HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-20; City Council; 5654-3 Exhibit 2; Calavera Hills Master PlanCALAVERi HILLS I* 1- CALAVERA HILL MASTEP.+\ pum * Rrepared by : RLanning Department .C5t~ df Cnrlsbad , L200 *Elm Avenue .. ad, CA 92008 Ppproved by : Osdir4ance-No, 95J.7 . City Ccunci, . '. Oecember 28, 157% a f +( L,- :a e Planning Department Staff: James C. Hagaman, Director Michael C. Zander, Project Manager Ralph "Bud" Plender Tom Hageman Jack Henthorn Peggy Sackrider Joan Daubney Information Supplied by: Lake Calavera Hills Associates 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Suite 201 Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 729-4912 Rick Engineering Company 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Suite 202 Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 729-4987 RECON 1094 Cudahy Place, Suite 204 San Diego, California 92110 The bPeridian Group 446 N. "Old" Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 0 (714) 725-3732 (91.4) t 631-1700 . 0 7 e Table of Contents T . TNTRODUCTION . . c c . e w e 1 . .................... A Purpose 1 B. General Provisions .............. 1 c . Location ................... 1. D . Legal Description .............. 2 E . Background ................... 2 A . Tentative Map Approval ............ 3 B . Grading Permit Issuance (grading) ...... 3 D . Building Permit Issuance ........... 4 111 . LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .......... 6 A . Development Standards ............ 6 B . Grading Standards .............. 10 C . Equestrian Estate Standards ......... 15 D . Noise Attenuation .............. 16 Fire Control ................. 20 F. General Standards .... ; ......... 20 IV . OPEN SPACE AND NAINTENANCE ............ 31 A . Introduction ................ -31 C . Improvements .31, . V . PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING ......... -37 Description of Public Facilities ....... 37 SIGN PROGRAM ................... 49 I1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS . . . . e 0 3 C . Grading Permit Issuance (archaeology) . . . 4 E . B . Dedication ................. .31. m ................ A . B . Phasing .................. -44 VI . Y 0 7 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Title 6 Legal Map x- 1 Topographic Map $X-3. Land Use xn-1 Open Space xv- 1 Bike Path (typical) xv-2 Public Facilities v- 1 Phasing v-2 Noise Attenuation 9:I1-2 to ZIT-6 General Standards 9iII-7 to 1x1-21 Land Use Plan (200' scale) Back e u 0 'INDEX FOR SPECIFIC VILLAGES - 4 While the general standards and guidelines contained hex€ apply to all of the Villages, there are also specific ref ences to the Villages as follows: Village Pages A 6, 8, 1.1, 45 B 6, 8, 11, 45 C 6, 8, 12, 46 D 6, 12, 45 E-1 6, 8, 9, 12, 41, 46 E-2 6, 8, 9, 12, 41, 46 F 6, 12, 4Q, 45 G 6, 8, 12, 45 J 6, 12, 45 L 6, 8, 9, 12, 46 M 6, 8, 13, 46 N 6, 13, 40, 46 0 6, 9, 13, 46 P-1 7, 9, 13, 46 Q 7, 9, 13, 47 R-2 S 7, 8, 13, 47 V 7, 13, 4% W 7, 13, 14, 48 X 7, 13, 14, 4% z-1 7, 13, 4% 2-2 7, 14, 48 2-3 7, 14, 40 H 6, 12, 45 I 6, 12, 45 K 6, 8, 9, 12, 41, 46 P-2 7, 9, 13, 47 R- 1 7, 9, 13, 47 v 7, 8, 13, 40, 47 T 7, 13, 47 U 7, $1 13, 14, 47 Y 7, 13, 40, 48 1) the Pacific Ocean and within the Carlsbad city limi The central portion of the property is situated 4.2 miles southeast of the geographic center of the Cit of Oceanside, 4.13 miles southwest of the geographi center of the City of Vista, and 33 miles north of downtown San Diego. Specifically, it falls within the vest half of Section 3 and the east half of Section 4, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, and thc south half of Sections 33 and 34, Township 11 $out' Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian. D. Legal Description 0 Portion of lots D, E, ti J of the Rancho Agua Hedic in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, Stat of California, according to map thereof No. 823 or file in the office of the County Recorder of said county. Also, refer to Exhibit 1-1. E. Background 1. March 12, 1974 - MP-150 recommended for appr by Planning Commission (Resolution #1050). 2. May 7, 1974 - Master Plan 150/EIR-230 approv by City Council (Resolution #3407). 3. May 21, 1974 - Zone Change 138 adopted by Ci Council (Ordinance #9388). 4. January 26, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 recomn for approval by Planning Commission (Resolut #1314). 5. August 4, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 approve( City Council (Resolution #5145 and Resolutic #5146). 6. July 12, 1978 - GPA-51 (A) recommended for approval by Planning Commission. 7. July 12, 1978 - EIR-403 recommended for cer cation by Planning Commission for GPA-~I (A 8. September 19, 1978 - EIR-403 certified by C Council. 9. October 3, 1978 - GPA-51 (A) approved by Cj Council (Resolution #5550). 10. October 25, 1978 - Planning Commission recc approval of MP-150 (A) (Resolution #1481). 11. December 28, 1978 - City Council approves MP-150 (A) (Ordinance #9517). P 0 -2- 11. ENVIRONJ!ENTAL CONSTRAINTS The following mitigation measures were identified in conditions of approval for MP-150@) and were develop from EIR-403 for Calavera Hills. They shall be irnple mented when applicable and apply to each village unle otherwise noted, A. Tentative Map Approval 0 Prior to the approval of any tentative subdivisi map adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, Colle Boulevard or in the vicinity of the South Coast Asphalt plant, an assessment of the potential no impacts as defined in the Noise Element of the G era1 Plan shall be made by an acoustical enginee The engineer shall then prepare a report contain recommendations on how to mitigate any identifie noise impacts. shall be consistent with these recommendations. City Council may impose conditions on such subdi as they determine necessary to mitigate adverse from such noise. The design of an impacted subdiv B. Grading Permit Issuance * Prior to the issuance of grading permits for the ious villages, provisions to the satisfaction of City Engineer shall be made for the following: 1. Regulation of the use, storage and disposal all fuels, oils, petroleum and chemical prc used on the construction site. 2. Site specific soils investigations with rec mendations for control of potential problerr a result of expansive soils. necessary to install streets and prepare cc tion pads. 4. Avoidance of clearing operations in advance grading. 5. Coordination of grading activities with thE precipitation pattern. 6. Construction of drainage facilities concur1 with grading activities. 7. Watering and rolling of the final surface t a hardened, compacted cap of soil which wil minimize dust and erosion due to surface rL planned drainage and, if possible, away frc and fill slopes, e 3. Limitation of grading to the minimum area 8. Grading of surfaces so as to direct runoff "Additional grading concepts are detailed in Section 111. a -3- 9. Planting and maintenance of ground cover SI for slope erosion control immediately follc grading. Phasing of grading activities over the lift the project to provide a transition of habj Limitations of grading operations in the pr ject area to normal daytime working hours. 10. 11. 0 C, Grading Permit Issuance Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, PI sion for the protection of significant archaeolc resources on the property shall be completed to satisfaction of the Planning Director as follows 1. All work shall be performed by a qualified archaeologist in conjunction with the acceptable scientific procedures. Prepare a surface map of the artifacts and associated ecological information. Excavate a test sample of the area to dete~ the nature and extent of any subsurface con One such test which has proven successful j lar situations is the systematic rectilinez hole test. Based On the information resulting from thj investigation, additional testing can be de be oriented toward obtainin9 a reliable san of the site area and in assessing the varic present within the deposit. Based on the I of this examination, it may be necessary, E unlikely, to perform additional investigati to recommend differing mitigating procedure A report shall be prepared summarizing find and discussing the interrelationships of tk materials and other sites found in the regi All work shall be extensively photodocument Copies of notes, photographs, records and 1 final report shall be submitted to local dz depositories. Any of the following may be required to elj indirect on and off site impacts: a. Limit access to sites by placing barrj around the project area. b. Place fill over site areas. c. Excavate the sites and achieve their j tion potential. late,. 2. 3. 4. if needed, This second phase of testing st e 5. 6, 7. 8. D. Building Permit Issuance Prior to the issuance of building permits for tf: 1) -4- various villages, provisions, to the satisfactio the Planning Director, shall be made for the fol e ing 2 1. Installation of flow restrictors in all bas 2. Use of "mini-flush" toilets. 3. Landscaping using drought resistent trees a plants. 4. Install-ation of drip irrigation systems usi tensiometers or other acceptable systems. 5. Architectural design which reduces or treat window and door openings and takes advantag of winter sun and summer shade. 6. Insulation for all structures according to State standards. 7. Solar heating for both space and water heat or, if not technologically feasible at the of construction, 'stub-outs' for ultimate c 8. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade summer and allow sunlight in winter) and wi breaks e 9. Retention of natural vegetation in the oper areas wherever possible. 10. Retention of existing eucalyptus trees wher possible. 11. Retention of as much Adolphia and Dichondrz possible within the various open space are; fixtures. sion to solar heating. 0 . e -5- . .. = -x- 111. LAND USE/DEVELOPMl3T STANDARDS A. Developent Standards The following Table 111-1 describes the type ot developat to o each village, the applicable zoning standalrds, rmxhurn/&imUm d units alld, gross acreage and open space acreage. includes reference to an accompanying list. of notes dealing with developt standards for each village. TABm 111-1 m The table Zoning Max.* Min. Gross open #DU's #DU's Acres Space B - 1 B R-l(PUD) Standard, Detached 308 -- 77 26 - K Village Standard Developnt Typ -- A (WI --- lo Elmentary School --- I- Single Family C FD-M-Q Clustered Multiple 120 -- 30 4 L r Family Multiple Family 1 -- D DM-Q Townhouse or Flat 150 105 15 c I -- lo 10 E-1 c-2-Q Cmunity Cam-ercial--- --- E-2 C-LR-Q Cmty Cmrcial--- --- - 10 2 F GS(cvP) Park - - G R-l(PUD) Clustered Single 108 54 27 10 1 H R-1-3 Standard, Detached 34 --- 23 4 I R-1-% Standard, &tach& 54 -- 36 16 1 --- Transition Area e Family Single Family Single Family J R-l(PUD) Clustered Multiple 300 120 30 4 K F?D-M-Q Rental Api+~~~ts 480 240 24 1 L DM-Q Tcwnhouse or Flat 220 154 22 4 M (cup) Element= School -- --- Family . t Multiple Family Multiple Family - 10 5 - -- -- ON W3(CUP) Park 0 R-l(PUD) Clustered Single 220 -- 55 12 Family -6- TABLE 111-1 (Cont'd.) zoning Max." Min. Gross open Village Standard Evelopent Type HDU's #IN'S Acres Space P-1 R-1 (PUD) ClUS-tered,AttaChd 196 --- 49 6 -- - m -- Single Family 60 7 P-2 R-1 Standard, Cetached 240 -- Single Family RD-l4-Q Clusteredbbdtiple 68 -- 17 4 Q R-1 R-1 Standard, Detached 252 --- 63 Family --- Single Family --- 5 20 46 10 -- --- R-2 @S(CUP) Park S (W) Junior High Scbl -- --- -- T R-1 Standard, Detached 184 - Single Family 14 6 U R-1-1 Single Family 14 --- Equestrian Estates Single Family 36 12 V R-1 Standard, Detached 144 -- Single Fardy 45 -- 30 4 0 w R-l-% Equestrian Estates 28 16 X R-1-4 Single Family 42 - Equestrian Estates -- 5 I- - Y O-S(CUP) Park - 2-1 R-1-3 Single Family 30 -- 20 2-2 R-l+ Single Family 22 -- Estates 15 9 Estates - -- 18 18 2-3 O-S(CUP) San Diqo Gas & Electric Easement -- 8 07 175 rn 3,231 *Tkis number represents the mimum numkr of dwelling units under idea: ning conditions and with cmpliance to the constraints in this &is- I Msities in areas to be developed under the FtD-M standards or under tl process may be cquted over the entire village to provide for clustert @ housing concept. -7- NOTES TO TABLE 111-1 1. If Village A, M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad Ur School District for school purposes within tenC10) yea] the recordation of the subdivision map that includes tl particular village, the underlying zoning development : dards for the village shall change from (CUP) to R-1 (1 2. Villages C, G, K, L and U have steep slopes and/or sigi canyon areas that have not been included as open space cia1 consideration shall be given to these areas at ti1 subdivision review to protect the integrity of the adjc open space areas. 3. If the City determines that Village R-2 is not necessa: park purposes and does not accept th.e dedication, then underlying zoning development standards for Village R- change from 0-S (CUP) to R-1 CPUD) and allowed to deve privately. 4. The intent of Village E-2 is to provide adequate area "Community Commercial" development at some later date is determined by the City that such additional area is Therefore, Conditional Use Permits for residential dev in Village E-2 will not be accepted by the City during (10) year period following the recordation of the subd map that includes Village E-2. 5. Village A & B (PUD-4/CT 76-12) shall be allowed to be per the conditions of City Council Resolutions No. 514 NO. 5146 with the following modifications: @ 1) a. Conditions No. 12 and No. 13 of Resolution No. 51 be satisfied by the payment of park-in-lieu fees per City Ordhance No, 9190 for CT 76-12. b. All of the required improvements identified in th Plan (MP-l50(A)) for Villages A & B including equ and pedestrian trails, bikelanes, possible underF landscaping, slope and noise attenuation shall be plished prior to the issuance of occupancy permit the development. 6. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village shall be reserved for acquisition by the City for publi facility purposes. The City Council shall determine tlr specific size and location of the site as a part of the approval of development within Village E-2. If the sit not acquired by the City within ten years from the date recordation of the subdivision map that includes the si area shall be allowed to develop privately. 7. A minimum of two acres in Villages E-1 or E-2 shall be vided for RV storage and shall be developed in accordar I) -8- with the requirements of Section 21.45.120(6) of the e Municipal Code. 8. The site development plan for Villages E-1, E-2 and K include provisions for transit stops to the satisfact the Planning Commission. Subject to the provisions of the Housing Element of t era1 Plan, development of Village R shall be limited apartments . Prior to City approval of Villages E-2, K or L, the z and the City Manager shall develop a program in accoi with the Housing Element of the General Plan which p? for low and moderate income housing and housing for . within the Master Plan area. The program shall be p: to the City Council for approval, modification or dii Such program as the City Council may approve shall bc of this Master Plan. 11. Within the RD-M-(2 areas, specific densities within tl approved ranges shall be determined as a part of the of a site development plan. The decision shall be b. the factors in the General Plan regarding density ra For purposes of this Master Plan, the Planning Commi shall make a recommendation on the site development the final decision shall be made by the City Council The; CC&R'S for brillages 0, P-1, P-2, Q and R-1 shall a statement that there is a rock extraction and crus operation located in close proximity to the north of subdivision. 9. 10. 0 12. * @ -9- B. Grading Standards 1. Grading shall conform as closely as possible the requirements set forth in paragraph I-J c the Planned Community Ordinance (-21.38.0601 E in the City's Grading Ordinance. Manufactured slopes shall be rounded and shal simulate natural terrain. (Exhibits III-7,8 Manufactured slopes shall blend with natural occurring slopes at a radius compatible with existing natural terrain. (Exhibits III-7,8 Grading on naturally occurring slopes of 20 grade or more which have a vertical height o than 30 feet shall not occur unless such gra becomes necessary and is specifically approv the City Engineer. A detailed plan for slope stabilization shal submitted along with the grading plan. 0 shall also conform to the provisions as set j 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No manufactured slope shall have a slope ang 0 steeper than as follows: Vertical Slope Height Angle 2:l 3:1 0-10 Feet 10 Feet or Greater 7. Vary slopes when possible from 2:l to 3:l or 8. Flare or "feather" proposed slopes gently ir existing terrain when possible. (Exhibits I 9. Eliminate certain lots to allow slope to flc to "pull in", creating visual alcoves to brc the monotony of constant linear slopes. (E, 10. Shorten depth of corner lots to undulate slc gradient ana round the top and toe of the s: (Exhibit 111-9) 11. Eliminate the shallow corner lots to allow I substantial flattening of existing slope an( flexibility in slope rounding. (Exhibit 11: 12. Round and undulate the toe of slope so there no definite toe line. (Exhibits III-7&12) 0 -10- 13, Allow toe t9 undulate i,nltQ the street righ way, sometimes even to the curb line. Et same time allow the sidewalk to undulate i out of the right-of-way. (Exhibits IIX-7& 14. Maintain less than 30 foot elevation chang between benches. (Exhibit 111-10) 15. The orientation of the improvements on the dual sites shall relate to the natural top 16. Grading is to be minimized, but, where gra necessary, it is to blend with the natural graphy wherever practical. 17. Favorable features of the individual sites mature trees, other significant vegetation outcroppings, mounds, views, etc.) are to ' 0 preserved as much as possible. 18. Individual sites are to have a desirable v appearance from all practical viewpoints. 19. Each lot of the subdivision is to be build without excessive alteration of the terrai. 20. Major natural topographic features such as drainage swales, steep slopes, watershed a floodplains, view corridors and scenic vis shall be retained as near as possible to t natural condition. In addition to the above general grading s each village shall comply with the followi standards: e 21. TABLE 111-2 Development Village Acres Type Grading Standar A 10 Elementary School As required by on tentative ma B 77 Standard, Detached Grade to provid Single Family 100' flat pad w 2:l slopes, if many view sites preserved as PO 0 -11- TABLE 111-2 (Cont'd.1 - Development Grading Standard Village Acres Type C 30 Clustered Multiple Approximate natura integrity of exist canyon. 0 Family to be maintained. D 15 Townhouse or Flat Minimum disturbanc area contains larg ties of rock to 3C depth. Building F be constructed on rock base.) Multiple Family natural terrain. E-1 10 Cornunity Commercial Minimum grading tc for adequate drair E-2 10 Community Commercial Minimum grading tc Transition Area for adequate drair F 10 Park To be determined k Parks and Recreati Department. G 27 Clustered Single Use of "cluster" 1 Family minimize grading I ments. Preserve j of existing cmyor H 23 Standard, Detached Minimum or no grac Single Family construction of pi Actual grading sh; minimal and incluc grading for streel way, and garage pi most instances). e I 36 Standard, Detached Same as Village H, Single Family J 30 Clustered Multiple Use of "cluster" 3 Family minimize site grac K 24 Rental Apartments Same as Village J Multiple Family integrity of steel L 22 Townhouse or Flat Same as Village J Multiple Family integrity of steel on west. . on west. 0 -12- TABLE 111-2 (Cont'd.) - Development Village Acres Type Grading Standard M 10 Elementary School Natural terrain un site is planned. as required by fut N 5 Park Same as Village F. 0 55 Clustered Single Grading to encoura minimal disturbanc natural terrain wi village. Contempl degree of landscay: paration and maint P-1 49 Clustered, Attached Same as Village J. e Family "clustering" of un Single Family P-2 60 Standard, Detached Same as Village B. Single Family Q 17 Clustered multiple Minimum disturbanc access, parking ar R-1 63 standard, Detached Same as Village B, R- 2 5 Park Same as Village F S 20 Junior High School Same as Village M T 46 Standard, Detached Same as Village B Family existing grade to a Single Family Single Family U 14 Single Family Same as Village H Equestrian Estates serve integrity o canyon. V 36 Standard, Detached Same as Village B Single Family W 30 Single Family Same as Village H Equestrian Estates X 28 Single Family Same as Village H Y 5 Park Same as Village F 0 2-1 20 Single Family Estates Same as Village H Equestrian Estates -13- Development Village Acres Type Grading Standard 2-2 15 Single Family Estates Same as Village H 8-3 18 San Diego Gas & Natural except fc 0 Electric Easement and trails. TOTAL 807 a e -14- C. Equestrian Estate Standards In addition to the general development standards the R-1 Zone, Villages U, W, X and any other equ estate village shall be subject to the following trictions: 1. 0 The number of horses allowed per lot and th location on the lot sha1:L be governed by th R-1 Zone unless otherwise approved by the C Council as part of their approval of each s division map. A specific design propostal shall be submitt approved in conjunction with each subdivisi showing internal equestrian trails and how 3. The CC&R's for each equestrian estate subdj shall contain provisions for the maintenanc said trails to the satisfaction of the Plar Director. 2. link up to the community trail system. 0 e e -15- D. Noise Attenuation The primary noise generators expected to affect Calavera Hills are highway and street noise, off vehicle noise, construction noise, active parks the rock extraction and crushing operation to tk north. This section establishes methods of attc ing sound in the plan execution. Basically, attenuation is of two types. The fii these is normal attenuation due to distance. TI: second is attenuation resulting from the introdi of elements or barriers between the sound sourct the receiver. Normal attenuation occurs as the sound travels c distanced. Maximizing distances from noise genc and set-backs will accomplish this. Other factc contributing to the reduction of sound are climz conditions and the introduction of elements bet\ the sound source and the receiver. In order to attenuate sound, combinations of grz changes, slopes, plantings, walls and architect1 elements shall be employed to absorb, reflect, c and refract sound. Examples of various install; are shown in the following exhibits. 0 0 0 -16- .. .' I I .I -. .. .. @i 1 .. I I i j i .. *. 0: \ 7 EXHIBIT 111-2 , .. . i .' .. . * _' *I I __. 0, i -17- I .'; \ I EXHIBIT III- .I EXHIBIT 111 I I 0 I -18- .. -... 0' .. pJkdri&* px-kmfi am* 7VQa EXHIBIT I11 I E. Fire Control All highly flammable vegetation shall be removed form a fire break to a minimum of thirty feet fr structure, and the fire marshal shall have the d tionary flexibility to require as much as one hu feet from the structure. The fire break area sln be maintained continuously to prevent the reinfe of these fuels by proper planting and irrigatior less, or nearly non-flammable ornamental plant II 0 whose characteristics emulate the natural scheme If the location of development occurs at the crE hills or adjacent to steep ravines, modificatior harvesting of the fire fuel within the entire rE area may be necessary to protect against extreme volatile fire storms that could come up the ravj during a fire. There shall be adequate fire vehicle accessibilj the native areas via the streets and bicycle trz or special access fire roads and easements per t fire marshal requirements. All cleared and plar natural and manufactured areas of slopes shown j examples shall be automatically irrigated. The: should be maintained by a homeowner's associatic rather than by individual homeowners, wherever I Refer to Exhibits 111-13 to 111-21. 0 F. General Standards 1, The densities provided in this plan are ma: It is anticipated actual densities will in cases be less. Specific densities will be mined by the appropriate decision-making bc a part of their consideration of individua developments within this Master Plan. 2. Specific locations of roads, park and schoc and other elements of this plan shall be f a part of individual developmental approva variation of less than +lo% in such locati shown on the plan or in-the boundaries or of individual villages shall be considered ent with this plan. 3. The essestial design characteristics of th Calavera Hills community will be adhered t set forth in this Master Plan in and throu use of Covenants, Conditions and Restricti (CC&R's). The CC&R's are to be administer an Architectural Control Committee establi by Lake Calavera Hills Associates. This C responsibility shall only be in matters mo restrictive than the minimum standards all 0 -20- by this Master Plan and the City. This C~mitfe . approval shall be required on all building plans prior to review by the City unless the Planning Director determines there are extenuating circurr stances that would allow the City to accept the without the Committee's prior approval. The Cit shall not participate as a member of this Commit 4. CCSIR's for the total Master Plan area shall be E rnitted to the Planning Director for his approval to approval of the Tentative Map of the first SL division. 0 5. The CC&R's for this Master Plan and subsequent developments shall be set up so no amendments tc shall occur without City approval and shall pro1 that the City shall have the authority to select enforce the CC&R's if the City Council determine enforcement is necessary to protect the public IA 6. The following exhibits shall be used as guidelir when reviewing development plans for compliance the standards contained in the Master Plan: e 0 -21- t .. ... . -. -e .. .e .. I c!! (Mu EXHIBIT III, *. _. -22- 0 EXHIBIT I e .- EXHIBIT 111-9 EXHIBIT I1 0 .. -23- .. e w THIS Ghm wh k&= .* - - - rn Tttcs . w-m \d- 1 IDW wwjq1 vifim off lots: 3t-WJEw u*"; be a\$vzecl zii- t- kJtdfAe+g/ -.- -.-_-- of- r-h-kczib P ~vide pi vi* -.------- -. EXHIBIT III- a -24- I I .. .e I .. .. -m .... . I .. .. ... .. EXHIBIT 111. 4 -25- 0 -. 0 .. e EXHIBIT TI1 0 .. EXHIBIT I1 -26- honieowner4 ' maln+efla*iCe d, 1 sfrlc? . 0. ma tvb ‘0. EXHIBIT 111 # 9 *. . -. .. -28- 1) mliz W&. '. . EXHIBIT 111- .. -. I) .. . .- EXHIBIT 111-19 a .. -29- 6 0' a *. . EXHIBIT 211-20 wte: pybvd" iwds, EXHIBIT 111-21 ,.- @as rn - -fiw d K? .a e. -30- IV. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE A. Introduction e The plan for Calavera Hills calls for approximat 175 acres to be set aside as open space. The 01 space corridors, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, provi buffers between residential areas and roads and commercial and public areas as well as define nt hoods. A system of pedestrian and eqv.estrian ti will traverse the site in these corridors to COI housing on the site. broader citywide circulation system. All open space including, but. not limited to, t space corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1, shall be and dedicated by the developer as a condition o subdivision of the adjoining village pursuant t Phasing Schedule contained in Section V. schools, parks, and the commercial center with ' These trails may connect B. Dedication Each developer shall dedicate an open space eas over the open space corridors shown on Exhibit Each applicable developer shall also grant an e ment for public access and use over the pedestr and equestrian trails shown on Exhibit IV-1. T opened for public access and use until the City cises its rights to assume responsibility for t maintenance of these trails. Adjoining areas, ing but not limited to slopes, shall not be inc within the public easement nor within the area maintained by the City. The width and location of the open space corric shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-1. A deviatio~ ten percent (+lo%) shall be allowed when deter1 said width an3 location. The minimum width al. shall be twenty feet. Additional open space a: may be required within each village developmen. e grant snall provide that these trails shall not C. Improvements 1. Landscaping and Grading The landscaping in the open space corrido be Undisturbed Native Vegetation, Restore Vegetation or Fire Control Vegetation as below. All efforts shall be made to reta e ing natural land forms. Wherever grading -31- necessary, the grading standards in Sectio shall apply. 0 a. Undisturbed Native Vegetation Areas of native or naturalized vegetation left in their natural state, as described Section III. 1) No installation 2) Maintenance a) Litter control b) Firebreaks 3) No irrigation b. Restored Native Vegetation Areas of native and naturalized vegetation turbed by construction or grading to be re to their natural state. Replanting of spe like those naturally occurring or which ar adjacent with provision to install slope s zation procedures until permanent plants b established, as described in Section 112. 1) Installation a) Temporary irrigation system wsuld be salvaged or abando b) Erosion prevention measures c) Ground cover. dl Trees and shrubs. m 2 1 Maintenance a) Litter control b) Firebreaks c) Irrigation repair until rem d) First year fertilization 3) Irrigation System For areas of restored native vegetati lers with aluminum pipe are recommend this system, the natural areas are nc and removal of the system leaves the a natural condition. Another alterna would be to install permanent system assist in additional fire prevention control. These systems would be usee duriny emergency periods or extreme k use of "rain for rent" type Rainbird c. Fire Control Vegetation Areas 30' to 100' wide between structures 0 -32- the natural areas, as described in Section 1 0 1) Installation Plant material usage can vary accordin5 the desired effect. It is recommended plants selected be representative of tl natural existing material as far as foi color and texture are concerned. Spec: plant varieties shoulu be selected for fire resistant quality. a) Generally preferred are shrul f low growth habit and fuel vo: which have low heat output wl they burn, can be easily est( and will grow under native s' conditions. b) Some low volume and low prof. native shrubs that are reconu for the conditions of Calave: site include: o Salvia sonomensis, C: 0. Atriplex gardneri, G, o Atriplex cuneata, Ca: o Atriplex canescens, I Other low growing plants int: from other countries that ar suitable to reduce fire haza crispus! Hybrid rockrose; - G pubeszns, Green galenia; Mesembryanthemum edule, Icep Artemisia caucasica, Caucasi artemisia; and Atriplex ssp Saltbushes, other than the a c) Pelargonium peltatum, gazani uniflora, osteospermum fruti iceplant varieties, and vinc may be used for color accent Saltbush Saltbush Saltbush a include: Cistus albidus and 2) Maintenance a) Litter control b) Irrigation repair c) Fertilization d) Weed and pest control el Pruning and aborculture f) Irrigation water 9) Electricity e h) Turf mowing -33- 3) Irrigation System Complete sprinkler systems. All area receive a moisture sensing override a controller to avoid over-watering and vide plant material with the proper s moisture relationship required in the zone. All sprinklers having potentia "run-off" from a. hj,gher elevation of heads should be supplied with check v to avoid erosion arid wasted water run Systems should be designed to operate hours 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Drip irrigat any area, using the proper system, sk! considered if desiyned correctly. It recommended only a:; automatic irrigat each area, by its merit, should be dc for drip potential. This is the irri designer's role in pursuing alternati methods. e 2. Bikeways All of the arterial streets within this ME Plan shall provide on-street bikeways as d cribed in Section V: Off-street bikeways follow the standards contained herein. Tk day use of the bikeways and other trails E alternative mode of transportation shall k encouraged through the review of each subc Bicycle racks and related facilities shall provided in the commercial center, parks i similar areas to encourage the use of thir portation mode. Bikeways shall be improved per the standai established by the California Department ( Transportation unless otherwise approved 1 City Engineer. A typical cross-section of street bikeway is shown on Exhibit IV-2. 0 3. Pedestrian Trails Pedestrian trails shall be provided withii open space corridors as shown on Exhibit : The trails shall consist of compacted so;' or decomposed granite four feet in width. trails shall have a constantly curving a1 and shall follow the contours or switch b< required to prevent grades exceeding 15 pi Rest stops for relaxation and picnicking be located at significant points along thi or bikeway, such as at a viewpoint. They of an average 10' x 20' soil cement pad w 0 -34- benches, and, if required by the topographi small retaining walls. Trees not requiring irrigation would be incorporated to provide Fifteen rest stops shall be provided along trails approximately as shown on Exhibit IV 0 4, Equestrian Trails Equestrian trails shall be provided within open space corridors as shown on Exhibit IV A 10-foot graded trail shall be the standar width. In the undeveloped open space areas soil shall be used for the trail. Where th pass within 75 feet of residential, commerc school areas, or a major roadway, surface t ment such as decomposed granite, eucalyptus bean pod mulch shall be used to minimize du Just as with the bikeways and pedestrian tr the equestrian trail sha:ll not necessarily graded level in the direction of the trail. rolling and meandering path shall be the st alignment. The trail grade shall be limite a maximum of 10% for distances greater thar feet, 15% for distances less than 500 feet, 20% for extreme cases (less than 300 feet). The trails shall be kept separate from botk bikeway and pedestrian trails in horizontal or differences in vertical elevations. Nor equestrain trails shall be positioned dowm the other trails. Wherever the trail may n to cross a roadway, signs shall be placed ~i follow the International Code by showing a man on a horse with "Equestrian Crossing" b Special. equestrian crossings shall be provi where the trail crosses a section of major way not- at an intersection along College Bo Tamarack Avenue, or Elm Avenue. Underpasse be utilized where possible. The trail shal free from overhead obstructions from grounc? to a height of 12 feet. Five rest stops SI as shown on Exhibit IV-1. 0 provided along the system of trails approxj 5. Standards Common to Bicycle, Pedestrian and Equestrian Trails Construction of the bikeways, pedestrian ar equestrian trails have several standards ir All trails shall be constructed to provide drainage. A cross slope shall be maintainc a minimum 2 percent grade, with berms and c utilized to prevent washouts of cuts and fi Neither cut nor fill slopes shall exceed 2: Trail signs displaying the symbol of a hors equestrian trails and a bicycle for the bik shall be spaced every 1,000 feet. Trail en 0 -35- signs shall be posted at trail entrances z street crossings. For any trail crossing way, a crossing sign warning motorists is set 300 feet before the crossing. a 6. Uses in General All uses and improvements within the open corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1 shall be 5 by the Open Space Zone (0-S) development : 7. Maintenance Prior to issuance of building permits for establish a homeowners association (s) whic include provision for the maintenance of 1 improvements by the association(s). This tion(s) shall be created through the CC&R and be subject to review and approval by 1 Planning Director. ment within the Master Plan, the develope1 EXHIBIT IV-2 .. TVVO-RfAY-B!h(E PATH ON SEPARATED .RiGl-IT-OF-WAY @ . _. .e .. . .. .. . ,% .. .. - ... .. .. ..... . ... . ,. 0 ..! -36- . .. = -x- V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING * A. Description of Public Facilities Public facilities shall be provided substantially shown on Exhibit V-1 and described herein. 1. Streets The Calavera Hills Master Plan includes thrc major streets shown in the City of Carlsbad' General Plan Circulation Element. These st1 are 102' and 84' right-of-way streets known functionally as major and secondary arteria: streets. All other streets within the mastc planned area are local or local collector si All streets within the development shall COI with City standards or as required by the C, Engineer. Due to the topography of the Mas. Plan area, precise alignment of the arteria (Elm, Tamarack and College) is impossible di the Master Plan stage. Precise alignment SI be controlled by the City Engineer through . tive and final map recordation and approval On-street bikeways shall be provided on eac: arterial as required by the City Engineer. The developer shall dedicate or otherwise p vide and improve 102 feet of right-of-way f that portion of Elm Avenue that lies betwee Tamarack Avenue and College Boulevard. The and timing of the improvements shall be as by the City Engineer. The developer of each village shall constru contribute money for all traffic signals ne essary to accommodate the traffic to be gen by such village as required by the City Eng If a citywide traffic signal policy or ordi is adopted, the City Engineer may require t developer to comply with such policy or or2 in satisfaction of this condition. The City shall submit a letter to San Diegc Department of Transportation requesting aut to approve and maintain the improvements of Tamarack Avenue located in San Diego Count1 El Camino Real and the project site, provic is possible for the City to assume that re: bility. all costs necessary to repair any structurc m The developer shall reimburse the m -37- to the curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, SI grade supportive section or drainage facilj within the street right-of-way or associatc drainage easements. This obligation shall in effect until each and every section of 1 and the lands through which that section pi have been annexed to the City or until sucl responsibility for maintenance and repair. 0 as the City Council determines to othervis 2. Water Present supply reaches the project by the Squires Dam Transmission Line, the 20-inch Camino Real Transmission Main and two 14-i feeder lines which are fed off the El Cami Main. All of these lines are in place and ing presently including a 100,000 gallon b station storage tank and the main one mill gallon storaye tank (elevation 456') at th northerly terminus of the 14-inch feeder w bisects the project. The Tri-Agency Pipeline will provide high water supply within the project area for f supply. The present plan approved by the Municipal Water District (CIWD) will suppl cubic feet per second to flow westerly to project area. By agreement with CMWD, all water improver will be paid for by the developer as each is built, the exception being transport li (mains) which are included in the Tri-Ager Pipeline proposal and will be paid for by district which will then be reimbursed by users of the District 3 system. I) 3. Sewer The primary source of sewage treatment in City of Carlsbad is the Encina Treatment I The City Council has determined that therc sewer service presently available at the 1 Facility and that all land uses approved 1 Master Plan are subject to further City a] as may be required by such sewer allocatir system as the City Council may adopt. The applicant ha5 filed written acknowledc that there is no sewer service available i time and that he is proceeding with this ( ment at his own risk and that the City mal representation that he will be able to go 0 -38- with his development or that sewer service be available for the property. The developer has proposed a satellite was1 treatment facility to serve this project. October 3, 1978, the City Council approved GPA-51(B) to place a Public Utility "U" Lai Designation in the Calavera Hills drainage If the proposed satellite wastewater treatI facility is subsequently approved to be lo( and developed within the area of this Mast1 the applicant shall apply for a zone changi P-C to P-U for the land necessary for the plant itself. If said zone change is then the Planning Director shall administrative the Master Plan to make it consistent with approved zone change. Approval of said facility may require the of conditions to this Master Plan to provi items such as odor easements, CC&R amendme harmless agreement for plant operation, ag tural preservation and other conditions ne to accommodate the development of such a f as a part of this Master Planned Community City may initiate an amendment to this pla add such conditions. If a satellite wastewater treatment facili subsequently approved to serve this area, tial villages provided the City Manager de that such systems are acceptable to all rE ble public entities. 0 0 water systems shall be installed in all re 4. Solid Waste Solid waste from Calavera Hills is collecl disposed at the county-operated land fill facilities. Coast Waste Management has ii that it has adequate capacity to meet the pated demands of the proposed Calavera Hi: communities. 5. Gas and Electric The San Diego Gas and Electric Company wi bute natural gas and electricity to the C Hills are within the long-range capacitie San Diego Gas and Electric. All utilitie provisions for cable television shall be underground. Hills areas. The future power demands of a -39- 6. Schools Calavera Hills is currently served by the Ca Unified School District. Calavera Hills sha comply vith the City af Carlsbad’s public fa ties policy by assuring continued cooperatio its school district by setting aside such la may be necessary to meet the needs of the sc district and/or by compliance with any forma agreement between the developer and the schc district. Two elementary school sites and one junior k. school site have been selected by the Carlsk Unified School District and reserved by thi: Master Plan. All school sites are located E cent to permanent open space corridors and t trail system. 0 7. Parks The developer shall dedicate Villages F,N, R and Y for public parks purposes. The dedica of each park village shall be made concurrer with the recordation of a final map for the developrnent of a village adjoining that park shown on the Phasing Schedule (Table V-1) e park dedication in excess of the requirement Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code such subdivision shall be made available to such requirements for other subdivisions wit this Master Plan in accordance with Section 20.44.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1 City Manager determines it necessary, an ag: between the City and the applicant to impler Section 20.44.100 may be required as a cond of this development. If the dedication of Villages F, N, R-2” an1 exceeds the amount of land that would be rec by Chapter 20.44 for this development, that shall be retained by the City in satisfactic the Master Plan parks required to meet the 1 of the Planned Community as a condition of . zoning approval. * Refer to Section I11 for special conside. a of Village R-2. 8. Public Transit Calavera Hills will adhere to the policies City of Carlsbad as stated in the Circulati 0 Element regarding public transit. It is co -40- that the area will be serviced by the Nort County Transit Authority as is the entiret of the City of Carlsbad. As noted earlier site development plan for Villages E-1, E- K shall include provisions for transit stc the satisfaction of the Planning Cornissic a 9. Flood Control Calavera Hills shall meet all requirements San Diego County Department of Sanitation Flood Control and the City of Carlsbad as mined by the City Engineer, in providing f control facilities to neighborhoods as the developed within this Master Plan. 10. Future Public Facilities Sites The need for additional police, fire and 1 facilities for Calavera Hills is a future bility. The determination of timing and 1 of these facilities will involve a decisio City of Carlsbad as to their need. A site of approximately one acre of land w Village E-2 shall be reserved for acyuisit the City for public facility purposes. Th Council shall determine the specific size location of the site as a part of their ap of development within Village E-2. The de agrees to convey the site free of liens an encumbrances at any time upon receipt of w notice by the City. City shall be $25,000.00 per acre. If the is not acquired by the City within ten yea the date of recordation of the subdivision that includes the site, this condition sha void and the area shall be allowed to deve privately. 0 The price to be paid 11. Public Facilities Fee Prior to the issuance of building permits 1 this Master Plan, the City shall establish public facilities fee schedule in an amoun sufficient to cover the deficiency between expected revenues from this project and pri costs for all necessary public services ani ties as required by the General Plan. The shall be paid on a per unit basis by the dl as a condition of the issuance of building If a citywide public f.acilities fee is ado] this condition shall become null and void. 0 -41- 12. Modification of Public Improvements a. All public facilities, dedications and improvements shall be required in accord wi the Carlsbad Iunicipal Code and adopted pol and standards of the City of Carlsbad. Hoa as hereinafter provided, the City Council IT modify certain special public improvement c provided the design of these modified imprc is related to the function, topography and of an area. Any such modifications shall 1 reflected as conditions of approval to a tc I) subdivision map a b. Street improvements and dedication of inside subdivisions may be approved by the as follows: 1) Right-of-way for streets may be 1 provided that they not be reducec less than 40 feet. 2) Parking lane may be deleted on 01 of streets. Pavement width may be reduced on serving eight or less units to 2 parking one side, or 32 feet par: sides. Pavement width may be reduced on serving more than eight units to parking one side, or 36 feet par sides. 3) 0 4) 5) All or part of the required side curbs, gutters or drainage struc may be waived or modified if it that such improvements are unwar and would distract from the rura character of the area. If such ments are waived, the City Engin ‘require that drainage easements drainage releases be made part c tract map to insure proper drair private property . 6) Horizontal and vertical alignmer dards may be modified or waived grading. In such cases, an adec right-of-way shall be provided t date possible future correction: City standards. 0 -42- 7) The City Council shall have the ( of requiring that street right-o! shall be privately maintained unc property owners association or mi an offer of dedication. If privi owned, the streets shall be open public by easement. m c. Public sewer systems shall be requirec serve leach lot in the Master Plan unless s' cally waived by the City Council. Such wa shall be conditioned on the installation o alternative sewer disposal system permitte the City and found by the City Council to feasible for each lot. The determination adequacy of such alternative system shall on detailed soils testing on each existing posed lot as provided for by the County He Department. If an alternative system is approved, the divider shall prepare plans for a future p sewer system as a backup system. Dedicati all easements necessary to construct such public sewer system shall be required as a of final map approval. d. Any modification pursuant to this sec shall not relieve the subdivider from prov public facilities, dedications and iinprove that also provide services necessary for t welfare of the general public as required ordinances or policies. a General Plan, applicable specific plans or 0 -43- B. Phasing The Phasing Schedule is shown on Table V-1. De ment of the various villages shall occur increm as shown (i.e., No. 1. before No. 2, No. 2 befo No. 3, etc.) and the developer shall provide a1 facilities shown for each village as a conditic development for such village. However, if prov is made for all of the public facilities listed each phase (i.e., full improvement of Elm and ‘I plus dedication of ten-acre park site, plus res of ten-acre school site with Phase I, etc.) the villages within that phase shall be allowed to randomly. The minimum increment of future dew (subdivision) review shall be each individual \ All villag-es within each phase must have an apF tentative nap before an application for develoF the subsequent phase will be accepted for proce by the City. The City may find it necessary to limit the nun dwelling units that can be built in any one yee Master Plan is subject to such limits as the Ci Council may adopt. Although no actual limitati the amount of annual growth is contained withir Mater Pian, the City may impose growth control the future to protect the public interest as tk Council may determine or as may be required by 0 0 . state or federal agencies. . 0 -44- 8 1 !le -la0 uo I $8 $8 = $38 3-2 $3" I I 82 ;g @j \ E3 3% = UI m k m-rl Ln gE PCm p I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I HO I I I u I I I I I I I I I I I I UIrl d I gi 3ul I I - - El- ii4 = El40 1% = - I - u c3 Bcr( 8 1: nan z H b 3 u $!I pcm BE 82 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I v 8 k! :$ 8 a, p g8 q $8 I z1 =gum i I I II = h 25 Ulk E$ cl 8m $9 I = $3 flr;f 5-G =Ik I I 8 I I! I I I I I I 0 I Pa I II II II I I h %El Plrn * i I I I u la I I I I I I I 1 Iln ,a, VI c I I I 8 5 3 v' rl 0 i3 I I I €% I ?& I I I I $1 I I I I I I - - .. - .. - !i: 25 = @ 03 cnm hl -e e I In I rl 2i 2 .a- Pa :(v I I I Kl k OG old a B 3 I b F46: ih i v3 b NO I - - - - - - - - I i u - - - - - - - - I -:%X A@ -rl -!J !-I I am0 I I - - - I - - - - B8z 3B !L plm I I I 1 I I 1111 I 1 !Ill a 5 6 - 4 U 4 v e !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 i tr0 f - - - - - p d(CT1N I I x? d(a - a= I I - - - #l-I 8 !3 1 sNa f - - - - 88CYP-l >xAA : VI. c- SIGN PROGRAM At, this time, the sign program for Calavera Hills shall be governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Additional signs per Sections 21.38.06Q(4 and 21.41.075 may be allowed upon the approval of a Master Plan Amendment. Said amendment must outline a comprehensj Sign program for the entire Master Plan and include the following provisions: A. A total of four permanent community entrance signs shall be located where Tamarack Avenue, Elm Avenue and College Avenue enter the community. The design motif of the four entrance signs and the perrnanent directional signs shall utilize wood and indigenous rock as major components. entrance signs shall be incorporated with any walls erected for sound attenuation at the four entrances into the community. Temporary directional signs for sales programs shall be gwerned solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 0 B. Also, the C!. 0 0 -49-