HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-15; City Council; 5842; City Clerk Fees" gk ' is., - r't - CITY OF CARLSEAD F' "_ ', 'AGENDA BILL NO, DATE: May 15, i979 1 .I DEPARTMENT : Citv I\Iur Initial: Dept . ]Id ;q@ C. Atty.d a 11 c. Mgr, t'; Sub j ect : / CITY CLER,Y FEES Statement of the Matter The City Council has directed staff to conduct departmental reviews of.City fees. The attached Nemorandun outlines reconmendations for the City Clerk's Office. The recommendations are based on the facts that: 1. . The City Clerk is generally considered a public service department .2. Flost fees are set by law or public agency. The City.Clerk has recommended that there be fee changes for municipal code books and su?plements, and for agenda mailing. X11 other fees are reconmend- ed to remain the same.. Based on the discussion in the attached ?lemorandum,, the City Clerk recomaends that the following changes be nade: Current Recommended - Municipal Code Books $75 $150 Bfunicipal Code Supplements -0- $ 30 annually Agenda Mailing (annually) Agendas $6 $ 12 Agendas 6 blinutes - $12 $ 24 Exhibit Llemorandum to.City Flanager from Administrative Assistant/Parks and Recre- . ation Department datcd May 2, 1979. Recommendation Jf Council concurs, apiirove the above reccmnendations which car, be changed administratively by the City Clerk. e Council Action: 5-15-79 Council requested Jn additional report as to the Pces currently charged for the Mailing of Environmental Notices. Council directed that the business license tax be subject to a separate analysis by staff for futher recommendations to Council. Council approved the recommended change in fees as proposed by staff, with the exception of those previously acted upon. I i I- .- a. .I ~ _~~~_~~- - F ?.I E F.! 0 RA S D U b! TO : Paul Eussey, City FIanager FROFI : Mike Little, Administrative Assistant, Parks E Recreation DATE : May. 2, 1979 SUBJECT: CITY CLERK FEES The city Clerk's' Office is genera1l.y considered a public service department and most fees are set by law or are minimally set to Cover basic expenses. The following fees are set by law, public agency, or are recommended for no Council action: Candidate Filing Fees The maximum fee is $2'5 set by State law which the City currently charges. Affadavits of Registration The County sets this feend reimburses the City for each voter registration. Franchise (Cable T.V.) Currently set at 35- gross annual revenues. Revenuzs for FY1977- 78 was $3,969. The maximum collectible under Federal Comunucations Commission regulations is 5% of gross annual revcnues. The Utili- ties/Maintenance Director recommends no change. Franchise (San Diego Pipeline Co.) activities within the City of Carlsbad. This is controlled by the Public Utilities Commission and is set at 2% of gross annual receipts. Mailing of Environmental Notices This is 3n annual charge ior mailing of notices of appeal, notices of hearings and other notices resulting from environmental review. The current annual charge is $60. Only one request has been pro- cessed recently with revenue going to Planning. No change is recom- ?%e City has a franchise with S~R Diego Pipeline that allows various Business License Tax Business License income is tax revenue and not fees' per se. This is beyond the scope of this report and a separate analysis is rccomqended if Council desires. The business license taxes were generally adjust- ed in 1968. I ... I . w 1. W /" -2 - The two areas where the City Clerk reconmends fee adjustments are for blunicipal CJde Books and for agenda mailing. These will be considered separately below. blunicipal Code Books blunicipal Code Books are providcd to Council members and staff at no charge, Addi,tionally, copies are provided to other cities and libraries either on an exchange or "courtesy Copy" basis, Pur- chasers of Code Books consist of development companies or private attorneys and the current price is $75 per book. There are currently 10 basic Code Books remaining. It is difficult to forecast when this supply will be depleted in that they could last from 2 to 6 years. A current distribution list is attached. A breakdown of the material costs for purchasing 25 new books which would be current only as of this date is presentzd below: Pages $2565 Binders $ 375 Tab Dividers $ 230 "7-D The cost for just materials of each Code Book is $126.80. Addztion- ally, there are costs associated with assembling and mailing the Code Books. The City Clerk recommends charging $150 for each Code Book sold to a member of the public.. Date Pages Cost Per Page Totals Apr. 15, 1978 55 SlO. 75 $591.25 Jul. 15, 1378 76 $10.75 $817.00 Oct. 15, 1978 45 $10.75 $483.75 Jan. IS, 1979 34 $12.00 $308.00 To help defray the costs of supplements and mailing, the City Clerk recommends an annual charge of $30 to all purchasers of Nunicipal Code Books to receive supplements on a quarterly basis. There are currently nineteen persons in this category. - twenty .parties pay for agkndas and minutes at $12 pkr year. These charges do not apply to the press or City officials. With the increased cost of postal services and and the cost of staff processing, the City Clerk recommends that t!lese annual charges . be increased to $12 for agendas and $23 for agendas and minutes. SUMNARY OF RECOLlhIENDATIONs: The City Clerk recommends that ti:e following fee changes be made: Current kcommended Municipal Code Books $75 $150 Municipal Code Supplements -0- $ 30 annsally Agenda Mailing (annually) Agendas $6 $ 12 Agendas G Minutes $12 S 24 EIL: tld I .. I .. I