HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-05; City Council; 5871; SAN DIEGO COUNTY HEARINGS ON AMDNEDING THE SAN DIEGUITO COMMUNITY PLANI < e a .I .CIW OF CARLSBAD 7/ AGENDA BILL NO: DATE : DEPARTMENT : Planning Cty. Atty 9 Cty. Mgr. June 5, 1979 q; - - SUBJECT : SAN DIEGO COUNTY HEARINGS OM AMENDING THE . SAN DIEGUITO COMMUNITY PLAN. Statement of the Matter The County has established hearing dates for the amendment to San Dieguito Community Plan. County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, starting June and take place through summer and fall. The hearings wil not only involve an amendment to the San Dieguito Community P1 but also provide appropriate zoning for implementation. Some of the property in the San Diegui-to Community Plan is wit Carlsbad's sphere of influence, i.e., South Carlsbad Subarea, which is south of Palomar Airport Road'west of El Camino Real and the Leucadia Subarea of Batiquitos Lagoon and the north sh In the past the City Council has indicated interest in the Cou planning efforts within Carlsbad's sphere of influence. There staff has drafted a letter to the Supervisors explaining Carls position ,and making a recommendation. This letter is attached and more fully explains the situation. These hearings will be by the . EXHIBITS ' . Draft letter to County Board of Supervisors dated June 5, 1979 Map of unincorporated property in Carlsbad sphere. (Wall Exhibi RECOMMENDATION e V If the City Council concurs you should approve the attached le and select a Council Member to represent the City at the appropriate hearings. . , , i * 0 0 AB #5871 June 5, 1979 Page 2 Counci 1 Action: 6-5-79 It was the consensus of Council to suggest that the County the City of Carlsbad's General Plan and delete from the Sa Community Plan those areas within Carlsbad's sphere of inf and that the Carlsbad Planning Commission be designated as advisory to the County on land use matters within Carlsbad of influence. It was the consensus of Council that Mayor Packard and Cou Skotnicki represent the City at the scheduled hearings on before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Council requested that a member of the Planning staff be s represent the City at the County Planning Commission heari make ,a verbal presentation of the City's position on this I 1 a 0 *' &<' TEl (714 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp of dsrls'bab June 5, 1.979 San Diego County Planning Commission 9150 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, California 92123 RE : SPIN DIEGUITO COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT REF: GPA 79-01(10)/R79-23 and 26 Thank you for allowing the City of Carlsbad to comment on your applicati.on to amend the County General Plan and establish prc per zoning in the South Carlsbad and Leucadia subareas of the San Diegviito Community Plan. Your actions in these areas are important. to Carlsbad and have a direct impact on our planninc process. This is because many public services such as parks, recreation, library, policy and fire protection, road systems, etc., are' currently provided by the City of Carlsbad in Count1 "island" areas. In reviewing the proposed action, it is obvious to us that yoc staff has; recognized the importance of this application to the City of Clarlsbad and has taken many of our concerns into acco1; The City Council of the City of Carlsbad believes that general the proposals are consistent with Carlsbad's General Plan. Although your hearing is specifically regarding the San Diegui Community Plan we also wish to note that there are inconsister between Clarlsbad's General Plan and the North County Metropoli Subregional Plan for those "islands" north of Palomar Airport Road or east of El Camino Real. To resolve potential conflict and to best plan for county areas within Carlsbad's sphere of influence! which eventually will be annexed to the City, we hat listed below for your information recent actionsy existing sit tions, and planned activities which will have an effect on the items : 1) The Carlsbad sphere of influence has been adopted by LAFCO indicating that Carlsbad is the proper agency to provide services. 2) The number of agencies with some level of control on the property is confusing and frustrating to the property owners. For example agencies or organiza- tions with land use input in some or all of the area e 0 .,a .. S. 'San Diego County Planning Commission June 5, 1-979 Page 2 are the State Coastal Commission, County of San Diego, San Dieguito Planning Group, and the City of Carlsbad. 3) The Board of Supervisors has indicated that Carlsbac should be responsible for the local coastal planninc in most of these areas to provide a continuity of planning. 4) The City wishes to control development in the spherc of influence area so that land uses will be compatil and there will be a guarantee that public services F be available. 5) The City is commencing development of a growth rnana? plan that will provide for a growth rate and patter1 growth commensurate with available public services. 6) The City is commencing to develop a comprehensive agricultural policy which will provide long range agricultural preservation. 7) The City is commencing to develop a water reclamatic program as a function of wastewater treatment. Use! of this reclaimed water must be guaranteed to make reclamation feasible. We are hopeful that a unifiec agricultural preservation program in the South Carl: area will enhance the use of reclaimed water. Based on the above considerations, the City of Carlsbad recom that the County approve your staff's recommendations on the Si Dieguito Community Plan except for three minor changes as notc the attached map. In addition, until annexation occurs, we rt mend that the County amend the unincorporated areas within Cai sphere of influence in the County General Plan and zone the p: to a holding zone. In addition, if the County so desires, tht Carlsbad Planning Commission would be designated as the advisc body to -the County on land use matters in Carlsbad's sphere o influence. We understand that this cannot be done at your prc meeting, therefore, the City Council of Carlsbad recommends tl following course of action: 1) Adopt your staff recommended land use for those areq in Leucadia and South Carlsbad subareas that are wi Carlsbad's sphere of influence, except for the follc modifications: a) Subarea No. 3 should be designated either "Multiple Rural Use'' (18) or "Impact Sensitive (24). The Carlsbad General Plan designates thi 0 *' .I , . San Diego Countmanning Commission ' June 5, 1.979 I. Page 3 area as "Non Residential Reserve" and requires a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan pric to a specific land use designation such as "General Commercial. I' b) Subarea No. 4 should be designated "Urban Residential No. 2." The Carlsbad General Plan designates the area as "Low Density Residential (1.5 D.U.'S per acre). c) The northerly portion of Subarea No. 2A (as sho should be designated either "Multiple Rural Use (18) or "Impact Sensitive" (24). The Carlsbad General Plan designates the area as "Non-Reside Reserve. I' 2) Approve your staff's recommendation on zoning. 3) Direct your staff to set up the procedure to delete the San Dieguito Community Plan areas within Carlsba sphere of influence and place those areas within the North County Metropolitan Planning Area Land Use Ele (Document No. 576774). In addition, we would recomm that the North County Metropolitan Planning Area Lanl Use Element be amended to either substitute Carlsbad General Plan, or a note be placed on the county plan referencing Carlsbad's General Plan as the appropria guiding land use document. We also recommend the Co consider designating the Carlsbad Planning Commissio advisory to the County on land use matters within Ca sphere of influence area. 4) Direct your staff to establish a public hearing for the rezoning of all unincorporated lands in the Carlsbad sphere of influence to a holding zone such as S-90 with a 40 ac. minimum lot size. These unincc porated areas meet the intent of the S-90 Zone in thi it will "prevent isolated or premature land uses fro1 occurring on land for which adequate public services and facilities are unavailable or for which the detei mination of the appropriate zone regulation is pre- cluded by a contemplated or adopted planning proposa: Sincerely, RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor City of Carlsbad Attachments: Map showing area of San Dieguito Comminity Plan proposed in conflict with Carlsbad's General Plan RCP: JCH:B:P:jd ! -- -.--.----._ ~ - * c -. .-.- - ----r____ _- .*__-I-- --I--_ .I-- ~- --.. - -.-..I-." __-_ I _-_-_--- _--- CC~I-C.. ---_,- / .. 0 (714) 236-2015 Local agency formation October 2, 1978 chairman November 6, 1978 executive officer secretary TO: Local Agency Formation Commission counsel FROM: Executive Officer members: Ralph W. Chapman SUBJECT: Proposed "May Stores, Inc. Reorganization" Way Municipal Dr. Rex Gorton Public Member Michael J. Got& Porter D. Cremana Donald L. Clark (Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside) Water District Tom Hamilton County Board of SuperviSOtS William J. Karn Submitted by resolution of the Carlsbad City Council Utility District a request for municipal reorganization, involving 20 Gloria McClellan acres and the Cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad. Alsl Councilwoman, City of Vista proposed is a revision in the adopted spheres of inf ence of the two cities to coincide with the requestel County Board of boundary change. Mayor, Kile Morgan City of Proponent's Justification (as stated in application) alternate The 20-acre parcel is owned entirely by May Stores Alex members: L. Adam Shopping Centers, Inc., and is adjacent to the exist Padre Dam Municipal regional shopping center located at Carlsbad's north city limits. The existing shopping center contains t major tenants and 65 mall shops. May Cs. seeks to s of Lemon Grove the existing center by addition of three major store: Stanley A. Mahr forty mall shops. The ultimate plan will encompass 2 County Water District mately 100 acres. The entire 20 acres is located in Lee R. Taylor City of Oceanside contiguous to the City of Carlsbad, County Board of About two-thirds of this parcel would be used for thc proposed expansion. May Coo's plans for this parcel call for a parking lot and a relocation of the Buena Vista Creek drainage channel. Permits for the needec work within Oceanside are progressing slowly. It apI that the dual jurisdictional status is complicating g already complex situation. The City of Carlsbad sup^ the May Co. expansion as proposed. The City of Ocean has not yet indicated such support. Fallbrook Public Lucille V. Moore Supervisors National City Water District Dell Lake Councilmen, City %an Mercor SUpONkOPS 0 0 * LAFC October 2, 1978 November 6, 1978 Re: "May Stores, Inc. Reorg. Page Two It The existing development is now serviced entirely by the City Carlsbad. The area proposed for reorganization is now vacant requires very few if any services. When developed, it is expc that needed services will be limited to police, fire and cham maintenance. Because of faster response times, it is desirab: service the site with police and fire from the City of Carlsbi Chrono1op;y: By the Spring of 1977, your Commission and Staff were develop. framework for a sphere of influence program. By July, 1977, ; Commission had adopted sphere of guidelines that indicated no agency would have a sphere smaller than its existing boundary cept in exterluating circumstances. By mid-November, 1977, a preliminary sphere of influence rep0 was distributed for the tri-cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. Written comments were invited from affected agencies l individuals. On November 30, your Commission conducted its f sphere of influence hearing. Testimony was taken, and the hel was continued until February 20, 1978, to permit more staff CI and agency input. At the February hearing, your Commission a( the recommended sphere of influence for the City of Oceanside adopted in principle the spheres of influence for the Cities 1 Carlsbad and Vista , pending completion and certification of el mental impact reports. Shortly after your Commission's action on the tri-cities' sphl of influcmce, your Staff was contacted by individuals request information on the procedures to be followed to process a bow change between the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside. The pro1 was discussed, as well as a loophole in the newly adopted Mun Organization Act (MORGA). That legislative error would permi conducting authority to complete proceedings for detachment o territory from a city over objection of the detaching city. i discussed was the Legislature's imminent action to remove the loophole,, It was not until the end of May that your Staff wa again approached on the boundary change/sphere of influence r question,, A letter from the Carlsbad City Council was presen to your Commission at the June 5 meeting, requesting a July 1 hearing on the request for a sphere of influence revision. Y Commission instead set the hearing on this request for Septem 11, to a:Llow the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside ample time resolve their economic differences over the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center expansion. At that June 5 meeting, your Comm gave final approval to the spheres of influence for the Citie Carlsbad and Vista. e 0 A LAFC October 2, 1978 November 6, 1978 Re: "May Stores, Inc, Reorg. Page Three 11 The Issue There is a single overriding issue that has prompted this reqi boundary change and revision in two cities' adopted spheres oJ influence. Carlsbad and May Stores, Inc. wish to expand the PI Camino Real Shopping Center. The Center lies wholly within tl- boundaries of Carlsbad. A portion of the 20.94 acres that con this application are needed for a 458-space parking lot to sex the shopping center expansion. That territory is presently wj Oceanside's city boundaries. The Carlsbad City Council beliet the shopping center and parking lot should be within and serve a single agency--Carlsbad. The Oceanside City Council believc that since the acreage needed for a parking lot is presently i Oceanside, tHat City is rightfully due a percentage of the ret realized from the shopping center expansion. Use of the acrei as a parking lot would not directly generate any tax revenues. Oceanside officials sought an agreement that would permit the to receive revenue in lieu of the acreage being developed to i highest and best use. During the weeks that followed your Commission's June 5 meetin representatives of Carlsbad and Oceanside met to reach a mutua acceptable agreement. Eventually the respective City Councils agreed in principle to a formula whereby Carlsbad would pay Oceanside $70,000 per year for 10 years, and the Broadway and CO. stores would pay Oceanside $15,000 per year each for 10 ye The total payment would be one million dollars. The scenario: May Stores would build the parking lot in Oceanside, then deed it to the City of Oceanside. Oceanside would in turn sell the parking llot to Carlsbad for the agreed upon sum. Estimates ar that Carlsbad would receive an additional $250,000 in sales ta revenue from the expanded shopping center for the 1979 Christm season allme. Another estimate is that Carlsbad would receive $120,000 Ln sales tax revenue annually just from the Broadway department store addition. Agreements are presently being drafted by the respective city attorneys. Because your Staff received reasonable assurances an agreement had been reached in principle, the municipal reori zation and sphere of influence revision requested were not set the hearing on September 11. At that meeting, Mayor Packard 0: Carlsbad advised your Commission that full agreement has not bc reached with Oceanside officials on each point discussed. 0 urL October 2, 1978 @ November 6, 1978 Page Four Re: "May Stores, Inc. Reorg. 11 Specifically, the two cities are discussing a sales tax protec clause. Executive Officer's Recommendation Your Staff believes the two cities are close to reaching full on each specific point. A signed agreement should be forthcor Oceanside has stated that any agreement is contingent upon Cai withdrawing its TAFCO request. For Carlsbad to pursue this rf as an alternative at this time can only exacerbate an already cate situ.ation. The question of "squaring off" Oceanside/Car! city boundaries at Highway 78 is a reasonable one that should discussedi at some future date as an issue separate from the SI center expansion. The revision of two spheres of influence SI after their adoption raises a question of the value of the eni spheres program. On October 25, the City of Carlsbad formally requested withdra of this proposal. If that request is received in writing prio the November 6 hearing, as specified by Section 3.1 of your Rules, I would recommend that your Commission permit the City withdraw the application. 4qspectfully submitted, ddddddddd/a- MICHAEL lfJ GOTCH Executive Officer October 26, 1978 MJG : na , 1' r) B TE (71 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor citp of Garlsbabr October 25, 1978 Michael J. Gotch E:xecutive Officer I~CO 1600 Pacific Highway Sara Diego, California 92101 Subject: Dear Mr. Gotch: The Carlsbad City Council, in accordance with Section of the Commission's Rules, is requesting the withdraw, sf the subject item relative to the annexation. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Proposed "May Stores Inc, Reorganization" Ae&K@< RONALD C. PACKARE) Mayor RCP : Pdg L ."-A 0 (I, 1200 ELM AVENUE Tt CARLSSAD, CALiFOlRNlA 92008 (71 Office of the iWayor aitp 0% CarlSbsB September 28, 1978 P%p, Michael Jo Gotch Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific' Highway San Diego# California 92101 Dear Mra Gstek: The City of CarPsbad bs requesting a continuance of the public: hearing scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2978 - regarding the proposed "May StoresE Incorporated Reorganization" (R.078-28) o The City of Carlsbad requests that the hearing be continued until the Com~ssbn's Ncsvember weet5rag. Sincerely # fi?&ced RONALD Ca PACKAM3 Mayor WCP: m1 local agency formatio chairman executive officer secretary counsel members: SUBJECT: Proposed '*May Stores a Inc. Reorganizatic Water Dim& Dr. Rex Gorton Public MernW Michael J. Gotch Porter D. Crernans Donald L. Clark Ralph W. Chapman Qtay MunicipaP Torn Hamilton County Board of Supervisors William J. Karn Fallbrook Public Utility District Gloria McCIellan Councilwoman, Lucille V. Moore TO: Affected Persons and Agencies (City of Carlsbad. Oceanside) Ref, No. R078-20 , the Local Agc On October 2 Formation Commission continued its hearing on this city of vim Counftl Board of until November 6 , 1978, at 9:00 a.m.: Room 358, County Administration Center, 1600 Pacifl Highwa5, San Biego, California a sulpervium Kilo Morgen Mayor, City of N8tiOM! City alternate members: Alex L. Adam Padre Dam Municipal Water DirtriEt Dell Lab Councilman, City of Lemon Grove Stanley A. Nlahr %an Mar- Lee R. Taylor *w- ) MICHAEL J. GOTCH County Water District Executive Officer County Board of na LU -. c ~~~j~~~~ October L, 1978 Dr. Rw GQmn ~~~~~~~ 2'0 : 1,ocal Ageklcy Fora,a~io;, Lwmi L.> j. L)L~ ?or tw 0. Crwmns ~~~~~~ FRtiiVf : I? xecuz iv d Off ic er ikwwIQ% L. Clerk ~~~~~~~; Faelphi w. Chnassnaan SUBSEC:'~' : proposed {'Nay Stores, 1i-x * i<ec &ey Munhipet (Cities of Carlsbad arid dcea,, Wow Dirtria Tom Hamiltort Bmd d iwm Mutiiam J. Kern Stlkimitted by resoldciorr of the CarLshid t' i i-y COWK a request for muiiici.paI reurganizac Fa,; 'i i -l.i~l-drig acres and the Cities of Oeealzsidc and C: proposed is a revision in ~lhe adopted sl,..e~*es ssf i ence of g;lhe two cities to coincide w.i.~li !.ic? reques Fslikwwk Public CnuwilrwPmPn, ciq at vim boUa&ary chii~tge a -,t t s .iustification (as stated iiL ,iiLacio The 2O-acre parceL is ~WiXed 6.%1Lir~?Iy by "14.)' SC<-;C€?S a9w 4- Mm%s Shopping Ccri~ers, I.iic. 9 and is adjacent: regional shoppin; cencer located at. Cari city Iiai~s. 'the existing shoppiii;:, c~L:L~?L- donl;ain major tenanrv and 65 mall S~OPS. Play Ci;, seEks Cc the existing cmmr by addirlon of thr forty mu$E 3tmps. The ~Etiimte plari w City 52 Oceanside contiguous to he Cit oi Cartsl Aho-tat t~m-thirds of this parcel xdd bL 3 call far a padcin;: 1,)~ arad a relcji'iitio11 \,L' r.iie Ecic Visea Creik drainage channel. ~~emiics L U; che nel work wichh Cleeailside are pmgress.u:g s i. that the dual. jurisdiccioilaal. S~X~.UL Is 6 ni&tef~/ 108 i?r~%e~. The ~it7.ire 20 a~rt:~ iz 'l~~ated 1 proposed el.rparlsio1-L May cv, s pltil-ks i-0: already ~ci~iij~Z@x bi~~~atsion. %be C; i CY L> i the May GO. I~,XP~XIS~O~ a~ proposed - 'rl~~ has noe: ye^ irxlicared such suppori. e 0 .- 1 r E4FC October 2, 1978 Re: "Pky Sro Page Two The existing development is now serviced e.ncirelLy by the Cilty Carlsbad p The area proposed for reorganization is I~W vacant requires very few if any servicesI When devehopehi, i.t is ex$ that needed sexvices will. be limited CQ police, fire and char aaintenance, Because of faster response times 3 ii: Is desirak sexuice the size with police. and fire from the CiC;; of Carlsk ., Meor&- il By che Spriirg of 1977, your Comnissiori and Staff were develo frwtiewor*tc for a sphere of influence prograrri, By July 3 1977 > C~-S~~~K~..SS~".SA had adopted sphere of guldelknes that ii1JieateB n1 agency waouBd have a sphere smaller than ir~s existing bouradarq cept in exterztracing circumstances. hiowember, 1977, a pre'kim-iir-lary sphere Gf influence rep x:ribu~ed far the trT-cities of Carlsbad p Occnnside an Vista, Writte2t1 coments were invited from affectcd agencies indivfdaaals. On November 30 i your Coiuinission conducted i.ts sphere ~f I~'~f1U~fice hearing, Testimony 'was Itdlcen, and the h as continued u8;n.a:il E'ebmry 20, 3.978, to pemiit n~ore staff 8 rmd agency fnpuc, At fhe February hearing, your Cmmi23sion i3-ie;s reccm~ended sphere of Lnfhence for &he City uf 0cei;msid f%irXsbE&d and V%,sta f pending completion and certifi.cation of adQpti;d in pX'hlCipP.f., kke Spheres Of h.lflilCElCe fOk Cske 6=ic&2S xmencal. :Lmpact re'ports e nortly after your Commissions% acelon QZ-l the tri-c;ieiess sp of hfli~ence, your Staff was cantacted by indPvidt.mls reques it^^^ ~n the prs~cedure~ to be followed to process 8 bo change Irsetwaa-tl tA2e Cities of Ccbrlsbaci 'and Ocea6itside. The pr %?a8 discUsBed, as Well E6S d lQQphCJlC3 in the newly ikdoptad f.lL rganizi~ti~~~ Act (p/isRGA> I Thae: legislative error would perri o-ipducthg ~taxrh~rity to complete proceedings for dccachent iscussad was he Legislature's imminent action to reaiovt? tf- Et was not until the end of May that you Staff F gain approached on the boundary change/sphere of iciEl.uence ol,Sti.@fi, A 2e:tter fmpor.il the Cnrlsbad Clty Council was pres4 your Csrm-l.s~b'ip ab: the June 5 meeting, requesthg a July arfng (9n thi? request fur a sphere 0% fnflue-mc:e revisisn, IIX~I~S~~CRI iftsZ;ead see the hearing on this reque:3t for Septt 11, to a;llcr.iia the CLtPes of Car'Lsbad and 0~.t.:arru.ide ample tim resalve: Ghefr eccs11omic di€ferenees over the Plaza C&ntinh: Re Shopph;l: T:t%iB;ar ~X~~~SLOCI, At that JUXIG 5 l~e~ti~ig, YCJWC COI gave Ei.na% approval to the spheres of fnflucnce far che Cit Ca3zlsba.d and Vistas ErX'froTY from a city over ClbjeCciQn Qf ChE! &ietEiC!bLing City. 0 e b. 2 lli i 'C i)ctor,ef^ 2, iVi3 Lie: i%iy :;tkirt?S, i 1:c - * I:wl-<~ * Page Th.t-ee It II l___l--_l--.-- 'rhe 'a s s iLe3 _*I-- -I.--LI- Tjacrt i:; a sirrgJtf 6:v<:rr<dilig issue that !ids proltlpl .I ti1i.s re' t,crtit~Jaqr ckls~;+,e di3d revisi tjn in two cities ' dopi< tj spheres c;:l:lLL$cl l<eaZ SimppjlLg CL?nater:, ill fi-irm> $2 " ~;ar.Zsbaad iiii:4 PLiy Stores, I i~ . The Cer'l'krtc \:isli to L .,parid CIL~ Lr cs .lUho L ly within iiar:t~s of CarLsbad. k kJf . tion of the 20.44 ac J cs that c applieattion tire ftet:<ieti LOP a 458-sgdcc parLi~ Stio]ji>i:kt; CfzXICElC- &X[>ull5lQ%2. ThdE tFjrK'itOq iS PreSeXktLy 3c:t~ii~side's ci ty bounddries j) The Carlsbdd City C,oLmci.l bcii e-a:e shoppifig cent.:s ad parking lot should bt w-frii i 11 and ser sirice Z:j^lt3 acreage needed for a parkiii,; Icjt i., presently nside, fillat Cit). is ri..;iie-.fully due a percenc~t;,~' of the 1. r~.aPized from the shopping center expansion. Use of the acL as a parking lot: wuld nor directly geiierdce any a(1.x reveiiur Oet;i.%nsi.de officials soiight an agr2en:cn~ t1,at. wdti to x-cr,e;ti.vc revenue in lieu of the acreage being 2 j ii,glle ~g~~~c:y--Cd~lst,a$, The 0ceaii~;"kdd Ciiy {;~L-LC~I 'belie %1a'&-Zesr and besc rt:preseatatives 01 Can-ksbad and Occarlside rIlr3iS to ac:ceptal;;,l.e trgr~a~~t:. Event:\ially the respcccive ('iry 1''oazii~~i Oceanside $70 g OUO F" ye&ldr for x0 yeal-s, and the 1>I-GadWay rili Co, stcares would pay Oceanside $25,OOS per year c-cic h for 10 DUT~II~ the weeks tkiat Eull~wed your Ccjilillli SS~O~I*S Iti ZE~ 5 ~ie~ht agreed in &bCiKlCii>i C KcL. 3. fol-i~iU1Cl Whereby :.d_irLbbd~i L~oUkd pay The tQtEi.1 payUl6?Tlt WoU~d be Olle 'ClIi~~~On dollizrt-, a 'i'kke SCenaEIi May Stores WOUI.~ fi~1I.d tile p.irkiiIg lot k11 OCC~LIS~~~~ then de it to the City of Occansidc. Ocemtside wgiiid in I parkii-ig loe eo Cdx.-Lsitad for the agreed ~p011 sum. t1mt C&rls,;bad would receive art addktitm.n% j~50 .,UOt3 ill sales revcmue frmn ttii expanded sli'>ppfiig ccnter for tlic ky79 ChxL: seLksoIC1. aaorte. AblctIlrr est irlldLc is E"113t Cdrl sbad $120,008 in sales tax revenue annually just+ rroili d epa rem E5.n t s t 0 TC a dd i e: i 0x1. at tom1eys b Bwau yl>ur Skiff TCcf=iVe:d rLki:,ullc*u:ic3 &lSSuUrarll s zation asad sphere af -influ=:nce revision rckjues 1~eG.i 5Jere iioe : t.he Fttha~Lng <XI Septciuber TI. At that 111ee~tiitg, ~la>,j.r Packii~er Carisbad advisecl ysix Comiissiori that fctl i ;igrdc:u reachedl with Oceanside caLfsL ials on each pt>iiic di Agrcerfieaits dm prf;sent;ly bzi~g drafted by eke J:L:a an i;g~e,mnei~f: had been reached in prlncipl.c, ~ht? ILiIk,(ii:ipd. I I 0 0 a. i LA l.; i: 0Ct013d-r 2, 197d I?&: E$hI;iy >;.;cor 11 Page FQUK *-k-.-i 1 I c * il c: 0 -ww.- caI.Xy, tire i:ijo c:Ft:ics are disciassirrg ii ski1 Lax pmtc claersr;. ~:>ct:cu t i?ie o f f ic el 1 ' s 14~2%: mime:itiii t ion VUUL: Staff believes tiie twu cities are close to r an each ~pt-~iis'k piriric. A signed agreement inocil. -_I I. ..--U^-a.- --- - -- ide IXlS s;Fatcrl rl -- aJ-12 a&reefilent is L'oricingt,iit kipon cd wing jX&S Id.. GCO uesc'* For Carltst-iad to pLiL-tt;tle Lhis x as am aI..ternat~ve a"; chis rin~e can only exacerbate an aI.~-eacly caite situation. ?iic~ qusstion of "squaring off" Oc~aasideJCar discussed a2 same i-~:ture dare as an issue separate froril the : cersh-cr: expansrh~n. The E.W~$;~QXI of two spheres of influence : after their adaptioa raises a question of the vaLi.ir of tkie kk spheres pz"cpE;L"am. Tk:crefcare, ic is my reconmendation tfrac tl-ti3 CFty of Carlsbad urged ta withdraw its applica~ion far municipal reorganizacit atxi requizst for sphere sf Influence revisions. ~f it request witlzdrawal is j AE amde ~ I reconmend that your Congiil is sion d-: y; bo&h requests ac thts einie. c%ry ho~~~dax-ies a.~z iikgiibiray 78 is a rca:;o~iable one HJ G : na (I 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION UPON APPLICATION FOR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE REVISION AND REORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY INVOLVING THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND OCEANSIDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a meeting scheduled for 9:0 on Octlober 2, 1978, in Room 358, County Administration Cent 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California the Local Agenc Formation Commission will meet and consider the request of the City of Carlsbad €or a Sphere of Influence revision anc the proposed "May Stores, Inc. Reorganization. At that hearing the Commission will hear any interested per who wish to speak and will hear and consider the applicatic and the report of the Executive Officer. \ The territory proposed for sphere revision and reorganizat! includes approximately 20,94 acres, generally located nortl of Marron Road; east of Jefferson Street; south of Highway and west of El Camino Real, in the County of San Diego, St: of California. The application is on file and may be examined by any intei persons in the office of the Executive Officer of the Corn at 1608 India Street, San Diego, California. Refer to Pro No L, RO78-20 Q For more information, please call (714) 236-2015. Dated: September 14, 1978 II Local Agency Formation Cc County of San Diegc 0 II NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING BY TW’L LOCAL AGLACY FOP&UTION COMMISSIQN lJPON APPLICAT 1’88 FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO ‘HIE CITY OF CARLSBAD NO~CICE IS REWRY GIVEN, that ac a meeting scheduled for 9:OC on SepLenh~r + - ~ 1978, in Room 358, County Administration CE 1600 Pacific K- ghway, Sari Diego, California the Local Agency Famation Co~r,ission will rt?-~:t and consider the proposed Palomar Airport Annexaticn” to the City of Carlsbad, 11 At that. hearing the Cormnission will hear any interested per: who wish to speak and wi3.2 hear and consider Che applicatioi the report of the Exec:itive Officer, The territory proposed for annexation includes approximatel: 256 acres, generally located north of Palomar Airport Road; of Hidcfen Valley Road; and west: of El Camino Real, in the Cc of San Diego, State of California. The application is on %:,Be and may be examined by any inter person:; in ele office of ;:he Executive Officer of the ComZ at 1.608 India Street., San Diego, California. Refer to Prop No * c;1;77 - 501 * For more information, please call (714) 236-2815 e dated: August 24, 1978 MICHAEL J s CH., Executive c Local Agency Formation Corn! County of San Diego