HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-25; City Council; 3652-12; Harding Street Community Center Additional WorkIā€ e e 9ā€˜ CITY OF CARLSBAD Initia? : Dept. Head \i7 AGENDA BILL NO. 3652 Supplement No. #I? DATE : June 25, 1979 C. Atty DEPARTMENT: Public Works C. fdlgr. 7) i SUBJECT: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - ADDITIONAL WORK STATEMENT OF THE MATTER In the design of the Harding Street Community Center the architect an pated spot removal and replacement of floor tile in the auditorium. now discovered that that type of material is no longer available. We ā€˜--+equested a quote from the contractor to replace the tile in that bui with a suitable available product. Price submitted by the contractor $3,282.29. The funds which are an unspent remnant of storm damage monies allocat Council are available in the- Public Works Professional Services Accov The Architect, Parks C, Recreation Director, Contract Administrator an City Manager recommend approval of the transfer of funds from this ac to the Harding Street Community Center capital account. I .. -9. EXHIBIT Resolution No. fl/3 approving transfer of funds ---- RECOMMENDAT ION If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No.sf/cpproving a transfer 0: f 2: \ Council Action 6-25-79: Council dj-rected that the decision regarding alternative material for replacement of floor tile be deferred until otl cost estimates had been received, with the underscanding th, such deferrment would not delay the current work. 9 I t" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 5815 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE MARD'TNG STREET COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca -L as follows: L- ' -- 1. That the transfer of Three Thousand Two Hundred Two and 29/100 Dollars ($3,282.29) from t$e Public Works P sional Services Account to the Harding Stfeet Community Ce Project Account is hereby authorized andapp~oved. k f 2. That the Department of Finapce Fund Transfer No. file in said department and;incorporated by reference here '.---/i ,' TF. \ t i approved. { j: j % 'c 1% PASSED, \APPROVED AND ADOPTE~~ % at a regular meeting OJ .---- 1 - day of Council of the\ City OS Carlsbadhild the 1979, by the fqllowing vote,:- ''% to wit: X\ y: '" J3 t \ .4 RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST: a *.. *s.* -+% 5. "cj ALETHA L. RAUTESXRANZ, CITY CLERK (SEAL) I