HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-06; City Council; 5771; Change of Zone from R-1 to P-Q ZC 201CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial AGENDA BILL NO: ^f 7 71 Dept. Hd. DATE: March 6, 1979 Cty" Atty Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT :CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-l TO P-Q CASE NO.: ZC-201, JAMES HUNT Statement of the Matter The subject site is situated along Pio Pico Drive between Stratford Lane and Knowles Avenue. There is one .lot presently with access to Knowles Lane that is included in the Zone Change, but that lot will be combined into a lot with frontage onto Pio Pico through a minor subdivision. The applicant, Mrs. Hunt, owns both of these lots to be combined. The northerly lot is owned by a Mr. Bagley. Mr. Bagley was not part of the original requested change of zone by Mrs. Hunt, but as per Council policy staff contacted Mr. Bagley and he consented -to having his property included in the application. A Site Development Plan for the Hunt property was submitted to the Planning Commission with the Zone Change application. The plan is for a two-story office building with access to Pio Pico and solid walls on the east and north property boundaries where it abuts resi- dential uses*. There will- be sufficient landscaping and setbacks to allow the development to be compatible with the surrounding residential area. The Site Development plan .was approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting of February 14, 1979. The applicant requested a minor change from the original request at the Planning Commission meeting. This was to delete approximately 7 feet along the northerly side of Mrs. Hunt's property. This will square off the property line which will provide for easier develop- ment design. It had no effect on the site plan and therefore the Planning Commission recommends this minor change. The legal notice for City Council public hearing includes this change, therefore, the City Council need not spedifically approve this modification. Exhibits Planning Commission Minutes dated February 14, 1979 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1493, with corrected legal map Staff Report dated February 14, 1979. Recommendation The Planning Commission and Planning staff recommend that Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents approving ZC^201 as per Plannina Commission Resolution No. 1493 and per corrected legal description map dated February 14, 1979. BP: jd Agenda Bill No. 5771 Page 2 Council Action: 3-6-79 Council directed the Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving ZC-201 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1493, and per corrected legal description map dated February 14, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION ML&KJTES- February 14, 1979 Page two (2) recommendations as contained in the- staff report. APPROVED MOTION: Wrench • SECOND: Rombotis AYES: Schick, Rombotis, Wrench, Marcus, Jose, Larson NOES: None B> ZC-201, J. Hunt (SDP 79-1) zone change from R-l to Residential-Professional-Qualified (R-P-Q). Mr. Dave Abrams presented the staff report and further indicated that this zone change was being processed along with a Site Development Plan and that perhaps the Commission may want to consider both applications concurrently. He reminded the Commission that the zone change action was a public hearing item and the site development plan required no public input. Commissioner Rombotis questioned as to the height of the building, whether or not condition number 8 would allow for sewer allocation in lieu of septic tanks, and if the General Plan allowed for such a zone change. Staff assurred the Commission that the building designated for the site was of the normal, two story type with a flat roof design, that sewer.allocation would be acceptable and said zone change proposal was in conformity with the General Plan. Commissioner Wrench asked about the odd shaped lot configuration as mentioned at the last meeting. Staff related that the three odd shaped, lots were beirfg consolidated into two lots, one of which would remain R-l zoning and the other included in the zone change. THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:30 P.M. Harry Truax, of Truax and Associates and representing the applicant, indicated that the property owner required an additional 7.4' on the northern side of the property for a planting strip. He related that there was no problem with this alteration as far as he was concerned. Staff indicated that the loss of the 7.41 would not be a great loss in that there was considerable landscaping in the project and the 7.4' would amount to a loss of 736 square feet. Staff believes that there should be dense, high shrubs included along the northern property line in order to afford maximum privacy to the Hunt property. The Commission inquired as to the parking situation and the number of office spaces to be available upon completion. Mr. Truax indicated that the parking would be open and the office building was being developed for the ultimate use of Cal Western Concepts, but that approximately 75% of the office space will ' PLANNING COMMISSI/") MINUTES • '. 'February 14, 1979W Page three (3) • leased out in the early stages of occupancy. He could not give an estimate as to exact numbers of offices. THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:30 P.M. WITH NO-FURTHER TESTIMONY. A motion was made APPROVING ZC-201 in accordance with the analysis and recommendations as contained in the staff report dated February 14, 1979. APPROVED MOTION: Wrench SECOND: Larson AYES: Rombotis, Wrench, Marcus, Larson, Jose, Schick NOES: None A motion was made APPROVING SDP 79-1 in accordance with the analysis and recommendations as contained in the staff report, and subject to the following: Condition #1 shall be revised to read: "Development of the site shall occur substantially as shown on the site develop- ment plan, labeled Exhibit A, and elevation plan, labeled Exhibit C, both dated February 14, 1979, except that the northern 7.41 of Mrs. Hunt's property be deleted, thereby making the boundary on a straight line from Pio Pico east along the southern boundary of Mr. Bagley's property." Condition #8 shall read: "Prior to application for any developmental permit, the applicant shall obtain approval for a septic tank installation report from the County Department of Public Health, or appropriate sewer allocation, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer". The addition of #10: "Dense, high landscaping shall be provided along the northern property line in order to assure maximum privacy to the adjoining- property. APPROVED . MOTION: Wrench ....'.. SECOND: Rombotis AYES: Rombotis, Marcus, Jose, Schick, Wrench, Larson NOES: None Staff assurred the Commission that the appropriate steps would be taken to correct the applicable maps and exhibits to show the alteration of the northern property line. C. CUP-124, Montessori School, conditional use permit to raise maximum student limit with addition of 2850 square foot building. Mr. Dave Abrams related that the applicant had asked that the matter be continued for further study of building size, location, recreational facilities, off-street parking, and compatibility 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1493 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-l TO R-P-Q (RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFIED) CASE NO.: APPLICANT: ZC 201 JAMES HUNT WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, generally located on the east side of Pio Pico Drive between Knowles and Stratford Lane, and more particularly described as: Parcel No. 1, a portion of Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map No. 471, of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 6, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, SBBM in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a,request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 14th day of February, 1979, hold a public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Zone Change (ZC 201) and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1. The proposed zone change is consistent with the general plan because: A. The site is designated for "Professional and Related" uses on the general plan land use map. B. The "Residential/Professional" zone implements the uses permitted in the "Professional and Related" general plan designation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C. The zone change will have no adverse impact on any element of the general plan. 2. It has been determined that the zone change will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment because: A. The proposed zone change is compatible with the Carlsbad General Plan. B. The "Q" overlay process will insure compatibility of future development with the existing neighborhood. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with applicable City Public Facilities Policies and Ordinances because: Most public facilities exist on the site. Any additional public facilities needed will be required as part of the "Q" overlay development process. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by the following roll call vote recommended APPROVAL of ZC 201 as indicated on Exhibit X, dated February 14, 1979, attached hereto: AYES: Rombotis, Marcus, Jose, Schick, Wrench, Larson NOES: None ABSENT: L'Heureux NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above recitations are true and correct. EDWIN S. SCHICK, JR. Vice-Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION -2- Tlm > 15 O v$*Z r n ^N »|° I -X I T7>So±2i •^ Oi Oo .•VYJS-2Ajy»riZjfii. |^fl7.-....V«V..V..«; L 2£*":::i£::::::::::<:::::: \ I3S.82' s:::::::::::::: J::::::!::::::: 130,02' &Ais^ • 7:Zo rmo>izdrn tn ' c . STAFF REPORT DATE: February 14, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department RE: ZC 201, SDP 79-1 . APPLICANT: James F. Hunt REQUEST: ZONE CHANGE FROM R-l TO RESIDENTIAL-PROFESSIONAL- QUALIFIED (R-P-W); AND APPROVAL OF A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. BACKGROUND Location and Description of Property The site of the requested zone change is located at the north- east corner of Pio Pico Drive and Stratford Lane. An additional parcel adjacent to the subject is being included in the zone change application, at City request. This parcel is at the south- east corncer of Pio Pico and Knowles Avenue. It presently has a single family dwelling and garage. This property consists of .46 acres of level, vacant land. Existing Zoning . Subject Parcel: R-l North: R-l, 0-S . • * South: R-P-Q East: R-l West: No zone - freeway Existing Land Use Subject Parcel: -Vacant, single family residence North: Single family residence, open-space South: Vacant East: Single family residence West: Freeway Environmental Impact Information An Environmental Impact Assessment was filed and a Negative Declaration issued for the proposed project, for the following reasons: 1 1. The proposed zone change and development is compatible with the Carlsbad General Plan. 2. The project will occur in an already urbanized area. 3. The Site Development Plan required for this project will be modified by City staff to insure compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and other environmental factors. 4. The applicant will replace the trees to be removed with a complete landscaping plan that will be reviewed and approved by City staff. 5. The northern lot being included in the zone change request, will be subject to further environmental review and require a Site Development Plan at the time that development occurs. General Plan Information The Land Use Plan Map designates this site for professional and related commercial. The proposed zone change is therefore in compliance with the General Plan. Public Facilities . All necessary public facilities are available to serve the property and project as proposed, except the City sewer system. The develop- ment will initially utilize a septic tank and seepage pit sewering system. At this time final approval has not been received for the proposed septic system from the County Department of Public Health. This approval will be necessary before development can.occur. Past History and Related Cases On January 24, 1979, the Planning Commission directed that the adjacent parcel at the southeast corner of Pio Pico Drive and Knowles Avenue be included in the Zone Change request, if the property owner indicated his approval of this action. Attached is a letter from Mr. John Bagley, confirming his support for the zone change of his property. ZC-199, Jerry Bryan, Ordinance No. 9511. On November 7, 1978, the City Council adopted an ordinance granting a zone change from R-l-7500 to R-P-Q for property located east of Pio Pico Drive between Laguna Drive and Stratford Lane". The zone change was in conformance with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Profes- sional and Related Commercial. The Planning Commission found the Qualified Overlay Zone (Q) was needed to insure orientation to and access from Pio Pico Drive, and to preserve the existing residential neighborhood to the east. A similar situation exists with the subject property, which is located immediately to the north. SDP-78-2, Jerry Bryan. Resolution No. 1472. On September 8, 1978, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Plan for a 7,000 square foot professional office building on the east side of Pio Pico between Laguna Drive and Stratford Lane. Conditions included a requirement that landscaping, irrigation and public improvements be installed prior to occupancy. in addition, the view of residential properties to the east from second story office windows shall be screened. The owner was granted a septic system permit to supplement the existing sewer capacity on the property. ZC-184, K. David Minnich, Ordinance No. 9475. The City Council adopted an ordinance on February 1, 1977, granting to the applicant a zone change from R-l-7500 to R-P-Q for property on both sides of Elm Avenue, between 1-5 and Highland Avenue. This property was designated in the General Plan as either Governmental or Professional and Related Commercial land use. Staff had suggested that properties to the north along Pio Pico Drive, that are de- signated for office use, also be changed from R-l to R-P-Q. These properties include the subject parcel. Due to a staff oversight the additional properties were not included in the environmental review for the zone change, and were therefore deleted.from the action. SDP 77-3, Minnich, Resolution No. 1356. The Planning Commission approved on April 13, 1977, a Site Development Plan for a side of Elm Avenue between Pio Pico Drive and Highland Avenue. Conditions applied included a requirement for landscape and irrigation plans to be submitted, approved, and improvements installed prior to final occupancy. Also, a comprehensive sign program was required prior to issuance of any sign permits, and removal of an existing house prior to issuance of building permits. Major Planning Considerations 1. Is the zone requested consistent with the General Plan? 2. Will the permitted uses in the requested zone or the develop- ment proposed, adversely impact the adjoining land uses and - street systems? 3. Does the development plan provide for the eventual, compatible development of the adjoining property to the east? Discussion This agenda items contains two separate projects requiring two separate actions by the Commission. Both projects have the same applicant and are closely related. Thus they are both included in a combined report for joint consideration. You should consider the zone change first, for you should not approve the site development plan msut be that the City Council approves the zone change. The City has previously considered changing the zoning designation of certain properties along Pio Pico Drive. The subject property is one of them. The general plan land use designation has already been changed to "professional and related" which is the general plan counter part for the proposed new zone designation. The Commission should examine the compatibility of the proposed zone and use with adjoining development. In staff's opinion they are compatible. The R-P zone is specifically designed to be compatible with adjoining residential. Section 21.18.010 of the code states: "2 J. 1B. 010. ln.te.nt and Pa4.po.6e. The. <inte.nt and paipoAe. OjJ the, R-P fte.A'lde.nt'iat-pio&e.AAi.onat zone. Jii> to: (f) PJiov4.de. ane.a& ^on. the. de.ve.topme.nt ofi o.e,Jita<Ln Low i.nte.n&i.ty butane.** and psio{>e.AA<ional o^lce.* and Jie.tate.d Jin to cat<io n* <in conjunction w<ith on adjacent to and (2) P-t.ov4.de. tJian*<itJ,onat ttght tn.a^tc.-Qe.ne.n.at^ng com- me.ic.-iat aie.aA between e.Atabt4.t>he.d rie.& 4,de.nt<iat an.e.a& and ne.aiby c.omme.iC'iat on. 'Lndu.Atij.at de.ve.topme.nt. The "Q" overlay is intended to allow the Commission to impose development conditons to further insure compatibility. The "Q" overlay is also intended to provide for general plan compatibility, regard for environmental factors, specific conditions attached to uses and for public improvements necessitated by the development of the site (Ref. Section 21.06:010, Carlsbad Municipal Code). Those mechanisims should be adequate to insure compatibility of the development with neighboring properties and ajoining public right-of-way. The parcel to the north of the subject property is being included in the zone change action at the request of staff and approval of the property owner. City" policy traditionally has been to include appropriate adjacent parcels in zone change requests. The parcel, in question has frontage along Pio Pico Drive and the same general plan designation as the Hunt property. The parcel. currently has a single family house and garage, which would be consistent with the R-P zone. Any future development on this site would require a site development plan and approval of sewering capability. Staff Recommendation Two separate motions and actions are required. One for the zone change and one for the site development plan. 1. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval of Zone Change 201 to the City Council based on the following findings: A. The proposed zone change is consistent with the general plan because: 1) The site is designated for "Professional and Related" uses on the general plan land use map. 2) The "Residential/Professional" zone implements the uses permitted in the "Professional and Related" general plan designation. .tf 3) The zone change will have no adverse impact on any element of -the general plan. B. 'It has been determined that the zone change will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment because: 1) The proposed zone change is compatible with the Carlsbad General Plan. 2) The "Q" overlay process will insure compatibility of future development with the existing neighborhood. 3) C. The proposed zone change is consistent with applicable City Public Facilities Policies and Ordinances because: Most public facilities exist on the site. Any additional public facilities needed will be required as part of the "Q" overlay development process. 2. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE Site Development Plan 79-1 based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings • 1. The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood because: A. All vehicular access is from Pio Pico Drive. No vehicular access will be allowed from residential streets. B. The building is oriented to Pio Pico Drive. C. A six foot masonry wall will separate the office use from the adjoining residential zone district. 2. This application has been subjected to environmental review pursuant to the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance and the State EIR Guidelines and a declaration of non-significant impact was issued. 3. The proposed development is consistent with the general plan because the land use designation for the subject site is "Professional and Related". Conditions for SDP 79-1 1. Development of the site shall occur substantially as shown on the site development plan labeled Exhibit A and elevation plan labeled Exhibit C, both dated February 14, 1979. 2. All necessary public improvements shall be installed per the requirements of the City Engineer prior to occupancy. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit landscape and irrigation, plans to the Planning Department for review and approval. 4. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy. 5. Final approval of the subject site development plan shall not be granted until the zone change for the subject property is in effect. 6. An adjustment plat will be completed establishing a legal lot ove r the site as shown on Exhibit A dated February 14, 1979 prior to issuance of building permits. 7. Applicant will install a city standard street light at the northeast corner of Pio Pico Drive and Straftord Lane to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior to occupancy. 8. Prior to application for any developmental permit, the applicant shall obtain approval for a septic tank installation report from the County Department of Public Health, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Attachments Location map Letter to adjacent property owner, dated January 17, 1979 Letter from adjacent property owner, dated January 23, 1979 ~LC 201 SDP 79-1 HUNT 2.-W-79 STRATFORP LANE N CASE NO. ZC ZOl: SPP7f-/ Date Rec'd Date Description of Request: TO DEVELOP' CRAl\\fc£ FRQN\ K-\ TO R-P-Q AND 2.- Address or Location of Request; ANP ;S(Pg g~F RC6 Applicant: JNHES Engr. or Arc] Brief Legal: UUNT R.E>. iz-s .RM vjes-r. oP PARCBL 2- , Pt^ hlO S7/) N\M i/V QP sSemaN Assessor Book: General Plan Land. Use Description; OFFICE. Existing Zone; R—| Acres: Page;Parcel; Proposed Zone; K-p—Q No. of Lots: 3 DU's School District:cARUS3W> Water District: DU/Acre -Q- pp Coast Permit Area: Sanitation District:cvrfop KO FORM PLANNING 52 1200 ELM AVENUE • M ^$£7, £| TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD. CAUFORNIA 92008 II^L\17 r*'•! 1714) 729-1 t8t Cit|> of Carisftafc January 17, 1979 Mr. John R. Bagley . . . . 1225 Knowles Avenue Carlsbad, California Subject: Request to allow rezoning of your property at 1225 Knowles Avenue, Carlsb3.d, Assessors Parcel No. 156-164-01 Dear Mr. Bagley: Recently the City has received an application for a zone change from the existing R-l, single family residential, to R-P-Q, residential/professional/ on the property immediately to the south of your lot. The City Council and Planning Commission usually encourage adjacent property owners to join in the rezon- ing application, so as to avoid the tendency to "spot-zone" specific individual parcels within the city. The purpose of this letter is to request that you include your property in this zone change application. The new R-P-Q zone will be consistent with the Office designa- tion of this area in the General Plan. There is no cost to yoxz in allowing your property to be rezoned to R-P. Your property would continue to be entirely consistent with the new zone. In fact, the R-P zone would allow many more uses to be located on your property, should you desire to change the use on your property in the future. The City would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. As mentioned, the City is currently processing the rezone applica- tion, and there is a limited amount of time available. We there- fore request that you contact the Planning Department regarding your decision. If you need further information, please feel free to call 729-1181, extension 25, or come into the Planning Office at City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue. Sincerely, • BRIAN R. SMITH Planning Department BRS:jd enc. Permitted Uses in R-P zone 1 „<*/ H-^1 s I'^TT -JAN 2 2'1979 -^ CITY OF CAR'.S8A\ Planning Deparii;:^..i