compensation: Cost Reimbursement Estimated cost ceiling $1,303,163 Fixed professional fee $ 198,656 Portion of fixed professional fee, Based on the total percentage payable monthly of completion as supported by the monthly progress report. Unless there is an agreed upon increase in the Scope of Work from that outlined in Exhibit A, paragraph B.I., Engineer agrees that the maximum cost ceiling allowed shall be $1,544,064. 2. Draft of Operation and Maintenance Manual (Exhibit A, Paragraph B.2.) Basis of Compensation: Cost Reimbursement Estimated cost ceiling $60,775 Fixed professional fee 9,677 Portion of fixed professional fee, payable monthly 1/3 Unless there is an agreed upon increase in the Scope of Work from that outlined in Exhibit A, Paragraph B.2., Engineer agrees that the maximum cost ceiling allowed shall be $72,443. 11. In Exhibit B, Paragraph C.2. Special Engineering Services, change the $200,000 allowance to $384,000. 12. Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph on page D-l of Exhibit D and substitute the following: The work will be prepared to be biddable in as many as 12 separate contracts. 13. Add the following to the first sentence under Task 2 on page D-l of Exhibit D: , and the structure to enclosed the aeration air blowers. 14. Add the following to the first sentence under Task 3 on page D-2 of Exhibit D: , and the structure to enclose the aeration air blowers. 15. Delete the first paragraph of Paragraph B.3 of Exhibit D and substitute the following: Within 30 days of the execution of Amendment 2 to this Agreement, a design schedule will be submitted to the District's Project Officer for approval. The design schedule, when approved, will supersede the schedule as defined in the remaining portion of Paragraph B.3. Submittals from the Engineer, relating to the project design shall be divided into six periods designated as follows: 1. The 25 percent submittla 2. The 49 percent submittal 3. The 50 percent submittal 4. The 90 percent submittal 5. The 99 percent submittal 6. The final submittal 5 » 16. Add the following to Paragraph B.3. of Exhibit D between the fourth and fifth paragraphs: The 90 percent general, civil, process, mechanical, structural and architectural submittal shall be made prior to September 15, 1979, and shall consist of essentially complete plans and specifications. This submittal will be a "biddable package" in that an Engineer's construction cost estimate could be made of the work shown and would show details of all of the process units to be constructed under Phase III. Clarifying notes, sections and details will be added prior to the final submittal. 17. Delete the first sentence of the fifth paragraph of Paragraph B.3. of Exhibit D and substitute the following: The 99 percent submittal shall be made prior to December 21, 1979. 18. Add the following to Paragraph A.4 of Exhibit B: f. If the major milestones, indicated in the approved design schedule defined in Paragraph B.3 of Exhibit D, are not met by the Engineer, the District may retain up to 25 percent of subsequent monthly professional fee payments. The 25 percent retention may be increased to 50 percent if a major design milestone is not met after August 1, 1979. The retention becomes payable by the District upon the Engineer's sucessfully meeting the design schedule for subsequent major design mile- stones or upon submission of the 99 percent submittal. g. The District and the Engineer have agreed that the District will not be charged for, nor will it be obligated to pay for, any additional costs associated with redesign work or time delays caused by the process change from biofiltration to activated sludge. It is understood that the division of the design work into a number of bid packages will cause a delay in the design work beyond that indicated in Paragraph B.3 of Exhibit D and the District will be obligated to pay for the additional costs associated with the delay. 19. The effective date of this Amendment is January 1, 1979. ••« * 20. All other terms and conditions of the parties' Basic Agreement shall remain in force and effect. /•"*• 6. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, District and Engineer have caused this Amendment to the Basic Agreement to be executed the day and date first above written. ATTEST: By Approved by Resolution No. on VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT By BROWN AND CALDWELL, a California Corporation By Vice President ENCLOSURE B EPA 5700-41 FORM BASIC STEP 2 DESIGN SERVICES CO'ST OR PRICE SUMMARY f-^xMAT FOR SUBAGREEMENTS UNDER b... EPA GRANTS Form Approved (See accompanying instructions before completing this form) OMB No. 158-R0144 PARTI-GENERAL 1. GRANTEE Vista Sanitation District 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Brown and Caldwell . 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Include ZIP code) 150 South Arroyo Parkway ' Pasadena, California 91109 . : 2. GRANT NUMBER C-06-1016-020 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL, February 26, 1979 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Planned Step 2 Engineering Services - Basic Step 2 Design Services - Ehcina WPCF. PART II -COST SUMMARY 7. DIRECT LABOR (Specify labor categories) See ATTACHMENT A ~ 1 DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: 8. INDIRECT COSTS (Specify indirect cost pools) See ATTACHMENT B Frincre benefits , general . administration overhead _..,.. INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL: ESTI- MATEDHOURS - „_ . RATE 1.5.0 » HOURLY RATE $ ' , "* " BASE =' $ . . 460'r766f ~ - ESTIMATED COST S ESTIMATED COST $ - - 691,149, ,~ , 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS See ATTACHMENT C 0. TRAVEL (1) TRANSPORTATION (2) PER DIEM - TRAVEL SUBTOTAL: b. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS. SUPPLIES (Specify categories) Communications " Reproduction EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL; '. QTY »• '- •*•" r » < * ;? Jt-ji-n— u it- r n -i--f-- - i -u COST S 1,950 9,035 - " - " " ' C. SUBCONTRACTS • ' ' Architectural and HVAC Automatic Drafting | . Computer Management | SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: I d. OTHER (Specify cafe^or/es; i_t~~ "'"> OTHER SUBTOTAL: • [ - - , . ^ \ e.' OTHER DI3HCT COSTS TOTAL: { 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST > ESTIMATED COST S 2,140 s 585 s 2,725 ESTIMATED COST S 10,985 ESTIMATED COST 5 102,498 25,540 9,500 S 137,538 ESTIMATED COST S s IM. PROFIT Professional Fee \ 12. TOTAL PRICE TOTALS ^•sgc^wis^sss,'^.. ,• ^.4 - •>*?*# -,-' f <-'j»**3<fr»:«ssv "•-- -f ,- ly, ;-— *- -"-v, « " - - 4:flVvKh'~~sr' >. -**- .* "t --*?'•* * jf * * S. 460^6 *-^, ^W+4tv *+*&. *+• •. "" «4*** * * " ! ^ V*'* * ** f f* 1 (• * *~ " "< * '" V ~* "^^ f 691^149 ~ -v- , . •v * - *** ^ v#* » * -C "~ \ ^ " * '* * C , ^ Tw- * * X» ? * >V ^v V-( * -f^ -,:• .: . TVV;V;.f^ "*'**' ** v - ¥-^ s 15i;248 5 1.303.163 5 .198,656 « 1,501,819^, EPA ronr, 5700-47 (2-76) sfp ^^^J^111!^ RAGE l OF 5 ^•^ ^^™ •^^r- •• COPY -o PART If; . PR|C5 SUMMARY « J^COMPETITOR'S CATALOG LISTINGS. IN-HOUSS SJTiMATCJ, P-»IOM OUOTri NOT APPLICABLE "^-v EtSV • sivr?i PART IV-CcRTIrlCATIOHS 1*. CONTRACTOR IAa_ HAS A FEDERAL AGENCY OH A FEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVISx Of YOUf* ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL GRANT OH CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS? G3 ves 1 1 NO (11 "Yox" giv» n.m* uddratf *nd /o/epfomo number ol Environmental Protection Agency 215 Freemont Street ' San Francisco, CA 94105 Mr. Ronald" R. Beeler (415) 556-1954 aflni olltca) US .THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 41 CFR 1-15.1, 1-15.2, 1-15.4, 40 CFR 35 This proposal is submitted for use in connection with and in response to (1} Request from Encina Joint Powers dated December 20, 1978 . This is to certify to the best'of ray knowledge and belief that the cost and pricing data summarized herein are complete, current, and accurate as of (2), February 26, 1979 and that a financial management capability exists to fillip and accu- rately account for the financial; transactions under this project. I further certify that I understand-that the subagreen-rr.t price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/or recoupment where the above cost and "pricing data have been determined, as a result of audit, not to have been conjplecr, ciirre.it and of the date above. (3) -February 26, 1979 1 : DATE OF EXECUTION . Vice President TITLE O~ \ 14. GRANTEE REVIEWER I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summary set forth herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for siibf»greement award. DATE OF EXECUTION SIGNATURE OF REVI=we« TITLE OF R£V|Er-£f } li. EPA R£VI£V-EH (If r-pplic^hl*) DATK OF EXECUTION 'SICMATU=1E O.= TlTLfC O? = E V I F. — ^ - Fo,-n5700-X) (2-76)HAGE 2 OF S ATTACHMENT Item 7 Detail The following is submitted to support Item 7 of EPA Form 5700-41. a. Method of Estimating Manhours Each element or task associated with the project is defined and a complete scope of work is established. An evaluation of factors peculiar to the particular task is made, including but not limited to the following; degree of complexity, amount of independent research or study required, availability of information on similar work, amount of time available for completion, level of personnel required for work and supervision, required data gathering, special equipment or procedures required, level of subcontract coordination and review, required consultations and meetings, necessary regulatory review, special hazards or risks, and nature of required final product. Based upon a review of these factors and previous experience with similar tasks, the number of manhours are estimated for each applicable labor category. b. Computation Technique Proposed labor rates are determined by taking actual salaries at the regular time rate for the average step level in each labor category. Labor rates for principals (defined as professional engineers assigned to the corporate staff) reflect actual rates paid. It is Brown and Caldwell's normal practice to charge time of principals to all jobs based on the time that principals are engaged directly in the performance of work on the jobs. The rate of compensation for principals does not include a distri- bution of profits. c. Sources of Information Proposed manhours are developed using job files and cost records on jobs of a similar nature. State and federal guidelines on task level-of-effort are used when available and applicable. Estimates and proposals from outside consultants and subcontractors are used as reference data when appropriate. Labor rates are developed annually by corporate management with reference made to historical wage schedules, statistical reports on local and national wages paid to similar employee categories"/ and local and national cost of living indices. d . Detailed Rate Computations Detailed computations indicated in Tables A-l, A-2 and A-3 are attached as supporting data for the total direct labor costs indicated in item 7. TABLE A-l DESCRIPTION OF TASKS ENCINA III PLANNED STEP 2 DESIGN SERVICES Task No.Task description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Management Basic Step 2 Architectural Subcontract Work Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Subcontract Work General/Civil Design Process and Instrumentation Diagrams Architectural Coordination Structural Design Mechanical Design Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Coordination Electrical Design Instrumentation Design Specifications Review Meetings Final Design Summary Report Construction Cost Estimates Submittals, etc. Assistance Associated with V.E. Analysis PROJECT t ENCINA PHASE III DIRECT LABOR - LEVEL OF EFFORT SUMMARY 02/23/79 NUMBER OF HOURS o TASK NO. LABOR CATEGORY PROFESSIONAL CHIEF ENGR MANAGING ENGR SUPV ENGR PRINCIPAL ENGR SENIOR ENGR ENGINEER ASSOC ENCR ASST ENUR ENGR AIDE SUBTOTAL TECHNICAL TECH SERV MGR CHIEF DHTSM SUPV DFTSM LEAD DFTSM SENIOR DFTSM DRAFTSMAN ASST DFTSM DFTSM TRAINEE SUBTOTAL CLERICAL SUPV TYPIST TYPIST IV TYPIST III TVPIST II TYPIST I 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL 426 495 397 99 0 0 0 0 0 1417 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 104 0 0 416 0 0 34 83 0 0 666 0 881 0 0 1664 0 194 977 765 0 0 0 0 1936 0 0 0 0 0 26 66 261 0 951 0 0 0 0 1304 0 94 0 378 0 0 0 0 472 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 143 0 0 0 57 0 204 0 41 0 367 0 0 0 0 408 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 1059 302 1602 0 0 0 0 3024 0 56 846 1893 0 0 0 0 2795 0 0 0 0 0 290 580 0 0 2322 2612 0 0 0 5804 0 639 2556 3170 0 0 0 0 6365 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 92 0 0 0 38 0 132 0 52 0 468 0 0 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 636 1016 424 0 0 0 0 2110 0 31 638 916 0 0 0 0 1585 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 326 196 542 0 0 0 0 1086 0 26 410 554 0 0 0 0 990 0 0 0 0 0 123 248 248 0 496 741 619 0 0 2475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 454 0 0 87 108 65 0 65 108 0 0 0 433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 12 24 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 47 0 0 0 26 0 52 0 182 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 18 37 0 68 0 104 0 0 0 227 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 47 0 0 16 91 0 76 0 1 19 0 0 0 302 0 0 23 0 24 0 0 0 47 0 0 80 0 0 1163 1758 3074 2044 7068 3866 1500 95 0 20568 0 1133 5497 8662 24 0 0 0 15316 0 0 11 19 0 0 SUBTOTAL 416 0 454 47 47 28 47 80 1119 For complete task description refer to Table A-l Table A-3 PROJECT : ENCINA PHASE III DIRECT LABOR - COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY 02/23/79 LABOR CATEGORY PROFESSIONAL CHIEF ENGR MANAGING ENGR SLJPV ENGR PRINCIPAL ENGR SENIOR ENGR ENGINEER ASSOC ENGR ASST ENGR ENGR AIDE SUBTOTAL TECHNICAL TECH SERV MGR CHIEF DFTSM SUPV DFTSM LEAD DFTSM SENIOR DFTSM DRAFTSMAN ASST DFTSM DFTSM TRAINEE SUBTOTAL CLERICAL SUPV TYPIST 1YPIST IV TYPIST III TYPIST II f/PIST I SUBTOTAL TOTAL NUMBER OF HRS 1 163 1 758 3074 2044 7068 3866 1 500 95 0 20558 0 1 133 5497 8662 24 0 0 0 5316 0 0 1119 0 0 1119 37003 COST 23399 32230 51907 31302 93427 44049 14495 781 0 291590 0 14910 63253 8^471 197 0 0 0 62832 0 0 6344 0 0 6344 460766 Cost is based on 20 percent of the electrical and instrumentation work being done in FY 1978-79 and the remainder in FY 1979-80. All other work would be done in FY 1978-79, Labor rates for FY 1979-80 are FY 1978-79 rates plus 6.5 percent. ATTACHMENT B Item 8 Detail Indirect costs are accumulated through a corporate-wide accounting system that allows cost to be categorized consistent with the contract cost principles and procedures outlined in the Federal Procurement Regulations, CFR 41, Part 1-15. Indirect cost rates for allowable fringe benefits and general and administrative overhead items are established for the most recently audited fiscal years as shown in the first two columns below. Projected indirect cost rates for FY ending 9/30/79 are based upon an EPA reviewed profit plan in conjunction with actual year-to-date overhead costs, and are shown in Column Three. Labor rates for principals (defined as professional engineers assigned to the corporate staff) reflect actual rates paid. It is Brown and Caldwell's normal practice to charge time of principals to all jobs based on the time that principals are engaged directly in the perfor- mance of work on the jobs. The rate of compensation for principals does not include a distribution of profits. BROWN AND CALDWELL INDIRECT COSTS Costs, as a percent of direct labor Fringe Benefits Payroll Taxes Retirement benefits Bonus plan Group insurance and workmen's compensation insurance .Vacation, holidays and sick leave Total fringe benefits General and Administrative Overhead Indirect salaries Fringe benefits on indirect ' salaries Buildings and equipment Taxes, licenses, and insurance Professional services Travel and subsistence Supplies Other Total general and administrative overhead Total indirect costs FY ending 9/30/77 Actuall 5.9 3.5 2.8 4.1 8.7 FY ending 9/30/78 Actuall 6.1 3.5 3.4 4.5 25.0 50.1 16.3 18.7 10.9 9.2 5.6 11.0 4.4 126.2 151.2 49.9 18.3 20.4 8.8 11.6 7.1 14.2 6.3 136.6 164.4 FY ending 9/30/79 Provisional 6.1 5.5 -0- 4.3 10.3 26.2 47.0 16.8 18.0 "9.0 10.0 7.0 13.0 6.0 126.8 153.0 "Based on independent C.P.A audited figures, not finalized by an EPA audit. "Estimated as of February 22, 1979. 2/22/79 ATTACHMENT C OTHER DIRECT COSTS Item 9a, Travel (1) Transportation Pasadena to Encina (13 months) 200 miles round trip, 3 trips/mo @ $0.20/mi = $ 1,560 200 miles round trip up to 8 bid packages = 320 Auto: Local - 100 mi/mo x $0.20/mi = 260 (2) Per diem (subsistence) 13 days @ $45/day = 585 Subtotal = $ 2,725 Item 9b, Equipment, Material, Supplies (1) Communication Telephone: $100/mo x 13 mos = $ 1,300 Postage: $50/mo x 13 mos = 650 (2) Reproduction Xerox: $75/mo x 13 mos = 975 364 mylars x $15 each = 5,460 5,200 Ozalids @ $0.50 each = 2,600 Subtotal = $ 10,985 Item 9c, Subcontracts (1) Architectural Subcontract (estimate) = $ 93,120 (2) HVAC Subcontract (estimate) = -9,378 (3) Automatic Drafting Subcontract (estimate) = 25,540 (4) Computer Management Subcontract (estimate) = 9,500 Subtotal $137,538 TOTAL = $151,248 **•• ENCLOSURE C EPA 5700-41 FORM DRAFT O&M MANUAL C'OST OR PRICE SUMMARY FORMAT FOR SUBAGREEMEN7S UNDER U.S. EPA GRANTS (See accompanying instructions before coir.plrtir.g this form) Form OMB Ho. 158-R014.1 PART 1-GENeRAL 1. GRANTEEVista Sanitation District 2. GRANT NUMBERC-06-1016-020 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Brown and Caldwell «. DATE Or PROPOSAL February 26, 1979 5. AOORESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUaCON TRACTOR (Include ZIP coda) 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO3E FURNISHED 150 South Arroyo Parkway Pasadena, California 91109 Planned Step 2 Engineering Services , Basic Step 2 Design Services - Encina WPCF. Exhibit A of Basic Agreement - (as amended including Exhibit D) PART II-COST SUMMARY 7. DIRECT LABOR (Spaclly labor cata^orie-s) ESTI-. MATED HOURS HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED COST TOTALS See Attachment A DIRECT LABOR TOTAL:S 23,290 9. INDIRECT COSTS (Spacily indirect co.it poola)RATE See Attachment B Fringe benefits, general, administration overhead 1.50 BASE =ESTIMATED COST 23,290 3-4.935 INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL:34,935 9. OTHHR DIRECT COSTS a. Ta A VEL (1) TRANSPORTATION (2) PEP: DIEM TRAVEL SUBTOTAL::•" .. -.\ ~-?.\-- :'~ ;.*.„• -~- .'' li.1^^-^^'-^ ,vi^r;.-->*::-! --<•'-- -;'• •-:' b. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS. SUPPLIES (Specify categorlrn.) Communications QTY COST 220 1,770 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: c. SUBCONTRACTS SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: ~F^ d. OTHER (Specify CHtegvrina) OTHER SUBTOTAL: i ^ .i' c-.1 OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL: ' T ' ESTIMATED COST 220 340 5 fin ESTIMATED COST 1 .990 ESTIMATED ' COST ESTIMATED COST 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST (Professional Fee)M. PRO-I o<m 5X00-41 I5 fin.77; > 9,677 8s 70,452 | PAGE » Or f>M.«« .V... lt,.HOU* PA?»7 !;; - PRiCS 'cOMPf TITOH'S CATALOG LI1~n«^iS. IN-HOUSi 'J'lHATCJ. f »IOH QUOTrJ .^ NOT APPLICABLE — - «-K r T **•*•*. E:M i i ; ;. , ff*(»*«»tt l> PART IV-CERTIriCATtONS JC. CONTRACTOR »4a. HAS A FEOEWM. AGENCY OH A FEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PE3FOSMEO AMY RSV»=M 0;= YOUR ! ACCOUNTS OR RECOHDS IS CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FECERAL CHANT OR CONTRACT VrlTHIH THE PAiT TWELVE MONTHS? *rtln3 oltlco)YE3 [ ] NO (11 "Yo*" (<ivf n~m» ntidrtr** and tolvjitmno numbor of Environmental Protection Agency 215 Freemont Street ' San Francisco, CA 94105 Mr. Ronald "R. Beeler (415) 556-1954 I-SS .THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THS FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 41 CFR 1-15. T, 1-13J2, '1-15.4, 40 CFR 35 He. This proposal is submitted for use in connection v/j;h and in response to (!) Request from Encina JQint Powers dated December 20, 1978 This is to certify to the best"of rty knowledge and belief that the cost snd pricing data summarized herein are complete, current, and accurate ES of (2). February 26. 1979 and that a financial management capability exists to fully and accu- rately account for the financial; transactions under this project. I further certify that I understand-that the suba«reernr?r.t price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/or recoupment '-here the above cost and "pricing data have been determined, as a result of audit, not to have been cornplafe, curreat and s^curals of the date above. (3) .February 26, 1979 DATE OF EXECUTION / Vice President TITLE 0-i— 3 14. GRANTEE REVIEWER I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summary set forth herein and the proposed costs/p acceptable for subagreement award. , . ice appear DATE Of EXECUTION M CN ATU R E O ~ R E V 1 ETT£ =» Ji. EPA RrlVIS^HR f// ^^plic DATF. oFExt-:cu~ios SIGn A Tl»=»E OF HKViSwES I EPA ro-^ 5700-X1 (2-74)PAGE 2 OF S .ATTACHMENT A ,.te.Ti 7 Detail The following is submitted to support Item 7 of EPA Form 5700-41. a. Method of Estimating Manhours Each element or task associated with the project is defined and a complete scope of work is established. An evaluation of factors peculiar to the particular task is made, including but not limited to the following; degree,of complexity, amount of independent research or study required, availability of information on similar work, amount of time available for completion, level of personnel required for work and supervision, required data gathering, special equipment or procedures required, level of subcontract coordination and review, required consultations and meetings, necessary regulatory review, special hazards or risks, end nature of required final product. 6ased upon a review of these factors and previous experience with similar tasks, the number of manhours are estimated for each applicable labor category. b. Computation Technique Proposed labor rates are determined by taking actual salaries at the regular time rate for the average step level in each labor category. Labor rates for principals (defined as professional engineers assigned to the corporate staff) reflect actual rates paid. It is Brown and Caldwell's normal practice to charge time of principals to cill jobs based on the time that principals are engaged directly in the performance of work on the jobs. The rate of compensation for principals does not include a distri- bution of profits. c. Sources of Information Proposed manhours are developed using job files and cost records on jobs of a similar nature. State and federal guidelines on task level-of-effort are used when available and applicable. Estimates and proposals from outside consultants and subcontractors are used as reference data when appropriate. Labor rates are developed annually by corporate management with reference made to historical wage schedules, statistical reports on local and national wages paid to similar employee categories , and local and national cost of living indices. d . Detailed Rate Computations Detailed computations indicated in Tables A-l, A-2 and A-3 are attached as supporting data for the total direct labor costs indicated in item 7. DESCRIPTION OF TASKS ENC]£) OPERATION AND MAINTENANqQMANUAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM OUTLINE Task No.Task description 1 2 3 Management Prepare O&M Manuals O&M Instruction Program Outline TABLE A2 DIRECT LABOR LEVEL OF EFFORT SUMMARY Labor category,. — — — ^ Task No.a Professional Chief Engineer Managing Engineer Supervising Engineer Principal Engineer Senior Engineer Engineer Associate Engineer Assistant Engineer Engineering Aide Subtotal Technical Technical Services Mgr. Chief Draftsman Supervising Draftsman Lead Draftsman Senior Draftsman Draftsman Assistant Draftsman Draftsman Trainee Subtotal Clerical Supervising Typist Typist IV Typist III Typist II Typist I Subtotal Number of hours 1 18 28 40 86 40 40 2 • 174 348 348 870 202 470 672 420 420 3 8 ' " 40 * 48 . 8 . 8 Total 18 28 182 . 388 388 1,004 202 • 470 672 468 468 For complete task description refer to Table Al TABLE A3 DIRECT LABOR COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Labor category Professional Chief Engineer Managing Engineer Supervising Engineer Principal Engineer Senior Engineer Engineer Associate Engineer Assistant Engineer Engineering Aide Subtotal Technical Technical Services Manager Chief Draftsman Supervising Draftsman Lead Draftsman Senior Draftsman Draftsman Assistant Draftsman Draftsman Trainee Subtotal Clerical Supervising Typist Typist IV Typist III Typist II Typist I Subtotal Total Number of hours 18 28 182 388 388 1,004 202 470 672 468 468 2,134 Direct labor cost, dollars Hourly rate3 21.33 17.67 15.83 13.98 17. 1 ^ 12.13 8.75 6.04 Cost 394 495 2,881 5,424 4 ,7flfi 13,900 2,450 4,113 6,563 • 2,827 2,827 23,290 a Projected average hourly rate based on labor rates for FY 1979-80 which are FY 1978-79 rates plus 6.5 percent. ATTACHMENT B Item 8 Detail Indirect cosLs arc accumulated throuyh a corporate-wide accounting system that allows cost to be categorized consistent with the contract cost principles and procedures outlined in the Federal Procurement Regulations, CFR 41, Part 1-15. Indirect cost rates for allowable fringe benefits and general and administrative overhead items are established for the most recently audited fiscal years as shown in the first two columns below. Projected indirect cost rates for FY ending 9/30/79 are based upon an EPA reviewed profit plan in conjunction with actual year-to-date overhead costs, and are shown in Column Three. Lcibor rates for principals (defined as professional engineers assigned to the corporate staff) reflect actual rates paid. It is Brown and Caldwell's normal practice to charge time of principals to all jobs based on the time that principals are engaged directly in the perfor- mance of work on the jobs. The rate of compensation for principals does not include a distribution of profits. BROWN AND CALDWELL INDIRECT COSTS Costs, as a oercent of direct labo FY ending 9/30/77 Actual! Fringe Benefits Payroll Taxes Retirement benefits Bonus plan Group insurance and workmen's compensation insurance Vacation, holidays £ind sick leave Total fringe benefits General and Administrative Overhead Indirect salaries Fringe benefits on indirect salaries Buildings and equipment Taxes, licenses, and insurance Professional services Travel and subsistence Supplies Other Total general and administrative overhead Total indirect costs 5 3 2 4 8. 9 5 8 1 7 25.0 50.1 FY ending 9/30/78 Actuall 6.1 3.5 3.4 4.5 10.3 27.8 16, 18 10 9, 5, 11 4, 3 7 9 2 6 0 4 126.2 49.9 18.3 20.4 8.8 11.6 7.1 14.2 6.3 136.6 164 .4 FY ending 9/30/79 Provisional 6.1 5.5 -0- 4.3 10.3 26.2 47.0 16.8 18.0 9.0 10.0 7.0 13.0 6.0 126.8 Based on independent C.P.A audited figures, not finalized by an 2Estimated as of February.22, 1979. 2/22/79 ATTACHMENT C OTHER DIRECT COSTS Item 9a, Travel (1) Transportation 11 trips x 100 miles .@ ,20/mile $ 220 .(2) Per diem (subsistence) Hotel: 3 days @ $30/day $ 90 Food: 10 days @ $25/day = $ 250 Item 9b. Equipment, Material, Supplies (1) Communication Telephone $45/month x 4 months Postage $10/month x 4 months $ 340 Subtotal $ 560 $ 180 $ 40 (2) Reproduction Xerox $150/copy x 10 (3) 1/2 Size Drawing Reductions and Reproduction Services $ 1,500 $ 270 Subtotal $ 1,990 Item 9c, Subcontracts Total $ 2,550 X*" ENCLOSURE D SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION BASIC STEP 2 DESIGN SERVICES Enclosure D SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION Basic Step 2 Design Services Estimated cost, Cost item dollars Direct labor (from Attachment A) 460,766 Indirect costs 460,766 x 1.5 691,149 Other direct costs (from Attachment C) 151,248 Total estimated cost 1,303,163 Fixed professional fee Direct labor 460,766 x 0.20473 = 94,333 Indirect cost 691,149 x 0.14 = 96,761 Other direct 151,248 x 0.05 = 7,562 198,656 198,656 TOTAL PRICE 1,501,819 Calculation of maximum cost ceiling Direct labor 460,766 x 1.15 =$529,881 Indirect cost 529,881 x 1.60 = 847,810 Other direct 151,248 x 1.10 = 166,373 Maximum cost ceiling $1,544,064 Attachments refer to Enclosure B ENCLOSURE E SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION DRAFT O&M MANUAL Enclosure E SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION Draft O&M Manual Estimated cost, Cost item dollars Direct labor (from Attachment A) 23,290 Indirect costs 23,290 x 1.5 34,935 Other direct costs (from Attachment C) 2,550 Total estimated cost 60,775 Fixed professional fee Direct labor 23,290 x 0.20 = 4,658 Indirect cost 34,935 x 0.14 = 4,891 Other direct 2,550 x 0.05 = 128 9,677 9,677 TOTAL PRICE 70,452 Maximum Cost Ceiling Calculations Direct labor 23,290 x 1.15 = $ 26,784 Indirect labor 26,784 x 1.60 = 42,854 Other direct 2,550 x 1.10 = 2,805 Maximum cost ceiling $ 72,443 Attachments refer to Enclosure C ENCLOSURE F Increase in Special Engineering Services Allowance Due to Multiple Bid Packaging W ENCLOSURE F Special Engineering Service Additional Effort Required For Multiple Bid Packaging Estimated Allowance Site preparation and miscellaneous structures $ 40,000 Operations Building 35,000 Secondary Treatment Facilities 25,000 Sludge Dewatering Building and Sludge Thickeners 20,000 Preliminary Treatment, Power & Maintenance Building, Digesters, Chlorination Building, Effluent Pumping Station, miscellaneous structures and site work 35,000 Secondary Sedimentation Sludge Collectors 3,500 Continuous Belt Sludge Dewatering Filters 3,500 Engine - Generators 4,000 Aeration - Air Blowers 3,500 Mechanically Cleaned Bar Racks 3,500 Other Miscellaneous Bid Packages 10 ,000 Total ' $184,000 ENCLOSURE G SUMMARY OF SPECIAL ENGINEERING SERVICES ALLOWANCE ENCLOSURE G Estimated Allowances For Special Engineering Services Special Engineering Services Offset printing and binding Assistance during bid protests Assistance during bidding period Additional engineering required by value engineering Detailed field verification of as-constructed conditions Assistance-up-date financial and revenue program Consideration & administration of multiple bid packaging prior to approval of each bid package as a special Engineering Service and assistance as necessary to the construction management consultant Assistance in applying for modification of secondary treatment requirements Review of wastewater characteristics Other Special Engineering Services Multiple bid packaging (See Enclosure F attached) Approx. Expenditure To Mar. 1, ''79 Estimated Allowance 5,000 12,000 35,000 20,000, 40,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 40,000 5,000 5,000 $ 27,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 184,000 $ 384,000 - 27,000 Approx. Balance of Special Engineering Allowance $ 357,000 ENCLOSURE H LIST OF INSTRUMENT DRAWINGS NOTE: ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE: 1. ADDITIONAL COST FOR SPLIT CONTRACT PACKAGES INCREASES DUE TO: 2. SPECIFICATION COSTS Project: ENCINA Project Estimating Sheet - Sheet _1... of 2 sheets Group:! & C _. 1. CHANGE OF CONTROL PHILOSOPHY FOR PROJECT 2. CHANGE OF PLANT PROCESS 3. USE OF.MUX SYSTEM TO AID PACKAGE CONTRACT APPROACH Project Division/Drawing -v;g . Xo. I 1 ^ 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > X1 12 13 14 15 16 17 *• ' 18* .. 19 Description SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS STANDARD ntfTATT.fi T STANDARD DETAILS II INSTRUMENT DIAGRAMS I "II ii ii III IV V VI VII VIII IX " • X LOGIC & CONTROL DIAG. I n ii ii "IT n n n n TTT II II . II II TTT II II II II TT ii ii ii ii \7T Itemized Estimate Budget Manhours Professional 2 ? 2 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Technical 4 8 8 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 ADC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SCREENS, GRIT PUMPS, PS PUMPS PS PUMPS AERATION BLOWERS , AA BLOWERS DO CONTROL RAS PUMPS, WAS PUMPS SEC. SED. TANK LEVEL DIGESTER 1 MODS NEW DIGESTER HYDROPNEUMATIC, DISSOLVED AIR, THICKENER ODOR CONTROL, SLUDGE DEWATERING, EFFL . PUMPING COGENERATION GAS MANAGEMENT WATER/AIR SYSTEMS : MISC. PUMPS, ALARMS, SAMPLING FLOW SCREENS, GRIT PUMPS PS PUMPS, RAS PUMPS AERATION, AGITATION AIR BLOWERS ; WAS PUMPS DIGESTED SLUDGE PUMPS THS PUMPS POLYMER PUMPS rc;cct: Project Estimating Shea'. - Sheet 2 of 2_ sheets Group: I & C. Project Division/Drawing Xo? 'Description 120 LOGIC & CONTROL DIAG. VII 21i. - n n .. VIII 22 » » " » IX 23 " " " " X 24 | .. .. .. .. XI 25 26 MAIN CONTROL PANEL MAIN GRAPHIC PANEL i 27 PANEL SCHEDULES 28 29 30 ' MUX SYSTEM PANEL/LAYOUT MISC. PANELS & SCHEDULES ENERGY RECOVERY PANEL TOTAL 1 Itemized i:stlmatf: Budget Manhours Professional 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Ir08fi ^ Technical 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 9QO ADC X X X X X . 1 HYDROPNEUMAT1C TANKS DISSOLVED AIR TANKS DEWATERING GAS MANAGEMENT EFFLUENT PUMPING MISC. PUMPS, ALARMS 24 DWGS TO ADC