HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-19; City Council; 5886; Conversion of Apartments to CondominumsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO: 3*PIT&> ' Dept. Hd. DATE: June 19, 1979 • Cty' Atty Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning Initial MS \£// SUBJECT: CONVERSION OF APARTMENTS TO .CONDOMINIUMS CASE NO: CT 79-3/CP 79-3 APPLICANT: VON ELTEN Statement of the Matter The application is for a tentative map/condominium permit for the conversion of an 80 unit apartment complex to condominiums. The property is located on the east side of El Camino Real between Alga and Palomar Airport Road-. The project is presently under construction and none of these units are occupied. Both the staff and Planning Commission found that the project did not meet the minimum requirements for a condominium. The units are not designed to appropriately integrate open space, recreation and parking with the dwelling units. More particularly, proper setbacks of buildings from the "private street" and "private drives" have not been maintained, nor have sufficient numbers of spaces been provided. : • . After the Planning Commission hearing, .staff noted the absence of building setbacks as explained above. Therefore staff did. another review of the application to make sure nothing else was missed. This second review with additional findings is summarized in the attached supplemental report. Exhibits • Supplemental Staff Report Dated June 7, 197.9 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1523 Staff Report Dated May 23, 1979 ' • * Recommendation Both the Planning Commission and planning staff have recommended DENIAL of this application. . If the City Council concurs you should direct the City Attorney to prepare documents DENYING these two applications per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1523, and the findings of the supplemental staff report.dated June 7, 1979. Council Action . - . '•<, 6-19-79: Council directed that the City Attorney prepare the necessary documents to deny the applications pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 1523, including public testimony on the matter. SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1979 TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 79-3/CP 79-3, Von Elten DISCUSSION; After Planning Commission action was completed on the subject items, it was brought to Staff's attention that the conversion plan is deficient from the requirements of the Condominium Ordinance for an additional reason. Specifically, the required setbacks of the apartment structures from the private street and driveways are not met. Section 21.47.130 of the Condominium Ordinance requires that: "All structures shall be set back from the right-of-way of a private street at least ten feet, except parking structures with an entrance at approximate right angles to the private street shall maintain a minimum setback of twenty-five feet from a pedestrian walkway or curb- line if a walkway does not exist." Furthermore, "Building setbacks from private driveways shall be less than ten feet except garages entered directly from the private driveway may either be set back five to seven feet or greater than twenty feet." All the buildings presently under construction do not meet these required setback standards. Staff conducted another review of the project application to en- sure that no other standards had been overlooked. The expressed concerns of the Planning Commission regarding the project, in- cluding insufficient or inaccessible parking and lack of quality design, were further investigated. FINDINGS; The second review acted to further support the initial findings made in the Planning Commission Resolution. These findings could be more precisely stated as follows: TO: City Manager June 7, 1979 CT 79-3/CP-3 does not meet the design criteria as required by Section 21.47.110 of the Condominium Ordinance. a) The plan is not comprehensively designed; the required amenities including parking, land- scaping, recreation areas, storage, and refuse locations were added with great difficulty to meet only the minimum requirements. The attempt to upgrade to condominium standards, a project initially designed as apartments, has resulted in amenities being crammed into any available area instead of planned with consideration of their proper interrelationship. b) The buildings are not well integrated to parking and recreation areas because parking and paved areas intrude between buildings and must be crossed by pedestrian residents to reach the recreation site. c) This development, as proposed ownership units, is not compatible with existing and potential traffic circulation because: i) The buildings are close to heavily traveled El Camino Real and will have high noise levels due to traffic. ii) Traffic on El Camino Real will increase as the La Costa residential and nearby indus- trial and commercial areas are developed. Traffic is expected to ultimately be in excess of 40,000 auto trips per day. d) The internal street system is a dominant feature in the development since it surrounds the development and projects into the interior. e) Common recreation areas are not centrally located and are not readily accessible to several of the units. Some residents will be required to travel several hundred feet across driveways and parking areas and in front of other units to reach the common recreation area. To: City Manager June 7, 1979 f) Building placement does not create private areas nor reduce noise from El Camino Real. The buildings in the development are oriented to one another and to the parking and driveway areas. Several of the buildings are close to El Camino Real so noise will be a problem. 2. This project does not meet the parking requirements of Section 21.47.130(2). a) 183 spaces are required; only 168 have been provided. b) The spaces are not readily accessible to the units they are supposed to serve. c) The northern parcel parking area is not acceptable for required parking since it is too distant from the units to properly serve that function and is separated from the rest of the development by a full-width City street. The area would be acceptable for RV and trailer storage only, since these vehicles need not be readily accessible. 3. The project does not meet the development standards for residential condominiums in Section 21.47.130(1) of the Condominium Ordinance because the required building set- backs of the units are not maintained. a) Ten foot setbacks from the right-of-way of private streets are required for all structures. Several buildings along the eastern and southern portions of the site are set back less than the required distance. b) Twenty-five foot setbacks are required for parking structures with an entrance at right angles to a private street. Two buildings along the southern side of the property have garage openings at right angles to the private street and are only set back 8 feet. A building fronting on the eastern private street also has garage openings to that street and is set back only 15 feet. c) Buildings with garages entered directly from private drives shall be set back five to seven feet or greater than twenty feet. The buildings with garage openings fronting on private drives are being constructed with only a 3 foot setback. DA:mcs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1523 'RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF AN 80 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO CONDOMINIUMS. CASE NO.: APPLICANT: CT 79-3/CP-3 Peter Von Elten WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, to wit: That portion of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof recorded in the office of the County Recorder on December 30, 1977, has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 23rd day of May, 1979, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has determined CT 79-3/CP-3 to be exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 19.04.090 (a) (8) of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance which exempts the division of existing multiple family rental units into condominiums; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to /-NW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the tentative subdivision map (CT 79-3) arid Condominium Permit (CP-3) and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1. CT 79-3/CP-3 do not meet the design criteria as required by Section 21.47.110 of the condominium ordinance. a) The plan is not comprehensive; the required amenities were added with great difficulty to meet only the minimum requirements . b) The buildings are not well integrated to parking and recreation areas. c) This development would not be compatible with existing and^ future circulation. The traffic on El Camino Real will -increase, which will make this complex less desirable as ownership units. d) The internal street system is a dominant feature in the development since it surrounds the development and projects into the interior. e) Common recreation areas are not centrally located and are not readily accessible to. several of the units. f) Building placement does not create private areas nor reduce noise from El Camino Real. 2. This project does not meet the parking requirements "of Section 21.47.130(2) . a) 183 spaces are required; only 168. have been provided. b) The spaces are not readily accessible to the units they are supposed to serve. c) The northern parcel parking area is acceptable for RV and trailer storage but not for required parking , since it is not accessible to the units. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by the following vote, denied CT 79-3/CP-3 for the reasons as stated above. AYES: L'Heureux, Wrench, Marcus, Jose, Larson NOES: Schick ABSENT: Rombotis ABSTAIN: None . -2- c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the foregoing recitations are true and correct. STEPHEN M. L'HEUREUX, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C.-HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION -3- CT 79-3/CP-3 c 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 « 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CARLSBAD )SS I, JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting *. of said Commission held on the 13th day of June, 1979 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: • ABSENT: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION -4- CT 79-3/CP-3 w • STAFF REPORT DATE: May .23, 1979 TO: ' Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department CASE NO.: CT. 79-3 and CP 79-3 APPLICANT: Peter von Elten, Mola Development Corporation REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP AND A CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF AN 80-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO CONDOMINIUMS. BACKGROUND Location and Descriptic-n of Property The subject site is a triangular lot of approximately 4.9 acres. The property lies east of El Camino Real, between the SDG&E trans- mission line easement and Alga Road. There is an 80-unit apartment complex under construction on this site. Existing Zoning Subject Property: RDM-Q North: P-C: South: C-l-Q and RDM East: P-C West: E-l-A, County Existing Land Use Subject Property: Apartments under construction North: SDG&E easement, vacant South: Vacant and condominiums East: Vacant West: Vacant Environmental Impact Information This project is exempt from environmental review according to Section 19 i 04.090 (a, 8) which exempts the division of existing multiple family rental units into condominiums. A negative declaration was issued for SDP-77-1, on the basis of a previous EIR on the property and a supplemental report. c General Plan Information The General Plan designates the subject property as Residential, Medium High Density, RM-H, 10-20 dwelling units per acre. The 80 apartment units are on a 4.9 acre lot which results in a density of 16.3 dwelling units per acre. •Public Facilities The subject project is under construction as an apartment complex and currently has all necessary public facilities. Sewer service will be provided by the Leucadia County Water District and water will be provided by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The applicant has reached an agreement with the Carlsbad Unified School District and has paid fees to provide for school facilities. Past History and Related Cases This project came before the Commission on April 25, 1979. Approval of CT 79-3, CP-3 was dependent upon approval of a variance to reduce required parking, V-291. The variance was denied because the Commission was unable to make the required findings. CT 79-3, CP-3 were continued to allow the applicant to supply the required parking. Condominium Ordinance, City Council Resolution No. 9516. The City Council adopted a condominium conversion ordinance on September 19, 1978, which added Section 21.47 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This section regulates development standards for new condominiums and condominium conversions. The standards include design criteria, setbacks, parking 'requirements, guest parking areas, storage space, open recreation areas, laundry areas and refuse collection facilities. This section requires that all condominium projects or conversions apply for a condominium permit. CT 77-8, Roily Pulaski and Associates, City Council Resolution No. 5161, Planning Commission Resolution No. 1375. The City Council approved a tentative map for a 16 lot subdivision on August 2, 1977. This map was for the 5.5 acres just south of the subject property. This property will be four-plexes, as approved in SDP 77-1. SDP 77-1, Pulaski and Associates, Planning Commission Resolution No. 1374. . On June 22, 1977, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Plan for 15 acres on the northeast corner of Alga Road and El Camino Real. The conditions of approval required half street improvements including a median, a five foot view obscuring fence along the northeast property line and a redesign of the parking area for the apartments. Two revisions have since been made to this SDP, both dealt with the commercial center. A declaration of nonsignificant environmental impact was issued for this SDP on the basis of a previous EIR and a supplemental EIR. The supplemental EIR dealt with traffic circulation and archaeology. .2 Zone Change, City Council Resolution No. 9437, September 16, 1975. This was a City initiated zone change which placed the "Q" Overlay on this property to ensure comprehensive development of the project. EIR-283, Certified on May 6, 1975. This EIR "was prepared for the annexation of this property. It cited two areas needing further research when specific develop- ment plans were initiated, traffic circulation and the archaeology of the site. • Preannexational Zone Change, City Council Resolution No. 9410. December 10, 1974. The City Council approved a preannexational zone change from E-l-A (County) to RD-M and C-l. These zones became effective when the property was annexed to the City. Major Planning Considerations 1. Does this tentative map meet all the requirements of Title 20 and the Subdivision Map Act? 2. Does this condominium meet all the requirements of. Section 21.48, which regulates condominium conversions? DISCUSSION • . This request involves the conversion of an 80 unit apartment complex to condominiums. All condominium conversions must obtain a condominium permit as required by Sections 21.47 in addition to the tentative tract map. The requirements of the condominium ordinance, 21.47, are discussed below. • Design Criteria The plan should be comprehensive, embracing land, buildings, landscaping and their interrelationships. The units appear to • have been planned as apartments; they meet only the minimum apartment requirements. Amenities that are required by the condominium ordinance such as additional parking, recreation area and storage space were added later. These amenities were crammed into any available area only to meet the minimum requirements. No amenities have been provided beyond what is required. The pool area was provided for the apartments, but the surrounding open areas will have to be changed from.shrubs an'd ground_ cover to lawn area. No private recreation areas have been provided. The storage space will be added to the garage and to a room at one end of each building. The applicant has tried several different ways to supply the required parking. (21.47.110(1)). The buildings should be oriented to the natural landscape and should be placed to provide private areas and reduce noise. They should have a proper relationship with other functions o'f the .3 development and be well integrated. The buildings in the subject development are oriented to one another and to the parking and driveway areas. There are large asphalt areas adjacent to and within the complex. Some of the buildings have asphalt on two or three sides. The buildings are close to the street and the units will have high noise levels due to traffic • on El Camino Real. The buildings have not been oriented to provide privacy; there are no private outdoor areas. Several of the buildings are about 25 feet apart which reduces the atmosphere of privacy even inside the units. The units are conveniently located as apartments since they are adjacent to a main thoroughfare, (21.47.110(2) and (7)). The development should be compatible with existing and planned' land use and circulation. The complex is only 50 feet away from El Camino Real which is a heavily traveled arterial. Traffic on this road is expected to increase as more of the La Costa area is developed. Apartments are often used as a buffer between noise sources such as El Camino Real and ownership units. These units, as condominiums, would be incompatible with the heavy traffic and noise generated by El Camino Real, (21.41.110(3). The condominium ordinance indicates that the internal -street system shall not be a dominant feature in the design. The street system should not create a disruptive influence on the activity and functions of any common areas. The street system is dominant in this development; it surrounds the pr.oject and extends into the development. The system effectively cuts the development off from the surrounding areas as well as interfering with the living space. Many of the residents will have to cross driveways and parking areas to reach the common recreation area, (21.47.110(4). The ordinance requires that common areas and recreational facilities shall be readily accessible to all units. The common areas are located at one end of the complex. Several occupants would have to walk across parking and driveway areas and next to other units, (21.47.110(5). The pedestrian circulation system is designed for travel from parking lot to garage. The walkway leading to the front of the unit passes directly in front of other units, (21.47.110(6). Development Standards Parking The ordinance requires ci total of 183 parking spaces for this 80 unit project. Two spaces, one of which shall be covered, must be provided for each unit. In addition, 23 guest parking spaces are required. The applicant has provided 168 spaces which are close enough to the units to serve as required parking. The north parking lot is too distant from the units and will be allowed as an RV and trailer storage area. Refuse Area The applicant intends to install a refuse area at one end of each of the buildings. The area is large enough in size, since each will serve only eight units. .4 o. Storage Space Each unit is required to have 480 cubic feet of storage space. There are 270 cubic feet provided in each of the garages. The storage room at the end of each building will provide the remain- ing 210 cubic feet per unit through the use of locked cabinets. Laundry Facilities Common laundry facilities will be provided at one end of each of the eight buildings. Open Recreation Area There is a swimming pool and spa area located at the south end of the complex. This area, which exists on previous plans, contains approximately 8,000 square feet. Since the ordinance requires 200 square feet per unit, or a total of 16,000 square feet for this complex, the applicant will alter the existing plans to show the areas around the pool as lawn areas. These areas must be viable for recreation, which means that some of the shrubbery and landscaping will have to be removed. By eliminating the landscaping, some of the buffer between the buildings will be removed. The applicant can provide 23,000 square feet of recreation area including the pool and the passive lawn areas. Landscaping The applicant has submitted a landscape plan. The plan will be' altered to provide the above grassy recreation areas. The landscaping plan is otherwise acceptable. Utilities Separate gas and electric services are provided for each unit as required. The ordinance allows common water service for multi-storied buildings. The applicant will provide one meter for each of the 10 buildings and one for the landscape and rec- reation areas. Recommendation Staff recommends denial of CT- 79-3/CP-3, based on the following findings: 1) CT 79-3/CP-3 do not meet the design criteria as required by Section 21.47.110 of the condominium ordinance. a) The plan is not comprehensive; the required amenities were added with great difficulty to meet only the minimum requirements. b) The buildings are not well integrated to parking and recreation areas. .5 c) This development would not be compatible with existing and future circulation. The traffic on El Camino Real will increase, which will make this complex less desirable as ownership units. d) The internal street system is a dominant feature in the development since it surrounds the development and projects into the interior. e) Common recreation areas are not centrally located and are not readily accessible'to several of the units. f) Building placement does not create private areas nor reduce noise from El Camino Real. 2) This project does not meet the parking requirements of Section 21.47.130(2) a) 183 spaces'are required; only 168 have been provided. b) The spaces are not readily accessible to the units they are supposed to serve. c) The northern parcel parking area is acceptable for RV and trailer storage but not for required parking. Since it is not accessible to the units. If the Commission should decide to approve CT 79-3/CP-3, Commission should make appropriate findings and apply the following conditions: Conditions; 1) Approval is granted for CT 79-3 and CP-3 as shown on Exhibit B, dated May 15, 1979, on file in the Planning Department. 2) The landscape plan shall be altered to show the three recreation areas as grass lawns. 3) A separate water meter shall be provided for each of the 10 buildings. 4) . The laundry and refuse areas shall be completed prior to approval of final map. The refuse area shall be constructed according to Section 21.47.130(5). 5) The storage area in the garage shall be enlarged and the storage room shall be divided into storage cabinets to provide for 480 cubic feet of storage per unit prior to approval of the final map. 6) The applicant shall provide landscaping of sufficient height and density to screen the northern parking lot, and the lot along the southern boundary from adjacent streets and properties. 7) The above conditions shall be met before approval of the final map. KJL/ar ' CT73-3 / £P VON ELTEN CASE 'NO .<2 Rec'd •Description of .Request-. TEt4TOnS/F= DCC Date: A PC Date usirrfa r>H PS Address or Location of Request: Applicant : Engr. or Arch._ Brief Legal ;/^ \A/I> \\/\\5=- Assessor Book: __ _ ^_ General Plan Land Use Description! Existing Zone; Acres; APClPi Page:Parcel; - tt\&\4 NO- of Lots: L^_Pr°Eoseci Zone : PvO- H - <f3'U s School District: Water District: Coast Permit Area: DU/Acre , )Nlip:|po Sanitation District; If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further information i;; required, you will bo so advised. APPLICANT: Mola Development Corporation, a California corporation • Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) . 417_Main Street, Eunt_ington Beach, CA 92648 Business Address (714) 536-2^47 Telephone Number AGENT: Name Business Address Telephone Number MEMBERS : Frank J. Mola-President/ Treasurer Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 422 Lara, Kuntington Beach, CA 92648 Home Address 17 Main ..Street, Kuntington Beach, CA 92643 Business Address E. von Elten. Exec. V.P. - Telephone Number 417 405 18th St. Kuntington Beach, CA 92648 General Counsel Telephone Number KiiriH nc-t-nn Rpach, CA 92748. ____ Name Home Address (714)536-2547 Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number John Mola 422 Lara, Kuntington Beach, CA 92648 (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will retna'in true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. MDLA DEVEDOPMEt?T CORPORATION licant Agent, Owner, PartnerPeter E. von Elten-Executive Vice President