HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-05; City Council; 5862; Engineering FeesCITYOF CARi�.^,i;n% AGENDA HILL NO. �-'8'(e o2 Initial: DATE: June S. 197-9 Dept. lid. DEPARTMENT; �,•t� hi�na�er C. Atty._FA C. Mgr. f Sub5ect: -� ENGINEERINGFEES' Statement of, tixe Matter The City Council has directed staff to conduct departmental reviews of City fees. The at"t4ched memorandum outlines recommendations for the Engineering Department. The recommendations are based on recovering processing costs where appropriate. The attached report consists of three parts: (1) Summary of Fee Recommen- dations; (2) Fee Comparison Chart comparing current engineering fees throughout San Diego County; (3) Fee Discussion sheets giving a brief .definition and discussion of each fee. While no at -tempt was made to make a detailed cost analysis of each and every fee, it is believed that the rec ommended fees on the average cover the costs of processing. Exhibit Hemorazdum to City Manager from Administrative Assistant/Parks and Recreation dated May 9, 1979 Recommendation If Council, concurs, approve the recommendations outlined on the :summary of r Fee Recommendations and direct staff to prepare the necessary documents. i r Council Action: 6-5-79 Council concurred with staff, approved the recommendations outlined on the Summary of Fee Recommendations and directed staff to prepare the necessary 4 documents. I I 4 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Administrative Assistant/ Parks and Recreation Department DATE: bray 9, 19/9 SUBJECT: ENGINEERING FEES Included in the attached Engineering fees analysis is a "Summary of Fee Recommendations," a "P se Comparison Chart" and a brief discussion of each fee considered in the preliminary fee discussion paper. Since the infor- mation is somewhat lengthy, any recommended new fees will be -considered separately from the discussion of current fees. The "Fee Comparison Chart" compares Carlsbadts fees to those of other cities in San Diego County. No+ included are the cities of Del Mar„ Lemon Grove and San Diego as they are not considered comparable wi•:h Carlsbad in terms of size and complexity. T;ie discussion has been kept necessarily brief and -is based on discus- sions with the former City Engineer with concurrence of the new City En- gineer. In arriving f the recommended fees, an estimated standard of $i5,per hour was used when considering engineering staff time. The rec- ommendations are,bbsed on estimated cost recovery for expenses related to the processing of these requests. While no attempt was made to make a detailed cost analysis of each and every fee,,it is believed -that the recommended fees on the average cover the costs of processing. ��. Michael D. Little Administrative Assistant Public Works MDL: VEB CC: Public Works Administrator City Engineer I SUMMARY OF FEE RECOMMENDATIONS NAME OF FEE PRESENT FEE RECOMMENDED FEE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE $35 $70 PLUS $40 FOR OFFER OF DEDICATION_ PLUS $40 FOR FUTURE AGREEMENT ADJUSTMENT PLAT $50 $100 i y FINAL MAJOR SUBDIVISION $100 + $2 PER LOT SAME TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION :1/4 OF REGULAR FEE 1/2 OF REGULAR FEE COLLECTED -BY PLANNING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP $175 $300 PLUS $40 FOR OFFER OF DEDICATION t PLUS $40 FOR FUTURE AGREEMENTS TENTATIVE -PARCEL MAP EXTENSION $25 $75 FINAL PARCEL MAP $100 $100 PLUS $40 FOR FUTURE AGREEMENTS PLUS $ q0 FOR QUIT CLAIM-& EASEMENT {! REVERSION TO ACREAGE $250 SAME IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK 1% OF ENGINEER'S SAME ESTIMATE IMPROVEMENT PLAN INSPECTION 2% OF ENGINEER'S SAME ' ESTIMATE + GRADING PERMIT SEE TABLE IN "FEE NO ACTION UNTIL ORDINANCE CAN BE 4; COMPARISON CHART" REVISED i STREET TREES DEPOSIT $25 PER TREE $65 PER TREE '(SUBDIVISIONS) STREET SIGNS CHARGE COST + 15% SAME i RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT $2 $10 ($20 IF PERSON TAKES OUT PERMIT AFTER WORK HAS STARTED) ENCROACHMENT IN PUBLIC -ABOVEGROUND - $50 NO ACTION UNTIL ORDINANCE CAN BE i RIGHT-OF-WAY UNDERGROUND - $35 REVISED FUTURE AGREEMENT NO PRESENT FEE $40 IN CONJUNCTION WITH A BUILDING PERMIT OR ONE OF THE -ABOVE j! 1, 1 OFFER OF DEDICATION NO PRESENT FEE $40 FEES 0 I' —1 -I__ - - — .--- -- .. - I/V 11� ITS k%?;A V15TX OVOIAM El. CAJOS ESMMICO LA LTIA CITY WFA,1111te Dirtifinin of fl Ct.-qt I-wn S33 $45 $300 123 - $25 S25 $25 $35 $40 A-ijustwat Plat* $50 $45 $VO S25 $25 tvA .0- SICO S35 $too rIM11 11alor SIM 4 $2 Poe lot $1850'tdt 1116.350 .0- $300 + $5 1-10 unit: - $120 + $18-03 Slo + sw pot lot S20 S100 + 16 par lot '$I RO $12 pot lot S120 + 12 pot lot :�'Ldlvlslom plus a pot lot too par fat 11-50 " - SM + 515.00 51-100 " - $900 + ut.So 101- 200+200 $2125 + $56.00 TintAfivo Kip Exterk. 1/4 of regular too .0-. -0- 1/4 of,rcUutar (ad .0. .0. -0- .0. .0. .0. Simm rw TOMAtIVO Parcel SM $3" + $N per limit $500 S2DO + 32 pot lot $100 $225 + $25 par lot $175 $too $75 + $25 for cmvI w- $425 rcj mantel assassront 14tIV4 Parcel HAp $23 .0- .0. $25 -0- .4. .0. .0. IsTOA • Final Nrcal Pup ran $100 -0. .0. S300 + $5 jar got -0. $250 . .0. SICO, $11:0 114vorsion to krcago S250 ;.0- -0- WO Same as final roldr'sub- .0. -0- $100 .0. $3^0 division above I.Vrovcnwt Platt Check 1% df cnfll400rls 40i of final r4lor sub- -division -0- 1.5% of engineer's Sam as final -lot sub- llr4-S275 or 1.51 . if Combined with Inspection $200 + $10 For lot 5100 + $3 Poe lot Combined with Inspoctlon GstIv.1fO above ostlr.3to divislog above over S20,0% fees-3' of engineer's fees. Y.Infr4m - S7S plai In- 2.1 of engl000rlt 30% of amount c&Vlotod -0- 3$ of engineer's 1-10 units - $246 + $36 ast . Intato. SDNtlon ostlrqto nt to iubdiv; •on pursuant estimate 11.;50 11 $600 + $50 21% of aftqlaiarts See above 21, of cost of lot- 31% of engineer's • Sao Oovo (as schedule 51-103 " $1800 + $23 estimate provownts* estimato tor-200 - 12050 + $13 • 2004- - $4250 + $10 raralt 4 101 C.Y. - no fee 25$ of cost of vork + S. as Escondido Sato as Escondido 50 C.Y. or loss - SIO :00-1,000 C.Y. - Sis an Inspection too rang- JUnItarn Building Coda) (UnIforta Building Code) 51-100 C.Y. -,$7.50 Sarno as Escondido Sams as Escondido 'S6 por.1,000 C.Y. to 50 C.Y. or loss ;' $5 $3-4 as Escollooda Ist 10 C.Y. + S. for Ing fron $30 - $173 101-II000 C.Y. - S7.50 + (Uniform Building Code) (UnIforts Building Code) 100.000 C.Y. + $4 pot 51-100 C.Y. - $7.50 (Uniform (1414ing Coda) add 100 C.Y. $3.50 pot 100 C.Y. 1,000 C.Y.fterogtor 101-1.0co C.Y. -$7.50 .M. I. 000-10,ON C.Y. - 1,001-10,000 C.Y. - $59 + S3.50 W1100 C.Y. 73 + $6 per 1,000 .+ $3 each 1,000 C.Y.. I.C31-10.000 C.Y. - 10. M -100,000 - S132 10 001+ C.Y. - $66 + $30 t'Oca. I.W C.Y. + $27 ;or 10,000 33 pot 10,000 C.Y. IO;COI 4 C.Y. - $66 100,CM# C.Y. - $375 + $3 per 10.000'C.Y. 1st + S15 per 10,000 Street Treos Deposit. $25 $75 to $300 based on -0. •'0.. .0. typo of lot .at Signs chomo Actual cost S75 with polo =0. .0. .0. • $55 ;or sot Includes post or $35 tach .0. $40 without polo Plqht-of-way F4ralts $2 .0. $20 $5 .0. $3 roncesto - SO -00 .0- �O. -0- CneroZeh.ont In pu:PIIC Aboveground - S50 Temporary - $10 .0- -0- .0. Other - $20 rl,,ht-ol-.Jy Underground - $35 Structures - raftoo • Trees -'SI.25 fro-% $30 to $420 x CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -C.M.C. 20.08:110 This fee is for providing documents describing a unit or contiguous units and stating that,a division complies with the Subdivision Map Act and City. ordinances. The City pays a $50 recordation charge plus postage. Approximately two hours of staff time are required (difficult or questionable. ones take longer). It is necessary to write a legal description and prepare a plat. Some require an offer of dedication or a future agreement which requires.seveev4 more hours,of staff time. The City Engineer recommends the j following fee changes based on full cosh recovery of an average Certificate , of Compliance. i PRESENT FEE RECOMMENDED FEE $35 $70 Plus $40 for Offer of Dedication Pius $40 for Future Agreement 1 ` � � ` � . ` ` ` � � ADJUSTMENT PLAT � . ' This fee Is for adjusting the property boundaries on a (nap for two � or more lots whena,no additional lots or parcels will result and where standard puh|Yn improvements are available. The City Englhoar estimates that on the avaraQea total of five to six hours of staff time is required to ynapana on adjustment plat. He rezxmnends a flat fee of $|OV which w��| oovar'fha expenses of preparing an average adjustment plat. ' i '| Present Fee Recommended -Fee $58 ' $|OO ^ ' + ' / ^ > , | / ` . / | � � ` ' ` . � ^ ^ ` . | ] . " � > � � l . ' � . ' } � . . . ' W N ' � FINAL MAJOR SUBDIVISION C.M.C. 20.08.040 this is a fee for filing a final map to subdivide any improved or unimproyed 'land for the purpose of sale, lease or financing. The current fee is $,100 plus'$2 per lot. Approximately four or five hours of staff time are required. The Qity Engineer says that on larger maps the City probably makes money while on the smaller ones the City may lose money or break even. it is felt that over the long -run the current fees collected ¢ are sufficient to balance out the costs of processing. The City Engineer recommends no change. fy Present Fee Recommended Fee ki $100 plus $2 per lot Same l f� EI 1, ij t i� ti i' TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION FEE C.M.C. 20.08.030 A fee for extending a tentative map application beyond the 18-month requirement. The current fee is one-fourth of the regular fee for a tentative major subdivision map, which is collected by the Planning De= partment as outi-ined below: $200 plus $5 per lot or acre (1-25) plus'$3 per lot or acre (26-100) plus,$I,per lot or acre (100+) ti Based on discussions with the planning Director, he will be recommending i that this fee be doubled. The City Engineer recommends that this extension fee be doubled from one-fourth to one-half of the regular fee. The,Pity-Engineer states this is an extensive process involving going back to each department, City Manager review, City Attorney review and finally being brought before the City Council for final consideration. i t Present Fee Recommended Fee t/2 of re ular fee I/4 of regular fee 9 � TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FEE C.M.C. 20.08-.060 This is a fee for filing a tentative.map to subdivide four or few- er lots. Current fee is $175. the process can be very extensive requir- ing legal descriptions, deeds, offers of public improvements, offers of dedication and future agreements. The City Engineer estimates that a very complicated map could pos- sibly cost as much as $500 in staff time expense. It is recommended that a basic fee be set with additional charges for public improvements, of- fers of dedication and future agreements. Present Fee Recommended Fee $175 $30C I I '' _' ' 1 i r Plus $100 for dedications Plus $100 for future agreements TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP EXTENSION FEE j C.M.C. 20.08.380 1 i A fee for extending beyond the 18-month requirement a tentative par- cel map. This action does not go to Council, but goes to all departments for review. The City Engineer recommends raising this fee to cover the cost of mailings and review. Present Fee Recommended Fee $25 $75 It r FINAL PARCEL MAP FEE C.M.C. 20.80.070 i i This is a fee for filing a.final parcel map to subdivide four or fewer lots. The current fee is $100. The City Engineer feels this fee Is adequate to cover the basic process, but that an additional charge should be levied to cover future agreements and quit claim of easements. these processes require extensive staff time. t Present.Fee Recommended Fee t $100, $100 plus $40 for future agreements Pius $40 ;:)r_quit claim of easements i k 1 1 l { t i H REVERSION TO ACREAGE C.M.C. 20.08.100 i This is a fee to request that subdivided property be reverted back ? to acreage. The current fee is $250. This process goes to public hear- ing. The city Engineer recommends that this fee be left the same as it f generally covers the cost of processing. Recommended Fee ? Present Fee Same $250 'i i i 4 ' f � s t i IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK C.M.C. 20.08.050 This Is a fee for reviewing the plans of improvement construction and installation of a subdivision. An improvement plan review fee of i% of the approved engineer's estimate of the total improvoment costs Is paid to the Engineering Department upon submittal. The City Engineer recommends this fee be left the, same: Present Fee Recommended Fee i$ of engineer's estimate 'Same ; 1� I IMPROVEMENT PLAN INSPECTION C.M.C. 20.08.050 This is a fee to be paid prior to approval of,a final map or com- mencement of construction of improvements for inspection during and a4-ter construction. This fee is currently set at 2% of the approved engineer's estimate of the total improvement costs. The City Engineer+recommends no change: Present Fee Recommended Fee 2% of engineers estimate Same III ■ _ ■! r GRADING PERMIT C.M.C. 11.06.070 These are fees to be paid for the regulation of excavation or fill " of "earth'! from one place to another. Currer+ fees are outlined below: 100 C.Y. or less - no fee 1 100 - 1,000 C.Y. - $15 first 100 C.Y. + $7 for each additional' 100 C.Y. or fraction thereof I,000 - 10,000 C.Y. - $78 first 1,000'C.Y. + $6 for each additional I,000 C.Y. 10,000 - i00,n00 C.Y. - $132 first 10,000 C.Y. + $27 for each addi- tional 10,000 C.Y. 100,000+ C.Y. - $375 first 100,000 C.Y. + $15 for each additional i 10,000 C.Y. The grading ordinance is currently being revised and it is recommend- ed that no action be taken until Ccuncil reviews the new ordinance. Y r STREET TREES DEPOSIT (SUBDIVISIONSY C.M.'C. 21." .26o This is an amount pai& by a subdivider in the form of a bind which will be returned upon completion of work for the planting of street trees. If the developer does not perform the work then the City retains the de- a posit and performs the work. The current deposit is $25 per tree. Since the City would lose money on any work accomplished as a result of develop- er default, the Parks Superintendent recommends this deposit be raised to $65 per tree. i Present Deposit Recommended Fee $25 per tree ' $65 per tree 1 R u F STREET SIGNS CHARGE UTiLITiES/MAINTENANCE This is a charge for the actual costs of placing street signs in ac t new subdivision: Added to the actual cost is a 15% surcharge to cover the administrative costs. Since these charges are based on actual costs, ' which are adjusted from time to time by the Utilities/Maintenance Direc— tor, it is recommended that no -action be taken. The current schedule.of charges is attached. 1 � 76 -UTILITIES'& MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION COST OF SIGNS -NO. TYPE OF SIGN ------- PRICE 1 POST UNIT ONLY (NOT -INSTALLED) $.15.50 'POST -UNIT ONLY (INSTALLED) 35.00 3 POST UNIT lVtTH'SINGLE STREET NAME 56.5-0 4 POST UNIt'WITH DOUBLE STREET NA?AE 18.50, 5 POST UNIT WITH SINGLE NAME (30 x 30 STOP) 75.00 6 POST UNIT WITH SINGLE NJQE (36 x 36 STOP,) 79.25 7 POST'UNIT WITH DOUBLE NAME (36 x 36 STOP) P1_25 8 -POST UNIT WITH DOUBLE NAME (30 x 30 STOP) 95-30 9 STOP AND POST UNIT 00 x 30) 52.00 10 STOP A14D POST UNIT (36 x 36) 11 YIELD A14D POST UNIT .57.75 48.00 12 NO PARKING AND POST UNIT 40.25- 13 NO*PARKING ON STREET LIGHT STANDARD 14-00 14 Nor -A -THROUGH STREET AND POST (24 x 24) 45.25 15' NOT--A-THROUGH STREET AND POST (30 x 30) 4730 fr 16 W-21 AND POST A8SEfdBLY (18 x :Lg) 23..00 -17 W-57 AND POST ASSEMLY (36 x 18) 24-75 18 DELINEATOR POST ASSEMBLY 1.50 NOTE: DEPOSITS GO INTO ACCOUNT NO. 01-128-2680 ADD 15% TO THESE PRICES FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT k i RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMITS C.M.C. 11.-16.040 - This is a fee for a permit to perform work in the public right-of- way. Such work includes any improvement, tree, shrub, excavation, etc. 4 The current fee for this permit is $2. The City Engineer states this amount should be kept low enough to encourage compliance as it is impor- tant •foe the City to know what work is being done in the right<of-ways- Driveways require as many as four inspections by a.consfiruction inspect- 1 or. The City Engineer estimates that the actual costs associated with ; } these permits range -from $40'to $50; however, he recommends raising the fee to no more than $10. It is also recommended that this fee,be doubled for all permits taken out after work is started• t o- Present Fee Recommended Fes E $10 $2 ($20 if a person takes out }t y a permit after the work•has } started) p i r i i i � ! i - t I :I F 1 ; J ., is l i r.. r ENCROACHMENT IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY C.M.C. 11.04.110 ;I This is a fee paid, usually by a utility company, for the construc- tion of aboveground and underground encroachments in the public right-of- way. This permit differs from a right-of-way permit in that encroachments t; are usually permanent items which are not considered public improvements ? such as buildings, permanent retaining walls, etc. The -City Engineer has authority to grant underground permission and the City Council must grant aboveground -,permission. The current fees are shown below: Before Installation After Installation i; Aboveground $50 $100 Underground $35 $ 70 The City Engineer recommends no change in these fees until the ordi- nance can be reviewed. i t i, h i, i, i 4 f H i t � i ,I i �I If i, 1� 1; A