HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-05; City Council; 5761-2; Satellite reclamation master plan & EIRCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : 5761 - Supdement #2 Dept. Hea AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: June 5, 1979 DEPARTMENT: C. Atty Public Works 6 Planning C. Mgr. SUBJECT: SATELLITE RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN AND EIR STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The City Council, on March 20, 1979, adopted Resolution 5722 approving an agreement between the City and the partnership of Covington/Papagayo where- by the partnership agreed to finance the preparation of a Satellite Treat- ment and Reclamation Facility Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Staff was authorized to negotiate with the firm of Lowry C, Associates for the Master Plan study and to accept proposals for the EIR consultant. Staff, on May 7, 1979, sent.a Request for Proposal (Exhibit 1) to the firms listed on the distribution list and to an additional firm that requested to be included. the recommendation of staff that Council authorize award of the EIR con- tract to the firm of Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON); Their proposal is attached as Exhibit 2 and the proposed agreement is attached as Exhibit 4. Three proposals were received and reviewed by staff. It is Staff has successfully negotiated a contract with Lowry 6 Associates €or the blaster Plan report.- The proposed contract is attached as Exhibit 5 and is forwarded €or Council's approval. The Master Plan report and Environmental Impact Report will be prepared for a fee of $25,000 each for a total project cost of $50,000. deposit with the Finance Department. Funds are on EXHIBITS 1. EIR Request for Proposal and Mailing List 2. RECON Proposal 3. Staff Report 4. Resolution No. 5799Awarding EIR Contract with Agreement Attached 5. Resolution No.5rao Awarding Master Plan Study Contract with Agreement Attached RECOMMENDATION If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No.j799 authorizing award of the EIR contract to RECON and directing the Mayor to execute said contract; and adopt Resolution No.,j'B0~ authorizing award of the Master Plan Study con- tract to Lowry F7 Associates and directing the Mayor to execute said contract. . AB #5761 - SUP #2 June 5, 1979 Page 2 Council Action: 6-5-79 Council concurred with the staff recommendation and adopted Resolution No. 5799, authorizing award of the EIR contract to RECON and directing the Mayor to execute said contract; and adopted Resolution No. 5800 authorizing award of the Master Plan Study contract to Lowry & Associates and directing Mayor to execute contract. . May 7, 1979 c Subject: Requesf for Proposals for the Preparation of a Draft Environ- mental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Rec- lamation Master Plan Description: The Environmental Impact Report will examine the impacts of a master plan which is designed to implement a system of satellite wastewater treatment plants that would reclaim water for beneficial reuse. The scope of the report will include areas which may extend beyond the City's boundaries depending on the alignment of natural drainage systems. Background : Carlsbad is a rapidly growing City with a population approaching 32,000. It is located on the northern coast of San Diego County, 30 miles north of-downtown San Diego and is bordered by the City of Oceanside on the north and Vista and San Marcos to the east. The area's projected popu- lation for 1995 is 63,860. The City has a well balanced combination of industrial, commercial and residential development including a large regional shopping center, an auto-retail center with seven dealerships, a large industrial park and a busy regional airport. The City also contains three lagoons, exten- sive tomato and flower fields and large tracts of undeveloped land. Carlsbad is currently under a sewer moratorium which was passed in April of 1977 due to a lack of capacity at the existing Encina treatment plant. Because of the longevity of the moratorium, the City has been looking at alternative forms of sewage treatment. The Carlsbad City Counci I is currently processing a precise development plan for a satellite treatment plant (extended aeration) in the Agua Hedionda drainage basin. The City Council has not established a firm policy on alternative sewage systems, but it is clear that satellite systems will not be considered unless a water reclamation program is in- cluded in the system. .. Available Information: -2- The following data is avai.1abIe to the consultant at the Carlsbad Plan- ning Department: -EIR 528: "The EIR for the Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treat- ment Plant," Montgomery Engineering, December, 1978. -Report: "Wastewater, Reclamation and Study for Proposed Industrial Park (Japatul),n Lowry and Associates, July, 1978. L1'AreawideWater Qual ity 208 Plan,'' CPO, 1978. -Report: "Sewage System I mprovement Program," Brown and Ca I dwe I I , No- vember, I 976. -EIR for the San Marcos County Water District Wastewater Reclamation Project, RECON, January, 1979. -Report: "Overview of Wastewater Rec I amat ion Opport Associates, February, 1978. Scope of Consultant Services: The consultant shall prepare an Environmental Impact ceptable to the City and is pursuant to all applicab which conforms to the California-Environmental Quali EIR guidelines. nities," Lowry and Report which is ac- e State laws and ' y Act and the State In preparing a proposal, the consultant should address and agree to the following: . (2) (3) (4) (5) 16) (7) (8) To provide a document which wi I I meet the'carlsbad Environmental Pro- tection Ordinance of 1972. That the EIR will address coastal issues as outlined in the California Coastal Act of 1976. Address the regional issues implicit in providing sewage capacity for large undeveloped land areas and Intra-jurisdictional sewer boundaries. Formulate issues of local concern, identified through citizen and staff input. The consultant shal I be prepared to attend two to four pub1 ic hearings and make a presentation at two public hearings. Analyze the potentia'l impacts of using reclaimed wastewater for irriga- tional and industrial purposes. Address the physical impacts of plant construction and the implementa- tion of related appurtenances. Provide fifty copies of the draft EIR, including one reproducible copy. -. -3- Personnel, Qualifications and References Please submit with your proposal a brief description of the qualifications of +he consultant. Special qualifications related to this particular project should be noted. The qualifications of the persons actually car- rying out the project should also be listed along with the percentage of the completed product that each person will contribute. The consultant shall provide a list of five former or current clients (with addresses and phone numbers) for whom the consultant has performed .work similar to that described in this request. Authorization: The proposal and bid shall be signed by an official the proposer and shall contain a statement to the e posal is a firm offer for at least a 60-day period. contain a statement that all work will be performed contract price, which will become fixed upon comple gotiations. authorized to bind fect that the pro- The proposa I shou I d at a "not-to-exceedT1 ion of contract ne- . ' Evaluation Criteria: Criteria for proposal acceptance: technical competence and creative ability of the consultant as demon- strated in the proposal. The gene'ral aptness of the proposal will also be considered. The City reserves the right to reject any or al I propos- als if they are inappropriate or inadequate. .Eval.uation shall be based on staff analyses of the proposals submitted. The evaluation shall consider the experience of the firm and its staff, proposed study program, proposed completion schedule, availability to work with City staff and other information which may be considered sig- nificant. Final consultant selection will be made by the City Council. Primary regard will be given to the Contract Date : It is anticipated that a selection will be made and a contract prepared within one week following receipt of proposals. Additional Information: Relationship with applicants: The City considers it inappropriate to award an contract with an applicant or property owner substantially affected by the proposed project. Responses to this request for proposals should accordi ng I y conta i n a statement 'as to what contractua I arrangement, i f any, exist, or are expected to exist in the future, between the respond- ing firm and affected property owners. EIR contract to a firm already holding, or expecting to hold, a This request for proposals does not commit the City to award a contract, to pay any costs Incurred in the preparation-of $he proposal to this re- quest, or to procure a contract for services or supplies. The City re- serves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a -4- * result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel In part, or in its entirety, this request for proposals if it is In the best interest of the City to do so. Should your firm wish tcr submit a proposal, please indicate your inten- tion to do so in written form. May 22, 1979. Final proposals are due in tr plicate on Award of contract will be made on the basis of staff review o proposals and their ,recommendation to the Ci-ty Counci I. submitted Please contact Charles Grimm, at (714) 729-1181, extension 25, should you have any questions. PI ann i ng Di rector JCH:RAB:CG:VEB Ronald A. Beckman Pub1 ic Works Administrator - . . RFP for Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan sent to: Denn i s Sundstrom Genge Consultants 17500 Red Hill Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 . S. Bachrach Envi ronmenta 1 Resources Group 6380 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 ZoItan J. Varga Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc. 283 South Lake Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 Fay Round WESTEC Services, I nc. 321 I 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 Randy Hankamer RECON 1094 Cudahy Place Suite 204 San Diego, CA 92110 . ._ , He g i on a t E nv i r o n mental Cons u It ants 10Y4 Cudnhy Place Suite 204 San Diego, CA 921 10 275-3732 May 22, 1979 Mr. James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Mr. Ronald A. Beckman, Public Works Administrator City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Proposal for the Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan .Gentlemen: Thank you fclr contacting Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON) for a proposal for the preparation of a draft environmental impact report (EIR) for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Master Plzn. We understand that Lowry and Associates will prepare the master plan. RECON has enjoyed an excellent working relationship with Lowry anit Associates on a number of projects, including the La Costa Nortlieast/San Marcos County Water District Wastewater Treatment. and Reclamation Project for which RECON prepared the EIR. RECON'S experience, expertise, and past performance with the City of Carlsbad and Lowry and Associates make RECON most suitable for the preparation of this Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan EIR. In addition to the EIR for the La Costa Northeast/San Marcos County Water District -- Wastevater Treatment and Reclamation Project, which is on file with the City of Carlsbad as a responsible agency, RECON has - worked on many other projects in the Carlsbad area. Other projects on which RECON has worked in association with L,owry and Associates include preliminary studies for the feasibility of wastewater recla- mation in La Costa South within the jurisdiction of the Lcucadia County Water District arid the - Environmental Impact I_..- Report for Lake Calavera Hi.1l.s blaster Plan of Development and Alternative --___- Sewaqe Treatment _I_ F'aci.lity. -.I_-.-- into Batiquitos IZigOoi? and numerous EIRs for residential, commercial, and industrial development in .the City of Carlsbad. __-_______l_l_l-_ RECON has also prepared a study of urban runoff RECON therefore feels expertly qualified to prepare a draft environ- mental impact report for the proposed wastewater reclamation master plan. IIEC'ON tril.1 address the proposed project as described i.n the report proposed by Lowry and Associates. RECON will. also take advantaqe of the existinq i.nformati.on in the draft environmental impact &port for the E~icjna Phase I11 expansion, the Environmental v- Impact- ~PCI facilities ~lan for a --- Satell itc Sewaqe - Treatment F'acrlity r- - --- Mr. James C, Fiagaman Mr. Ronald A. Reckman -2- Kay 22, 1979 by James M, Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., the ____-- Overview of Waste Natcr Reel-smation OnDortunities in the Citv of Carlsbad bv Responsibilities, Part I1 Wastewater Eeclanation and __^I- Reuse - prepared - __I_- - I-___ for CPO. It is recognized that: much of the proposed draft EIR must be prepared concurrently with the master plan, thus necessitating a close working relationship with the cOnsulting civil engineers and the City of Carlsbad. Every effort will be made to produce a com- plete and accurate document in a minimum amount of time in order to meet the city's objectives. The environmental services requested in the RFP and described in this prcposal will he performed for an estimated fee not to exceed $25,000.00. This eskimate includes-all labor and expenses. Should any unforeseen circuinstances arise resulting in additional work, and therefore additional fees, IRECON will notify the city as soon as possible. The proposed draft EIR will be prepared under the supervision of John P, Larson, who assisted :?ith the EIR for the La Costa Northeast/San -7-1- Marcos County Water- District Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation ____-___ Project and prcpltrcd the final versions of the Draft Environxcnt:al ___l__- irnrjact ReDort for Lake Calavex'a Hills Master Plan of DeveloDnent a??d --I---------- - ----- -- ll____l__^__~-- -- Ali-er-natibe --___ Sewage Treatment Facility. __-- Znvironmental Consulkant under the direct supervision of Royce E. I&. Larson is the Se-nior kggan, Jr., President, and J. RaRdolph Rankamer, Vice President. The Rttached' scope of work and outline indicates RECON'S approach to the proposed EIR. .RECON'S past and current work in the Carlsbad area makes us especially qualified to prepare this document. RECOY feels that past, present, 2nd anticipated future contracts with 1.andowners in the Carlsbad area, including the La Costa Land Company, are assets to our experience, are indicative of our qualifications, and are not relationships that will conflict with our ability to produce a com- plete, accurzte, and objective document. It is quite appropriate to .select an environmental consulting f.irm with RECON'S experience to prepare this EIR. If, you wish to discuss this proposal in more detail, please contact either Royce Rigyan ar myself. We will be happy to meet with you at the appropriate time. Sincerely, / fl J. Randolph Mankamer Vice President Environmental Analysis PROPOSAL FOR THE PREPARATION OF A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN SCOPE OF WORK The proposed project is a master plan to implement the concept for establishing a system of satellite wastewater . treatment plants that would, as an integral part of the plan, reclaim wastewater for beneficial reuse. The environmental impact report for the proposed project must address the re- gional issues implicit in providirig sewage treatment capacity for new development and new population growth. It must also analyze the potential impacts of using reclaimed Wastewater for irrigation and the physical- impacts from construction of the necessary facilities. The attached outline suggests an approach to these different levels of analysis. Since the proposed master plan is to implement a concept, many specific impacts and specific mitigation cannot be iden- tified until specific projects are proposed. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the proposed master plan relative to the necessary topical list of environmental concerns, the proposed draft EIR will have an extensive summary of issues in an effort to be as specific as possible as to the true impacts of the master plan. The draft EIR will also clarify at which points in the implementation process mitigation ' measures should be required. . The proposed draft EIR will not attempt to redo the circulation element, the open space element, or the land use element of the Carlsbad General Plan in analyzing the impacts of growth that would be allowed in the city with the avail- .ability of sewage treatment capacity and the implementation of a wastewater reclamation program. Although additional planned studies may be necessary to implement the proposed master plan, a city-wide traffic analysis, an economic or fiscal analysis, detailed soils engineering technical re- ports, or technical reports based on detailed field surveys for biological and cultural resources are not within the scope of this report. APPROACI1 An environmental impact report is an information docu- ment written for both the public and the implementing agency. Preparation of such a document involves full disclosure of all the potentially significant environmental impacts and the recommendations for mitigation to those impacts. This analy- sis requires a close working relationship with the City of Carlsbad and the other participants in the project. Above all, the EIR must meet, to the fullest extent possible, both the letter and intent of the California Environmental Quality Act. FEE _I_ RECON will pr6pare the proposed draft EIR for an esti- mated fee not to exceed $25,000.00. This fee includes all labor and expenses. If unforeseen circumstances require , additional work and, as a result, additional fees, RECON will notify the city as soon as possible. a I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF CARLSEAD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN . I. INTRODUCTION 11. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND SUMMARY . A. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 1. Abstract 2. Location 3. Objectives 4. Technical, Economic, and Environmental Characteristics SUMMARY OF THE CENTRAL ISSUES 1. Growth Inducement and Growth Management a. Satellite Plants vs. Expansion at Encina b. Timing and Phasing Controls on Development c. Traffic Circulation d. Air Quality e. Community Services-and Public Facilities f. Local and Regional Growth Management Policies and CPO Series IV Population , Forecasts g. Energy Conservation 2. Land Application and Beneficial Use of Reclaimed Wastewater a. Water Quality b.. Environmental Health c. Land Use, i-e., Open Space Policies and Park Planning d. Agricultural Uses e. Effects on Native Biological Habitats f. Water Conservation . 3. Construction of the Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facilities a. Land Use b. Topography and Visual Aesthetics c. Biological Resources d. Archaeological Resources e. Odor . f. Noise 9- h. i. 1- C. SUMMARY 1. 2; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Energy Solid Waste Safety of Dams for Reclamation Reservoirs - Use of Encina Ocean Outfall OF RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES AND REQUIRED PERMITS City u>f Carlsbad (Lead Agency) a. Land Use b. Zoning c. Conditional Use Permits d. Discretionary Action on Individual Projects Regional Water Quality Confrol Board a. Waste Discharge Requirements b. Wastewater Reclamation Requirements California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams a. Design Approval b. Approval to Fill Reservoir After Comp c. Annual Structural Checks of the Dam tion of the Dam - e- Encina Joint Administrative Council: Ocean Outfall Environmental Protection Agency a. Discharge into Federal Waters b. Federal Grants California Coast Regional Commission: Con- struction in the Coastal Zone rrU*q--f<47&-+-.. California Department of Fish and Game: Pos- sible Alteration of Streambeds D. SUMMARY OF MITIGA~TON TO POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS 1. Land Application of Treated Wastewater 2. Safety of Dams 3. Biological Resources 4. Archaeological Resources 5. Odor . 6. . Energy 7. Growth Inducement % 8. Community Services and Public Facilities 9. Other Potential Icpacts Identified in the Ana 1 y s i s E. RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTIIER STUDY WITH THE IMPLE- MENTATIOPJ OF SPECIFIC RECLAMATION PLANTS AND OTHER LAND DEVELOPMENT 1. Soil studies 2. Landscaping and Irrigation Plans 3. Biological Resource Surveys 4. Archaeological Resource Surveys 5. Environmental Analysis of the Direct and .Indirect Impacts of .the Specific Projects 111. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED MASTER PLAN A. LAND USE B . GROWTH MANAGEXENT C. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY D. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION E. AIR QUALITY F. UTILITIES AND ENERGY - G. COMMUNITY SERVICES IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RECLAMAT I ON FACILITIES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. LAND USE TOPOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AESTHETICS GEOLOGY AND SOILS HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ODOR SOLID WASTE NOISE 13. ENERGY K. GROWTH INDUCEMENT 1. Traffic Circulation 2. Air Quality 3. Utilities and Energy 4. Community Services . . V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED IF THE PROPOSAL IS IMPLEMENTED VI. SIGNIFICANT IRREVERSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES WHICH WOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSED ACTION SHOULD IT BE IMPLEMENTED VII. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL SHORT-TERM USES OF MAN'S ENVIRONMENT AND THE MAINTENAMCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY VIII. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION Ai' NO PROJECT 1. With expansion at the Encina Water Pollution 2. Without Expansion at Encina Control Facility - B. ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE TREATMENT POSSIBILITIES C. ALTERNATIVE WASTEWATER RECLAMATION POSSIBILITIES .. .- .I Regional Environmental Consultants 1094 Cudahy Place Suite 204 San Diego, CA 921 10 275-3732 May 29, 1979 Mr. Charles Grim Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference: Proposal for the Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan Dear Mr. Grimm: Pursuant to our conversations last week, RECON would like to submit a time schedule for the Proposal for the Preparation of a Draft Environmental Inipact Report for the City of Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan. As indicated in the proposal, Mr. John P. Larson will be the environmental consultant managing this project. Mr. Larson will devote an estimated 80 hours to this project, or approximately 35 percent of his time for a period of six weeks. Mr. Larson will be assisted by another environmental consultant working full time and a research assistant working half time on this project. Environmental consultants for archaeology and biology will also assist the full time environmental consultant. It is estimated that 200 hours for the environmental consultants, including the archaeologists and biologists, and 80 hours for the research assis- tant will be devoted to this project. Administration, which con- sists of the principal consultant, the supervisory environmental ccn- sultant, the project coordinator, and the supervisory archaeologist, will devote an estimated 20 hours each to the project, or approxi- . mately ten percent of their time over a six-week period. The draft EIR for the City of Carlsbad.Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan will be ready for preliminary staff review within six weeks of RECON'S written authorization to proceed, or on July 30, 1979, which- ever comes later. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call. Tha'nk you for selecting RECON for the preparation of this draft EIR. Vice President, Environmental Analysis JRH:njh % MEMORANDUM DATE : May 25, 1979 TO : Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: SUBJECT: MASTER SEWER EIR, CONSULTANT PROPOSALS James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Ac P On May 7, 1979, the Planning Department sent out six Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for an Environmental Impact Report which will examine the impacts associated with a proposed Master Plan which would establish a series of satellite sewer treatment plants throughout the City. Proposals were sent to the follow- ing companies: -WESTEC (San Diego) -Genge Consultants (Irvine) -Camp, Dresser & McKee (Pasadena) -RECON (San Diego) -ERG (Environmental Resources Group, L.A.) -0mniplan (San Diego) The City received responses from three consultants with bids as follows : -WESTEC , $35 , 900 -RECON , $25 , 000 -0MNIPLAN , $18 , 850 Staff was unfamiliar with the low bidder, Omniplan, so their references were checked. Several of the responses were such that staff must recommend against a contract with this particu- lar firm. The other proposals, submitted by WESTEC and RECON, are very similar. Staff feels that either of these firms would do an outstanding job. We are recommending RECON simply because their bid is substantially lower. RECON does have an ongoing contract with the La Costa Land Company to provide their environmental services. Staff does not see a conflict of interest in granting them the contract because only a very small portion of La Costa is served by the City of Carlsbad. JCH : CG : jd 5/29/79 1 I It 17 3E 1: 2c 21 22 221 24 25 26 ' 27 28 - - _- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 19 day of June, 1979, between the City of Carlsbad, a political subdivision Df the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "City" snd Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON) hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City is required by.State Law to provide an 3nvironmental Impact Report which meets the requirements of CEQA md the State EIR Guidelines when it has been found that a project nay have a significant effect on the environment. c WHEREAS, the Consultant has the qualifications to prepare the required EIR, and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants md conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: (1) DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT a. The Consultant shall (1') provide the City with an 3nvironmental Impact Report which me-ets the California Environ- nental Quality Act and the State EIR Guidelines as written in :he State Code; (2) make all required field explorations, review, md tests; (3) make all required laboratory tests and analysis; (4) appear and be prepared to answer 'questions and present testi- nony on the final Environmental Impact Report at two to four public iearings before the Planning Commission or the City Council prior :o the adoption of the report of each of such bodies; and (5) nake two public hearing presentations concerning the contents of ;he EIR. The consultant shall submit ten copies of a preliminary :eport to the Planning Director for s'taff review. The preliminary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 12 14 ' If 1E 1E 15 21 24 2: 2t 2E report shall be prepared in compliance with the Work Program attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . The Consultant shall revise the Preliminary Report as requested by staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. to the City 50 copies (in 3-ring loose-leaf binders) of the The Consultant shall submit Final draft EIR plus a reproducible master copy. b. The Consultant shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in his study of the area involved, those factors which could- severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, he shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will bring this to the attention of the Council. ment is to minimize the costs if such ,adverse factors exist. c The objective of this subsection of the agree- c. The City shall have primary responsibility for preparation of the final Environmental Impact Report incorporat- ing into said report all comments made by interested citizens and agencies on the Draft Report. assistance from the Consultant in responding to comments on the draft EIR. The City may request technical (2) DUTIES OF THE CITY a. The City will make payment to the Consultant as provided for in this agreement. b. document, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. The City will make available to the Consultant any c. The City will review the Preliminary Report pre- sented by the Consultant within ten (10) working days of their receipt and make written comments td the Consultant within this -2-. i i *. ,. € s 1c 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - time period. d. The City shall provide the Consultant with copies of all written comments received on the draft Environmental Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. (3) TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The City may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen (15) days before an effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall, at the option of the City, becoml its property. In the event of termination, the City will pay Consul- tant for all work completed to' the effective date of such termina- tion, based upon Consultant's regular hourly rates and cost of materials. . (4) . RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY 'CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by the Consultant under this agreement shall not be *made available to any individual or organization by the Consul- tant without the prior written approval of the City. (5) PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIAL The City shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. I////// -3- .% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 3.4 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (6) 'PAYMENT The Consultan, will be paid a total suql of $25,000.00 for work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. The Consultant shall be paid thirty (30) percent of the above fee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of his invoice upon City acceptance of a progress report due within four (4) weeks of contract execution. The Consultant shall be paid an additional thirty (3G) percent of the above fee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of his invoice for the completion of the draft Environ- mental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1-a above. Consultant shall be paid twenty (20) percent of the above fee The within fifteen (15) days after receipt of his invoice upon sub- mission of the Final Environmental Impact Report to public hearing; The Consultant will be paid the remaining twenty (20) percent within thirty (30) days after receipt of his invoice to be-sub- mitted after the certification of the'Environmenta1 Impact Report by the City Council. (7) TIME OF COMPLETION The Consultant shall submit to the City ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Environmental Iqpact Report by July 30, 1979. The Consultant shall submit to the City fifty (50) copies of the final draft EIR by August 27, 1979. The Consultant will be allowed additional days as are necessary to compensate for days lost due to City or interagency actions or inactions which affect the Consultant's progress. (8) HOLD HAJDKESS AND INSURANCE The Consultant will indemnify the City against and hold it harmless from all and any liability for damages on account of -4- c . ..-g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 injury to persons or,damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the negligent performance or willful misconduct by Consultant of the Agreement and reimburse the City of all costs, expenses and loss incurred by it in conse- quent of any claims, demands and causes of action which may be brought against it by a person other‘than the City arising out of the negligent, alleged negligent performance or willful misconduct by Consultant of this Agreement. It is understood that this hold 9 * 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. harmless provision shall not apply to any claims, demands, costs, expense (including costs of defense), liability, causes of action, or judgment which occur by reason of the negligence, alleged negligence, or willful misconduct of the City or the City’s agents servants, or other independent contractors who are directly res- ponsible to the City. The Consultants.shal1 furnish the City with a Certificate of an insurance with the limits of at least $100,000 ‘for bodily injuries of each occurrence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agree ment to be executed as of the date and year first above written. CONSULTANT BY BY RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor CJ T1TLE:b -5- AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LOWRY 6 ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, FOR A MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND RECLAMATION FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 5th day of June , 1979, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City," and LOWRY 6 ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, a Cali- fornia corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Engineer." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is under a sewer moratorium due to a lack of treatmenf capacity in the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The City Council has been investigating various ways to acquire additional sewage treatment capacity. One of the,methods under consideration is the use of satellite treatment plants to al- low for the reclamation and reuse of wastewater. The City has com- missioned a Project Report and Environmental Impact Report on a satellite plant proposed for the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin; and WHEREAS, before giving further consideration to satellite treatment plants, th^e City Council has determined that a master plan for wastewater reclamation in the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter re- ferred to as "Plan") is required and the City has also determined that it must engage the services of a qualified consultant to pre- pare the Plan; and WHEREAS, the firm of Lowry 6 Associates, Consulting Civil En- gineers, has submitted a proposal in writing to perform the required services; and ., WHEREAS, it is desirable that the City retain the services of Lowry 6 Associates, Consulting Civil Engineers, as consulting en- gineers to perform the services in the manner, at the time, and for the compensation set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Engineering Services. Engineer agrees to perform those services specified in this Agreement and in Exhibit "A," which is attached to and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. Engineer further agrees to submit a complete draft document to the City, for review, within sixty (60) days of the date of notice to proceed. 2. Compensation. Compensation for the engineering services shall be in accordance with the procedures outlined in Exhibit "B" of this Agreement,which is attached to and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. 4" 3. Scope of City Staff Assistance. The City will make avail- able to the Engineer its pertinent records, data and reports. City staff's participation is limited to the involvement of the Public Works Administrator on an "as available" basis. The 4. Responsibility of the Engineer. The Engineer is employed herein to render a professional service only and any payments made to Engineer are compensation solely for such services as Engineer may render and recommendations Engineer may make in the course of the project. The Engineer makes no warranty, either expressed or' implied, as to Engineer's findings, recommendations, or professional advice, other than they were promulgated after following a practice usual to the engineering profession. 5. Changes in Scope of Project. If conditions beyond the control of the Engineer necessitate a change in scope of the project -2- after engineering and management work under Paragraph No. 1 above has commenced, the guaranteed maximum fee shall be adjusted as fol- lows: (a) Increased or decreased in proportion to the net change in the agreed-upon estimate of the level of effort required; and (b) increased by the amount of charges for any work accomplished to the date of change in scope which cannot be incorporated into the changed pro j ect. 6. Suspension of Services or Termination of Agreement. The City, for any reason, may, by written notice, postpone or suspend all or any part of the engineering services authorized under this Agreement or, by written notice, may terminate the entire Agreement, In the event of such suspension or termination, Engineer shall have the right to expend additional time to assemble the work in progress for the purpose of properly closing the job. shall not exceed ten percent of the total time expended on the por- tion of the project affected by such notice of suspension or termina- tion before the receipt thereof. Such additional time In the event that suspension of services exceeds twelve (12) months in duration, the Engineer may, by not less than thirty days' notice, terminate this Agreement as it applies to the suspended por- tion of the project. 7. Status of Engineer. The Engineer will perform the ser- vices provided for herein in its own way as an independent contract- or and in the pursuit of Engineer's independent calling, and not as an employee of the City, and Engineer shall be under the control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, and the personnel assigned to the project. Engineer shall be as follows: Sr, Vice President; Study Manager/Engineer - Mr. William Fannon. The personnel assigned to the project by Study Director - Mr. Dennis O'Leary, - 3- Any change in project personnel listed shall be subject to the ! prior approval of the Public Works Administrator. 8. Conformity to Legal Requirements. The Engineer shall cause all recommendations to conform to all applicable requirements of law: Federal, State and local, to all requirements of all bodies formed under Federal, State or local law whose approval must be ob- tained. 9. Ownership of Documents. Any plans, studies, sketches, drawings or specifications supplied, as herein required, are the property of the City. In the event this contract is terminated, any documents, plans, specifications and drawings shall be deliv- ered forthwith to the City. 10. Hold Harmless Agreement. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, pen- alties, fines or for any damage to goods, properties or effects of any person whatever, or for personal injuries to or death of them, or any of them, caused by or resulting from or claimed to have been caused by or resulting from any act or omission of Engineer, or its agents, employees or representatives. Engineer further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabili- ties and claims therefor, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim therefor. 11. Assignment of Contract. The Engineer shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due or to become due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 12. Subcontracting. If the Engineer shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by Engineer, the -4- - - *Engineer shall be -ully responsible to t1.- C,-y for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. Nothing con- tained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Engineer and the City. The Engineer shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcon- tractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to its work un- less specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in ques- tion approved in writing by the City. 13. Prohibited Interest. No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction or material supply contract or any subcontract in con- nection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this con- tract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 14. Verbal Agreement or Conversation. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City, either before, during, or after, the execution of this Agreement, shall af- fect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained, nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Engineer to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement. 15. Successors. or Assigns. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph No. 11 above, all terms, conditions and provisions here- of shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns. 16. Application of ASCE Manual No. 45. Applicable provisions of American Society of Civil Engineers Manuals and Reports on En- gineering Practice No. 45 shall apply to all matters not otherwise covered by this Agreement. 17. Effective Date. This contract shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. ATTEST: CITY OF CARLSBAD - -, APPROVED AS TO FORM: LOWRY i$ ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS BY .. EXHIBIT "A" DEVELOPMENT OF A MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD SCOPE OF WORK Study Area tire City of Carlsbad and its sphere of influence area, with the exception of both those areas encompassed in the study, Environ- mental Impact and Facilities Plan for a Satellite Sewage Treat- ment Facility (James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., 'December, 1978) and lands served by special sewerage districts. A plan now exists for the former area and.is understood that special sewerage districts will develop their own wastewater reclamation plans. The area to be covered by the study will include the en- The study area will be broken down into subareas based up- on the configuration of the City of Carlsbad interceptor and trunk sewer systems. The subareas may be designated as follows: Obi ective Buena Vista Agua Hedionda Coastal Coast Upper Canyon de las Encinas Batiquitos The satellite wastewater reclamation program addresses the provision of sewage treatment facilities that maximize po- tential for wastewater reclamation. Objective of the study will be to develop a master plan for efficient, non-odorous, economical reclamation of domestic sew- age within the study area and for beneficial use of the result- ing reclaimed water supply. The study will compare short-term and long-term benefits of a "satellite" wastewater reclamation system with short-term and long-term benefits of a central wastewater reclamation facility at the regional sewage treatment plant site. Use of reclaimed water will be primarily directed toward irrigation of crops, landscaping and the like, but other opportunities for use, such as industrial supply, and ground- water recharge with reclaimed water will also be investigated. Previous Studies Reference will be made to and guidance obtained from pre- vious studies having to do with wastewater reclamation in the Carlsbad area. These reports include: Overview of Wastewater Reclamation Opportunities in the City of Carlsbad (Lowry Associates, March, 1978) Water Quality Problems 4 Management Responsibilities, Part I1 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse (CPO, April, 1978) Technical Amroach The technical approach to the study will be as follows: (a) A preliminary review and screening of projects and alternative sites for projects in the "Overview" report re- ferred to above will be made. Comparisons of cost/time effi- ciency and environmental effects will be included. Written recommendations will be made to City staff for selection of projects to be included in this study. the study will proceed. Upon approval of staff, (b) Analytical and flow data will be obtained from agency records or by sampling and analysis performed by the agency and estimates of flow based upon unit contributions and popu- lation data. Projections of future sewage flow in the study area will be based upon population data from the City of Carlsbad. Sewage flow projections will be for the purpose of determining the sufficiency of sewage supply for production of reclaimed water at each location studied. Therefore, these projections will not be sewage flow projections for the total City of Carlsbad. (c) Present and projected land use plans, land use data and demographic data for the study area will be obtained from the City of Carlsbad, as well as information relating to ef- fects on the General Plan of changes in land use that may be brought about by wastewater reclamation programs. and in the future at the project locations will be estimated and projected from the above data. Quality projections will take water supply quality into account. (d) Volumes and quality of reclaimed water available now (e) Opportunities for use of relcaimed water commensurate with quantity and quality of available reclaimed water will be sought. In general, it is expected that irrigation will pro- vide the greatest market for reclaimed water. While irrigation is expected to create sufficient demand to use the total pro- jected reclaimed water supply, consideration will be given to the permanency of this reuse of water. Other beneficial uses of reclaimed water, such as industrial supply, will also be considered. Water quality requirements intrinsic to each bene- ficial use of reclaimed water contemplated will be determined and considered. Areas in which beneficial uses of reclaimed water will take place will be mapped. Effects of use of re- claimed water by potential users would be obtained at this stage. - 2- .. (f) Anticipated water quality and requirements for use of reclaimed water for each use and location would then be estab- lished. The following will be taken into account: - requirements intrinsic to the use, as discussed in (e) - surface and groundwater quality in the area of use - water quality objectives of the Regional Water Quality - Title 22 standards and requirements of the State Depart- above Control Board ment of Health Services. In carrying out this task, meetings will be held with the staff of the Regional Board and the State and County Health Depart- ments, so that the anticipated requirements developed may more realistically reflect the future regulatory actions. of those agencies. (g) Criteria will be developed from the above requirements, the standards of engineering practice and the plans of the City of Carlsbad for: Wastewater reclamation plant siting, waste- water reclamation plant elevation, design, pumping, installa- tions, transmission lines, storage facilities and fail-safe op- eration. (h) Wastewater reclamation plant sites will be evaluated and selected on the basis of: - the foregoing criteria - environmental effects such as odor potential and aes- thetics - efficiency in use of reclaimed water - economics - availability - availability of sewage - proximity to use areas and - proximity to potential storage areas. Alternative treatment processes will be evaluated for installa- tion at each site and a specific methodology will be recommended on the basis of the aforementioned criteria and requirements, odor control, site size and cost of production of reclaimed wa- ter. Also to be analyzed for each site are storage, distribu- tion and fail-safe alternatives, and selection made on the basis of the foregoing criteria, environmental impacts, reliability and costs. (i) In evaluating wastewater treatment and methodologies in general and in each particular site, the study shall take -3- into account the opportunities and advantages of centralized sewage solids (sludge) processing, reclamation and disposal, as developed in the regional sewage solids handling study to be conducted by the Encina Joint Powers. (j) Maps, schematics, plot plans and other drawings will be prepared as appropriate to the explanation of all alterna- tives considered. (k) A final estimate of construction costs and operations and maintenance costs for each recommended alternative will be prepared. (1) Specific wastewater reclamation projects will be recommended to suit the potential markets, depending upon monetary costs and environmental and social factors. It is anticipated that an EIR study of potential wastewater reclama- tion projects will be in progress concurrently with this study. There shall be close coordination between Lowry and the con- tractor selected to perform the EIR study, so that a continuous exchange of information will be taking place. Lowry shall take into account and give due consideration to input from the EIR study in formulating its recommendations, as described above. Lowry shall cooperate with the EIR contractor in development of a combined schedule of events for coordinated conduct of the study. The schedule shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to initiation of both studies. ReDort A report of the above study presenting a master plan for wastewater reclamation within the study area will be prepared, consisting of text, tables, other presentation of data, maps, schematics, plot plans and diagrams, in sufficient detail to set forth the analytical and planning procedure and recommen- dations clearly, concisely and completely. Fifty (50) copies of the report will be submitted. -4- DEVELOPMENT OF A MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD TENTATIVE REPORT OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Report B. Authorization 11. HISTORY OF SATELLITE CONCEPT A. Present Status I 11. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. Statement of Intent B. Population C. Land Use D. Agricultural Practices E. Irrigation Requirements IV. SATELLITE CONCEPTS A. Reclamation and Reuse is Primary Objective B. Fail-safe Outlet C. Storage Facilities D. Contracts with Irrigators E. Charges and Costs F. Review Alternate Approaches G. Treatment Method V. REVIEW PLANT LOCATIONS A. From Overview Report B. C. Deferred Plants D. New Sites Other Agency Plants Not Considered Here VI. COASTAL AREA PLANT(S) A. Service Area B. Site C. Size and Layout D. General Discussion of Alternatives 1. Reuse 2. Treatment, Distribution, Fail-safe and Storage 3. Disposal 4. Consolidation 5. costs E. Recommended Reuse and Disposal System F. Permits and Agreements 1. Coastal Commission 2. City (Zoning, General Plan, etc.) 3. RWQCB 4. Leucadia 5. JAC 6. EPA (maybe) VII. G. Financing 1. By Developer at Reimbursement 2. Other Methods INLAND AREA PLANT (S) A. Service Area 1. Direct from Carlsbad 2. From Other Agencies 1. Depends on Service Area 2. Reuse Considerations 3. Treatment, Distribution, Fail-safe and Storage 4. Consolidation 5. costs B. Alternate Locations C. Recommendation Location and Size D. Recommended Reuse and Disposal System E. Permits and Agreements 1. City (Zoning, etc.) 2. RWQCB 3. JAC 4. EPA (maybe) 5. Upstream Agencies F. Financing VI 11. RECOMMENDED PROGRAM A. Process Lake Calavera Hills B. C. Consider Specific Proposals for Palomar Airport Approve Batiquitos Proposal if Acceptabe IX. SPECIFIC ACTIONS A. Accept this Report B. Authorize EIR C. Announce Interest in Specific Proposals D. Inform Interested and Affected Agencies .. I. EXHIBIT "B" SATELLITE MASTER PLAN COMPENSATION MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Total fees for all engineering services? as described in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement? shall not exceed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($ZS,OOO.OO) and shall include all direct and indirect costs including labor, fringe bene- fits, overhead, expense and profits. PAYMENT OF FEES Charges determined shall be on a time and materials basis at rates as outlined in the standard schedule of compensation dated 3rAr3~O~~ 1 , 19~ attached hereto and made a part hereof. Charges shall be billed monthly to the City and payments by the City shall be made within a reasonable period of time. Brief monthly project'progress reports shall be submitted with the invoices and shall include a summary of activities related to progress of the project for the invoiced period. The final 10% billing shall not be invoiced until the report is accepted by the City Council. ! .. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS JANUARY 1, 1979 STANDARD SCHEDULE' OF COtllPENSA?IO4 Applicable for Services Furnished on Per. Hour Basis CLASS IF I CAT ION PER HOUR Senior Principal Engineer ................. $ 59.00 Principal Engineer. ...................... 50-00 Senior Engineer ...................... 44-00 Senior PI anner. ..................... 44-00 Senior Scientist. .................... 44.00 Engineer. .......................... 34-00 Resident Engineer .................... 34.00 ?lanner ......................... 32.00 Computer Programr ..................... 29-00 Assistant Engineer .................... 26.00 Senior Draftsman ...... : .............. 26.00 Senior Construction Inspector ........... 1 ... 24.00 Construction Inspector. ................. 21.00 Draftsman ............ : ........... 21.00 Computer Operator .................... 21.00 Engineering Technician. ................. 14.00 Technical Report Preparation. .............. 14.00 ather Approved Outside Services .......... Cost Plus 10% Incidental ExpEnses ................ Above Fees Include In- Computer Time, Reproduction and Bi 11 ed ar Actual - cidental Costs for Local Transportation, Tele- phone Costs, etc- .Travel Costs. ................... Air, Bus and Taxi, Lodging and other Related Travel Costs Billed at Actual Cast Ejninum daily charge for court testimny as an expert witness is $65;i.L10. Preparation for a court case will be charged at regular hourly rates. r .. .. -. If If 12 . It I< 2( 21 2: 21 21 2f 2t 2: 2I , -. 1 2 .3 4 5 e 9 € .s 1c 13 12 12 .14 ._ . RESOLUTION NO. 5799 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CAXLSBAD AND REGIONAL ENVIRON- MENTAL CONSULTANTS FOR PREPARATION OF A DRAFT, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF CARLS- BAD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: - 1.’ That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Regional Environmental Consultants for preparation of a draft en- vironmental impact report for the City of Carlsbad wastewater rec- lamation master plan, a copy of which.is attached hereto, marked Exhibit “A”, and incorporated hereip by reference, is hereby ap- .. proved. 2. The Mayor of the City of‘carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and oil Sehalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at-a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 5th day of June , 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler ’ NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ATTEST: (SEAL), //// .i .. .. .. .. 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 ' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 V AGREEMENT c .. .. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 19 day of June, 1979, between the City of Carlsbad, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the ''City" and Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON) hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant". . 'WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City is required by State Law to provide an Environmental Impact Report which meets the requirements of CEQA and the State EIR Guidelines when it has been found that a project may have a significant effect on the environment. WHEREAS, the Consultant has the qualifications to prepare the required EIR, and -. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration' of their mutual covenants and conditfons, the parties hereto agree as follows: (1) DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT c a. The Consultant shall (1) provide the City with an Environmental Impact Report which meets the California Environ- . nental Quality Act and the State EIR Guidelines as written in the State Code; (2) make all required field explorations, review, and tests; (3) make' all required laboratory tests and analysis; (4) appear and be prepared to answer questions and present testi- nony on the final Environmental Impact Report at two to four public hearings before the Planning Commission or the City Council prior to the adoption of the report of each of such bodies; and (5) nake two public hharing presentations concerning the contents of the EIR. . 4. The consultant shall subm'it ten copies of a preliminary report to the Planning Director for staff review. The preliminary .. ., .. .. .I 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. rep rt shall be prepared in compliance-with the Work Program attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The' Consultant shall revise the Preliminary Report as requested by staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. The Consultant shall submit to the City 50 copies (in 3-ring loose-leaf binders) of the Final draft EIR plus a reproducible master copy. b. The Consultant shall attempt to determine as.soon as possible in his study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, he shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will bring this to the attention of the Council. ment is to minimize the costs if such adverse factors exist. The City shall have pr'imary responsibility for The objective of this subsection of the agree- c. preparation of the final. Environmental Impact Report incorporat- ing into said report all comments made by interested citizens and agencies on the Draft Report.. The City may request technical c assistance from the Consultant in responding to comments on the draft EIR. . .. .. DUTIES OF THE CITY a. The City will make payment to the Consultant as provided for in this agrement. b. The City will make available to the Consultant any document, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. c.' The'City will review the Preliminary Report pre- sented by the Consultant within ten (16) working days of their receipt and make wr'itten comments to the Consultant within this -2- ' .* 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 a .. 9 10 11 12 1: 14 1: 1€ -17 a 1E 1s 2c 21 .I .. .. I 2; 2: . 24 2: it 2'; 2E - .. .. I .. time period. , d.. The City shall provide the Consultant with copies of all written comments received on the draft Environmental'Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. (3) TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The-City may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen (15) days before an effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and.other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall, at *. the option of the City, becomc its property. .. - - In the event of'termination, the City will pay Consul- tant for all work completed to the effective date- of Such termina- .tion, based upon Consultant's regular hourly rates and'cost of materials. (4) =LEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by the Consultant under this agreement shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Consul- tant without the prior Gritten approval of the City. (5) PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ' IMPACT REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIAL The City shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials. prepared under this agreement. //[////I -3- -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11: 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 (6) PAYMENT . The Consultant will be paid a total sum of $25,000.00 for work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. The Consultant shall be paid thirty (30) percent of the above fee within fifteen (1.5) days after receipt of his invoice upon City acceptance of a progress report due within four.(4) weeks of contract execution. The Consultant shall be paid an additional thirty (30) percent of the above fee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of his invoice for the'completion of the draft Environ- mental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1-a above. Consultant shall be paid twenty (20) percent of the above fee The within fifteen (15) days after receipt of his invoice upon sub- mission of the Final Environmental Impact Report to. public hearing. The Consultant will be paid the remgining twenty (20) percent within thirty (30) days after receipt of his invoice to be sub-' mitted after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report . byethe City Council. .. (7) TIMF, OF COMPLETION The Consultant shall submit to the City 'ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report by July 30, 1979. The Consultant shall submit to the City fifty (50) copies of the final draft EIR by August 27, 1979. The Consultant will be allowed additional days as are necessary to compensate for days lost due to City or interagency actions or inactions which affect the Consultant's progress. (8) HOLD HARMLESS AND INSURANCE' The Cons'ultant will indemnify the City against and hold . it.harmless from all and any liability.for damages on account of e 9 . 10 . .. 11 12 13 - 14 * '15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 e. . .25 26 27 20 injury to' persons oredamage to 'property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the negl-igent performance or . willful misconduct by Consultant of the Agreement and reimburse the City of all costs, expenses and loss incurred by it in conse- quent of any claims, demands and causes of action which may be brought against it by a person other than the City arising out of the negligent, alleged negligent performance or willful misconduct by Consultant of this Agreement. It' is understood that this hold .. harmless provision shall not apply to any claims, demands, costs, expense (including costs of defense), liability, causes of action, or judgment which occur by reason of .the negligence, alleged -* . negligence, or willful misconduct of the City or the City's agents .. servants, or other independent cont;ac'tors who are directly. res- ponsible to'the City. The Consultants shali furnish the City with a Certificate of an insurance with the limits of at.least $100,000 for bodily injuries of each occurrence. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agree- ment to be executed as of the date and year first above written. CONSULTANT BY ' RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 € s 1c 11 1: 1: 11 l! . It 1' 1I I! 2( 2: 21 2: 24 2: 21 2' 21 A n RESOLUTION NO. 5800 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF L~RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LOWRY AND ASSOCI- ATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, FOR A MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND RECLAMATION FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Lowry and Associates, Consulting Civil Engineers, for a master plan study for satellite sewage treatment and reclamation facili- ties in Carlsbad, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby ap- proved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby -. authorized and directed-to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. c . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 5th day of June , 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Counc i 1 woman Cas1 er NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ATTEST : fl&LAF&<J 'RONALD c. PACKARD, MAYOR .. .. .. .' . .-. .. .. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LONRY 6 ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, FOR A MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND ,RECLAMATION FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD .. . .. .. .. .. ,. .. . ... THIS AGREEblENT made and entered into this 5th day of . June , 1979, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as and LOWRY 6 ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, a Cali- fornia corporation, hereinafter referred to as WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is under a sewer moratorium due to a lack of treatment capacity in the’Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The City Council has been investigating various ways to acquire additional sewage’ treatment capacity. One of the, methods Z. under consideration is the use of satellite treatment plants to al- .a .* low for the reclamation and reuse of wastewater. The City has com- missioned a Project Report and Environmental Impact Report on a satellite plant proposed for the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin; and .. . WHEREAS, before giving further consideration to satellite’ ‘treatment plants, t6e City Council has determined that a master plan for wastewater reclamation in the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter re- ferred to as “Plan“)’ is required and the City has also determined that it must engage the services of a qualified consultant to prc- ‘pare the Plan; and . WHEREAS, the firm of Lowry 4 Associates, Consulting Civil En- gineers, has submitted a proposal in t(rriting.to perform thc rcquired scrvices ;. and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the City retain the services of Lowry G Associates, Consulting Civil Engineers, as consulting en- gineers to perform the services in the manner, at the time, and for the compensation set forth herein; . .NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Engineering Services. Engineer agrees to perform , . -. those services specified in this Agreement and in Exhibit @'A,'' which is attached to and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. Engineer further agrees to submit a complete draft document to the City, for review, within sixty (60) days of the date of notice to proceed. I . .. 2, Compensation. Compensation for the engineering services shall be in accordance with the procedures outlined in Exhibit "BIt of this Agreement,which is attached to and by this reference made m. a part of this Agreement. - .- 3. Scope of City Staff Assistance. The City will make avail- able to the Engineer its pertinent records, data and reports. City staff's participation is limited to the involvement 'of the Public Works Administrator on an "as available" basis- The - . 4. Responsibility of the En'gi'ne'er. The Engineek is employed _. herein to render a professional service 'only and any payments made . to Engineer are compensation solely for such 'ser'vices as Engineer may render and recommendations Engineer may make in the course of the project. implied, as to Engineer's findings, recommendations, or professional advice, other than they were promulgated after following a practice The Engineer makes no warranty, either expressed or * 4. usual to thc 'engineering profession. * 5. Changes in Scope of Projcct. If conditions beyond the .. control of the Engincer nccessitate a cha'nge 'ir scope 'of thc project * after engineering and management work under Paragraph No. 1 above .. has.commenced, the guaranteed maximum fee shall be adjusted as. fol- lows: (a) Increased or decreased in proportion to the net change . in the agreed-upon estimate of the level of effort required; and (b) increased by the amount of charges for any work accomplished to the date of change in scope which cannot be incorporated into * the changed pro j ect . .. 6. Suspension of Services or Termination of Agreement. The City, for any reason, may, by written notice, postpone or suspend all or any part of the engineering services authorized under this 'Agreement or., by written notice, may terminate the entire Agreement; In the event of such suspension or termination, Engineer shall have the right to expend additional time to assemble the work in progress for the purpose of properly closing the job. shall not exceed ten percent of the total time expended on the por- tion of the project affected by such notice of suspens'ion 'or termina- Such additional time tion before the receipt thereof. In the event that suspension of services exceeds twelve (12) months in duration, the Engineer may, by not less than thirty days' notice, terminate this Agreement as-it applies to the suspended por- tion of the project. 7. Status of Engineer, The Engineer will perform the scr- yices provided for herein in its own way as an independent 'contract- or and in the pursuit of Engineer's independent calling, and not as an employee o'f the City, and Enginecr shall be under the control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, and the personnel assigncd to the project. The personnel as'signed to the project by Enginecr shall be as follows: Sr. Vicc Presidcnt; Study blanagcr/Enginedi - Mr. William Fannon. Study Director - Mr. Dcnnis O'Lcary, - 3- - Any change in project personnel listkd shall be subject to prior approval .of the Public Works Administrator. the 8. - Cpnformity to Legal Requirements. The Engineer shall cause all recommendations to conform to all applicable requirements of law: Federal, State and local, to all requirements of all bodies formed under Federal, State or local law whose approval must be ob- . tained. 9. Ownership of Documents. Any plans, studies, sketches, drawings or specifications supplied, as herein required, are the property of the City. In the event this contract is terminated, any documents, plans, specifications and drawings shall be de1i.v- - -.’ ered forthwith to the City. 10. Hold Harmless Agreement. The-City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claim, liabilities, pen- alties, fines or for any damage to goods, properties or effects of - .. any person whatever, or for personal injuries to or death of them, . . or any of them, caused by or resulting from or claimed to have been caused by or resulting from any act or omission of Engineer, or its agents, employees or representatives. .. Engineer further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabili- ties and claims therefor, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim therefor. .. 11. Assignment of Contract. The Engineer shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies duc or to become due thcreundcr without the prior written consent of the City. 12. Subcontracting. If the Engineer shall subcontract any of thc work to be performed under this contract by Engineer, the ... I -- . Engineer shall 3 - .ly responsible to th, Cf for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions af persons directly employed by it. Nothing con- tained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship . between any subcontractor of Engineer and the City. The' Engineer *. shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcon- tractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to its work un- less specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in ques- tion approved in writing by the City. 13. Prohibited Interest. No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction or material supply contract or any subcontract in con- nection with the' construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise 'any executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance bf this con- - - tract shall become directly or indirectly interes'ted personally in . this contract or any part thereof. .. 14. Verbal Agreement or Convcrsation. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee. of the City, either before, during, or after, the execution of this Agreemcnt, shall af- fect or modify any of the terms or obligations herei'n contained, nor such verbal agrecment or conversation entitle the Engincer to any additional paymcnt whatsoever under thc terms of this Agreemcnt. .. I. .. ,15. ,. ,. .. .. .. Successors' or Assigns. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph No. 11 above, all terms, conditions and provisions here- of.shal1 inure to and'shall hind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns .' 0 16. Application of ASCE Manual No. 45. Applicable provisions of American Society of Civil Engineers Manuals and Reports on En- gineering Practice No. 45 shall apply to all matters not otherwise .covered by this Agreement. 17. Effective Date. This contract shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ATTEST : CITY OF CARLSBAD . .. . .. , . .. APPROVED AS TO FORM: LOMRY 6 ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS - -c. VTKCENT F. BY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ... EXH I BIT "A" DEVELOPMENT OF .4 MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR SATELLITE SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD .I SCOPE OF WORK Study Area .. .. .. . ...' The area to be covered by the study will include the en- tire City of Carlsbad and its sphere of influence area, with the exception of both those areas encompassed in the study. Environ- mental Impact and Facilities Plan fbr a Satellite Sewaie Treat- ment Facility (James M. bIontgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., December, 1978) and lands served by special sewerage districts. A plan now exists for the former area-and ,is understood that special sewerage districts will develop their own wastewater reclamation plans. The study area will be broken down into subareas based up- on the configuration of the City of Carlsbad interceptor and trunk sewer systems. The subareas may be designated as follows: Bucna iista . Agua Hedionda * Coastal - . ... Coast Upper Canyon de las Encinas Batiquitos I. Objective - The satellite wastewater reclamation program addresses the provision of sewage treatment facilities that maximize po- tential for wastewater reclamation. Objective of the study will be to develop a master plan for efficient, non-odorous, economical reclamation of domestic sew- age within the study area and for beneficial use of the result- ing reclaimed water supply, The study will compare short-term and long- term benefits of a llsatellite" wastewater reclamation system with short-term and long-term benefits of a central wastewater reclamation facility at the regional sewage treatment plant site. Use of reclaimed water will be primarily directed toward irrigation of crops, landscaping and the like, but other opportunities for use, such as industrial supply, and ground- water recharge with reclaimed water will also be investigated. .. .. .. ._ .. .. .. . .. Previous Studies' vious studies having to do with wastewater rcclamation in the Refcrcnce will be made to and guidance obtained from prc- Carlsbad area. These rcports includc: .. .. .. Overview of Wastewater Reclamation Opportunities in the City of Carlsbad (Lowry 6 Associates, Narch, 1975) Water Quality Problems 4 blanagement Responsibilities, Part I1 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse (CPO, April, 1976) Technical Approach The technical approach to the study will be as follows: (a) A preliminary review and screening of projects and alternative sites for projects in the "Overview" report re- ferred to above will be made. ciency and environmental effects will be included. Written recommendations will be made to City staff for selection of projects to be included in this study.' Upon approval of staff, the study will .proceed. records or by sampling and analysis performed by the agency and estimates of flow based upon unit contributions and popu- lation data. area will be based upon population datd from the City of Carlsbad. Sewage flow projections will be for the purpose of determining the sufficiency of sewage supply for production of reclaimed mater at each location studied. Therefore. these Comparisons o.f cost/time effi- .. (b) Analytical and flow data will be obtained from agency Projections of future sewage flow in the study . <- . . projections will -not be sewage flow projections for the total City of Carlsbad. ." (c) Present and projected land use plans, land use data and demographic data for the study area will be obtained from the City of Carlsbad, as well as information relating to ef- fects on the General Plan of changes in land use that may be bropght about by wastewater recIamation programs. and in the future at the project locations will be estiinated and projected from the above data. Quality projections will take water supply quality into account. (a) Volumes and quality of reclaimed water available now (e) Opportunities for use of relcaimed water commensurate with quantity and quality of available reclaimed water will be sought. In general, it is expected that irrigation will pro- vide the greatest market for reclaimed water.. While irrigation is expccted to crcate sufficient dcrnand to use the total pro- jected rcclaimcd water supply, consideration will be given to the permanency of this 'reuse of watcr. Other beneficial uses of reclaimed water, such as industrial supply, will also be . considcrcd. Water quality requircmcnts intrinsic to each bene- ficial use of rcclairned water conteinplate'd will be detci- lined and considered. Areas in which bcncficial uses of rcclaimcd wntcr will take place will bc mapped. Effccts of usc oE re- claimed water by potcntial users would bc obtained at this stage .. -2- . (f) Anticipated water quality and requirements for use of reclaimed water for each use and location would then be estab- lished. The following will be taken into account: - requirements intrinsic to the use, as discussed in (e), - surface and groundwater quality in the area of use. -. above - water quality objectives of the Regional Water Quality - Title 22 standards and requirements of the State Depart- In carrying out this task, meetings will be held with the staff of the Regional Board and the State and County Health Depart- ments, so that the anticipated requirements developed may more realistically reflect the future regulatory actions. of those agencies. I Control Board ment of Health Services. i (g) Criteria will be d'eveloped from the above requirements, . . the standards of engineering practice and the plans of the City of Carlsbad for: tions, transmission lines, storage facilities and fail-safe op- erat ion. Wastewater reclamation plant siting, waste- water reclamation plant elevation, design, pumping, installa- i f ' (h) Wastewater reclamation plant sites will be evaluated I and selected on the basis of: . .. - the foregoing criteria . - : \ . - environmental effects such as odor potential and aes- thetics - efficiency in use of reclaimed water - economics - availability - availability of sewage - proximity to use areas and - proximity to potential storage 'areas. -Alternative treatment procesies will be evaluated for installa- tion at each site and a specific methodology will be recommended on the basis of the aforementioned criteria and requirements, odor control, site size and cost of production of reclaimed wa- ter. Also to be analyzcd for each site are storage, distribu- tion and fail-safe altcrnatives, and selcction made on the basis of thc foregoing critcria, environmental impacts, reliability and costs. (i) In evaluating wastewater treatment and methodologies in general and in each particular site, the study shall take -3- into account the opportunities and advantages of centralized sewage solids (sludge) processing, reclamation and disposal, as developed in thc regional sewage solids handling study to be conducted by the Encina Joint Powers. (j) Maps, schematics, plot plans and other drawings will be prepared as appropriate to the explanation of all alterna- tives. considered. . _. 0 .. (k) A final estimate of construction costs and operations and maintenance costs for each recommended alternative will be prepared. ,. (1) Specific wastewater reclamation projects will be recommended to suit the potential markets, depending upon monetary costs and environmental and social factors. anticipated that an EIR study of potential wastewater reclama- tion projects will be in progress concurrently with this study. There shall be close coordination between Lowry and the con- tractor selected to perform the EIR study, so that a continuous exchange of information will be taking place. Lowry shall take into account and give due consideration to input from the EIR study in formulating its recommendations, as described above. Lowry shall cooperate with the EIR contractor in development of a combined schedule of events for coordinated conduct of the study. The schedule shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to initiation of both studies. It is - *.. = . Report .. A report of the above study presenting a master plan for .wastewater reclamation within the study area will be prepared, consisting of text, tables, other presentation of datz, haps, sohematics, plot plans and diagrams, in sufficient detail to set forth the analytical and planning procedure and recommen- dations clearly, concisely and completely. Fifty (50) copies of the report will be submitted. . .. .. .% . I' .. .. .i . 6 I LA .. DEVELOPlcIENT OF A MASTER PLAN STUDY .. FOR SATELLITE SENAGE TREATFIENT I. ' 11. FACILITIES IN CARLSBAD TENTATIVE REPORT OUTLINE INTRODUCTION .A. Purpose of Report B. Authorization HISTORY OF SATELLITE CONCEPT A. Present Status _. ,.. .. .. 111. BACKGROUND INFORhfATION A. Statement of Intent B. Population C. Land Use D. Agricultural Practices E. Irrigation Requirements IV. SATELLITE CONCEPTS A. Reclamation and Reuse is Primary Obj'ective. B; Fail-safe Outlet C. Storage Facilities D. Contracts with Irrigators E. Charges and Costs F. Review Alternate Approaches G. Treatment Method -. ,- V.' REVIEW PLANT LOCATIONS . . A. From Overview Report Bo C. Deferred Plants D. New Sites Other Agency Plants Not Considered Here .. Vi. COASTAL AREA PLANT (S) A. Service Area B. Site C. Size and Layout D. General Discussion of Alternatives 1. Reuse 2. Treatment, Distribution, Fail-safe 'and Storage 3. Disposal 4. Consolidation 5. Costs E. Rccornmended Reuse and Disposal System F. Permits and Agreements 1. Coastal Commission 2. City (Zoning, Gcneral Plan, etc.) 3. R1VQC.B 4. Leucadia 5. JAC. 6. EPA (maybe)' 9. . G, Financing 1. By Developer at Reimbursement 2.. Other Methods vrr. .. VIII. . 1x0 INLAND AREA PLANT (S) .. A, Service Area 1. Direct from Carlsbad . 2. From Other Agencies 0 B. Alternate Locations 1. Depends on Service Area 2. Reuse Considerations 3. Treatment, Distribution, Fail-safe and Storage 4. Consolidation * 5. costs C. Recommendation Location and Size D. Recommended Reuse and Disposal System' E. Permits and Agreements 1. City (Zoning, etc.) 2. RlVQCB 3; JAC 4. EPA (maybe) 5. Upstream Agencies .. F. Financing RE C ObfMEND ED PROG RAN A. Proce3s Lake Calavera Hills B. Approve Batiquitos Proposal if Acceptabe C. Consider Specific Proposals for Palomar Airport SPECIFIC ACTIONS A. Accept this Report B.. Authorize EIR . . .. , . .. C. Announce Interest in Specific Proposals D. Inform Interested and Affected Agencies -. .. . . .. .- -- . .. .. t .,. . .. ,. .. I. .. -, ... . EX11 I BIT "B" .. SATELLITE EIASTER PLAN .. . .. .. * COMPENSATION MAXIMUM COMPENSATION . .. Total fees for all, engineering services, as described in Exhibit llAtl of this Agreement, shall not exceed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) and shall include all direct and indirect costs including labor, fringe bene- fits, overhead, expense and profits. - PAYMENT OF FEES Charges determined shall be on a time and materials basis at rates as outlined in the standard schedule of compensation dated Charges shall be billed monthly to the City and payments by the City shall be made within a reasonable period of time. Brief monthly project 'progress reports' shall be submitted with the invoices and shall include a summary of activities related to progress of the project for the invoiced period. The final 10% billing shall not be invoiced until the report is accepted .I JARY i , 19a attached hereto, and made a part hereof. by the City Council. ., .- . . '. . .. .. .. .. -. .. ,. .. .. i .. . . . . . _. , .. .. .. ,, .. . . ,.; ..* 8 ... . ' 1.: .. .. . . !. .I .. ,. .. .. v w .. .. .. .. .. , ", t- I. . .. *. . 8 .. CONS ULTl N G C t Y I L EN G I N EE R S 4 JANUARY I, 197% STANDARD SCHEDULE' OF COI*:PENSATIO:4 on Per~our Applicable for Services .Furnished Basis CLASS IF I CAT ION Senior Principal Engineer -.s 59.00 .... . . . - 0 . 0 . . . . . . 50.- 00 Principal Engineer. .. . - Senior Engineer .* - . . . ' ~en<oor Planne;. . , - * . . Senior Scientist. - - , - Engineer. - . - - -*-- . .. Resident Engineer - . .-. ... 44.00 0.. . - 0.. .. 0.. 44.00 . . . . . . - . . . 0 44.00 34 - 00 34.00 9.. 32.00 29.60.. 26.00 Planner . - -- - -. . . . Computer Programr - - . Assistant 'Engineer - . . Senior'Draftsrnan -, .I ... ... 0.. ._ ... -I. ., . . 26 -00 24.00 21.00 Senior Construction Inspector - ' Construction Inspector. - - . . . Draftsman ... . - . . - . . - Computer Operator - . - . . . . Engineering Technician. - - - Technical Report Preparation, - Computer Time, Reproduction and - Other Approved Outsi de Services 9' . 21.00 21.00 14.00 14.00 at Actual .. -9 . .. . . . .... 0.. . '0 Bill cd cost Plus 10% Above Fees Include In- . cidental Costs for Local Transportation , Tele-. phone Costs, etc- Air, Bus and Taxi, Lodging and other Related Travel Costs Billed at Actual Cast Incidental Expmses - .. - . . . -. #.Travel Costs, - - . . . . . . . . .i . .. Gininurn daily charge for court testimny as an expert W'itncss is $652.20, Preparation for a court case will be charged at regular hourly rates.