HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-20; City Council; 5761-1; Satellite reclamation plant - Covington & Papagayof 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: Dep t . Hd . AGENDA BILL NO. 5761-Supplement No.1 DATE : March 20, 1979 C. Atty.))&& DEPARTMENT : City Attorney C. Mgr. \, I. subject : J SATELLITE RECLAMATION PLANT--COVINGTON AND PAPAGAYO Statement of the Matter The City Council, at your March 6, 1979 meeting, indicated they viewed with favor accepting an offer from Covington/ Papagayo to provide the funds required to prepare a Master Plan for waste water reclamation in the City of Carlsbad and an Environmental Impact Report on that plan. An agree- ment between the City and Covington/Papagayo to provide for those funds is attached. The agreement attempts to make clear that the funds are being given as a donation to the City with no obligation on our part to either implement the plan or otherwise provide sewage treatment capacity for the Covington/Papagayo projects. The Public Works Administrator has estimated the cost of the work at $50,000 and has recommendated that amount be deposited. He will then proceed to negotiate for the Master Plan and request proposals for the EIR. contracts, the agreement provides that there must be on : deposit funds sufficient to cover the proposed contract prices, plus 10% contingencies. Prior to the award of Exhibits Agreement. Resolution No. 5722 approving the Agreement. Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. Lq7sa approving the Agreement. Council Action: 3-20-79 Council adopted Resolution 5722, approving the agreement with Covington Brothers and Papagayo Developers for the provision of funds for services to provide a blaster Plan for waste water reclamation and an EIR on said Plan. .<.*a .. 3 2 z 4 F e 7 E S ZC 11 12 n 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5722 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COVINGTON BROTHERS AND PAPAGAYO DEVELOPERS FOR THE PROVISION OF FUNDS FOR SERVICES TO PROVIDE A MASTER PLAN FOR WASTE WATER RECLAMATION AND AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON SAID PLAN. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad,,California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Covington Brothers and Papagayo Developers for the provision and compensation of consulting services to provide a Master Plan for Waste Water Reclamation in the City of Carlsbad and an Environmental Impact Report on said Master Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreemen, for and behalf of the City of Carlsbad. n PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day Of March , 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None 6ZAk3di.. /2 d' RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ( SEAL) _._._ . .. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 26th day Of March , 1979, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and COVINGTON BROTHERS, INC. and PAPAGAYO DEVELOPERS, hereinafter ref erred to as "DEVELOPERS". RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is under a sewer moratorium due to a lack of treatment capacity in the Encina Plant. The City Council has been investigating various ways to acquire additional sewage treatment capacity. One of the methods under consideration is the use of satellite treatment plants to allow for the reclamation and reuse of'waste water. The City has commissioned a Project Report and Environmental Impact Report on a satellite plant proposed for the Lake Calavera Hills Drain- age Basin; and WHEREAS, before givina further consideration to satellite treatment plants, the City Council has determined that a master plan for waste water reclamation in the City of Carlsbad (herein- after "PLAN") and Environmental Impact Report on that plan (here- inafter "REPORT") are required and the City has also determined that it must engage the services of qualified consultants to prepare the Plan and Report. The City Council, at their February 6, 1979 meeting, considered a memorandum from the Public Works -. Administrator, dated January 30, 1979, containing recommenda- tions on how to proceed in that regard. The memorandum is marked Exhibit A, and is attached hereto and is made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City determined to delay their decision on whether or not to proceed with the Plan and Report for the entire City until after a decision is made on the satellite plant proposed for the Lake Calavera Hills area; and WHEREAS, Developers have offered to provide all funds necessary to pay the consultants to prepare the Plan and Report if the City will agree to commission that work at this time; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to accept the funds from Developers upon the understanding that the City will have no responsibility to proceed with satellite treatment plants and will assume no obligation to otherwise provide sewer service to Developers; NOW, TH'EREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. City and Developers agree that the above recitals are true and correct. 2. The City will negotiate with the firm of Lowry and Associates, Consulting Civil Engineers, and if terms satisfactory to the City can be arranged, contract with Lowry and Associates for the preparation of the Plan as outlined in the proposal dated December 22, 1978, marked Exhibit B, - 2- attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. It is understood that the preparation of the Plan shall conform to Exhibits A and B and.such other matters as the City determines necessary to properly evaluate a plan for the reclamation of domestic sewage from the study area and the beneficial use of the resulting reclaimed water supply. 4. The City will solicit proposals from consultants to perform the necessary work in the preparation of the Report. The City Council will select the consultant and contract for the preparation of the Report. 5. It is understood that the preparation of the Report shall conform to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines, the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance and its implement- ing resolutions and may require: (a) Field exploration review and tests; (b) Laboratory tests and analysis; (c) Written reports; and (d) Such other data as may be necessary to enable the City to properly evaluate the potential impacts of the Plan and its ' implementation on the environment. 6. Developers shall pay to the City the actual costs incurred by Lowry and Associates and the Environmental Impact Report Consultant (hereinafter "CONSULTANT") in preparing -3- x the Plan and the Report. Developers shall advance the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) as payment for the report to be prepared by Lowry and Associates. Upon deposit of said amount, the City will immediately undertake to contract with Lowry and Associates for the Plan and solicit proposals for preparation of the Report. When the City negotiates contract for the Report, the City will determine the amount necessary to pay for the Plan and the Report. Developers shall immediately deposit funds in addition to the TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00), as may be necessary, to cover the cost of said Report. Upon such deposit, the City will immediately contract for the Report. - 7. It is understood that in the event it appears, as the work on the Plan and Report progresses, that the sum specified in Paragraph 6 will not be sufficient, the City will notify the Developers. No further work will be performed or obligations incurred beyond the amount on deposit without an, appropriate amendment to this agreement. 8. It is understood that Lowry and Associates and the consultant shall be independent contractors of the City. It is agreed that the Developers will at no time interfere with Lowry and Associates or the consultant in the performance of their work or attempt to influence them during the course of their work. 9. It is understood that in accepting the funds -4- I .from Developers the City incurs no obligations beyond the obligation to utilize those funds to proceed at this time to . obtain the Plan and Report. 10. It is further agreed that any part of such funds not utilized for the payment of the Plan and Report, as provided herein, shall be refunded to the Developers. It is recognized that even if the City Council were willing to give further consideration to implementation of one or more satellite treatment plants in the City, that there are a number of problems which could prevent their development including, but not limited to, the necessity for Coastal Commission approval, the objections of area residents to the location of a sewage treatment plant in their neighborhood, financial limitations, environmental problems, objections from Federal or State officials, ad-verse effects on the City's efforts to expand the Encina Treatment Plant and other matters. The City shall have no obligation to Developers to take any action in regard to said reports. In accepting Developers' funds, the City undertakes no obligation to proceed with the development of satellite treatment plants for the City or to otherwise provide sewer service to Developers. The City will not afford Developers any preference in allocating sewer that may become available. The City shall have full'discretion to act in regards to the Plan and the Report as they determine to be in the best interest of all the citizens of Carlsbad. -5- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the 'day and year first above written. ATTEST : CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Elunicipal Corpo- *' 'T,, : .r ration of the State of California :e - '. e, , --f 'i .. By , Aletha L. R RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor city Clerk /7 .. ,- fl Aletha L. R RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor city Clerk t7 COVINGTON BROTHERS, INC. PAPAGAYO DEVELOPERS Genbral Partner APPROVED AS TO FOIIM: h City Attorney torney for Papagayo Developers F - 6-. (Notarial Acknowledgements Required) ,. . .. IPIJ WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corpo- ration of the State of California this Agreement on the day and ATTEST : .- RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor City Clerk - - --. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA On- March 23, 1979 .___ before me, the undersizned, a Notary Pulilic in and for said Courlty and State, personally appeared 3-U- ----, known to me to lie the-xh-President, and md '1- ---, known to me to ))e -------Secretary of thr rorporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to Ile the persons who executed the within Instrunient on Iwhalf of !he rorporstion therein nnined. and arkno.wledged to nie tliiit surh rorporation executed the witllin instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolutio~~ of its ljoard of directors. COUNTY OF- OrmW } ss. 8 SAFECO FOR' NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP ?*****4************4*+**44**+~ + + OFFICIAL SEAL + 4 LEE J. GOLD NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA : + PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN : : MY Commission Explres Dec. 25, 1982 4 ORnNGF: COUNTY * ***~++***~***~*********4*++~+* 'Signature & . .Lee J. 'cold before me, STATE OF CALIFORNlA COUNTYOF Dm On March 23, 1979 the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, ) ss. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP r personally appeared D. - , known to me to be the personis) whose namels) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that said personis) executed the same. - , NOTARY PUBLI'J . CALIF(1RNIA My Commission Expires July 21, 1980 , Kwwn to me to be the person(s) whose narnels) is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged chat said pcrson(s) executed the same. Notary public in and for said County and Stat I .. . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM .. City Manager. Pub1 ic Works AdminisPrator January 30, . I979 ,. SATELLITE PLANT MASTER PLAN - YHIBIT A, to 'Agreement Dated: March 26, 1979 . .I . . f 1' . 8 .. The City Counci I on December 5, 1978 unbnimous'l y voted to instruct staff to prepare a report on the effort and funds necessary to prepare a Satel- lite Plant Master Plan and E.I.R. for all portions of the City's sewer service area other than that covered by the Montgomery report. Analysis of the effort necessary to complete the task has included con- sideration of available useful information. Among the resources consid- ered, we included the Encina Phase Ill E.I.R., the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan E.I.R., the Montgomery report and E.I.R. and the Plaza Camino Real expansion E.I.R. The reports prepared for the Leucadia County Water Dis- trict and the San Marcos County Water District wi I I be used as resource material but have no direct information.about lands within the City's sewer service area. ' .Soon after receiving Council's direction, staff met with Mr. Dennis O'Leary of Lowry 8, Associates to discuss the scope of work and effort to complete the project. The attached proposal was a result. The proposal was analyzed assumptions were made which should be modified before a contract is nego- ' .tiated, the proposal gives a good indication of the scope of work and effort requ i red. FoI lowing review of the Lowry proposal, discussions were held with RkCON which resulted in the attached proposal. This level of effort assumes con- sideration of information available in existing certified E.1.R.s. The inclusion of one-third of our City in the coastal zone and the uncer- tairity of the completion schedule for our local coastal program precludes the studies in q&estion from containing the specijicity of the Montgomery report. The proposed Master Plan should be able lo identify logical ser- vice basins within the coastal zone and analyze the environrncntal impact In suff icicrit detai I to al low for adoption of thc Master Plan. Preparation of specific project reports, within the guidelines established by an adopted Master Plan, and supplementary E.1.R.s 'would be the responsibility of parties proposing specific projects. '. by the Planning Director and the Public Works Administrator. While some ' * The fo and E. 1. lowlng outlines are suggested as bei,ng approprlatc for the Master Plan .R. : Master Plan . ' lntroduct Ion I I. I I I . DOVO topmont of sate1 I ito cdncopt to Jato Background 1 nformat Ion . b .. .. IV. v. VI. V11 e VIII. IX. 1. II. 111. IV. V. _, Y I,. VI 1. VIII. : -2- .. Variations of satellite concept . -. . . .. Impact of regional sol ids hand t ing facl I ity .. Drainage basin boundaries, alternatives and recommendations Safe I I i te p 1 ant site - feasi b i I i ty, a I ternat i ves and recommenda- t ions Recommended program Specifications I .. Envi ronmental Impact Report I nt rod uct ion Environmental setting and summary Envi ronmenta I ana I ysi s'of proposed Master PI an Environmental analysis of the implementation of reclamation fa- ci I ities Unavoidable adverse impacts if program implemented Significant irreversible impacts if program implemented Short-term use versus long-term productiqity Alternatives . c It Is my opinion that each document can be prepared in 45 days,'not includ- Ing printing time. bo weeks after the Master Plan. The total'budget for the project is esti- mated to be $50,000. The E.I.R. should be started and completed approximately The normal process for projects of this nature would be to solicit pro- posals, review and recommend to Council; following this process for both parts of this project. it be followed for the E.I.R. portion. time and money can be saved if, instead of requesting proposals for the Master Plan portion, .we were authorized to negotia-te with Lowry & Associ- ai-cs for that portion of the project. They have done considerable work of this nature for public agencies and private parties in -I-he Encina Basin and they have an existing level of knowledge that Mould be expensive to dupli- Staff would feel comfortable in We recoinmend that It is our opinion that significant . cate in another f i rm. RECOMMENDATIONS That City Council: . 1. Authorize transfer of $50,000 from unappropriated reserves to an appro- priate account for this project. Authorize staff to send out a Request for'Pcoposal for the E.I.R. por- tlori of tho project. 0. 2. .. .- a .- ,. .. . . . , . . .. . . .-- . _. . . .-.... I -- . . .- .- . ~ . .- .. .. .. .- .. . , -3- . .. .. 3; . Authorize sl-aff to negotiate a contract for Counci I approval Master Plan portion of the project with lowry 8 Associates. for the .* I .. , I Ronald A. kckman, P.E. .. Pub I i c Works Admi n i stratoc RAB: VEB CC: Planning Director .. .. .. . .. .. . 0. . ,I !J .. t, - "XHIBIT B TO AGREEMENT .--- * _I I , .. 4r.a _. . . .. .. 1. 8 December 22, 1978 Mr. Ron Beckman CITY OF CARLSBAD P.O. Box 265 Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear l$r . ' Beckman : Subject: .. .. .. -, . PROPOSAL - Waste Water *Reclamation [laster P1 an .. .. Lowry & Associates appreciates this opportunity to submit a proposal . to the City of Carlsbad for preparation of a waste water reclamation . plan. Because of our participation in and familiarity with waste . water reclamation planning to date in north San Diego County, t!e . believe that we can develop in tiiinimm time'a plan that is completely .responsive to your needs and goals. Lowry & Associates proposes to conduct a study and reconmend a waste the fol 1 cwi ng out1 i ne : *water reclamation plan to the City of Carlsbad in conformance with . .. . -- . Studj Area . *. x The,arca to be covered by the study will include the entire City of Carlsbad with the exception of: both that area encocipassed by the " study Environmental Impact and Facilities Plan for a Satellite Sewage .. Treatnicnt Facil it (Jmcs t.1. I.tontgoinery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., December 1978 -+ and lands served by special sewerace districts. A plan now exists for the fornier area and it is understood that special sewerage districts will develop their' ovm waste water reclaniation plans. ' Objcc tive .. Objective of the study will be to develop a plan for reclamation of doiiicstic sewage within the study area and for beneficial use of the re- 9 sulting rcclainicd water supply. primarily diverted toward irrigation of cfops, landscaping and the like, but otlicr opportunities for use, such as industrial supply and ground watcr waste rcchargc will also be invcstigatcd. Use of reclaimed water would be . .. ,I .. .. .. .. -. Mr. Ron. Beckman .. . CITY OF CARLSBAD .. December 22, 1978 .: Page 2 *. . 1. Previous Studies Reference will be made to and guidance obtained from previous studies having to do with waste water reclamation in the Carlsbad area. These reports include: .. Overview of blaste \,later Reclamation Opportunties in 'the City of Carlsbad (Lowy & Associates, March 1978) Water Qual i ty Problem; e( t4anaqement Responsibil i ties, Part I1 Nastewater Reclamation and Reuse (CPO, April 1978). .. Technical Approach .. . ' The technical approach to the study krill be as follows: (a) A preliminary review and screening of prdjects in . the overview report referred to above will be made. . Written recommendations will be made. to City staff for selection of projects to be included .in this study. Upon approval of staff, the study will proceed. .. . . : .. '(b) Analytical and flow data will be'obtained from agency records or by sampling a,nd analysis performed by the agency and estimates of flow based upon unit contributions and population data. . Projections of future sewage flow in the study area will be based upon population data fron the City of Carlsbad. Sewage flow projections will be for the purpose of determining the sufficiency of sewage supply for production of reclaimed water at each location studied. Therefore, these projections will not be sewage flow projections for the total City of Carlsbad. (c) and deriiograp!iic data for the study area will be obtained from the City of Carlsbad. (d) Volumes and quality of reclaimed water available now and in the .future at the project locations will be estiniated and projected froin the above data. projections will takc water supply quality into account. Present and projected land use plans, land use data Quality e .z .. .. . I$!$ .. .. .. .. Mr. Ron. Beckman CITY OF CARLSBAD December 22, 1975 Page 3 . (e) mensurate with quantity and quality of avaflable re- ’pected that irrigation will protide the greatest market “for reclaimed water. While irrigati’on is expected to Opportunities for use of reclaimed water com- . claimed water will be sought. In general, it is ex- - .. . . create sufficient demand to use the total projected -. reclaimed water supply, consideration will also be given -. . to such other uses as industrial supply. Water quality requirements intrinsic to each beneficial use of re- claimed water contemplated will be determined and for taking or purchase of reclaimed water by - considered. Areas in which beneficial uses of reclaimed - water will take place will be mapped, No corxrittments .- potential users would- be obtained at this stage. - . .. ,. .. . (f) of reclaimed water for each use and location would then ’be established. The following will be taken into account: Anticipated water quality and requirements for use ‘ L .. .. Y * . . discussed in (e) above requir.ements intrinsic to the use, as . surface and ground water qualjty in the area of use .- water quality objectives of the Regional Water Qual i ty Control Board . . Title 22 standards and requirements of the State Department of Health Services. .. In carrying out this task, meetings will be held with the staff of thc Rcgional Board and the State and County Health Departments, so that the anticipated require- ments dcvelopcd may more real i stical ly ref1 ect the future regulatory actions of those agencies. (9) Criteria will be developed from the above requirements, the standards of engineering practice and the plans of the waste water reclaimtion plant design, puiiiping, installations, . transinission 1 incs, storage facii i ties and fai 1 -safe . . City of Carlsbad for: waste water reclamation plant siting, , . operation. ,. . .. *. .* .. ' Mr.'Ron Beckman . -. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD December 22 , * 1 978 Page 4 *. _* .(h) GIaste water reclamation plant sites wiil be evaluated and selected, on the basis of the foregoing . criteria, avai 1 abil i ty of sewage, proximity to use areas, .. - and proximity to potential stoyage areas. A1 ternative .. treatment processes will be evaluated for installation .at each site and a specific treatment methodology recommended on the basis ,of the aforementioned criteria . and requirements, and cost of production of reclaimed - water. Also to be analysed for each site are storage, distribution and fail-safe alternatives, and selection made on the basis-of the foregoing criteria, reliability and costs. , (i) 'Maps, schematics, plot plans and other'drawings will be prepared as appropriate. to the explanation of # a1 1 a1 ternatives considered. -- .. . . .. .. (j) will be prepared. .. (k) Specific wasti water reclamation projects will be recommended to suit the potantial markets and depending -upon monetary costs and environmental. and social factors. .. (It is anticipated than an EIR study of potential vJaste . water reclamation pro jccts wi 11 be in progress concurrently with this study and that a continuous exchange of information A final cost estimate of each recotmended alternative .. . . will be taking place. d .. .. .. , Report -. - -. A report of the'above study will be prepared, consisting of text, tables, other presentation of data, maps, schematics., plot plans and diagram, in sufficient detail to set forth the analytical and planning procedure and recommendations clearly, concisely and completely. An initial outline of the ' Ten copies of the report will be subriiitted. , report contents is attached. '. - Fee .. The study and report describcd above wjll be perforincd by Lowry ' on a tiiiic and iiiaterial basis, at ratcs comniensurate with iowry's fee .. Nr. Ron Beckman December 22, 1978 CITY Ot CARLSBAD .. Page 5 schedule current at the time of billing. fee schedule dated January 1, 1978 is attached. The maximum 1 irni t of fee will be $25,009 and lowry will not hi17 above that amount without written authorization from the City of. Carlsbad. *. A copy of Lowry's current I .- ,personnel Mr. Dennis O'Leary will be Study Director and Mr. William Fannon will be Study Manager/Engi neer. .- .. I am indeed appreciative of 'the opportunity to submit this proposal to be happy-to meet with you to discuss them. * . . tho City of Carlsbad. If,there are any questions, I shall certainly .. - -. .- -. Sincerely , .. .. L .. Dennis A. O'Leary .- Vice-Pres i dent .* DA0:mh Enclosure * .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .* .. . . . ... .... 1. .* : * 6 .. .. i. .. .. .* .. .... -. 9. -. -'y -. .. . JANUARY 1 ,- i978 4 - STANDARD SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION .. Applicable for Services Furnished on Per Hour Basis .. CLAW FI CATION - .PER'HOUR .. .. .. ... Senior Principal Engineer . ........... $ 55.00 . . Principal Engineer. ................... $'47.00 .-. Senior Engineer ................. :.. $ 41.00 Senior Planner .................... $ 41.00 Senior Scientist ............ ..... $ 41.00 Engineer ....... :-. ............. $ 32.00 Planner ...................... ..$ 30.00 Computer Programer ................. $ 27.00' ... Assistant Engineer. ............ 1 ..... $ 24.00 Senior Draftsman. .................... $ -24.00 ... 'Construction Inspector. ......... : .... $ 20.00 & Draftsman $ 20.00 .. .' -- ... Resident Engineer $I 32.00 .. ................. .. 0. : s ...................... .. Computer Operator ................... $ 20.00 .Engineering Technician. $ 12.00 ................ . Technical Report Preparation. ........... $ 13.00 L. other Approved Outside Services -J ........... Cost Plus' 10: . .I Computer Tim, Reproduction and Billed at Actual Incidental Expenses ................ Above _Fees Include Incidental Costs .. - for Local Trans- portation, Telephone Costs, etc. . Travel Costs. .............. ': ...... Air, Bus and Taxi, Lodging, and other Re38 tcd Travel Costs Billed at Actual Cost .. Minimum daily charge for court testimony as an expert witness is $GOO.OO. hourly rates. Preparation for a court case will-be charged at regular . .. . CITY. OF' CARLSBAD WASTE \JATER RECLAf4AT ION AND REUS E PROGRAM 114 PL ENENTAT 1 ON 0 REPORT OUTLINE # .. .. t .. .. I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Report B. Authori zst i on ! I i I?. HISTORY OF SATELLITE CONCEPT I ' A. Present Status I I I. BACKGROUND INFOW.IATION -. A, Statement of Intent B. Population C. Land Use D. Agricultural Practices E. Irrigation Requirements .. -. . -. .. 'IV. SATELLITE CONCEPTS A. Reclamation and Reuse is Primary Objective . ' . B. Fail-safe Outlet . C. Storage Facilities E. Charges and Costs F. . Review A1 ternate Approaches G. Treatment ikthod . . D. Contracts with Irrigators e. V. REVIEN PLANT LOCATIONS '* . .' . A. From Overview Report B. Other Agency Plants not Considered Here C.. Deferred Plants 0. Lake Calavera Hills Already Studied E-. Batiquitos Plant .. . F. Paloinar Aiport Plant 6. Any Others .. k' ,. .. *. . '. .. - .. i .- ', ' REPORT *OUTLINE (Cont'd) .. VI . .. .. BATIQUITOS PLANT .. . B. Site A. Service Area C. Size and Layout D. General Discussion of Alternatives 3. Reuse 8 .. 2. 3. Disposal Treatment., Distribution, Fail-safe & Storage ' 4. Consol idation 5. costs E. Recornended Reuse & Disposal System F. Permits and Agreements 1 . Coastal Cornrnission 2. 3. RlJQCB 4. Leucadia 6. EPA (maybe.) City (for Zoning, General Plan, Etc.) 5. dAC' G. Financing - 1. By Developer at Reimbursement 2. Other filethods . .. . VII. PALONAR AIRPORT PLANT ,. A. Service Area .. 1. Direct from Carlsbad . 2. From Other Agenci.es 8. A1 ternate Locations .. ... . 1. Depends on Service Area -2: Reuse Considerations 3. 4. Consolidation 5. costs Treatment, Distribution, Fail-safe & Storage 'C. Recommendation Location and Size D. Recommended Reuse & Disposal System E. Permits & Agreements 1. City (Zoning, Etc.)'. 2. RNQCB 3. dAd 4. 'EPA (maybe) 5. Upstrcaiii Agencies G. Financing .' .. # *. . .. I' .. .. ..- i ; REPORT OUTLINE (Cent"-d) .. VI1 I RECOMMENDED PROGRAM A. Process Lake Calavera Hills B. Approve Batiquitos Proposal if Acceptable ' C. Consider Specific Proposals for Palomar Airport .. IX. SPECIFIC ACTIONS ' . .. A. Accept this Report . B. Authorize EIR C. De Announce Interest in Specific Proposals Inform Interested and Affected Agencies .. *. .. .. .. -. . .. , . .. .. - Y . . .. . I