HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-19; City Council; 5890; Mobile Home Parks Request to Amend Zoning( Lgg7 J ,CITY OF CARLSBAD • Initial AGENDA BILL NO: F 9 O Dept. Hd. G DATE:' June 19 1979 Cty. Atty Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: .MOBILE HOME PARKS (Request to amend zoning Ordinance) Statement of the Matter The Carlsbad Mobile Home Park�Associations have submitted a request to amend the zoning ordinance and adopt specific regulations concerning mobile home parks (see letter dated May 16, 1979 to the City Council). This request has its basis in.the Report of the San Diego County Blue Ribbon Committee on Mobile Home Parks. (A copy of•this report•is on file in the Planning Department.) This report makes recommendations on changes to the county zoning ordinance and general plan and recommends encouragement of mobile homes for low and moderate income housing. The Associations have also forwarded copies of'the San Marcos and Chula Vista ordinances concerning mobile home parks. Staff has reviewed the recommendations submitted by the Association and the report submitted by the Blue Ribbon Committee. (See Memo from James C. Hagaman, dated 6/6/79.) Attachments Letter from Joe Bastone, dated May 16, 1979, with ,attachment Letter from James Hagaman, dated 6/6/79 Ordinance 1845, Chula Vista Ordinance 79-498, San Marcos Recommendation Staff recommends that this information, be received and .filed. However, if. the City Council wishes further information in any aspect of this mattbr, you should direct staff to report back -on the particular issue. BP:jd Council Action 6-19-79: Council recommended that the question of adopting a policy of favoring use of mobile homes and the question of changing existing rules and regulations to accept mobile homes as permanent housing be considered by the Committee on the Housing Element of the General Plan and included in their report and recommendation to Council for consideration. Council desired that staff prepare a report addressing the possibilities of establishing mobilehome zones -including a review of the effects under the General Plan with a recommendation to Council for consideration. Continued on Page -2- OF Agenda Bill No. 5890 June 19, 1979 Council Action (con't) Council requested a report addressing the legalities of the practice of the "closed park" concept. Council consensus was that the use of single -lot mobilehomes in Carlsbad would not be desirable. I--- L...ESL'O1"X GARDEN'S ASSGCIA.'� ^ ' Chapter #863 - Region I GOLDEN STATE MOBILHOME OWNERS LEAGUE, INC. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA * 92008 May 16 i;ii�lr ti I�tJ 19 79 CITY OF CARLSBAD The Honorable Ronald C. Packard, Mayor, City of Carlsbad The Honorable A. J. Skotnicki, Vice Mayor. City of Carlsbad The Honorable Girard Anear, Councilman, City of Carlsbad The Honorable Mary Casler, Councilwoman, City of Carlsbad The Honorable Claude A. Lewis, Councilman, City of Carlsbad Dear Mr. Mayor and _City Council Members: Enclosed is a copy of a Bulletin containing seven proposals we � wish to submit to you for your favorable consideration. You will note the text has been signed by the President of each of + the Carlsbad Mobilhome Parks indicating agreement on the part of each of us. ! Also enclosed is a photocopy, of the Chula Vista ordinance and the San Marcos ordinance relating to permanent mobilhome park zoning as adopted by the City Councils in each of those cities. We respectfully request that these items be placed on the City Council Agenda in the near future and that we be informed as to when that will be. Thank you. Cordially, mk Bastone, President Encs. Lakeshore Gardens Association cc to Pprii1 Bussey, City Mgr. 7225 San Lucas, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 ►/James Hagaman,City Ping. Phone: 438-3347 Mike Fagan, County Ping. Lorrie Gorimar, Carlsbad Journal Jim Esterbrooks, Blade -Tribune Rebecca Brown, Mobile Homes Courier Donald Taylor, A1t.Dir.,Reg.7,GSMOL Carl Neiswender, Rancho Carlsbad Mary McCabe, Lanikai Association Frank H. Clarke, Solamar Estates May 14, 1979 SUBJECT: PROPOSED ORDINANCES TO BE SUBMITTED TO TJ1E CARLSBAD MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL. On Saturday, May 5, 1979, at a joint meeting of officers of the four Carlsbad Mobile - home Parks it was unanimously voted to submit the following seven proposals based upon the recommendations of the County Blue Ribbon Committee to our City Government for its favorable consideration and adoption. It was further voted that before that is done all residents of the four parks be given notice of this proposed procedure. 1. Adopt a policy of favoring use of mobile homes consistent with applicable rules and regulations of State and Federal entities pertaining to development of permanent housing suitable to persons of low and moderate income. *(6) /2. Establish a separate zone for mobilehome parks, including "No -Frill Mini -Parks", consistent with declared policy. *(14, 17) 3. Identify and designate public and private lands within the city limits suitable to mobilehome zoning. *(3, 4) .,/4. Explore and establish all suitable incentives to mobilehome park development, and suitable restraints to prevent unreasonable "change of use" of any mobilehome zone. *(5) 5. Authorize use of single -lot mobilehomes in Carlsbad subject to conformity with neighborhood esthetic values, permanent dwelling rules and ad -valorem taxation. *(14, 24) 6. Change existing rules and regulations as necessary to accept mobilehomes con- structed under California codes as permissible permanent housing for persons of low and moderate income. *(12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 28) 7. Prohibit any "closed park" practice by any park owner or mobilehome dealer which would deny a prospective tenant free choice of lot rental or home purchase. *(19) *Parenthetical numbers refer to more elaborate Blue Ribbon Committee numbered recommendations. After our very successful meeting on Monday, May 9, it is the consensus that we also refer to our City Council the Chula Vista and San Marcos ordinances. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact your Chapter President. Joe Bastone, President Carl Neiswc.nd r, Preside -it Lakeshore Gardens Association Rancho Carlsbad Chapter #863, Region 7, GSMOL Chapter #789, 'on 7, GSMOL 7225 San Lucas, Carlsbad 3474 Don Juan Drive, Carlsbad L Mary McC be, President Lanikai!Association Chapter #1035, Region 7, GSMOL 6550 Ponto Drive, Space 123, Carlsbad C �f e,,_le-�/ C'C�LLGGr� Frank H. Clarke Solamar Mobile Estates Chapter #880, Region 7, GSMOL 201 Easy Place, Carlsbad MEMORANDUM DATE: June 6, 1979 TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: James C. Hagaman, Planning Director RE: REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS - CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK ASSOCIATIONS By letter dated May 16, 1979, Mr. Joe Bastone of the Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Association has requested that certain recom- mendations made by that association be received by the City Council. For your information my staff has reviewed these recommendations along with a report prepared for the County on mobile homes (Blue Ribbon Committee). We have given our brief synopsis of these recommendations. We don't recommend an action on these matters because we feel that it is a policy matter, but hopefully our review will give you and City Council some direction. Recommendations 1 and 6 These recommendations deal with allowing mobile homes to be used as low and moderate income housing. City policy does not cur- rently address mobile home parks as low or moderate income housing. According to the Blue Ribbon Report, the average monthly payment for a mobile home, including space rent, of $400 qualifies mobile homes as moderate income housing. The report also states that low income housing could be achieved by using federal funds for land acquisition for mobile home parks. These items can be ad- dressed during the current revision of the housing element. Recommendations 2, 4,,and 7 The above recommendations deal with the establishment of a mobile home park zone. The associations recommend that this zone allow "no -frill mini parks" and prohibit "closed" park practices which would deny tenants free choice of lot rental on home purchase. They also recommend that the City establish incentives to mobile home park development and establish restraints to prevent unreason- able "change of use." The City could amend the zone ordinance to include a mobile home park zone. Since there are only four existing parks in the city, the zone could be applied to these mobile home parks as well as new parks. The current ordinance allows mobile home parks only Memorandum - Paul Bussey June 6, 1979 Page Two in residential zones with a conditional use permit. We have no development standards for mobile home parks. An exclusive mobile home park zone would be beneficial to the residents of the park since it would then require a public hearing and City Council approval to change the use. Since this zone would restrict the uses to mobile home parks and associated uses, the property owners may not want their property zoned for mobile home parks. Also, it would be much more difficult for a property owner to get approval for a zone change to change the use since there would be tenants on his property. A mobile home park zone would ensure relative permanency for the residents, many of whom are senior citizens on fixed incomes. 4he incentives for development, the restrictions on change -of -use and the development standards for mobile home parks could all be incorporated into the zone ordinance. The ordinance could include provisions for both no -frill mini parks and for standard mobile home parks. Recommendation 3 This recommendation encoura;es the city to identify and designate public and private lands which are suitable for mobile home zoning. This could be accomplished by surveying the city and then revising the General Plan to specifically allow mobile home parks in desig- nated areas. The city could also establish a mobile home park zone and apply this zone to currently undeveloped parcels. Requir- ing a property to develop as a mobile home park is veri restrictive. Recommendation 5 The Associations recommend that the City authorize the use of single -lot mobile homes subject to certain regulations. They are also asking the State of require ad valorem taxation for mobile units instead of vehicle tax. Because of the present inequities in taxing mobile homes they should not be permitted on single lots except in a planned unit mobile home park. Even if the taxation methods are changed in the future, the City should consider the effects of pezmitting these relatively uniform appearing units in conventional neighborhoods. If per- mitted, special regulations for siting and possibly hearings, should be considered. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council either receive and file this correspondence and information or if the Council wishes to 11 Memorandum -Paul Bussey June 6, 1979 Page Three pursue this matter, staff recommends the following. Direct staff to analyze those suggestions contained within the report that Council wishes to further consider. JCH:KL:jd 6/8/79 # I i i i !i ORDINANCE 110. 1845 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 19.27 ENTITLED "M11P - EXCLUSIVE MOBILE 110l1£; PARK ZONE', REPE;XfN_d SECTION."_ 19.56.300 TliftOUGsi-YY-",6.330 PERTAINING TO THE MOBILE 11011E PARK MODIFYING DISTRICT, AND CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION The City Council of the City of Chula Vista finds as follows: i That in accordance with the attached Negative Delaration, IS-79-20 and the findings therein, the proposed amendments to the Municipal Code relating to a Mobile Home Park Zone will not have a significant impact upon the environment, and the City Council hereby certifies that the Negative Declaration was pre- pared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended. The City Council of the City of Chula Visth does ordain as follows: SECTION I: That the Chula Vista Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto a now Chapter 19.27 to be, and to read + as follows: CHAPTER 191.27 MHP - EXCLUSIVE MOBILE HOME PARK.ZONE Sec. 19.27.010 Purpose. The`purpose of ttie-Mli'P.�'jone is to provide appropriate t 'locations, whiie mobile; tiome";parks may be eatablis� d, maintilaed, and protected. The regulations of this p zone are designed to promote and encourage an orderly { residential environment with appropriate physical amenities, such as open areas, landscaping, and parking. To this end, laiia regulation permit, through the�bondi"tional use permit; process, the es tablishmedt ,of mobile home parks. Sec. Y9.27.020 Permitted'Uses. tsobile home parka;.aubject to the securing of a, c6nditional use pexfUt An each particular,casek, I ' B. Accessory bufldings or appurtenant signs. Sec. 19.27.030 Area Regulation. The area regulation of the 1111P zone is as follows: I The minimum area of a mobile home park site shall be five acres: -1- Approved by Planning Commission on March 27, 1974 Development Policy for Mobile Home Parks Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 7279 on April 23, 1974 OBJECTIVE: To establish principles and standards for the development of Mobile Home Parks with a view toward providing a balance between mobile homes and other types of housing and to set forth standards for the construction of Mobile Home Parks so that a satisfactory living environment is achieved for residents of the Mobile Home Park and the surrounding community. RING PLUS• 1. Mobile Home Parks shall be designed to provide for a desirable residential environment encouraged. for Stylizedepatternsresidents. monotony should beand avoidative design is ed 2. All Mobile Horne Park site improvements shall relate to the particular char- acteristics of the land. The site, including mobile home lots, patios, struc- tures, streets, and other site improvements should be conveniently arranged in relation to the topography and the shape of the property. 3. The mobile home unit should be fitted to the terrain with a mi ni ilium- di s- turbance of the land. Existing trees, rock formations, and other natural site features shall be preserved to the extent possible. Favorable views or outlooks should be emphasized. preserved. to A Mobile Home Park should possess the fo'Ilowing characteristics: a. Be generally located on the periphery of a residential area (as defined by physical features and/or changing land use patterns) to avoid interruption of local public street service and desirable development patterns; b. Front on a major road or street or residential collector street of sufficient capacity to carry anticipated traffic; and c. Be accessible from a state highway by way of streets with no inter- vening portion having a grade in excess of seven percent. 5,. Mobile Home Parks should be considered as having land use characteristics similar to both single dwelling and duplex type housing. 6. Convenience market and personal services within walking distance are con- sidered desirable; when these are within the park they should be internally oriented. 7. Individual mobile homes within a Mobile Home Park should be integrated with their sites by having some floor and outside levels equal in elevation. 1 B. Mobile Home Parks should be evaluated in terms of their impact upon adjacent areas in order to avoid the creation of land use and circulation problems as well as undesirable environments. 9. Individual Mobile Home Parks should not be severed by public streets. STANDARDS: 1. A desirable size for a Mobile Home Park is 20 acres in order to provide a sound base for service and amenities. Five acres should be considered as a minimum permissible size. 2. The number of mobile homes within the City should not exceed 15 percent -of the total number of housing units in the City. At least 10% of the lots in each Mobile Home Park shall not exceed 41 feet in width. These lots shall be interspersed throughout the Mobile Home Park. 3. Lot Size. Minimum lot size shall be dete:'mined as follows: a. The width of the lot shall be a minimum of 27 feet more than the coach width at the floor 'line. b. The length of the lot shall be a minimum of 13 feet more than the coach length at the floor line. 4. Common Open Space. 400 square feet of common open space per unit shall be ,provided within the Mobile Home Park. 5. Recreation Area. Mobile Nome Parks designed to serve children shall provide a separate recreation area developed appropriately for their needs. This area shall have a minimum dimension of 75 feet and a maximum slope of 2.5 percent and be adequately screened froth adjacent mobile home units. 6. Setbacks. Minimum setbacks for mobile homes, measured from the body of the coach, shall be as follows: a. From i residential collector or, wider street - 25 feet. b. From a local street - 15 feet. c. From a property line not adjacent to a street - 20 feet. d. From private drives - 8 feet. The average front setback shall be a minimum of 11 feet with front setbacks staggered throughout the park. e. Between mobile homes - 22 feet from side to side; 14 feet from side to rear, 10 feet from rear to rear. f. Accessory structures - 3 feet from any lot line. 7. Density. The maximum density of a Mobile Home Park will, in part, be governed by the design criteria and development standards contained herein. E Generally, however, Mobile Home Parks shall not exceed 8 units per acre. The Planning Commission may, however, adjust the density on the basis of topographic consideration, relationship of the Mobile Home Park to adjacent areas, or the type of mobile homes for which the park is designed. 8. Parking. Parking spaces in Mobile Home Parks shall be provided as follows. a. 2 spaces on each lot, provided that no part of the front setback shall be used for parking. b. 1/3 guest space per mobile home located within 4C0 feet of the farthest uni t. c. At the community center - 1 space for each 5 lots up to 50 lots and 1 space for each 10 lots thereafter. 9. `.andscaping. a. A 1 in pla.n� and irrigation plan shall be submitted for approval by the andscape Planned The plan shall be in conformance with the Land- scape Po cy an a standards herein stated. b. The setback areas adjacent to public rights of way shall be landscaped with the combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Trees will be 15 gal.size, a minimum of 6 feet high and 13�11•caliper and shall be selected from the City street tree list. They shall be used an average of every 30 feet along street frontages. 5 gal. shrubs and living ground cover shall also be utilized. c. All interior areas not devoted to buildings, parking or walkway areas shall be landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Not more than 25 percent of the ground cover shall be of a non -living nature. Each mobile home site shall be provided with one tree of 15 gal. size, 6 feet in height and of lk" caliper, in addition to the required ground cover and shrubs. d. All landscaping shall be irrigated with a sprinkler system. Setback .and common areas shall ba irrigated from a common water source and individual mobile home sites from a source on the mobile home site. 10. Utilities. a. All utilities shall be underground. b. Television reception shall be by means of cable television (CATV) or one antenna or several common antennae if the size or configuration of the Mobile Horde Park requires more than one. c. Private trash storage enclosures and common trash bin enclosures should be provided. Private trash areas shall be 2' X 6' minimum and enclosed with a solid enclosure 5 feet high. Common trash areas shall be of masonry construction, compatible with the Mobile Home Park -and in accordance with Section 33.901 B, par. 34. 3 11. Fences and Wails. Mobile Home Parks sisali be enclosed by solid masonry walls, maximum 6 feet in height, along dedicated street frontages and interior property lines (setback as required by ordinance), except in those cases where adequate buffer screening between the park and adjacent property is provided through landscape screening or topographic features; such as elevation differentials and earthen banks. 12. Noise. Noise levels in Mobile Home Parks should not exceed 55 dBA (more restrir*ive standards adopted as a result of legislation regulating noise emissions shall take precedence). Where Mobile Home Parks are located adjacent to noise sources, such as -freeways and major arterial streets, efforts should be made to attenuate noise within the park area by any one or combinations of the following methods. a. Masonry walls. b. Earthen banks. c. Buffer zones. d. Dense vegetation. 13. Service Buildings and Facilities. Service .buildings and facilities should be strategically located throughout the park for convenient access from mobile home or recreational vehicle lots. No service building should be closer than 20 feet to any abutting property. A car wash shall be provided adjacent to the community center or common storage area. 14. Lot Numbering. Each Tot within a mobile home or .camping park should be appropriately numbered (or lettered). Said numbers or letters should be placed on appropriate signs located at a point near the front of each lot. In addition, a general locational map and directory should -be provided near the entrance to the park. 15. Pedestrian Circulation. a. Pedestrian circulation should be emphasized by the provision of a system of walks linking dwelling units to common areas, service facilities and other residential units. b. Wherever feasible, walks should not be adjacent to streets and should not be interrupted by street crossings. c. Walks shall be no closer than 5 feet, or an average of 10 feet, from a - mobile home. 16. Private Streets. Private streets within Mobile Home Parks shall be a minimum width of 25 feet irrespective of parking areas. Streets shall be increased in width to 32 feet when parallel parking is allowed on one side and 40 feet if parallel parking is allowed on both sides. One way streets of 15 feet in width will be allowed if specifically approved by the Chula Vista Fire Dept. Use of curvilinear streets is stongly encouraged. 4 Pavement for all private streets shall conform to standard street sections using rolled curbs on file with the Dept. of Public Works. 17. Lighting. All driveways in Mobile Home Parks should be provided with light standards at intervals which will ensure adequate lighting -of the driveways and parking areas. Lighting should also be provided around storage yards and swimming pools and should be shaded and adjusted to prevent undesirable illumination of adjacent mobile homes. Lighting standards shall not exceed 12 feet in height. 18. Signs. The following sign standards should apply to Mobile Hone Parks in residential zones. a. There shall be only one wall signor freestanding sign designating the use of the premises, facing or adjacent to each street abutting the property. The height of a freestanding sign should not exceed 8 feet, measured Vertically from the base at ground level to the apex of "tie sign. The total face area of all wall and freestanding signs (excluding directional signs) shall not exceed one -tenth square foot for each linear foot of street frontage, and no sign shall exceed a maximum area of 32 square feet. b. One directional sign, not to exceed 10 square feet in area, may be placed at each entrance or exit driveway. No such sign shall exceed a height of 8 feet measured vertically from the base at ground level to the apex of the sign. Directional signs may be lighted. c. All signs shall conform to the requirements of Section 33.950 of the City Zoning Ordinance. 19. Common Storage. Common storage within.a Mobile Nome Park shall be provided at the rate of 50 square feet of conmon storage per unit withal a storage yard screened with six (6) foot solid fencing and landscaping. 5 MOBILE {TOME PARK PROCEDURE PROCEDURE: 1. Mobile Home Park development shall be limited to those areas where the "M" Mobile Home Park Modifying District has been established•on the zoning,map of the City of Chula Vista. 2. Application for the'"14" Mobile Home Park Modifying'District shall be accom- panied by a preliminary development plan prepared by a civil engineer•and/or landscape, architect and/or urban planner and/or qualified allied professional and shall include the following: a. Boundaries of project site; b. Orientation and relationship of adjacent uses; c. Topography; d. Principal ingress and egress location; e. General locations of open space; f. Estimated density of project site. 3. Subsequent to the rezoning of a parcel to the "M" Mobile Home Park.Modifying District, a_ precise plan shall be submitted for the approval of the Director of Planning. This plan shall conform substantially to the preliminary development plan approved oe conditionally approved by the City Council and -which contains all items of information set forth in a 'standard checklist for the purpose of reviewing any such precise plan. 6 E>CHUT A- 51'- 0'r LOT WIDTH 27'-0" MORE THAN COACH WIDTH . z i x H 0 24'- 0" 16'•. Orr w x a 3' 10' a o cs . t z z h F- It zo AWNING 'h kCAR mc�n 2 COACH DIMENSIONS 24'-0" x 57'- 0" CAR 2 SIDEWALK TO ST. OR DRIVE 10' STREET DETAIL OF SUZUK. ADIM ~ ©� gfFr liz d t• t; IL 1,7 LA08CAPit. P VrRIP- i P. L. F/ • y �t1A EXHIBIT C ` NOISE ATTENUAT ION TECHNIQUES PAr.-TPF N RQKI K WAIL. WIDE BUFFER ZONE WITH DENSE VEGETATION ` ' •- • WOMEN NO `r _ aw NEW Vie ��-ter �� ��1 `• � �� �e:st.�sz c�•s-t: ri� i I�i ` -� ORDINANCE NO. 79-1198 AN ORDIIIA14CE OF THE CITY COU14CIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS AMENDING THE SAN MARCOS HUNICT- PAL CODE BY ADDI14G ARTICLE. I AND II, CHAPTER 15, PERTAINING TO MOBILEHOME PARK CONVERSIONS. The City Council of the City of San Marcos DOLTS ORDAIN AS FO LI,O:: S : SECTION 1: That the Sari Marcos Municipal Code be amended by adding Article I, Establishment and Operation of Nobilehome Parks, of Chapter 15, Mobilehomes and Mobilehome Parks. Wording in Sections 15-1 through 15-6 hereby remain the same. CHAPTER 15 MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF MOBILEHOME PARKS f *SECTION II: That the San Marcos Municipal Code be amended by adding Article II, Mobilehome Park Conversions, of Chapter 15, Mobilehomes and Mobile Home Parks. is CHAPTER 15 t:. MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS ' I ARTICLE II MOBILE HOME PARK. CONVERSIONS Sec. 15-7 - 'SCOPE 'OF ARTICLE. Unrestricted conversion of mobile home parks to other ; uses diminishes the mobile home stock and space availability: The protection of tenants and potential purchasers of mobile homes, warrants- the' i.iriplementation of certain regulatory safe- guards. The City recognizes the need to insure that 'the private sector exercises its responsibilities to provide varied housing choices and opportunities, and that City participation in this responsibility is necessary. Sec. 15-8 - INTENT. The intent of this article is to insure that mobile home park opportunities arc available to residents of San Marcos, and to insure that Ii)obile home* park conversions provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the community. AGENDA I'I'M _.j Sec. 15-9 - REOUIREHENM a) Use of property as a mobile home park shall not be terminated for the purpose of conversion to another .land use until application for mobile home park conversion has been made to the Planning Department and approval by the Planning Commission G �+ or City Council, on appeal, has been received. b) No building permits shall be issued on property occupied by a mobile home park at the effective date of this ordinance or hereinafter for uses other than those associated with the mobile home park use and allowed under the Special Use Permit, until approval under S.•ction 9(a) has been received. c) Applications for a mobile home park conversion shall be made to the Planning Department and in addition to the complete application, along with a $300.00 filing fee, the following information is required: 1. Plans indicating what use the conversion is in- tended to be. 2: Time table for conversion of the park. 3. If proposed conversion is to a use not consistent with the underlying zone, the applicant shall file concurrently, e Specific Plan Zone Reclassi- fication. It. Total spaces within the park; number of spaces occupied; length of time each space has been occupied by present •tenant; monthly rate currently charged. 5. Environmental Assessment form. Sec. 15-10 - PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW. a) within 90 days following the submittal of an application for mobile home park conversion and all required information, the matter shall be set for public hearing before the Planning Commission• b) The Planning Commission within 30 dayn af•i•er the close of the public hearing; shall render, a decision on whether, or not the conversion shall be approved, based upon •the findings set forth in Section 11. -2- c) 'Ilia decis_ T ► of the Planning Commiss.y ► mz ~ be appealed to the City Council by the filing of a le•t•ter requesting appeal of the Planning Commission decision within 11 day:; after the decision of •the Planning Commission has been filed in •the office of the Planning, Commission. Such an appeal shall be in writing and shall specify where •there was error in the decision of •the Planning Commission with regard •to the required findings. d) Within 60 days following •the filing of said appeal, the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the matter and within 30 days following the close of that hearing, the City Council shall render a decision on the conversion. The City Council shall not grant a conversion denied by the Planning Commission, except upon order of the City Council passed by not less than a four -fifths (11/5) vote of all members thereof. Sec. 15-11 - FACTORS FOR C0NSIDFRATION. In reviewing request for a mobile home park conversion, the Planning Commssion and City Council small, at a minimum, ttake the following factors into consideration when rendering a decision: a) There exists sufficient mobile home space availability within the North County Branch of the Superior Court geographic area to accommodate the displaced mobile homes. 1 b) The conversion will not res►lt in the displacement of low i income individuals or households who cannot afford rents charged in other parks. c) That the age, type and style of mobile home within the park proposed for conversion would be accepted into other parks within the geographic area. d) If •the conversion is to another residential use, the mobile e home park residnets have first opportunity to occupy these units and the construction schedule will not result in long; term displacement. a) The proposed conversion is consistent with the San Marcos General Plan. f) The liruposed coikV v.ivn is purnuont to the public avalth, safety and welfare. -3- FEW g) The conversion will not result in a shortage of housing opportunities and choices within the City of San 14arcos. Sec. 15-12 - CONDITIONS. In the approval of a mobile home park conversion, the City may attach conditions deemed reasonable in order to miti8ate R the impacts associated with 'the conversion. Such conditions E shall not be limited to, but may include -the following: a) Partial paytucnt for relocation of mobile homes to another park. b) If the land occupied by the park is to be sold, the tenants be given the first right of refusal accepting the offdr of the seller for the purchase of the park and all the improve ments. c) The tenants be given the option of a long term lease of the land and purchase of the improvements. d) The City may attach an effective date upon their approval of the conversion. Said date will provide sufficient time for the relocation of the mobile homes to they parks. Said time limit shall at a minimum, be one year. e) If the mobile homes cannot be relocated to parks in the area, the applicant may be required to purchase said mob -le homes at fair market value, determined by an independent appraiser with mobile home expertise. SEC'lTTON III: This Ordinance shall take efz^ct and be in force thirty (30) clays after the date of its passage, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause same to be published and posted in the manner required by law. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of San Marcos this day of , 1979, by the follow- ing roll cell vote: Pi AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ATTEST: ADllaFl:iJ G: }'.1/1t•tE:1JC;Q, MAYQIi O1' '1'N1, CITY OF SAtI MARCOS 71 I'l A. Kt;t idr,ll CTT CL_11 n