HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-15; City Council; 5846; Adult entertainment ordinance.CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial AGENDA BILL NO: <5~ & *7 Lp \ Dept. Hd. DATE: May 15, 1979 Cty* Atty —3 Cty. Mgr. ~K DEPARTMENT ^Redevelopment (Planning) . ~J SUBJECT: Report on Adult Entertainment Ordinance -'/; ///) Statement of the Matter At its meeting of August 2, 1977, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9486, an interim urgency ordinance, prohibiting certain uses in the downtown redevelopment study area. At its meeting of August 1, 1978, the Council extended the ordinance provision for one year, as provided by law, to permit completion of regulatory documents. Those documents are now complete and ready to begin the hearing process. As noted in the attached staff report, the.proposed ordinance is based upon the Detroit technique and is structured in the basic zoning regulations format. The Detroit technique, simply stated, merely prevents any new regulated use from locating within a prescribed distance of an existing regulated use or within a prescribed distance of any parcel of land with a residential zoning classification or which contains certain specified land uses. The Detroit ordinance does not contain an abatement provision, although abatement of existing uses, as part of the ordinance, would be permissible to achieve the goal of dispersal of regulated uses. The ordinance goes further in separating adult uses which have a sexual nature from those adult uses which do not have a sexual nature. In addition, certain other types of uses, which are not strictly limited to adult entertainment, are also included within the regulatory provisions. By permitting these uses conditionally, greater control can be exercised to ensure that these uses do not lead to deterioration of the neighborhood. In summary, this ordinance balances the need of the City to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens with an individual's ability to utilize his property. Exhibit: Report of the City Manager, dated April 30, 1979 Recommendation: It is recommended that if the proposed ordinance fulfills the intent of the City Council, that it direct that it be presented to the Planning Commission for public hearing pending final Council consideration. JEH:ms AGENDA BILL 5846 Page 2 Council Action: 5-15-79 Council directed that the proposed ordinance be presented to the Planning Commission for public hearing pending final Council consideration. MEMORANDUM DATE: April 30, 1979 TO: City Manager Planning Director FROM: Redevelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCE Background At its meeting of August 2, 1977 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9486, an interim urgency ordinance, prohib- iting certain uses in the downtown redevelopment study area. At its meeting of August 1, 1978 the Council extended the ordinance provision for one year, as provided by law, to permit completion of regulatory documents. The attached ordinance addresses two categories of use which should be regulated to ensure that the operation will not contribute to the downgrading of the surrounding neighborhood and to preserve and protect public health, safety and welfare in the City of Carlsbad. The ordinance amends the C-l and C-2 zone classifications to permit liquor stores, bars and cocktail lounges by conditional use permit and adds several other uses to the conditional use permit provisions of Title 21. Additionally, the ordinance creates an adult entertainment chapter—Chapter 21.43—which addresses uses not open to the general public by virtue of age restriction and those which are sex oriented. The ordinance contains a list of definitions, including the basic descriptive definition of "specified sexual activities" and "specified anatomical areas", which are the keystones of the regulatory approach. In addition, the draft ordinance defines those adult entertainment establishments which are regulated by its provisions, including adult bookstores, adult motion picture theatres and cabarets, and various other uses. Also defined are those uses, including motion picture theatres and bookstores, which are not considered to be adult entertainment establishments. Justification: The City of Carlsbad is currently involved in efforts to stabilize and revitalize its existing neighborhoods. Recent activity in the areas of redevelopment, housing, rehabilitation and replacement of deteriorated public improvements are indicative of the City's commitment to maintaining and Planning Director -2- April 30, 1979 upgrading the social and aesthetic environment of its neighborhoods. The City is also committed to protecting the public health, safety and welfare of all the neighborhoods in the City, including newer neighborhoods and developments. The City Council has determined that regulation of both sexually related and nonsexually related adult entertainment in other establishments is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare and the social and aesthetic environment of the City's neighborhoods. While case law recognizes the broad power of cities to regulate the use of property within city limits to protect not only the health,safety and welfare, but such matter as aesthetics, a balance must be reached between the public's need for protection and an individual's ability to use his property as he sees fit. This ordinance seeks to balance the City's police power and the desire to project its citizenry with constitutional protections afforded by the First Amendment to individuals. In addition, consideration is given to permitting individuals to utilize their property in a manner they see fit yet which is consistent with the general public's need to regulate certain uses by distinguishing between two types of adult uses; that is, those related to sexual activities and those not related to sexual activities, this ordinance achieves the desired regulatory balance. The proposed regulations treat the adult entertainment uses as proper commercial uses but in a manner that might well be termed a preventive regulation. Although there has been some concentration of certain of these uses in certain areas, it appears to be advisable to use this technique to prevent further concentration or expansion of existing concentrations rather than waiting until such concentrations have reached such proportions that corrective actions become difficult,if not impossible, to develop. It has been well documented by cities (Detroit, Boston, New Orleans, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Oceanside) and recognized by the courts that land use regulation is a reasonable approach to eliminating the adverse affects resulting from concentration of adult type uses. It has been established that unregulated concentration of the uses identified in this ordinance create discernible adverse impacts on the community. Examples of the blighting affects of unregulated concentrations include: 1. The California Youth Authority Psycologist's testimony in Santa Barbara that concentration of the types of uses identified in the adult entertainment ordinance tend to have an adverse impact on children. Planning Director -3- April 30, 1979 2. Expert land use testimony declaring that concentrations of unregulated adult uses result in economic deteri- oration and blight. 3. Testimony by an economic consultant during a hearing in Oceanside that the concentration of these uses results in the decline of maintenance and improvement of property in and adjacent to the areas of concentration. It is therefore reasonable for the City Council to determine that concentrations of unregulated uses as identified in this ordinance will contribute to social, economic and physical decline in the City of Carlsbad. This ordinance attempts to preclude the establishment of "skidrows" in one or more areas of the city. This approach would contribute to ensuring the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life which is currently found in the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad is fortunate to have recognized the dilatory effect of concentration of adult uses before they were firmly established within the city. This ordinance will establish a policy which will discourage and possibly prevent deterioration and devaluation of the City's neighborhoods. The goal of this ordinance is to prevent the decline of property values, increased incidents of crime and decreased usage of certain neighborhoods by the general public which can result from concentrations of unregulated adult entertainment uses. Techniques for regulation There are two basic techniques for the regulation of adult entertainment establishments. The first approach is Boston's "adult entertainment district", also referred to as "the combat zone". This technique used a special purpose overlay district imposed over a portion of downtown Boston. This overlay district is the only area of the City in which adult entertainment uses are permitted and was originally envisioned as a method in preventing the spread of these uses throughout the City. The second technique is that utilized by the City of Detroit. This technique is essentially a method of dispersal. Since the constitutionality of the Detroit technique was upheld by the United States Supreme Court, its popularity, as a model ordinance for a large number of cities throughout the nation, has grown. Major California cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara Planning Director -4- April 30, 1979 and San Diego, all have either adopted an ordinance based on the Detroit model, or are in the process of preparing and considering one. The Detroit technique, simply stated, merely prevents any new regulated use for locating within a prescribed distance of an existing regulated use or within a prescribed distance of any parcel of land with a residential zoning classification for which contains certain specified land uses. The Detroit ordinance does not contain an abatement provision, although abatement of existing uses, as part of the ordinance, would be permissible to achieve the goal of dispersal of regulated uses. Proposed Ordinance This proposed ordinance is based upon the Detroit technique and is structured in the basic zoning regulations format. It also goes further in separating adult uses which have a sexual nature from those adult uses which do not have a sexual nature. In addition, certain other types of uses, which are not strictly limited to adult entertainment, are also included within the regulatory provisions. By permitting these latter uses, through the conditional use permit procedures, greater control can be exercised to ensure that these uses do not lead to deterioration of the neighborhood. The remainder of this memo will deal specifically with the provision of the new ordinance dealing with adult entertain- ment uses of a sexual nature. The ordinance contains a list of definitions, including the basic descriptive definition of "sexual conduct" and "specified anatomical areas" which are the keystones of the regulatory approach. In addition, the ordinance defines those adult entertainment establishments which would be regulated by its provisions, including adult bookstores, adult motion picture theatres and cabarets, as well as various other uses. Also, defined are motion picture theatres and book- stores which are not adult entertainment establishments. In order to formulate these definitions we have utilized an approach incorporated into a San Francisco draft ordinance. This approach requires that a significant percentage of film presentation time or bookstore floor area be devoted to other than "sexual conduct" and "specified anatomical areas" recognizing that many first run feature films and many best selling books have portions of their contents which some individuals or organizations may interpret as falling within the "sexual conduct" and "specified anatomical areas" Planning Director -5- April 30, 1979 categories. Therefore, in the option of the Planning Department, this approach would probably preclude any hardships being placed upon theatres and bookstores which have no intent of becoming adult entertainment enterprises. The ordinance also lists specific permitted adult entertain- ment establishments and indicates specifically exempted uses which are not intended to be confused with adult entertainment establishments. Insofar as regulatory provisions are concerned, the draft ordinance provides for spacing between regulated uses and spacing between regulated uses and residential zones and certain public uses such as churches and schools. The regulations also provide for a waiver of regulatory provisions upon a fifty-one percent petition from surround- ing residents, property owners and business people. In addition, the public hearing body would have to make certain findings before granting a waiver. The ordinance contains provisions which prohibit the visual display of signs and materials pertaining to "sexual conduct" and "specified anatomical areas". Conclusion By enacting the ordinance the Council will be declaring that concentration or location of those uses in various areas would adversely affect public health, safety and welfare. But, Council will not be imposing moral standards of oper- ation upon these uses. In summary, this ordinance balances that need of the City to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens with an individual's ability to utilize his property. The Planning Department has reviewed the regulations and has determined that they are exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Recommendation It is recommended that the proposed ordinance be sent to the City Council for their comments and recommendations before it is sent to the Planning Commission for public hearing. JH/mla Attachment n m '.° <fu. ^ I J° ii>£>£ '?3i• . tu O 0It "> I- OC^ 5 u 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT AND ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORDERLY REGULATION BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT OF VARIOUS USES AND BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.43 TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGU- LATION OF CERTAIN "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT" USES. . The City Council of the City o.f Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: In the development and execution of this ordinance it is recognized that there are certain uses which possess unique operational characteristics, making impractical their automatic inclusion in any class of uses set forth in the various zones defined by Title 21. Special regulation of these uses is necessary to ensure that their operation will not contribute to the downgrading of the surrounding neighborhood and to preserve and protect public health, safety and welfare in the City of Carlsbad. The best method to protect the public health, safety and welfare is to prevent the concentration of certain of these uses in any one area. The City Council also, deems these regulations necessary to protect the unique aesthetic, environment of the City of Carlsbad and to preserve the economic and social benefits, including tourism, arising from that environment. SECTION 2: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Sections 21.04.041, 21.04.056, 21.04.057, 21.04.091, 21.04.141, 21.04.201, 21.04.266, 21.04.291, 21.04.292, 21.04.301 and 21.04.356 - .o . z o>t men 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 or s i 14 ° ° i cc §o|§ 15 "••^dS z "I 8 o 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 to read as follows: "21.04.041 Bars or Cocktail Lounges. "Bar or Cocktail Lounge" means any establishment serving an alcoholic beverage not meeting the requirements of bona fide public eating establishment as defined in Section 21.04.056. 21.04.056 Bona fide public eating establishment. "Bona fide public eating establishment means any establishment at which the primary business is the preparation, service and retail sale of meals comprising a varied selection of foods and nonalcoholic beverages prepared, served and consumed on the premises. To be classified as a bona fide public eating establish- ment, an establishment which engages in the sale of beer, wine or distilled spirits for consumption on the premises shall meet the following requirements: (1) Be designed and operated in such a way that the sale of alcoholic beverages is incidental to the primary restaurant operation. (2) On any day the restaurant is open to the public for business and engaged in the incidental sale of alcoholic beverages, restaurant services shall be available to the : public for the evening meal for a period of not less than five hours, or for not less than four hours, if the morning or noon meal is also served to the public for a period of not less than two hours. (3) Restaurant service shall include, but not be limited to, an offering of a varied menu of foods or not less than five main courses with appropriate nonalcoholic beverages, desserts, salads and other attendant dishes. (4) The sale of any food prepared for consumption off the premises shall be occasional only and clearly incidental and subordinate to the on-premises restaurant operation. (5) No more than twenty-five percent of the interior area of the restaurant shall be designed, arranged or devoted to a use commonly associated with a bar or other establishment primarily engaged in the on-premises sale of alcoholic beverages. The interior area shall include only those portions of the establishment devoted to regular use by the public. (6) A minimum of twenty percent of the gross floor area of the establishment shall be used solely for food storage, preparation, maintenance and storage of eating utensils, dish and glassware and shall include refrigeration, cooking, warming and dishwashing equipment, and any other equipment necessary for a fully equipped restaurant kitchen. (7) During the above specified minimum hours for restaurant services, there shall be not less than one employee per two hundred and fifty square feet of floor area devoted to food service use. Said employee or employees shall be on the job during the specified minimum hours for restaurant service as described in subsection (2)-. The City Council may waive the above requirements relating t;o hours, menus, alcoholic beverage area, kitchen -2- •» oo'u.o o igit • -Iui Z« £z P o ii>o<t §5 80 -SCO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 area, employees and equipment if they find a proposed restaurant will provide equivalencies, meets the other requirements of this section and will, in fact, be operated as a bona fide restaurant. Uses not specifically named in this section but which • are of substantially the same general type and character and are within the intent and purpose of this section may be permitted, provided, however, that the burden of proving the same shall rest with the person seeking to establish that use. 21.04.057 Bowling alley. "Bowling alley" means any structure in which a ball or balls are rolled on a green or down an alley or lane at any object or group of objects. 21.04.091 Coin operated arcade. "Coin operated arcade" means any place wherein coin or slug operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled machines, shooting galleries, or any other amusement devices, are maintained for use by five or fewer persons per machine at any one time. 21.04.141 Escort service. "Escort service" means any place where patrons can purchase the social company or companionship of another person to be given either on or off the premises, excluding any use regulated by Chapter 21.43 of this code. 21.04.201 Liquor store. "Liquor store" means any store designed and operated for the selling of alcoholic beverages with the selling of any other merchandise being incidental to the primary operation of selling liquor. 21.04.266 Massage establishment. "Massage establishment" means any place regulated by the provisions of Chapter 5.16 of this code, but excluding any massage parlor as defined in Section 21.43.020 of this code. 21.04.291 Pawnshop. "Pawnshop" means any place engaged in the business of loaning money to any person, upon any personal property, personal security, or purchasing personal property and reselling such articles to the vendor or other assignee at prices previously agreed upon. 21.04.292 Pool hall or billiard parlor. A "pool hall or billiard parlor" is any place of business where billiards or pool is played, and a fee is charged to those playing for the use of the equipment. The billiard room shall not be connected with any other business nor shall any other business be permitted to be carried on, except that the billiard room may have therein ordinary merchandise vending machines and no more than four coin operated games of skill, including pinball machines. -3- o2<n_i EC O DONURNu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IB* 14 IMS 15 V__ UJ *^ £ £ 8 a- 16uj 2 CM < 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21.04.301 Secondhand or thrift shops. "Secondhand or thrift shop" means a place of business that engages in buying and selling, trading or accepting for sale on consignment, previously sold property, excluding bona fide antique shops. Secondhand property means personal property of which prior - use has been made. A bona fide antique shop is one in which all the merchanidse are antiques. Antique means objects of art, bric-a-brac, curios, household furniture or furnishings offered for sale upon the basis, expressed or implied, that the value of the property, in whole or in substantial part, is derived from its age or from historical associations. 21.04.356 Tattoo parlors. "Tattoo parlor" is any place of business that engages in tattooing persons by any method of placing designs, letters', scrolls, figures, symbols or any other marks upon or under the skin with ink or colors, by the aid of needles or instruments." SECTION 3: That Title 21, Chapter 21.26 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.26.010 to delete Subsection(18), Liquor stores (offsale), and renumber the remaining subsections accordingly. SECTION 4: That Title 21, Chapter 21.26, Section 21.26.015 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of the words "as defined in Section 23038 of the Business and Professions Code, State of California," and by the addition of Subsection (3) to read as follows: "(3) Packaged liquor stores (off-sale) subject to the following conditions: (A) That the Planning Commission makes the same findings as required by this section for on-premises sales of liquor from bona fide eating establishments. (B) An opening "shall be provided through which an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises can be obtained from the street upon which the business fronts. (C) Such establishment shall not be located within five hundred feet of any other licensed liquor dispensing establishment not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment. " SECTION 5: That Title 21, Chapter 21.28, Section 21.28.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of Subsection (3), Bars and Cocktail.Lounges (On-sale), -4- o ooc/> °° _: oc (Mcc < oi S"slQ £1 ^-y 5 o: '*- v. "J rti^<£ u;"3< ^ doZ ^. 8 QUJ Z CM rf0 £ " »?2 3> t ^ t s o 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and renumbering the remaining subsections accordingly. SECTION 6: That Title 21, Chapter 21.28, Section 21.28.015 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection (4) to read as follows: "(4) Bars, cocktail lounges and other licensed (on-sale) liquor dispensing operations not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment, subject to the following conditions: (A) An opening shall be provided through which an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises can be obtained from the street upon which business fronts. "(B) Parking shall be provided at the rate of not less than one space per fifty square feet of gross floor area. (C) Surrounding grounds, including parking areas, shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition at all times. (D) Any structure housing such operation shall meet all applicable code provisions prior to occupancy. (E) Licensee or agent shall not permit open containers of alcoholic liquor to be taken from the premise. (F) No licensed liquor dispensing operation shall be located within five hundred feet of any other licensed liquor dispensing operation not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment. SECTION 7: That Title 21, Chapter 21.42, Section 21.42.010, Subsection (5) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subparagraphs (T), (U) , (V) , (W) , (X), (Y) , .(Z) and (AA) to read as follows: "(T) Bowling alleys subject to the following con- ditions: ( i) No noise shall be audible outside of the confines of the structure. ( ii) If alcoholic beverages are offered for consumption on-site, no open container shall be permitted to be taken from the premises. (iii) Parking requirements for any bar area not meeting the definition of bona fide eating establishment shall be computed at one space per fifty square feet of gross floor area. (U) Coin operated arcades subject to the following conditions: ( i) No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on premises. ( ii) All activities shall be conducted within the confines of a structure designed to contain the noise created by such operation. -5- .Q33 SlS-> o da. o> *j u- !i! ~a o 2 z *9 0 z£'£§8• ° 5 rfU. • -1 SUJ O •z "! 8 oS|s< |P ^3> I- a: o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (iii) Construction shall be such as to permit unobstructed view of the interior from the street upon which the business fronts. (V) Escort services subject to the following conditions: ( i) Construction shall be such as to permit an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises from the street upon which the business fronts. ( ii) No such business shall be located within five hundred feet of any residential zone. (iii) An applicant shall submit his appli- cation for conditional use permit to the Chief of Police, which application shall be under oath, and shall include, among other things, the true names and addresses of all persons financially interested in the business. The past criminal record, if any, of all persons financially interested in the business shall be shown on such application. The term "persons financially interested" shall include all persons who share in the profits of the business, on the basis of gross or net revenue,, including landlords, lessors, lessees, the owner of the building, fixtures or equipment. The application shall also be accompanied by fingerprints of persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall make such investigation as is necessary to determine the background of the applicant and other persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall report to the Planning Commission his findings and recommendations based on these findings and upon his judgement of potential enforcement problems from the proposed use, as to whether to approve, deny, or conditionally approve of •deny the conditional use permit in writing within thirty days after the application is submitted. Failure to so report shall be deemed approval of the application. The Planning Commission may deny an application based on the findings and recommendations of the Chief of Police. (W) Pawn shops subject to the following conditions: ( i) No pawn shop shall be located within five hundred feet of any establishment licensed to dispense (for on-siteor off-site consumption) alcoholic beverages. ( ii) No pawn shop shall be located within five hundred feet of any residentially zoned property. (iii) Every structure housing such operation shall be constructed so as to provide an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises from the street upon which the business fronts. (X) Pool halls or billiard parlors subject to the following conditions: ( i) No such establishment shall be located within five hundred feet of any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on-site or off- site. ( ii) No establishment 'shall be permitted to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on-site or off- site. -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (iii) All structures housing such operation • shall be constructed so as to permit unobstructed views of the interior of the premises from the street upon which the business fronts. ( iv) Each structure housing such operation shall be constructed so as to contain within the confines of such structure, all noise and all other objectionable by-products of such operation. (Y) Secondhand or thrift shops subject to the following conditions: ( i) An applicant shall submit his application for a conditional use permit to the Chief of Police, which application shall be under oath, and shall include, among other things, the true names and addresses of all persons financially interested in the business. The past criminal record, if any, or all persons financially or otherwise interested in the business shall be shown on such application. The term "persons financially interested" shall include all persons who share in the profits of the business on the basis of gross or net revenue, including landlords, lessors, lessees, the owner of the building, fixtures or1 equipment. The application shall also be accompanied by fingerprints of persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall make such investigation as is necessary to determine the background of the applicant and other persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall report to the Planning Commission his findings and recommendations based on these findings and upon his judgement potential enforcement problems from the proposed use, as to whether to approve, deny or conditionally approve or deny the conditional use permit, in writing within thirty days after the application is submitted. Failure to so report shall be deemed approval of the applicaton. The Planning Commission may deny an application based on the findings and recommendations of the Chief of Police. Charitable organizations shall be specifically exempt from bhe report provisions of this section. ( ii) No goods shall be taken on a consign- .ent basis. (Z) Tattoo parlors subject to the following conditions : . ( i) No tattoo parlor shall be located within five hundred feet of any licensed alcoholic beverage dispensing operation offering said beverages for on-site or off-site consumption. ( ii) No Tattoo parlor shall be operated in conjunction with nor share any operating space with any other business. (AA) Massage .establishments subject to the following conditions: ( i) No massage establishment shall be located within five hundred feet of any other massage establishment or any r licensed alcoholic beverage dispensing operation offering said beverage for on-site or off-site consumption. it* f 28 -7- VINCENT f. BlONDO. JR. 'CITY ATTORNEY - CITY OF CARLSBAD1200 ELM AVENUECARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920081 2 *iw 4 r 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ( ii) The applicant shall have complied with the requirements of Chapter 5.16 of this code, (iii) Massage establishments exempt from the requirements of Chapter 5.16 are exempt from this section. ( iv) This section shall not apply to any athletic club, health club, school, gymnasium, reducing salon, spa or similar establishment where massage or similar manipulation of the human body is offered as an incidental or accessory service unless Section 21.43.020 applies. " SECTION 8: That Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Chapter 21.43 to read as follows: "Chapter 21.43 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Sections: 21.43.010 Purpose and intent. 21.43.020 Definitions. 21.43.030 Zones, for adult entertainment establishments . 21.43.035 Adult entertainment permit required 21.43.040 Permitted adult entertainment establishments . 21.43.050 Exempt establishments. 21.43.060 Minimum spacing requirements. 21.43.070 Minimum proximity requirements. 21.43.080 Waiver of regulatory provisions. 21.43.090 Proposed establishments. 21.43.100 Suspension and revocation of permit. 21.43.110 Referral of applications for licenses and permits, to other departments and agencies. 21.43.120 Regulations of signs. 21.43.130 Visibility from the street. 21.43.140 Severability. 21.43.150 Violation — Penalty. 21.43.010 Purpose and intent. It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to provide for the orderly regulation of adult entertainment establishments. It is recognized that these establishments by their very nature have serious objectionable operational characterics which, when allowed to concentrate, contribute to the blighting or downgrading of the surrounding neighborhood. In order to protect and preserve the public health, safety and welfare in the City of Carlsbad special regulation of these uses is necessary. These regulations are in addition to any other applicable regulations established by this code. -8- .o 9(5 8« «• o*"- Si9° iii£>2 "5 5 Jsi 5111 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21.43.020 Definitions. It is the purpose of this section, together with its subsections, to provide clear and concise definitions of those words, terms and phrases most commonly utilized in the regulations and provisions of this chapter in order to assist in the uniform interpretation of said regulations and provisions and to insure uniformity of their application. It is intended that the following words, terms and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in the following subsections, unless from the context a different meaning is specifically defined and more particularly directed to the use of such words, terms or phrases: (1) "Adult entertainment establishment" means any establishment which is customarily open only to one or more classes of the public, excluding any minor by reason of age. (2) "Specified sexual activities" includes the following: (A) The fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts; (B) actual or simulated, and sodomy; (C) (D) Ultimate sex acts, normal or perverted, including intercourse, oral copulation, Masturbation, whether actual or simulated; Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in (A) through (C) above. (3) "Specified anatomical areas" as used herein shall mean and include any of the following: (A) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areolae; or (B) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. ' (4) "General bookstore" means any retail establish- ment devoted in whole or in part to the selling, buying or trading of new or used books, manuscripts or periodicals or general interest, and which.does not devote more than a significant or substantial portion of its gross floor area to the selling, displaying, storing or trading of books, films, magazines or other periodicals or other materials which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (5) "Adult bookstore" means any establishment which has as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade: (A) Books, films, magazines or other periodicals, or other forms of audio or visual representation which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depiction or description or specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas: (B) Instruments, devices or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities. -9- o m I- ^"^f Ul Ul 2 CM <( - 3 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (6) "Adult newsrack" means any coin-operated machine or device which dispenses material substantially devoted to the depiction of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (7) "Adult motion picture theater" means an » enclosed or unenclosed building with a capacity of fifty or more persons used for presenting any form of audio or visual material, and in which a substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of material which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (8) "Adult mini motion picture theater" means an enclosed or unenclosed building with a capacity of more than five, but less than fifty, persons used for presenting any form of audio or visual material, and in which a sub- stantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of material which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (9) "Adult motion picture arcade" means any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug operated or electronically or mechanically con- trolled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or chacter- ized by an emphasis on depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. , (10) "Adult theater" means a theater, concert hall, auditorium or other similar establishment, either indoor or outdoor in nature which regularly features live performances which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or by exposure of specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons. (11) "General theater" means an enclosed or unenclosed building or part of a building intended to be used for the specific purpose of presenting live entertainment or dis- playing motion pictures, slides or closed circuit television pictures or any other form of audio or visual representation before an individual or assemblage of persons, whether such assemblage be of a publict restricted or private nature, except a home or private dwelling where no fee by way of an admission charge, is charged; provided, however, that said theater does not devote more than a substantial or significant portion of its presentation time measured on an annual basis, for the exhibition or display of entertainment which is distinguished or characterized as specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined herein. (12) "Adult cabaret" means a nightclub, theater, bar or other establishment which features live or media representations of performances by 'topless or bottomless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, or similar entertainers, where such performances are distinguished -10- o to „CO °° • OC fsiSE < o>VINCENT F. BIONDO, .VJTORNEY • CITY OF C1200 ELM AVENUEkRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA^* *•*. y, O u 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (13) "Massage parlor" means any massage establishment (as defined in Section 21.04.266 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code)or other place where for any form of consideration or . gratuity, massage, alchohol rub, administration or fomentations, electric or magnetic treatments, or any other treatment or manipulation of the human body occurs as part of or in connection with specified sexual activities or where any person providing -such treatment, manipulation or service related thereto exposes specified anatomical areas. (14) "Adult model studio" means any place where, for any form of consideration or gratuity, figure models who display specified anatomical areas are provided to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by persons paying such consideration or gratuity, except that this provision shall not apply to any "figure studio" or "school of art" or similar establish- ment which meets the requirements established in the Education Code of the State of California for the issuance or conferring of, and is in fact authorized thereunder, to issue and confer a diploma. (15) "Sexual encounter center" means any business, agency, or person who, for any form of consideration or gratuity, provides a place where two or more persons, not all members of the same family, may congregate, assemble or associate for the purpose of engaging in specified sexual activity or exposing specified anatomical areas, excluding psychosexual workshops, operated by professional persons, licensed by the State, to engage in sexual therapy. (16) "Body painting studio" means any establishment or business which provides the service of applying paint or other substance whether transparent or nontransparent to or on the human body when specified anatomical areas are exposed. (17) "Adult motel" means a motel or similar establishment offering public accommodations for any consid- eration, which provides patrons with material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depiction or descreption or specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (18) "Outcall service activity" means any establish- . ment or business which provides an outcall service which consists of indivuals leaving the premises upon request or by appointment to visit other premises for a period of time for the purpose of providing any service during which time specified anatomical areas are displayed or specified sexual activity occurs. (19) "Bath house" means an establishment or business which provides the services of baths of all kinds, including all forms and methods of hydrotherapy during which specified anatomical areas are displayed or specified sexual activity occurs. This section shall not apply to hydrotherapy treatment practiced by, or under the supervision of a medical practitioner or practiced by a professional massage technician. A medical practioner, for the purpose of this chapter, shall be a medical doctor, physician, chiropractor or similar professional licensed by the State of California. -11- NCENT F. BIONDO, JR.ORNEY • CITY OF CARLSBAD1200 ELM AVENUESBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008>fc «' t *o 1 2 Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (20) "Massage technician" means any individual complying with the provisions set forth in Sections 5.16.010 through 5.16.350 inclusive of the Municipal Code. (21) "Massage establishment" means an establishment which is exclusively devoted to the practice * of scientific massage, as defined in Chapter 5.16 of this code, by a professional massage technician or by a medical practitioner licensed by the State of California. (22) "School" means an institution of learning for minors, whether public or private, which offers instruction in those courses of study required by the California Education code or which is maintained pursuant to standards set by the State Board of Education. This definition includes a nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Education, but it does not include a vocational or professional institution or an institution of higher education, including a community or junior college, college or university. 21.43.030 Zones for adult entertainment establishments. Adult entertainment establishments are permitted only in areas with C-l, C-2, C-M, M, P-M, or P-U zoning classifications. No such establishment shall be permitted to be established in any area outside such zoning classification. 21.43.035 Adult entertainment permit required. No person shall operate an adult entertainment establishment without first obtaining an adult entertainment permit as provided in this chapter. . 21.43.040 Permitted adult entertainment establishments. Any adult entertainment establishment not specifically permitted by the provisions of this section shall be prohibited until such time that this section may be amended to permit such establishment. The establishments specifically permitted are as follows : (1) Adult book store; (2) Adult mini motion picture theater; (3) Adult motel; (4) Adult motion picture arcade; (5) Adult motion picture theater; (6) Cabaret; (7) Massage parlor; (8) Model studio; (9) Adult newsrack; (10) Sexual encounter center (including massage or rap parlor) ; (11) Body painting studio; (12) Outcall service; (13) Bath house; (14) Adult theater. All permitted adult entertainment establishments shall comply with all regulations and provisions of this chapter except as otherwise provided herein. -12- 3EC"s :—r . in ^O u. -, ^ 9° iffi£>£ u 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 Z £ fcM 15 16 i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21.43.050 Exempt establishments. The following establish- ments are specifically exempted from the regulations and provisions of this chapter provided that they comply with the requirements set forth in Section 21.43.020: (1) General theater; (2) General book store; (3) Massage establishment. 21.43.060 Minimum spacing requirements. No adult entertainment establishment shall be located within one thousand feet of any other adult entertainment establishment. 21.43.070 Minimum proximity requirements. No adult entertainment .establishment shall be located within specified distances of certain specified land uses as set forth below: (1) No such establishment shall be located within one thousand feet of any parcel of land zoned for residential use. (2) No such establishment shall be located within one thousand feet of any parcel of land which contains any one or more of the following specific land uses: (A) Amusement park; (B) Camp (for children's activity); (C) Church or other similar religious facility; (D) Child care facility; (E) Community center; (F) Museum; (G) Park; (H) Playground; (I) School; (3) No such establishment "shall be established within five hundred feet of any parcel of land which contains any one or more of the following land uses: (A) Bars/cocktail lounges; (B) Convalescent homes; (C) Courthouse (or other public building utilized on a consistent basis by the public); (D) Hospital; (E) Nursing home; (F) Retirement hotel; (G) Sanitarium; (H) Senior citizen activity center. (4) The distance between any two adult entertain- ment businesses shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest point on the exterior parcel line of each business. The distance between any adult entertainment business and any school shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest point on the exterior parcel line of the adult entertainment business to the closest point on the property line of the school. 21.43.030 Waiver of regulatory provisions. The Planning Commission may grant a conditional use permit for an adult -13- 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 s 12 §3 g fZ*s %£; < O) o-" g I 14 S° iciEM is"••;is |g'85> S o; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 entertainment establishment under which the provisions of Sections- 21.43.060 and 21.43.070 may be waived if all of the following conditions are met: (1) That a petition validated by the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad containing the signature of fifty-one • percent of the total of owners-of-record, holders of business licenses and residents within the specified distances set forth in Section 21.43.070 is presented to the Planning Department. For purposes of this chapter a "resident" shall be any individual* who has been,a registered voter within the prescribed area for thirty days prior to said individual having signed any such petition. (2) That a public hearing be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.52.040 of this code. (3) That all of the following findings are made: (A) The proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest; (B) The proposed use will not be injurious to nearby properties; (C) The proposed use will not encourage the development of an adult entertainment area- (D) The proposed use will not interfere with any program of neighborhood preservation or revitalization; (E) The proposed use will not interfere with any governmental program of general urban redevelopment; (F) The proposed use will not be contrary to the spirit and intent of this chaptef? (G) The harm created by the proposed use is outweighed by its benefits; (H) All applicable regulations and provisions of this code will be observed by the proposed use. 21.43.090 Proposed establishments issuance of adult entertainment permit. Any proposed adult entertainment establishment found to be in conformance with all regulations and provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to an adult entertainment permit which shall be issued by the Planning Commission upon satisfactory completion of the review process set forth in Section 21.43.110. 21.43.100 Suspension and revocation of permit. The Planning Commission shall suspend or revoke any conditional use or adult entertainment permit issued under the provisions of this chapter if it is found after a noticed public hearing, that any of the following conditions exist: (1) The operation as conducted by the permittee does not comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the City's building, health, zoning and fire ordinances as set forth in this code; or (2) The permittee or manager has knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of fact in the application for a permit; (3) The permittee, manager or any employee or agent of the permittee or manager has violated any provision of this -14- o to g MI Z CN rfgg'i £o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 tt < o> d"s0 I49°ii 1^2"°5^"• ' =!o 15 UJ ^-r So 16CM << 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 chapter pertaining to the adult entertainment establishment in question-. (4) That the permittee, manager or any agent or employee of the permittee or manager, has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction of: • (a) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another, or (b) A crime requiring registration under Section 290 of the California Penal Code, or of any violation of Sections 2661, 315, 316, 318 or Subdivision (b) of Section 647 of the Penal Code, or (c) Any felony offense involving the sale of a controlled substance specified in Sections 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057, or 11058 of the Health and Safety Code, or (d) Any of the above substantive offenses as defined inthe laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California, if the factual basis for suclrconviction stems from the operation of the adult entertainment establishment in question. 21.43.110 Referral of applications for licenses and permits to other departments and agencies. (1) The Planning Department, upon receiving an application for a conditional use permit as provided in Section 21.43.080 or an adult entertainment permit, and the City Clerk, upon receiving an application for a business license, shall refer any such application to €he Department of Building Inspection, the Police Department, the Fire Department and the Planning Department, which departments shall inspect the premises proposed to be operated as an adult entertainment establishment, and shall make written recommendations to the Planning Department concerning compliance with the codes that they administer. The San Diego County Department of Health shall also be requested to make written recommendations. All- recommendations shall be considered during the permit review process or during any public hearing required prior to the issuance of any permit. A permit shall not be issued if it is found that the proposed establishment does not conform to the requirements of this chapter or any state or local law. (2) An application shall be under oath, and shall include among other things, the true names and addresses of all persons financially interested in the business. The past criminal record, if any, Qf all persons financially interested in the business shall be shown on such applicaton. The term "persons financially interested" shall include all persons who share in the profits of the business, on the basis of gross or net revenue, including landlords, lessors, lessees, the owner of the building, fixtures or equipment. The application shall also be accompanied by fingerprints of persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall make such investigation as is necessary to determine the background of the applicant and other persons financially interested. The Chief of Police shall report to the Planning Commission his findings and recommendations based on his findings and judgement of potential enforcement problems from the proposed establishment, as to whether the -15- o ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 g 1 13 K < S tf"s| 149° iiy- "" o9 f- 5 u. n co R -. J-Osj "c; —J "•••§5| 8 Q 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f~ ~ O UIU 2 CM «(" SE "" S cc<O adult entertainment permit or conditional use permit should be approved or denied, in writing within thirty days after the application is submitted. The report shall be considered by the Planning Commission in making finding required by Section 21.43.080 or in issuing adult entertainment permit pursuant to Section : 21.43.090. Failure to so report shall be deemed recommendation of approval of the permit. (3) Upon denial of any applicaton for an adult entertainment permit the Planning Commission shall set forth the reasons for the denial in writing. The written reasons for denial shall be sent to the ^applicant at the address specified on the application by means of certified or registered mail or by hand delivery. The denied applicant shall, at his election, have the right to a hearing before the City Council. The City Council may/approve, deny or conditionally approve or deny the applicaton. The decision of the City Council shall be final. If the j applicant does not request a hearing within ten days of notice of denial the decision of the Planning Commission shall be final. 21.43.120 Regulations of signs. No person granted a permit to operate an adult entertainment establishment pursuant to this chapter shall place or cause to be placed or maintained in such a location as can be viewed by persons on any public street any sign or signs, photographic, pictorial or other graphic representations, that depict in whole or in part the following: (1) Act or simulated acts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any sexual acts which are prohibited by law. (2) Scenes wherein a person displays the vulva or the anus or the genitals. (3) Scenes wherein artifical devices are employed to depict, or drawings are employed to portray any of the prohibited signs, photographs or graphic representations described above. (4) Any other graphic illustration pertaining to specified sexual activities and specified anatomical areas as specified herein. 21.43.130 Visibility from the street. No operator of an adult entertainment establishment shall permit, or cause to be permitted, any stock in trade which depicts, describes or relates to specific sexual activities and/or specified anatomical areas as defined herein, to be viewed '. from the street, sidewalk, or highway. 21.43.140 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, -16- 00 3ec O u. !^ 5 2ZS u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ^ ^ < ° 1 Ror;—. J-3 gi*i 16 II. I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 21.43.150 Violation—Penalty. Violation of this ordinance is punishable pursuant to Section 21.62.010 of this code." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the day of 1979 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the _day of , 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clerk (SEAL) -17-