HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-20; City Council; 5758-1; PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR CITY HALL EXPANSIONCITY OF CARLSBAD 6 p .- *} Initial: % ' AGEh'DA BILL NO. J7Jd Dept.Hd. C. Atty.G C. Mgr, - I w *' DATE : rch 20, 1979 DEPART1\.IE"J!: CITY MANAGER Subject: !' PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR CITY HALL EXPANSION -_I_ Statement of the Matter At its February 20, 1979 meeting, the City Council approved in concept a building program recommended by staff. The Council asked the staff to evaluate using the land east of the library for a community development building. The attached memo analyses the use of the land east of the library, discusses possible alternate sites, and analyse the amount of land needed. Exhibit Memo to City Manager dated March 5, 1979. Recommendation That staff be authorized and directed to negotiate acquisiti of the total area of the two parcels located east of the lit Counci'l Action: 3-20-79 Council authorized and directed staff to negotiate the acquisition of the total area of the two parcels located eas the library. 1 e e DATE : March 5, 1979 TO : City Manager FROM; Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Property Acquisition for City Hall Expansion At its February 20, 1979, meeting, the City Council approved i concept the recommended building program presented by City sta The recommended program contemplated using the Greenwood prope located across Pic0 Pic0 Avenue from City Hall, to build a fac to house the community development activities of the City. By minute motion of the Council, the staff was directed to reexarr the location of the proposed community development building an to analyse locating such a facility to the east of the city library. In addition, the staff was asked to evaluate the amo of property that should be acquired at this site and to examin possible alternate sites for the community development facilit in the vicinity of city hall. City staff has subsequently inv gated the possibility of obtaining alternate sites for the cor munity development facility, as well as investigated the suita of the proposed site east of the library. LAND EAST OF THE LIBRARY As directed by the Council, the staff has analysed locating th proposed comminity development building on a site east of the City Library. The community development building was original proposed for the Greenwood property in order to utilize an exi ing land resource owned by the city potentially available for As indicated in the staff report on the building program, the east of the library was mentioned for possible use and as disc by the City Council may prove to be a superior site for a comn development building. The disadvantages inherent with the alt nate sites are not present in this site. If only a partial tE of the property is accomplished, a site of two and one-half ac would be created and the owners of the property appear to be willing to sell. From the staff's point of view, the significant question invol the size of the proposed taking. If a partial taking were acc plished, adequate land would be available to build a 20,000 sc spaces. This parking would accomodate the needs of the commur development facility, as well as provide additional much needc parking for city library use. A site of this size should adec meet the needs of the city for the next 10 years. If we exter planning horizon and attempt to provide a site that will meet needs beyond a 10 year period, it may be desirable to considei acquiring all the property which would be about 3.15 acres. : the entire property came under control of the City, an additic foot community development building and to provide 150-225 par 0 'YO city Manage Page 2 1 March 5, 1979 @ .6 of an acre would be available for future city use. It is difficult to predict with any accuracy when this land may be required, but if our past experience is any indication, it may be required much sooner than we now suspect. If the entire parcels are acquired, a better circulation plan for the property can be developed and a facility which is more aesthetically pleasing could be created. ALTERNATE SITES Two alternate sites on which to locate a community development facility were identified and evaluated. One possible location, a site of approximately three acres located across Elm Street and east of the fire station could be assembled by acquiring land and combining parcels. This is not as simple as it sounds since a total of 10 parcels would be involved. Negotiations would be extensive and time consuming and the cost may very well that of the land east of the library would be created, the pro- perty would be located across a busy major street and this would be a distinct disadvantage. Another potential site was identifi at the corner of Luguna Drive and Elmwood Avenue immediately adjacent and to the north of city hall and the library. In ordc to assemble a site of approximately 2.3 acres, it would be neces sary to acquire eight separate parcels of land, six of which contain inhabited dwellings. An excellent site for the locatior of the community development building could be created in this location by cul-de-sacing Laguna Drive and Elmwood Avenue to provide one large parcel connecting directly with the existing city hall and library sites. However, since creation of this parcel would involve the acquisition of eight separate parcels and the relocation of six resident households, the cost would bc high and the time required would be considerable. In light of the fact that there is a parcel of land available east of the not appear to be feasible, or desirable to pursue. In terms of total cost and time involved in acquiring the parcels and the undesirableness of relocating residents and possibly condemning land when an alternate site is available, appears to preclude further consideration of the alternate sites. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the staff be authorized and directed to negotiate acquisition of the total area of the two parcels loca. east of the library. be prohibitive. Although a site approximately equal in size to library that is virtually vacant, these two alternate sites do 9A FRANK N. MANNEN 22- Administrative Assistant FNM: gb attachments ' 0 .Lu bALy ~AUllUYLL March 5, 1979 . . Page 3 LAND REQUIREMENTS FOR C0,WUNITY DEVELOPN3NT BUILDING EAST OF LIBRARY Building Footprint 15,000 - 20,000 s Includes area for walkways, mechanical equipment, trash enclosure, landscaping, etc. Par king 60,000 - 90,000 s Parking for 150-225 vehicles would be provided. 50-70 spaces would be for library use, 50-90 for community development employees, 25-30 for city vehicles and 25-35 visitors vehicles. These parking allocations may seem high but if parking on Elm Ave. is eliminated, additional off-street parking will be required. Landscaping 7,500 - 11,000 E Landscaping to buffer adjacent residential property and to meet set-back requirements. TOTAL 82,500 - 121,000 1.9 - 2.8 acres FM: GB J I b. MAP 1661 - CARLS-%;kD LANDS - POR TCT--l19 - ROS 8’46 1 MAP 775 - TOWN OF CARLSBAD AMENDED - PUR TCT 115 - 9 -rv q~G.-"~' < -7 e '3 ; Ldwda+rrw Q.% ~ 6 ire' @ \ 17 -i-- ! -*:!I I i '_ I SECIF - T12S-R41J - POP, PE 1 4 OF Kh lr"4 F' q.. . .. W,' j i I t --&!A '.,m.u= g*#r &&A 4. f , ! ! -- --.- 3c ! f\l r. G'OO- :. (3- ---- ----__ -- .,.-+- .24./7