HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-15; City Council; 5297-2; Street Improvements on Valley St. & Basswood Ave.CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : AGENDA BILL NO. 5297 - Supplement #2 DATE : May 15, 1979 C. Atty C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Pub1 ic Works, SUBJECT : STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON VALLEY STREET AND BASSWOOD AVENUE CONTRACT NO. 1057 STATEMENT OF MATTER / On April 3, 1979, the City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized invitation for bids. On May 3, 1979, three sealed bids were received and opened by the City Clerk. The results are shown on the attached Bid Summary. The low bid of $57,970 was submitted by the Sully-Miller Contracting Company of Oceanside and is below the Engineer's Estimate of $75,800. Funds are available for the project as follows: Gas Tax (Account #02-200-3081) $ 39,000 General Fund (Account #01-145-3052) 4,000 Gas Tax (Account #02-200-3052) 16,000 Carlsbad Unified School District Estimated Share* 43,869 Total.. .. ..-$102,869 *(48.7% of original estimate, CUSD has submitted purchase order and has been bi 11 ed) Estimated Cost of Project: Con tractor ' s Bid $ 57,970 Contingency ( 10%) 5,797 Contract Management (6%) 3,478 Inspection (2%) 1,158 City Preliminary & Design (10%) 5,797 Total.. ... .'- In that the estimated cost of the project is $28,669 less than current funding, the $1 6,000 in Gas Tax (Account #02-200-3052) could be real 1 ocated . would be used for contract costs, contingencies, City costs and to reimburse Carlsbad Unified School District for funds not used after completion of the project. The remaining funds EXH I B I TS 1. Bid Summary 2. Memorandum from Public Works Administrator dated March 20, 1979 3. Resolution Nox7&9accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 1057. RECOMMENDATIONS If Council concurs, authorize the reallocation of $16,000 in Gas Tax (Account # 02-200-3052) to unappropriated Gas Tax Reserves, and adopt Resolution No.J76 accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 1057. a AGENDA BILL 5297 - Supplement #2 Page 2 Council Action: 5-15-79 Council authorized the reallocation of $16,000 in Gas Tax (Account #02-200-3052) to unappropriated Gas Tax Reserves; and Adopted Resolution 5769, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of a contract for street improvements on Valley Street and Basswood Avenue. k F 3 ll C t- Ll lL I v; 5 $. c. TO t FROM! DATE s SUBJECT: HEMORANlKlM City Manager Public Works AdmlnisfraSor b krch 20, 1979 STREET lWROVEMENTS ON VALlEY STREET h BASSWOOD AVENUE Cos$ accounting for the suBJect project is.as foltowsr Estimated cost of project Carl $bad UnI f lod School District’s share (48.78) $89,441 ;45 j 572 City's share (51.3511 ,45,069 The Cl+y has allocated funds tor .this proJsact as fof lows: Gss Tax (Accotrnt COZ-ZOO-3O81 $39,000 General Fund (Account POI-145-3052} 4 * 000 Gas Tax fAccsunt #02-200-3052) 16,090 $59,000 ’ Though the Clfy’s allocation of funds exceeds $ne Cltyrs astimated share of ?he proJact, It Is rocarmanded Phat Phs allocotton remaln as prevlous- ly assigned until ?he project Bs cowpleta to sllw for passlble cost In- cr08sie9, It there dr0 cost lncroasw, the CarlsbEd Unlflad School Ofs- trtct wlll be blllud fholr share, P”OR#UIAL %NED RV Itc#mto A. BKKMAW Ronald A. Deckman, P.E. Pub I I c Works Adml ii 1 strator . , I r .I / 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5769 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1057 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON VALLEY STREET AND BASSWOOD AVENUE WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for the street improvements on Valley Street and Basswood Avenue, Contract No. 1057; and WHEREAS, the low bid received for this improvement submitted by the Sully-Mill&-Contracting Company in the amount of $57,970; and WHEREAS, funds are available in Accounts Nos. 01-145-3052, 02-200-3081 and from Carlsbad Unified School District for this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: . 1. The above 'recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $57,970 by Sully-Miller Contracting Company for Contract No. 1057 for the street improvements on Valley Street and Basswood Avenue is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefor. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 15th day of Mav , 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: , Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Counci 1 woman Cas 1 er ABSENT: None ATTEST: .~~ZY?ttJO&~ RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor (SEAL) .. F