HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-15; City Council; 5844; Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad Awarding a Contract for Village Area Streetscape and Parking Lot DesignCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial AGENDA BILL NO: y ��i Dept. Hd. Cty. Atty DATE: May 15, 1979 Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning/Redevelopment SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR VILLAGE AREA STREETSCAPE AND PARKING LOT DESIGN Statement of the Matter As a part of the City's fourth year HCD Block Grant application, the County of San Diego and the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved a program for "streetscape design services" in the Village Area as well as design and construction of a parking lot on city owned property at State and Grand. Proposals for design services were requested by late March. Twelve firms attended the pre -submittal meeting on April 9, 1979. Of those twelve, ten firms submitted acceptable proposals. The rating process is explained in the attached memo. (Exhibit U) Based upon a superior interview, a strong 1redevelopment and HCD background, and a familiarity with general streetscape as well as detailed parking design, staff is prepared to make the following recommendation. Exhibits City Council Resolution No. 7 �(_, with attached agreement and proposal. Memorandum to the City Manager dated May 9, 1979. Recommendation If Council concurs with the staff recommendation it should adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the firm of Bissell/August for the preparation of streetscape and parking lot design services. JH:jd 5/7/79 Council Action: 5-15-79 Council adopted Resolution 5771, approving an agreement with Bissell/August Architects for the provision of Streetscape•and Parking Lot Design Services. DATE: May 4, 1979 TO: City Manager FROM: Redevelopment Coordinato SUBJECT: AWARD Or' VILLAGE AREA ST KETAPE CONTRACT At its meeting of October 18, 1977 the City Council took action notifying the County of its intent to participate in the fourth year of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 Block Grant Program. On February 8, 1978 Council directed staff to submit the following funding proposal for inclusion in the County of San Diego's Urban County application: Parking Lot - Grand & State $49,000 + design - 15,000 squire feet + construction - south half (7500 sq.ft.) streetscape (Attachment I) + Plan + Construction - State to Washington along Grand and Elm Property Acquisition + Acquisition of a midblock access 45,000 43,000 On Marcb 23, 1979 the City was formally notified that the County Board of Supervisors approved all documents necessary to allow implementation of the above noted project to take place. At that time a request for proposal was prepared and distributed with copies to Council (Attachment I). A total of ten proposals were submitted by the deadline date and found to be generally acceptable. The field was narrowed to three, following detailed review of the proposalsroposals�andhe three respond tonalist questionsms were regardingvited theirto discuss their proposals. The rating matrix, included as Attachment II, shows tb<� ranking of the firms prior to the interview. The three firms interviewed are underlined. The results of the interview process substantiated the results of the matrix. The firm of Bissell/August, by virtue of related experience in HCD as well as redevelopment projects, was best suited to perform the scope of work requested in the RFP. Recommendation: It is recommended that the contract fo= design services in the Village Area be processed for award to the firm of Bissell/August. JEH:mcs 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 A` • Up of carlobah REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DESIGN SERVICES TELEPHONE' (714) 729.1181 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO PROVIDE DESIGN SERVICES FOR A PUBLIC PARKING LOT AND A STREETSCAPING PLAN WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN AREA. A. BACKGROUND CARLSBAD•IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY WITH A POPULATION AP- PROACHING 31,000. IT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTHERN COAST OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY,•25 MILES NORTH OF DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO AND IS BORDERED BY THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE ON THE NORTH AND VISTA AND SAN MARCOS TO'•THE EAST. CARLSBAD HAS A LAND AREA OF 28.6 SQUARE MILES AND HAS A PROJECTED 1995 POPULATION OF 63,860. THE CITY'S REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IS IN THE PROCESS OF"FINAL- IZING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CORE AREA OF THE INTER- CITY. 'THE CITY IS ALSO USING HOUSING E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO AID IN THE REVITALIZATION OF THE DOWN- TOWN AREA. B. OVERVIEW THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS PLANNING TO DEVELOP A PUBLIC PARKING LOT AND STREETSCAPE PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN CORE AREA. THE PROJECTS ARE BEING UNDERTAKEN IN A SINGLE DESIGNING EFFORT AS A PART OF THE CITY'S FOURTH YEAR HCD BLOCK GRANT ENTITLEMENT. $20,000 HAS BEEN ALLOCATED FOR THIS PURPOSE. THE PARKING PLAN WILL COVER A 15,000 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF GRAND AVENUE AND STATE STREET. THE PARKING PLAN WILL ADDRESS THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A PARKING FACILITY INCLUDING ITEMS SUCH AS LANDSCAPING, SPACE ARRANGEMENT, LIGHTING, IDENTIFICATION SIGNING. THE PLAN WILL BE DESIGNED SO THAT CONSTRUCTION CAN TAKE PLACE IN TWO PHASES, WITH THE SOUTH HALF OF THE LOT BEING DEVELOPED IN PHASE I. THE STREETSCAPING PLAN WILL ADDRESS IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETSCAPE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE CORE AREA OF THE INNER-CITY. IT WILL INCORPORATE THE EXISTING CIR- CULATION SYSTEM, WITH A GOAL OF MINIMIZING PEDESTRIAN/ VEHICULAR CONFLICT, AND INCREASING PEDESTRIAN USEABILITY. ' ITEMS WHICH WILL BE COVERED WITHIN THE STREETSCAPE PLAN ARE LIGHTING, STREET GRAPHICS, STREET FURNITURE, LANDSCAPING, AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TO BE USED IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY. THE CONSULTANT WILL BE REQUIRED TO MEET WITH THE PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL PRIOR TO FINALIZATION - THE END PRODUCT WILL SE A DOCUMENT SPECIFYING UNIFORM STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. C. OBJECTIVES THE CITY IS NOW SEEKING PROPOSALS TO PROVIDE DESIGN SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THESE PROJECTS. THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL DEFINE THE EXACT CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT SCOPE, WORK PLAN, SCHEDGM, PERSONNEL COSTS, FEE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. D. SELECTION PROCEDURE EVALUATION SHALL BE BASED ON STAFF 'At` ILYSIS OF THE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED. THE EVALUATION SHALL CiNSIDER THE EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRM AND ITS STAFF, PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAM, PROPOSED COM- PLETION SCHEDULE, ABILITY TO WORK WITH CITY STAFF, AND OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE CONSIDERED SIGNIFICANT. REVIEW PROCESS: FOLLOWING STAFF REVIEW, THE DESIGN FIRM WHOSE PROPOSALS ARE JUDGED TO MOST CLOSELY MATCH THE CITY'S NEEDS MAY BE INVITED FOR INTERVIEWS. FINAL CONSULTANT SELECTION WILL BE MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL. CONTRACT DATE: IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT A SELECTION WILL BE MADE AND CONTRACT PREPARED WITHIN TWO WEEKS FOLLOWING RECEIPT FO FINAL PROPOSALS. •ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DOES NOT COMMIT THE CITY TO AWARD A CONTRACT, TO PAY ANY COSTS INCURRED IN THE PREPARATION OF THE PROPOSAL TO THIS REQUEST, OR -TO PROCURE OR CONTRACT FOR SERVICES OR SUPPLIES, THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT -ANY OR ALL FROPOSALS RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF THIS REQUEST, TO NEGOTIATE WITH ANY QUALIFIED SOURCE, OR TO CA14CEL IN PART OR IN ITS ENTIRE". THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, IF IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST C-, THE CITY TO DO SO. SHOULD YOUR FIRM WISH TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL PLEASE INDICATE YOUR INTENTIONS TO DO SO IN WRITTEN FORM BY APRIL 2, 1979. FINAL PROPOSALS ARE DUE IN TRIPLICATE, ON APRIL 20, 1979• THOSE FIRMS SUBMITTING PROPOSAL SHOULD BE PREPARED TO ATTEND • THE PRE THE -SUBMITTAL MEETING WITH THE CITY O00AM AR� 9INITHE�COUNCIL PRE -SUBMITTAL MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 10 , CHAMBERS LOCATED ADJACENT TO CITY HALL. PLEASE CONTACT JACK HENTHORN OR ANDREW AITKEN AT (714) 729-1181, SHOULD YOU ! HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. SINCERELY, JACK E. HENTHORN REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JEH:DA:AR • i ®' . an NICHOLS0N, I THE PRC IWANAGA S L 4 BERRYMAN A 'AM. PEACH & BLACKFORD/ GEN6E FIRM NW, wyCK 6 8 OW AUGUST PLANNING- CENTER TOUPS ASSOC. STEPHENSON ASSOC, TUCKER EXPEkIENCE -Type' 20 24 19 17 19 20 19 20 17 20 Scope Location STAFF . Type, Experi- ence, Ability 22 23 20 20 19 20 19 17 17 25 to Coordinate W/City Staff PROGRAM Content, 25 25 25 25 25 25 ' 25 19 1'7 19 Presentation, Ability to ' meet RFP Schedule COST Staff, Material, 25 25 25 25 25 25' 25 • 25 20 25 Final Product TOTAL 9922 97t 89 877 88 90 a89i MaXb4li-�umber of points per category = 25 Total' number of -points-posssble 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E RESOLUTION NO, 5771 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BISSELL/AUGUST ARCHITECTS FOR THE PROVISION OF STREETSCAPE AND PARKING LOT DESIGN SERVICES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain agreement between the CITY OF CARLSBAD and BISSELL/AUGUST, Architects, for the provision of consulting services to provide a streetscape design and accompanying parking lot construction drawings and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2, That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby author- Ized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the _15th day of May_ 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Lewis and Anear Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None e'v ROfSALD C. Rll, ayoi ATTEST: Arelm�-z ity r (SEAL) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BISSELL AND AUGUST, ARCHITECTS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 9 , by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "Agency" and Bissell and August, hereinafter called "Consultant" having their offices and principal place of business at'190 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually understood and agreed by and between Agency and Consultant as follows: I. EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTANT That Bissell and August is hereby employed by the Agency as Consultant to perform all of the professional services hereinafter defined and described in connection with the project, and that said compensation hereinafter set forth, and said Consultant does hereby agree to do and perform said services here- inafter defined and set forth for the compensation hereinafter fixed. II. DUTY OF CONSULTANT The Consultant shall, in good, workmanlike and profes- sional manner and at his own cost and expense, furnish all of the labor, technical, administrative, professional and other personnel, all supplies and materials, machinery, equipment, printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities, calculations and all other means whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by Agency necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the services required of the Consultant by this Agreement. III. WORK REQUIRED BY THE CONSUTTANT The Consultant agrees to provide Design and Construction Documents for a public parking lots and a Conceptual Master Plan with a Uniform Streetscape Standards Manual. To that end the following tasks shall be undertaken:. TASK 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION & ORGANIZATION WORK PRODUCTS 1.1 Meeting between all project participants to discuss, refine, and agree upon all components of the work program. 1.2 Defines roles for Consultant'& City Staff. 1.3 Describe products as to quantity, Approved work ,quality and timing program and contract TASK 2 DATA COLLECTION WORK PRODUCTS The purpose of this task is to gather relevant technical and factual information which, following analysis, will form a basis for making precise physical design recom- mendations. 2.1 Take possession of existing data from City of Carlsbad including hot Citys General Plan, a base map, p g phy► traffic/engineering data, land use/zoning data, topo and boundary survey for parking lot site. 2.2 Further define site data through interview of City Staff most knowledgeable about Village Center and how it currently functions. 2.3 Review existing data for completeness and relevance. • TASK 3 PARKING LOT DESIGN WORK PRODUCTS This task will proceed concurrently with subsequent tasks in order that the City's desired completion dates may be met. 3.1 Prepare preliminary alternatives for Preliminary a standard parking lot treatment to plans, be used throughout the village center, 1" = 20' using the proposed lot as apilot project. Prepare phasing plan. 3.2.0 Select preferred alternative design, Construction, and complete construction drawings DrawingSpecifications s and and specifications. 3.2.1 Contract Documents - The contract documents will include, but'not necessarily be limited to, the following: Staking and layout plans Grading and drainage plans Planting plans Irrigation plans Lighting plans Signing and graphics Street furniture or structures (if required) In TASK 3 PARKING LOT DESIGN WORK PRODUCTS Construction details for the above Specifications for the above Cost estimates for the above, 3.3 Provide consultation to City during construction phase to•insure that design intent is realized (City to pro- vide contract administration and field supervision). TASK 4 ANALYSIS & GOAL DEFINITION WORK PRODUCTS The purpose of this task is to record, compile, and evaluate all data to identify physical development opportunities and constraints. 4.1 Prepare sketch diagrams and summary Sketch diagrams memoranda of the following factors: (scaleitodetere a. land use characteristics b. visual characteristics C. pedestrian and vehicular circu- lation and parking characteristics 4.2 Develop, confirm, and refine a set of goals and objectives relating to street- scape improvement of the Village Center. TASK 5 ALTERNATIVE PLAN DEVELOPASENT WORK PRODUCTS The purpose of Task 5 is ;•o develop alternative design concepts for the form and image of the Village Center. 5.1 Prepare sketch alternatives, which conceptual Alternatives address the following factors: a. functions accommodated b. traffic circulation c. parking d. bicycle circulation & parking e. village center image f. pedestrian circulation g. urban design options and opportunities 5.2 Develop order of magnitude cost projections. II TASK 6 PRESENTATIONS WORK PRODUCTS 6.1 Present drawings, plans, elevations, 2 formal axonometrics, prespectives, overlays, presentations sketches, and similar data that reflect the study findings to the City and groups, and receive direction. TASK 7 FINALIZATION OF PLAN WORK PRODUCTS The purpose of this task is to complete the recommendations, in response to the review of alternatives presented in Task 6. 7.1 Complete overall master•plan for Master Plan Village Center. 7.2 Complete detailed design development of streetscape, including: a. overall.image b. application & placement of streetscape elements c. individual component design 1. paving 2. landscape planting 3. lighting 4. public signage 5. visual screening 6. benches 7. bollards B. trash containers •9. water fountains 10. kiosks, special elements 11. bicycle parking 12. parking lot design treatment 13. other elements as appropriate 7.3 Develop cost projections and alternatives. 7.4 Develop generalized phasing and implementation recommendations. Final graphics, report to include renderings, applicable mylar reproducible and a graphic supported written document address- ing those items noted•in 7.2. All materials will be in a form easily reproducible by the City. TASK 8 FINAL PRESENTATION WORK PRODUCTS 8.1 Present final -plan 2 formal presentations IV. TIME FOR COMPLETION OF WORK The Consultant shall diligently prosecute the work and shall complete the Parking Lot Design and Construction Documents prior to June 18, 1979. The conceptual Master Plan and Streetscape Standards Manual shall be submitted to the City no later than August 15, 1979. The Redevelopment Coordinator or his designee herein- after referred to as "Coordinator" will represent the City of Carlsbad in all matters pertaining to time for completion of work .related to this assignment. V. OWNERSHIP OF DATA, REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS The Consultant shall deliver to the Coordinator, as the work is completed, all notes of field surveys made, all reports of tests made, studies, reports, photos, negatives, plans, drawings, and all other materials and documents, all of which shall become the property of the agency. VI.' .COORDINATOR TO REPRESENT AGENCY The Redevelopment Coordinator or his designative repre- sentative shall represent the Agency in all matters pertaining to services rendered prusuant to this Agreement and shall administer this Agreement on behalf of the Agency. VII. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY AGENCY On its part, the Agency agrees to provide the following at no Bost to the Consultant on an as -needed basis: A. Permission to enter the property. B. All pertinent record data available in City files. C. Photographs and graphic displays previously pre- pared that might be suitable in the preparation of the construction document. D.- Availability as needed of the Redevelopment Coordinator's time for input and on a limited basis, the time of other City personnel. All such requests for time shall be coordinated through the Redevelopment.Coordinator. VIII. CONSULTANT'S FEE The Consultant agrees to perform the tasks outlined in this contract for a cost not to exceed $20,000. All services performed shall be filled at the following rates: Principal time. . . . . . . . . . . .$60.00 per hour Associate time. . . . . . . .$37.50 per hour Technical personnel time. •. . . .$27.50 per hour Clerical or Junior Personneltime . .$17.50 per hour All costs incurred for reprodiiction, printing, materials, and sub -consultants fees shall be billed at direct cost. `i Itemized billings shall be presented to the City %on a monthly basis, provided that 10% of the maximum contract amount shall be withheld until such time as the City Council acts to accept documents. 1%. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT This agreement may be terminated for default if the Consultant breaches this Agreement or if the Consultant refuses or fails to prosecute the work under this Agreement or any phase of the work, with such diligence as Will assure its completion within the time fixed for completion. Termination of this,Agreement because of a default of the Consultant shall not relieve the Consultant from liability of such default. ' X. PAYMENT UPON DEFAULT'OF CONSULTANT In the case of termination of*this Agreement for default of the Consultant, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment of the reasonable value of the work and services he performed after execution of this Agreement and prior to its termination, less the services performed under the Agreement and less any increase or additional costs of expenses incurred by and any damages suffered by the Agency by reasons of such default. XI. CITY'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE: PAYMENT A. Notwithstanding any other section or provision of this Agreement, the Agency shall have the absolute right at any time to terminate this Agreement or any work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. B. In the event of termination of the Agreement by the Agency in the absense of default of the Consultant, the Agency shall pay the Consultant the reasonable value of the services actually performed after oxec•ation of this Agreement and prior to its termination. C. The Consultant hereby expressly waives any and all claims for damage or compensation arising under this Agreement, except as set forth in this section, in the event of such termination. XII. TERMIMTION: DELIVERY OF GOODS In the event of termination of this Agreement, and upon demand of the Coordinator, the Consultant shall deliver to the Coordinator all field notes, surveys, studies, reports, photos, negatives, plans, drawings, and all other materials and documents prepared by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreement, and all such documents and materials shall be the property of the Agency; provided, however, that the Consultant may retain copies for his own use. XIII. MODIFICATIONS OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may be amended by reason of changes in the scope of the project as described herein and the amount of any adjustment (increase or decrease) shall be determined by negotiations to the mutual satisfaction of the Coordinator and the Consultant and approved by the Agency. XIV. INDEMNITY The Agency, its agents, officers, and employees, 'shall not be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for damage to any goods, properties or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for any personal injuries to or deaths to them or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or ommission of the Consultant, or his agents, employees, or representatives, not including liability by reasons of acts or omission caused by the Agency, its agents or employees, the Consultant further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the Agency and its authorized agents, officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities and any cost and expenses incurred by the Agency on account of any claim therefor, including claims by reason of alleged defects in the plans and specifications; and in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction should determine that the Agency has no authority to provide by agreement for the performance of the hereinabove set forth professional services, or any of them, the Consultant nevertheless agrees to assume the foregoing obligations and liabilities by which it is intended by both parties that the Consultant agrees to indemnify and to save the 'Agency harmless from all claims arising by reason of the work done by the Consultant. XV. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Any and all liability, claim for damanges, cost of defense, or expenses to be levied against the Consultant will be limited to the amount of its fee on account of any injury or damage to persons or property arising out of any design defects, error, omission, or professional negligence. Further, the Agency agrees to notify any contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection with or making use of design, report or study prepared by Consultant of such limitation of liability and require as a condition precedent to its performing the work, a like limitation of liability on their part as against the Consultant. In the event the Agency fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to injury or damage to persons or property, design defects, errors, omissions or professional negligence, any liability of the Consultant and/or the Agency to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of alleged injury or damages to persons or property, design defects, between the Agency and the Consultant in such a manner that the aggregate liability of the Consultant shall not exceed the amount of its fee. "IN XVI. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION STATEMENT A. In performance of this contract, the Consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, sex or age. The Consultant will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, ancestry, sex or age or national origin. Such adtion shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; an3 selection for training. All subcontractors used under our contract will contain a like non- discrimination clause. B. The Federal grantor agency, HUD, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorizeda representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to a specific grant program for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first hereinbefore set forth. CITY OF CARLSBAD 4ALD PACKARD, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM BY Vincent F. 11d0, City Attorney BISSELL & AUGUST, ARCHITECTS