HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-17; City Council; 5701-1; Contract Litter Removal Carlsbad Boys & Girls ClubCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 5701 -Supplement #1 ; DATE: July 17, 1979 DEPARTMENT: __ u_ti_l_i_t1_· e_s_&_M_a 1_· n_t_en_a_n_ce ______ _ !>ubject: RECOMMENDING,AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR LITTER REMOVAL TO THE CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB . . Statement of the Matter qj*.': Initial: . Dept. Hd __ ~ c. Atty. V ~ C. Mgr. ~ The City of Carlsbad has been granted $4,567.00 by the State of Califor .. ia for anti-litter efforts. A proposal for clearing city rights-of-way for $400.00 per Saturday has been received from the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. A report from the Utilities & Maintenance Director is co~tained in Exhibit A. · EXHIBITS: A. Memorandum from Dire:tor of Utilities & Maintenance to the City Manager dated July 5, 1979. B. Resolution No. 6fi/Z ~warding contract for litter removal to the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. RECOMMENDATION: If Counci 1 concurs w'ith staff to award the contract for 1 i tter remcwa 1 to the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club, adopt Resolution No.~il authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. Council Action: 7-17-79 ,, Council adopted Resolution 5847, approving an agreement between the City and the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club for litter removal services. July 5, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Utilities & Maintenance SUBJECT: Litter Cleanup -S8650 79-130 SB650 provided a grant allocation of $4,567.00 to the City for the purpose of funding anti-litter programs. Council approved ap~lication for funds at their meeting of December 19, 1978 to support a proposed program of contracting to interested civic groups for litter pick-up services. The program would be on a once monthly basis on City rights-of-way on Carlsbad Boulevard, Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real and Alga Road. A request for proposal (enclosure 1) was prepared and sent to interested civic groups (enclosure 2). Additionally, the Carlsbad Journal had a short article in late May outlining the program and indicating that proposals were being solicited from local organizations. The Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club was the only organization that responded to the request and indicated that their organization wou1d undertake the entire project c.t $400.00 per Saturday, which amounts to $2,400.00 for the July-December period. City su:,plied equipment for the program has been ordered and will expend approximately $700.00 from the $4,567.00. There- fore, the Boys Club proposal is within the funding limits of the allocation. I have called several of the organizations which failed to respond to th~ proposal to determine what elements of the program were such that they did not consider applying. It appears that many organizations run programs for only limited periods during the year and the six month period covered a time frame when the groups were inactive or the age of the youths that the organization serves was believed to be too young to do such work. The organizations felt it was a good program and indicated future consideration. It is recommended that th~ Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club be awarded the con- tract for the period July~December 1979. a-L. ~) ~-/ ROG~~ Director of Utilities & Maintenance RWG:pab enc. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 May 15, 1979 €it!' of QC:arlsbab TELEPHONE: 1714) 729-1181 The City of Carlsbad is initiating a pilot progr~m to collect litter from selected City rights-of-way for; the period July-December 1979. It is the intent of the program to involve concerned col'llllunity groups in this effort QY contracting with them for this service. Funds to support the program are provided through the State·Litter Control, Recycling and Resource Recovery Grant Program. This contractual arrangement appear$ to be an ideal way to rid our rights- of-way of the blight of litter while providing an opportunity for civic groups to earn funds for their needed programs. The contract for services will follow appropriate contract procedure for the City of Carlsbad •. A ·sample contract is attached, The rights-of-way will be picked up once a month on a Saturday (or other days-can be scheduled if desired) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The City will provide all necessary equipment, which will be picked up and returned to the City Yard. The ·rights-of-way to be covered are as follows: 1. Palomar Airport Road -from El CaminQ Real east to the City limits {Linda Vista Lane). 2. Alga Road-El Camino Real to El Fuerte, including the median. 3. Coast Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) from Palomar Airport Road to the Batiquitos Bridge, inoluding the median. 4. El Camino Real-Kelly Drive to.Marren Road, including the median from Chestnut to Marron. 5. El Camino Real -south from Beckman entrance to end of industrial area. The contract for services for one or more of the 1 i sted areas wi 11 be awarded to the low bidder. Payments will be made monthly only upon faithful performance. Right-of-ways will be insperted by City personnel prior to pay- rr.ent. The following safety rules will be follo\'/ed: 1. "Work Area" signs will be posted prior to commencement of clearing (provided by City). 2. Orange vests will be worn by all personnel (provided by City). 3. One side of the road to be cleared at a time. This will discourage cross-· ing the road. 4. Litter to be placed in plastic bags {provided by City) and disposed of at a place to be designated. 5. One adult for four juveniles assigned to the work crew. Organization will be required to provide their own insurance and a certificate (letter) naming the City as an additional insured party. . A meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 31 in the City Council Chambers for representatives of organizations who may be interested in submitting a bid. Any questions concerning this program should be referred to Roger Greer or Dave Packer at 729-1181, Ext. 43. Bids should be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. June 14, 1979 to the City Clerk, 1200 Elm Street. .: ROGER W. GREER Director of Utilities & Maintenance RWG:pab attach. -2 - ,. 1 2 3 AGREEMENT FOR PROV IO ING LITTER REMOVAL SERVICES This agreement entered into tnis __ day of ______ 1978 4 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of 5 California, hereinafter referred to as "Carlsbad" and the ------- 6 _______________ hereinafter referred to as ("Club"; 7 "Organization"). 8 9 10 WITNESSETH: ~IHEREAS, Carlsbad is engaged in various street maintenance 11 J;rograms inc 1 udi ng street sweeping to promote the safoty, hea 1th and 12 general welfare of it 1 s citizens and; 13 WHEREAS, Carlsbad is the recipient of grant funds from the State 14 of California specifically designated for the purposes of litter removal 15 and; 16 WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate to accomplish litter removal 17 from the City rights-of-way by agreement with -~•:;.;;r! _______ _ 18 and; 19 WHEREAS, __________ can provide litter removal 20 service for just compensation and in the public interest; 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED as follows: SECTION 1 DUTIES OF CARLSBAD A. Provide appropriate warning signing, equipment and disposal of collected litter. 8. Provide appropriate inspection of the cleared areas. C. Reimburse on a monthly basis in the --------- amount of on the condition of faithful performance ----- of litter removal. i L ! . t , I •, 1 J ... .. l• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 xx SECTION 2. DUTIES OF --------- A. Provide 1 itter remov.al from the rights-of-\-iay on ------ from to on a once a ---------------- monthly basis during the months of through ----- _____ of 1978. 8. Provide adult supervision on the basis of one (1) adult per four ( 4) youth members of the are performing ------ 1 i tter remova 1 s_ervi ces. C. Take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of personnel involved in the litter removal efforts. D. Conduct litter remova, during the period 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m~ on Saturday. Specific Saturday to be scheduled to the mutual satisfaation of and City. ------ SECTION 3. PAYMENT TO on the basis of one complete ------ iitter clean-up per month in the amount of$ : during the ---- period of this agreement. SECTIOH 4. TERM. This agreement will be effective upon the date of execution of this agreement by the llayor of Carlsbad. It shall terminate on -----• During said term, this ------ agreement may be termina~ed at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice. SECTION 5. INSURANCE shall provide City a certificate ---- of insurance naming City as additionally insured on their normal liability policy. SECTION o. IIOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: Carlsbad, it's offices and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties or fines or any damage to goods, -2- ,. J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 properties or affects of any person whatever, or personal injuries to or death of them caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission-of Carlsbad, it's offices or employees. ________ further agrees to idemnify and save free and harmless Carlsbad and it's authorized officers and employees, against any of the foregoing liabilities and claims thereof, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim thereof. SECTION 7. NOTICES: All notices required herein shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by mail. Notices to Carlsbad shall be addressed: City Manager, 1200 Elm Avenue, f.ar~:,i,ad, California 92008. Notices to------"'------ sh.:.11 be addressed: _________________ _ 16 IN \-IITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this 17 agreement on this day and year first above Hritten. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 By By -3- CITY OF CARLSBAD, A munic1pa1 Corporation of the State of California. RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ________ , A non- Profit Organization President ,..._, Girl Scouts of America San Diego Imperial Council 1231 Upas San Diego, Ca Boy Scouts of America San Diego County 1207 Upas San Di ego, Ca Bobbyscx League of Carlsbad Rosemary Bell 4862 ·Kelly Drive Carlsbad, :Ca Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad Greg Nelson 3100 Tyler Street Carlsbad, Ca ~ LITTER CONTROL Oceanside 4 Wheelers Brian Gober 2734 Harriet Street Oceanside, Ca Pop Warner Football Byron Wright P. 0. Box 297 Carlsbad, Ca Mexican American Assn. Molly Acuna 3526 Garfield Street Carlsbad, Ca City Hall City dbrary Camp Fire Girls Leaders Assn. of Carlsbad-Vista Robin Griswold 1318 Chuparosa Carlsbad, Ca Chamber of Conmerce Don J. Brown P. 0, Box 1605 Carlsbad, Ca Chicano Federation of Carlsbad: Marina Sanchez 527 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca Family YMCA, North Coast Cathy Steese 200 Saxony Road Encinitas, Ca 92924 Girls Club of Carlsbad Marsha Backlund 3251 Eureka Place Carlsbad, Ca Lancer Booster Club Skip Regan 2060 Basswood Carlsbad, Ca (Carlsbad High School) \ League of Women Voters Joyce Joseph 2256 St. Trapex Place Del Mar, Ca 1 2 4 5 P-C:SOLUTION NO. 584 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB FOR LITTER REMOVAL SERVICES. WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby 6 resolve as follows: 7 1. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Boys 8 and Girls Club for services relative to removal of litter from City rights-of- 9 way, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part 10 hereof, is hereby approved. ll 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and 12 directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 13 14 J.5 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regu1i!r meeting of the Carlsbad City 17 Council held on the 17th day of July 18 wit: , 1979, by the fo 11 owing vote, to 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: NOES: Councilmen Packard! Skotnicki$ Anear. Lewis and Councilwoman Cas1er None ABSENT: None g d/,c_ tfZV. RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ~ti-R"ENKR (SEAL) l 2 3 AGREF.MENT FOR PROVIDING LITTER REMOVAL SERVICES This agreement entered into this __ day of ______ 1979 4 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of 5 California, hereinafter referred to as 11 Carl sbad" and th(: Carlsbad Boys and 6 .Girls Club hereinafter referred to as "Club". 7 8 9 WITflESSETH: WHEREAS, Carlsbad •is engaged in various street maintenance programs 10 including street sweeping to promote thn safety, hP.a l th and general welfare 11 of it's citizens and; 12 WHEREAS, Carlsbad is the recipient of grant funds frop1 the State of 13 Cali forn"ia specifi ca11~, designated for the· purposes of litter removal and; 14 WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate to accomplish litter removal fr!.!ir. 15 the City rights-of-way by a9reermrnt with the Club and; J.6 WHEREAS, the Club can provide litter removal service for just 17 compensation and i r, the pub 1 i c interest; 18 19 2olj 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW I THEREFORE, IT Is AGREED as fo 1101\'S: SECTION 1 DUTIES OF CARLSi3i1D A. Provide appropriate warning signing, equipment and disposal of co11ected litter. B. Provide appropriate inspect'ion of the cleared areas. C. Reimburse the Club on a monthly basis in the an,ctrnt of l400.00 on the condition of faithful performance of litter removai. SECTION 2 DUTIES OF THE CLUB A. Provide litter removal from the rights-of-way on: 1. Palomar Airport Road -from El Camino Real east to the City limits {Linda Vista Lane). . . l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 ! ' 17 i . ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 87 28 xx 2. Alga Road -El Camino Real to El Fuerte, including the median. 3. Coast Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) fNm Palomar Airport Road to the Batiquitos Bridge, including the median. 4. El Camino Real -Kelly Drive to Marron Road, including the median from Chestnut to Marron. 5. El Camino Real -south from Beckman entrance to end of industrial area. on a once-a-month basis d!!ri n9 the months of July through December of 1979. B. Provide adult supervision on the basis of one (1) adult per four (4) youth members. C. Take an necessary measures to ensure the safety of personnel involved in the litter removal efforts. D. Conctuct litter removal during the period 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. Specific Saturday to be scheduled to the mutual satisfaction of the Club and City. SECTION 3. PAYMENT TO the Club on the h11sis of one complete litter clean-up per month in the amount of $2,400.00 during the period of this agreement. SECTION 4. TERM. This agreement wil 1 be effective upon the date of execution of thi.s agreement by the Mayor of Carlsbad. It shall tenninate on December 31, 1979. During said tetlll, this agreement may be tenninated at any time upon th'irty (30) days written notice. SECTION 5. INSURANCE. The Club shall provide City a certificate of insurance naming City as additionally insured on their normal liability policy. -2- ' . l 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 6. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Carlsbad, it's offices and employees shall not he liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties or fin~s or any damage to goods, properties or affects of any person whatever, or personal injuries to or death of them caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission of Carlsbad, it's offices or employees. The Club further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless Carlsbad and it's authorized officers and employees, against any of the foregoing liabilities and claims thereof, and :>11y cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim thereof, SECTION 7. NOTICES All notices requ1red herein shall be in writing and delivered in pl~rson or sent by mail. Notices to Carlsbad shall be addressed: City Manager, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Califorriia 92008. Notices to the Club shall be addressed: Executive Director. P. 0. Box 913, Carlsbad, California 92008. IN WITNESS HHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on this day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, A municipal Corporation of the State of By Cali o~ia. RL ~~?ti/ ,c ~/ RONALD C. PAC KARO, Mayor THE CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, A non-profit organization. By