HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-20; City Council; 5791; DISPOSITION OF OLD LIBRARY- CITY HALL BUILDING |WEST SIDE OF HARDING STREET|c . * ' CITY OF CARLSBAD I Initial: 'Dept. Hd. C. Atty. AGENDA BILL NO. J' 796 * Y DATE : March 20, 1979 DEPARTMENT : City Manager C, M~I, I Subject: J DISPOSITION OF OLD LIBRARY/CITY HALL BUILDING (West side of Harding Street) Statement of the Matter City Council requested a report relative to the disposition of tl old Library/City Hall Building on Harding Street. Research indic that the Council agreed to the rernova1)demolish of the building. While it would be possible to move the building for approximatelj $5,000, it would also necessitate placing it on a foundation, estimated cost $10,000, plus an undetermined amount for rehabilil Exhibit Report to City Manager dated 3-13-79 . Recommendation Council Action: 3-20-79 Council agreed that the Historical Society be allowed to mo Old City Hall to the I-lagee Property, to be placed on the sp originally designated for its location, with the understand that it be locked and not used until there is a proper foun underneath the building. 9 0 DATE : March 13, 1979 TO : City Manager FROM: Public Works Project Manager SUBJECT: Disposition of Old City Library/City Hall located on Harding Street. This memorandum is in response to your request for information relative to the disposition of the old City Library/City Hall located across the street from the Harding Street Community Center on the west side of Harding Street. It is to be noted that some of the history has been lost because it was not docu- mented but merely decided by discussion. The existing records and the memory of those involved, indicate that Mr. E. V. Johns! when he was the Director of Parks and Recreation, had originall; planned the development of Magee Park to include a Heritage Par1 concept, Included therein would be several buildings, one of tl was to be the old City Library/City Hall which was to be moved from its Harding Street location. In going through the plannin( process, when the matter came before City Council in a formal w( for a decision, the Council determined that they did not want a Heritage Park concept at Magee Park and approved the plans whicl eliminated buildings which included the old City Library/City H( At the same time, as the staff was progressing concurrently wit1 the planning for the Harding Street Community Center, the plans for removal of the building to the Magee property were modified to show demolishing of the building. These plans were later approved and contract awarded by the City Council. There has been discussion that some money was set aside for the removal o the building. It is true that staff estinates have included a sum to either move the old Library/City gall to Magee Park or tl demolish it. When the final plans and specifications were deve oped for the Harding Street Community Center,the decision had been previously made by the Council not to place the building in Magee Park but to have it demolished or sold. Ilz a cost estimate for a grant application for the Harding Street Communi Center, there was $3,950 indicated for removal/demolition of th building. The City Council has indicated that they would like to consider the possibility of relocating the old City Library/City Hall. The Parks and Recreation Commission has determined that there i a location within Magee Park that the building could be set wit adversely affecting the plans being developed. Although the pl ment may not be the most satisfactory location from an aestheti and overall park point of view, it will work. The architect fo Magee Park concurs that the building could be located in the pa To City Mana 19a 0 March 13, Page 2 The renovation of the Harding Street Community Center is due to commence in the very near future. In that demolition is require throughout the buildings at the start of the project, a delay ir demolition of the old City Library/City Hall would require a second setup by the demolition subcontractor and cost approximat an additional $1,000. If the building is not to be demolished but moved to another site, the approved contract will have to bc amended by negotiations with the contractor on a deduction from the original contract. A staff estimate of cost for moving of the building from its Harding Street location is $5,000-$10,000. The cost for the foundation of the building at its new location is approximately $10,000. These amounts have not been funded. /c; p / ( . 2:. 1p d$:$?- 6i;iH LN: EGGLESToN Public Works Project Manager JNE : gb * 0 M EM0 RAN DUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator DATE : March 22, 1979 SUBJECT: Relocation of Old City Hall 1. In response to the City Council's action on March 20, 1979 for the Street site to Magee Park within ten days, the following information is provided. 2. An Environmental Impact Assessment, Amendment to CUP118 and revision to the Coastal Commission application for inclusion of the old City Hall at Magee Park will be required prior to moving of the building or landscaping of Magee Park. Mr. Moreno of the North Counxy Ballet Company, which currently occupies the old City Hall , is required to vacate the building by April 25, 1979. Recent information indicates that suitable space cannot be located. assisting in locating suitable space. 4. The contractor is aware that the old City Hall will not be available until April 25, 1979. The moving of the building will require a change order to the Harding Street Community Center Renovation Con- Historical Society to relocate the old City Hall from its Harding 3. The San Diego Housing Authority is actively. tract. 5. An extension or resubmittal of the Coastal Commission application for removal of the old City Hall from its Harding Street location will be requ i red. Fi nal 1 andscape pl ans and specifications , which have been revi ewed and approval recommended by the Parks & Recreation Commission, will have to be revised to include the old City Hall. Recreation Di rector recommends locating the bui ldi ng at the northern boundary of the park site, east of the parking lot. has indicated that this can be accomplished by deletion of the proposed mounding and turfed area modification of the irrigation system, and the addition of sidewalks to the building. Discussion with Ray Ward, representative of the Historical Society , reveals that the Society's offer was to move and store the building; that there are no specific plans but to preserve the building; that nothing was said about who was to provide the foundation; that the Chamber of Commerce was raising funds for the building; that the mover is ready to move the building, and that he is willing to help in any way he can. administrative requirements that needed to be accomplished by the City and was specifically told that the City Council's ten day moving requirement was not nul 1 if i ed by the conversati on. 6. The Parks & The architect 7. Mr. lard was informed about some of the m e It is hoped that the foregoing information will be of assistance in under- standing the accomplishment of the relocation of the old City Hal 1, renova tion of the Harding Street Community Center and landscaping of Magee Park. R. A. Seckman Public Works Administrator RA8 : JNE: pab cc: Parks & Recreation Director Redevelopment Coordi nator -2-