HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-03; City Council; 5907; Off-premise signs permitted by CountyInitial AGENDA BILL I;d: 5907 . Dept. Hd. @) Cty. Atty \-!Fa . n DATE : July 3, 1979 n Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT : OFF-PREMISE SIGNS PERMITTED BY COUNTY Statement of the Matter The Carlsbad Sign Ordinance prohibits billboards and off-site real estate directional signs. These prohibitions enhance the appearance of the community and reduce unsafe visibility obstruction (traffic sightings). L Unfortunately, the County permits these signs. Since the City contains approximately 8 square miles of county islands, much of it along major streets, the signs appear to be in Carlsbad. The County allows up to 16 directional signs per subdivision each with a maximum size of 32 square feet'. In addition-the Zone Administrator may . approve signs up to 216 square feet in area by minor use permit. The Zone Administrator does have a degree of discretion as to actual size and spacing, but generally approves these signs as requested if all minimum requirements are met. The Zone Administrator has indicated he does consider but has not denied any. In addition, there appears to be many illegal'temporary signs in the "islands". removal program. . Carlsbad's influence and has reduced the size of some sign applications, * They have been increasing now that Carlsbad has an active sign * We have received compliants from citizens who find these signs unsightly and, in some cases, dangerous. Neither the citizens nor the City has' received positive response from the County in either denying requested signs or the removal of the illegal signs. . .. EXHIBITS Letter dated June 1, 1979, to the County Zoning Administrator. RECOMMENDATION If the Council concurs that this is a problem, you should direct staff 'to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature requesting that the Board of Supervisors initiate a method to regulate signs consistent with Carlsbad's sign regulations for those signs located in unincorporated areas within Carlsbad's sphere of influence. BP: jd . Council Action - 7-3-79: Council directed staff to follow recommendation as outlined above. . . - .- . ._ . . .. . , ____ -- _..._ ~ , 1200 AvEr.wE CAH LS BAD,. CALI FU Fi N I A 9 2008 ,. \ i .. .. *. .. aitp of aErE5'ftnb .. .. . ._ .. - .- . .June I, 1979 .. . .. ,. .. .. .. .. . i ._ .. .. PIr , Rolsert Jantsch S;m Diego County Zoning Administrator' San Diego, California 921.23 Re: .' <. .. .. .. 9150 ChesaFcake Road .i . . .. ZAP 79-41, Minor Use Pcrrnit'for a Temporary Off-Site Real Iktate Directional Sign of 128 Square Feet at 4230 El Cmino &a1 . .. .. .. .. .. . -. -. (. .. .. , .. . -.. ,. Dear ME- Jantsch: _. .. The C2t.y of Carlsbad is strongly opposed to the z??roval, of the referenced peimit request for .. an off-site billbzird-type sign, The probose@ location is a County "island" within the city Ilrnits of Carl.sbad, It is a part of both OUT planning zea ana sphere of influence, i. .. .. .. .. The propoked sign would not; be permitted in Ca-ilsbad 2.f it was . must be located within the limits of the subdivision they adver-tise, to be processed through the City. .The. subjcc,t sign is off-site, advertising a subdivision in the city feet All such real estate s&ns . . of Oceanside, It is 8 fee% by 16 Eeet'ox a total of 128 square , . The County has approved similar signs in the past, Many-of these .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ' signs appear ta be in the City of Carlsbad, especj-al.3.y those, Icjcated in "islands", They are unsighi:ly and detract from the .. .; ;. quality image OUT sign ordinance was designed to project; Xn a traEfic hazaKd 'by blocking lirie of sigh-t .. from access roads, We UKCJC you to deny this permit and. thereby respect our efforts' to uniformly regulate signs-within our planning. area ana sphere of any clecisicsn that woulc?. give approval to this sign- Thank you for consj-dering the wishes of the citizens of Carlsbad and tihe5.r elected of Eicials in making your dctenni.nation. Sincerely, .. ' addition some of the already approved signs in the "islands" a3:e *' . .. :h€luence- We fully intend to appeal to the appropri.atc body .. .. ,@SLfi-Ys p7($lfM&? -/-- L~Z~!.ICS C . iI$.,;P,i<IAN // .27 1)lamincj rtlrc:ctor 3'cI-i : m : -j it 1 . .. , .. MEMORANDUM DATE : June 4, 1979 --. .-A TO : Paul Bussey, City Manager James C. Hagaman, Planning Director FROM : David Abrams, Associate Planner SUBJECT : SIGN PERMIT COUNTY ISLANDS, ZAP 79-44 I -represented the City at the San Diego County Zoning Administra- tor's hearing last Friday, June 1, 1979, regarding a billboard- type sign on El Camino Real, south of Tamarack. I read the attached letter into evidence, and further argued that the sign was constructed illegally. I also noted the general problem that signs such as these frustrated our efforts to control signs within the City limits, and would become enforcement problems once these islands are annexed to Carlsbad. Incidentally, a Carlsbad citizen also appeared in opposition, presenting a petition of twelve residents living near the sign. He spoke of a rural lifestyle that was being threatened by the proliferation of signs. The Zoning Administrator was sympathetic to the City's position, and seemed to concede the fact that we had a valid interest. How- ever, he maintained that Board of Supervisor Ordinance allowed for off-premises directional signs, and that this particular sign was acceptable in concept. He objected to the large dimension of the sign, feeling it exceeded the minimum size needed to be effective advertising, His decision, therefore, was to permit the present sign for sixty days. If the applicant wished to keep the sign for an additional time period, it would have to be reduced to a total 60 square feet, from its present 126 square feet. Additionally, the height of the sign would be reduced to no more than 14 feet from its present height of 18 feet. This new sign could be utilized for a maximum of 18 months. If we wish to appeal the decision, an appeal must be filed with the office of the Zoning Administrator by 5:OO P.M. on June 18, 1979. A $50.00 filing fee is required, and is not waived for other governmental agencies. - DA: jd 6/4/79 Attachment: Letter from Planning Director to San Diego County Zoning Administrator, dated June 1, 1979. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1 181 June 1, 1979 Mr. Robert Jantsch San Diego County Zoning Administrator 9150 Chesapeake Road San Diego, California 92123 Re: ZAP 79-44, Minor Use Permit for a Temporary Off-Site Real Estate Directional Sign of 128 Square Feet at 4230 El Camino Real Dear Mr Jantsch: The City of Carlsbad is strongly opposed to the approval of the referenced permit request for an off-site billboard-type sign. The proposed location is a County "island" within the city limits of Carlsbad. It is a part of both our planning area and sphere of influence. The proposed sign would not be permitted in Carlsbad if it.was to be processed through the City. All such real estate signs must be located within the limits of the subdivision they advertise, The subject sign is off-site, advertising a subdivision in the City of Oceanside. It is 8 feet by 16 feet or a total of 128 square feet. The County has approved similar signs in the past- Many of these signs appear to be in the City of Carlsbad, especially those located in "islands"- They are unsightly and detract from the quality image our sign ordinance was designed to project, In addition some of the already approved signs in the "islands" are. a traffic hazard by blocking line of sight from access roads, We urge you to deny this permit and thereby respect our efforts to uniformly regulate signs within our planning area and sphere of influence. We fully intend to appeal to the appropriate body any decision that would give approval to this sign. for considering the wishes of the citizens of Carlsbad and their elected officials in making your determination. Thank you Sincerely, ./ JCH : DA : jd