HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-07; City Council; 5904-1; Proposed UUD 7 public hearing-- CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : Dept. HeadbFA AGENDA BILL NO. 5904 Supplement No. 1 DATE : - August 7, 1979 C. Atty C. Mgr. 7 DEPARTMENT: Engjneering SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 5834 called for a public hearing at 6 p.m. on the proposed underground utility district. of the hearing have been mailed to affected properly owners and utility compani es as required by ordi nance. After interested parties have had an opportunity to speak, the Council may determine that the public health, safety and welfare require the removal of overhead lines and the installation of underground utilities and adopt Resolution No.sY7”. If the district is formed, San Diego Gas & Electric will prepare plans, obtain permits and start construction in January, 1980. The dates when_ properties must disconnect from the overhead lines and when the lines will be removed will be established by the City Council when a definite construction schedule has been established. Notices The estimated cost of the project is $250,000, not including customer conversions (paid by property owners) . and Electric Company in the amount of $457,583 will be available for expendi ture i n January , 1980. Funds a1 located by San Diego Gas EXHIBITS Resolution No.,<87’ declaring a certain part of the City as Underground Utility District No. 7. RECOMMENDATION If City Counci 1 concurs , adopt Resolution NO .Kf ’70 establ ishi ng Underground Utility District No. 7. Council Action: 8-7-79 Council adopted Resolution 5870, declaring and designating a certain part of said City as Underground Utility District No. 7 and marking orders in regard thereto. I 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARI-SBAD, CALlFORNIA, OECLARlhG AND DESIGNATING A CERTAIN PART OF SAID CITY AS UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7 AND MAKING ORDERS IN T.IEGP,RL) I_- THERETn WHEREAS, on July 3, 1979, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 5834 expressing its intent to initiate proceedings , pursuant to Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and calling a public hearing to determine whether or not the public health, safety or welfare requires the formation of an underground utility district in a portion of ' Carl sbad ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 5834, a public hearing was held on August 7, 1979, at the hour of 6 p.m., in the cbuncil Chambers in the City Hall, Carlsbad, California, to ascertain whether the pub1 ic health, safety or welfare requires the removal of 'poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and the underground i r.sta11 ati on of wires and fif.ci 1 i ti es for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service, within that certain area of the City as described in Exhibit "A" incorporated by reference herein; and and WHEREAS, said hearing was also held to determine whether or not the City should continue proceedings to create and implement an underground utility district to accomplish said removal and installation; and WHEREAS, notice of said hearing, in the manner and for the time required by law, was given to ail affected utility companies and to pr0pert.y owners' as shown on the last equalized assessment roll ; arid WHEREAS, said hearing has been duly and regtilarly held, and all persons interested have been given an opportunity to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby finds and a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '90 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 determines that th5 public health, safety and welfare require the removal of poles , overhead wS res and associated s. tructures , and the uriderground i ns tal 1 - ation of wires and faci? i ti cs for supplyi ng el ectr-i c, communi cation or sinii l ar or associated scrvi ce i ti the above-described area. 3. That said area is hereby declared to be an undergrourrd utjlity district, and is designated as Underground Utility District No. 7 of the City of Carlsbad. Attached hereto, as "Exhibit B" and incorporated by reference herein is 8. map delineating the boundaries of said District. 4. That. the City Council finds that said D.istrict is in the public interest since the streets, roads or rights of way in the District extensively used by the general public and carvy a heavy volume of 'and vehicular traffic. 5. That the City Clerk is hereby instructed to notify a1 are pedestrian affected uti1 i ties and a1 1 persons owning real property within Underground Uti1 i ty District'No. 7 of the adoption of this resolution within ten (10) days after the date of such adoption. copy of this resolution together with a copy of Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to affected property owners as such are shown on the last equalized assessment roll and to. the affected utilities. Such notification shall be made by mailfng a 6. That the City Council hereby orders said removal and inst.al1ation The City Council wili fix by subsequent resolution the within said District. time within which such removal and installation shall be accomplished, and within which affected property owners must be ready to receive underground servi ce. xxx xxx xxx xxx 1 2 2; 4 5 6 7 a 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 39 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND AaOOPTEU at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 7th day of -- August , 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis ana NOES: None Counc-i lwoman Casler ABSENT: None ATTEST: &&X ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN (SEAL) PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of Lots 133 through 174, Granville Park No. 2, Map 2037. Blocks 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 16, 182, Town of Carlsbad, Map 775, Tract 95, 95, 97, 98, 100, Carlsbad Lands Map 1561. Tract A, 6, 200, 201 , 202 Thun Lands f4ap 1689. Lot 4, Frazier Plot, Map 203. Lots 1 through 4, 5lxk A; Lots 1 through 'I, li?ock B; Lots 1 through 6, Block C; Lots 1 throuyh 6, Block D; Lots 1 through 5, Block G; Lots 1 through ti, Block H; Lots 1, Block 1, Palisades. Map 1747. Lots L, M, id, 0, P, Block 1; Lots N, 0, P, Q, R, Block 2, Paljsades Heights refiled, Map 1777. All in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, as recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning nt the northeasterly corner of Block 3 in said Town of Carlsbad, being the intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way of Carlsbad Boulevard (Lincoln Street - 100 feet wide) and the northwesterly line to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence along a Sine parallel with the 20 feet southeasterly of the northeasterly line of said Block 3, 161.5 feet f to the beginnirig of a circular curve concave easterly having a rzdius of 1260 feet. distance cf 69.85 * feet to the southerly boundary of Lot 152 of said Granville Park 2. circular curve of radius 1110 feet througn the East corner of Lot 133 of said Granville Park 2 (said corner being on the blest right-of-way of Mountain View Drive and the westerly rig!it-of-way of Carl sbad Boulevard (Coast Highway 100 feet wide) said circular curve also being tangent to line paraflel to and 30 feet northeasterly of the right-of-way of Carl sbad Eoulevard at the southwesterly corner of Block 4 of said Carlsbad Boulevard. line 150 feet to a point 30 feet easterly of the easterly right-of-way of said Carlsbad Boulevard. easterly and northeasterly of said right-of-way a distance of 1006.75 feet to a point of tangency of said curw with a line 30 feet northeasterly of said right-of-way of Carlsbad Boulevard. Thence along said line to a point in the sol;therly boundary of said Granville Park 2; thence continuing along a line para1 le1 with and 30 feet northeasterly of Carl sbad Boul evard (Lincoln Street - 100 feet wide) as shown on said Town of Carlsbad map to the northwesterly boundary of said Tract 96. Thence along said circular curve a . Thence along said curve a distance of 1042.14 to a radial line of a Thence easterly along said radial Thence along a circular curve being distant 30 feet Thence 50 feet along the Southeasterly line of Grand Avenue to a point distance 80 feet from the northeasterly right-of-way 1 ine of Carlsbiid Boulevard. Thence 50 feet along line parallel with and 80 feet northeasterly of the right-of-way of said Carlsbad Boulevard (Lincoln Street - 100 feet wide). along a line parallel with and 50 feet southeasterly of said northwesterly boundary of Tract 96 to a line parallei with and 30 feet northwesterly of said Carlsbad Boulevard. Carlsbad Boulevard to the northwesterly boundary of Elm Street; thence 50 feet northeasterly along the bouridary of said Tract 96 to a line distance 80 feet northeasterly of the southwest corner of Lot 1 of said Tract 98 and parallel to the southerly line of Lot 2 of said Tract 98. Thence along said parallel line to the northwest lint. of Block 16 of said Town of Carlsbad; thence along the southeasterly lfne OT said Lot 2 to the southwest line of said Block 16. Thence 50 feet Thence along said line 30 feet northwesterly of said Thence along said southwest line to the south corner of Lot 6 of said Block 16; thence southwzsterly tu the southeast corner of Block 15 of said Town of Carlsbad; thence southeasterly tG the northwesterly corner of Block 58 of said Town of Carlsbad; thence along the northwesterly 'line of Block 18 to the existing north- westerly line of Carlsbad Boulevard (109 feet wide - State Highway 101); thence along said northeasterly line of Carlsbad Uouievard (State Highway 101) to the southwesterly line of Tract 100 of said Carlsbad Lands. Thence alms a tangent circular curve of radjus 950 feet. concave easterly to a point in the southwesterly prolongation ot northwesterly right-of-+ny of Pine Avenue; thence 8'5 feet along a line at right angles to the southeasterly line of Pine Avenue; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly right-of-way of Pine Avenue to a line parailel with and 88 feet southwesterly of the northeast line of Tract 201 of said Thum Lands. parallel with and 140 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of said Pine Avenue.Thcnce along said line 70 feet to line parallel with and 158 feet south- westerly of the northeast line of said Tract 201; thence along said parallel line 25 feet to a line parallel with and 115 feet southwesterly of the south- essterly line of said Pine Avenue. TIicnce along said parallel line to a line Thence along said parallel line to a line parallel with and 208 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Garfield Street. a line parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way of Carlsbad Boulevard (State Highway 101) said parallel line being distant along the southeasterly right-of-way of Walnut Avenue 102.02 feet from the north line of Lot 2 of Blo~k A of said Palisades. Thence along said 'line parallel with and 50 feet northeasterly of Carlsbad Boulevard (State Highway 101) to the northwesterly line of Lot 2 of Block I; thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 2, 50 feet to the northerly line of said Carlsbad Boulevard; thence along the prolongation of said line of Lot 2 to the mean high tide line. line to the southwesterly prolongation of line parallel with and 68.5 feet south- easterly of the right-of-way line of Oak Avenue. Thence along said parallel line to Thence along said mean high tide Thence along said prolongation to a line parallel with and 122 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way of Ocedn Street. Thence along said para1 1 el line 276.5 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way of Oak Avenue; thence along said northwesterly right-of-way of Oak Avenue to a circular curve 20 feet westerly and southwesterly of and concentric with the existing right-of-way of Carlsbad Boulevard (State Highway 101) to the southeasterly right-of-way of Elm Avenue. Thence along a line parallel with and 20 feet southwesterly of the existing right-of-way of Carlsbad Boulevard (Lincoln Street) to the TRUE POINT OF BEG I NN I N G . I -2-