HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-17; City Council; 5712-1; Expansion of Nonconforming usesCITY OF CARLSBAD INITIAL AGENDA BILL NO: 5712, Supplement No. 1 Dept. Hd. .DATE: July 17, 1979 City Atty. DEPARTMENT: Planning City Mgr. SUBJECT:EXPANSION OF NONCONFOEMING USES CASE NO: ZCA-105 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: Earlier this year the owner of Coast Waste Management explained to the City Council his need to construct new buildings, but not being able to because of nonconforming status of their use. Their use is industrial in the RD-M Zone in the Ponto Area. The City Council was sympathetic to Coast Waste Management problem, however the City Council was also concerned that improvements can impede the abatement processing of such nonconforming uses. The City Council therefore requested staff to review this matter by doing: 1) review the expiration requirements of nonconforming uses presently within the Zone Code or General Plan; 2) review existing major nonconforming uses presently in the City and; 3) draft a Zone Code Amendment permitting the construction of new structures for a nonconforming use. All three of these- directions have now been accommodated, answers for the first two requests are contained in staff report revised dated March 30, '1979. The Zone Code Amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission (Exhibit A dated June 13, 1979) essentially meets the intent of the City Council. It permits the expansion of a nonconforming use, and provides a means to accelerate abatement. Nevertheless both the staff and Planning Commission believe if abatement of nonconforming uses is the goal of the City a more effective means is to develop an abatement program based on the present provisions of the Zone Code. EXHIBITS Planning Commission Resolution No. 1531 Memorandum from James Hagaman dated June 28, 1979 Staff Report (Revised) dated March 30, 1979 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Staff prepared the Ordinance Amendment and the Planning Commission has recommended APPROVAL as per Exhibit "A" dated June 13, 1979. If the City Council concurs you should direct the City Attorney to prepare documents as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1531. FORM - PLANNING 79 AGENDA BILL NO. 5712, Supplement No. 1 Page 2 Council Action: 7-17-79 Council returned the matter to the Planning Commission with a record of their discussion for re-evaluation with emphasis on the abatement time, 50% vs. 25% aggregate value limitation, and possible impact on other uses that might be expansion candi dates. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CASE: ZCA-105 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1531 A RESOLUTION OP THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO TITLE 21, CHAPTERS 21.44 AND 21.48 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21.44.020 AND 21.48.080 TO PROVIDE FOR ALTERATION AND EXPANSION OF NONCONFOR- MING USES AND BUILDINGS. 8,, WHEREAS, at their January 2, 1979 meeting, the City Council 9 of the City of Carlsbad directed.the Planning Department staff 10 to review'.expiration requirements of nonconforming uses, review 11 existing major nonconforming uses within the City, and draft an12; ordinance amendment for Planning Commission consideration; and 13 . WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Assessment has been conducted 14 pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental 15 ' ! Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the 16 : City of Carlsbad, and a Negative Declaration has been issued 17 for the subject project for the following reasons: 18 ' 1. The project is administrative in nature and is only a minor 19 | change to the Zone Code. 20 ' 2. Any action regarding the intensification of a particular non-conforming use would requrie a Conditional Use Permit 21 I and therefore require additional environmental review; and 22 | WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council direction, the Planning 23 Commission of the City of Carlsbad did hold a duly noticed, public 24 hearing on June 27, 1979, to consider the subject Zone Code 25 Amendment; and 26 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received all testimony 27 and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, 28 and upon hearing and considering all factors relating to Zone 1 2 able to expand within certain limitations prior to abatement. 3 2. The code provides means to insure that the expansion will be 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 Code Amendment 105, found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1. It is an undue hardship for non-conforming uses not to be abated within a reasonable time. 3. Present code does not contain provisions of any type for the regulation of non-conforming uses because of improper zone. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by the following vote, APPROVED ZCA-105, as per Exhibit A, dated June 13, 1979, attached hereto: - AYES: L'Heureux, Rombotis, Schick, Marcus, Jose, Larson NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wrench 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the foregoing 15 recitations are true and correct. 16 17 STEPHEN M. L'HEUREUX, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 19 ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 24 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) ss Ir JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of said Commission held on the llth day of July, 1979 the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 17 18 ZCA-105 19 -3- z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A ' JUNE- 13, 1979 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTERS 21.44 AND 21.48 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE . AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS AND 21.48.080 TO PROVIDE FOR ALTERATION AND EXPANSION OF NONCONFORMING USES AND BUILDINGS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California hereby ordains as., follows: " • - SECTION 1: That Title 21, Chapter 21.44 of'the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.44.020 to substitute the word "Title" for the word "Chapter" in * " the first sentence of said section. . SECTION 2: That Title 21, Chapter 21.48*of the Carlsbad - Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21,48.080 to read as follows: * - ."•".." •"21.48.080 Alteration, etc. of uses and buildings. (a) Except as provided in this section,_ a nonconforming use or building shall not be altered, improved, reconstructed, restored, repaired or extended. (b) A nonconforming building destroyed to the extent of not more than twenty-five percent of its replacement value as determined by the City Building Official at the time of its • destruction by fire, explosion, or other casualty or act of God, or public enemy, may be restored and the occupancy or use of such building, or part thereof,, which exists at the time of such partial destruction may continue subject to all other provisions of this chapter. • . Such restoration shall not extend the time of abatement as established by this chapter. (c) Incidental reconstruction, repair or rebulding of a nonconforming building rendered necessary by ordinary wear and tear and which does not increase.the degree of nonconformity of a nonconforming building, nor increase the degree or size of a nonconforming use may be made, provided that: 1. The aggregate .value of such repairs or alterations shall not exceed ten percent of the building's replacement value at the time the building permit is applied for as determined by the City Building Official. ,v 1 • 2. That such reconstruction, repair or rebuilding complies with the provisions of Title 18 of this Code. 2 3. Such repairs, reconstruction or rebuilding shall not extend th'e time of abatement established by this 3 chapter. • • * (d) A nonconforming use or building may be altered, . 4 improved, reconstrxicted, restored, repaired or extended as may be permitted by the Planning Commission upon granting of 5 the Conditional Use Permit processed according to the • procedures established in Chapter 21.50 of this Code. 6 Before a Conditional Use Permit may be granted all provisions of Chapter 21.50 shall be met and it shall be shown that: 7 1. The aggregate value of the proposed alteration, improvement, reconstruction, restoration, repair or extension 8 shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total replacement at the time the Conditional Use Permit .is applied for as 9 determined by the City Building Official of all improvements on the site unless the building or structure is changed to a 10 conforming use. 2. The proposed alteration, improvement, recon- 11 struction, restoration, repair or extension is of a type of structure that is specifically designed to be easily removed. 12 3. The proposed alteration, improvement, recon- struction, restoration, repair or extension meets all construction 13 setback, coverage, planning and all other applicable requirements of this Code. . 14 In approving such Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall establish a date by .which all nonconforming • 15 structures and uses shall be made conforming or removed-from the site.- In no event shall the date for such removal or 16 compliance extend beyond the date set according to the pro- visions of this Title for abatement of the existing nonconforming 17 use. Extensions of said date for abatement shall be permitted only upon approval of amendment of the Conditional Use "Permit 18 and, then, only upon showing of good 'cause. A Conditional Use Permit or amendment shall be effective only upon execution by 19 the applicant of written acceptance of the Conditional Use Permit, or amendment. Such acceptance shall include an . 20 agreement by the applicant to remove all nonconforming uses and buildings or structures, or make them conforming, oh 21 or before the date for removal established by the Conditional Use Permit or amendment in exchange for permission to alter, 22 improve, reconstruct, restore, repair or extend. The Planning Director shall cause each Conditional 23 Use Permit, complete with abatement date, or any amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, extending an abatement date, to be 24 recorded"at the Office of the County Recorder within five days after the issuance of the permit" or amendment. Any 25 alteration, improvement, reconstruction, restoration, repair or extension undertaken pursuant to the Conditional Use Permit 26 shall be commenced within three months'after the issuance of the permit unless an extension is granted by the Planning 27 Commission. • • . (e) No nonconforming building, structure, or use shall 28 be changed to any other nonconforming use, building or structure." 2. to3 iS 1 2 3 :: •" 4 5 6 • - 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 i . EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty"days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the [Carlsbad City Council held on the day of , 1979 and thereafter i - " * ' '; • PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held-on the day of__ r '1979 by the following vote, to wit: . . AYES: . .-.-•" ' NOES: .' • • * ABSENT:. • . _ B§<|. 15 LiT • 3< £|srf 16 o •« r & it -2 17 ii ° is 19 20 21 22 23 24 .25 26 27 • 28 . . RONALD. C. PACKARD, Mayor " . . - . -„•-_.. ATTEST: • ' . . ^ '.. ••.".-'' - • •• - . "•" • • , • • ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk . , . • * . • (SEAL) * - * • • . • - - . * * ' . • • 1 • ' • . * • , .-••••. . ". /'.'. •-. ••-..-3. • : . .._..-. •.. .••• .-.. r.'- ;.--.:v . MEMORANDUM DATE: June 28, 1979 TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: James Hagaman, Planning Director SUBJECT: ZCA-105, EXPANSION OF NON-CONFORMING USES We believe that the drafted ordinance amendment meets your directive. The amendment provides for expansion of non- conforming uses and establishes an accelerated abatement period. Nevertheless staff believes that if it is the intent of the City to abate nonconforming uses, a more effective method is to initiate an abatement program based on present code provisions. The amendment as requested by the Council was to provide a means to expand lawfully existing nonconforming uses but not to provide for additional time on an abatement. In doing this amendment several other related matters were also incorporated into the zone code. The amendments were added to an existing section 21.48.080 which is presently titled "Partially Destroyed Buildings". The proposed amendment retains the present provision of this section with slight modifications, and adds the additional requirements as suggested by the City Council and/or proposed by staff. The proposed ordinance retitles the section to "Alteration, etc., of Uses and Buildings". Subsection A introduces the subsequent sections dealing with the rebuilding and expansion of nonconforming uses. Subsection B is basically the present requirements of Section 21.48.080, with the exception that presently the code allows up to 50% of a building that can be restored in case of a fire, explosion, etc. The amendment reduces this amount to 25%. The Planning Commission wished this reduction to encourage abatement of nonconforming structures. The Commission also added the last paragraph which states "such restoration shall not extend the time of abatement as established by this chapter". This makes clear that if abatement is in process, the time running begins when the building was first constructed. Subsection C is a new section suggested by the Attorney's Office that provides for incidental reconstruction repair, etc., necessitated by ordinary wear and tear. This is common language in most zone codes and for all practical purposes we now allow this to occur anyway. Placing it in a code gives proper guidelines to what is repair of normal wear and tear and which would be considered expansion of the use or building. Subsection D is the provisions that the City Council originally directed staff to prepare. It states that a nonconforming use or building may be restored or expanded upon the granting of a conditional use permit. There are however, specific findings that must be met. One is the aggragant value of the expansion shall not exceed 25% of the replacement at the time of the conditional use permit. Second, the proposed expansion can be easily removed, this will for the most part be a subjective decision made by the Planning Commission at the time of the CUP. The third finding is that the expansion meet all requirements of the code. In approving the conditional use permit an abatement period will be established. This abatement will require an agreement by the applicant to remove all nonconforming uses of buildings or structures, or make them conforming upon a date determined by the Conditional Use Permit. This abatement is then recorded by the County Recorder, ensure that subsequent buyers of the property will understand the abatement requirements. Subsection E is added to the code to clarify that nonconforming buildings and uses cannot be changed to another nonconforming use or building. Staff and the Planning Commission believe that this ordinance amendment will achieve the goals of the City Council in providing the means to expand nonconforming uses but still provide for a means for abatement. It should be noted however, that even with this amendment expansion of nonconforming uses will not be permitted unless sewer is determined to be available. This would be consistent with the recent City Council action on interpreting of the Sewer Moratorium Ordinance. ^/ JCH/BP/ar 7/10/79 _ JAMES C./fiAGAMAN Planning Directory MEMORANDUM DATE: March 28, 1979 REVISED: March 30, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: ZCA-105, EXPANSION OF NONCONFORMING USES Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve ZCA-105 as per Exhibit "A" dated February 15, 1979, for the following reasons: 1) It is an undue hardship for nonconforming uses not to be able to expand within certain limitations prior to abatement. 2) The Code provides means to insure that the expansion will be abated within a reasonable time. 3) Present Code does not contain provisions of any type for the regulation of nonconforming uses because of improper zone. Introduction On January 2, 1979, Mr. Arie de Jung, owner of Coast Waste Management explained to the City Council that his company needs a building to repair equipment in, but this building cannot be built under the present nonconforming regulations. Waste Management is an industrial use in Ponto, which is zoned RD-M (a residential zone). The use is nonconforming because of zoning and therefore building permits for expansion can't be applied for, However, the waste management business has been growing rapidly these last few years because of increased population in the area. The owner recognizes that the use would have to be abated in time and move to a more appropriate and larger site. In the meantime, they must continue servicing their vehicles at the present nonconforming site. To do this properly they wish to construct a new building to house the vehicles being repaired. The owner indicated they are building a removable structure that can be rebuilt at a future site. The City Council was sympathetic to Coast Waste Management's problem. The City Council was also very concerned that improve- ments can impede the abatement processing of such nonconforming March 30, 1979 Page 2 uses. Therefore, if the Zone Code was to be amended, such amendment needs to contain specific statements of when such exceptions would be permitted and for how long a period. To look into this matter further the City Council directed staff to do three things and report back to the City Council as soon as possible. First, we were to review the expiration requirement of non- conforming uses presently within the Zone Code and/or General Plan. Two, review existing major nonconforming uses presently in the City, and finally draft a Zone Code Amendment permitting the construction of new structures for a nonconforming use. Expiration Required for Nonconforming Uses The Council recalled that there was discussion on amortization of nonconforming uses in the past during General Plan amendment hearings. Staff has reviewed the General Plan and did not find specific reference to abatement processing within its text. How- ever, there was some discussion of amortization during the general plan amendment and zone change hearing of the Ponto area in late 1973 and early 1974. Staff at that time indicated that the abatement period was 35-40 years, and may have implied that the abatement period was starting with those actions. What was meant, however, was that if the Planning Commission held abatement hear- ings, the abatement period would be 35-40 years from the construc- tion date of the building. Abatement hearings were not held, therefore abatement is not in effect. Existing Nonconforming Uses There are many existing nonconforming uses in buildings in the City of Carlsbad. Most are minor and are generally old structures or uses that do not meet present zone code requirements such as setbacks, coverage, parking requirements, etc. Another relatively common nonconformity is residential uses in non-residential zones. This is primarily in the downtown area where the zoning is C-2 or M. None of the above nonconforming uses or buildings are generally a problem. The nonconformity that can create a problem to a city and/or the property owner is a non-residential use in a residential zone. Carlsbad has some examples of this type of non-conformity. These are the uses that would benefit from an ordinance amendment that has been suggested to the Council. The following is a list of these nonconforming non-residential uses as best determined by staff. March 30, 1978 Page 3 1) All the non-residential uses in the Ponto area, i.e., mini-warehouses, automobile wrecking yard, flower distribution, dog kennel, cabinet maker and waste management operation: The zone is RD-M and the General Plan calls for medium high density. 2) Tree-trimming operation to the east of 670 Laguna Drive in the R-3 zone: General Plan calls for high density residential. 3) Storage building at 3304 Roosevelt Street in the R-P Zone: General Plan calls for medium high density residential. 4) Electrical contractor at 1826 Magnolia in the R-l Zone: General Plan calls for low to medium density residential. 5) Chinchilla raising at 3515 Highland Drive, in the R-l-10,000 zone. General Plan calls for low-medium density residential. 6) State Department of Transportation at 6050 Paseo del Norte in the R-A Zone: General Plan calls for govern- ment facilities. This particular problem can be resolved by rezoning the property to appropriate zone to meet the government facility land use of the General Plan. 7) CMWD Office at 5950 El Camino Real in the R-l Zone: General Plan calls for industrial use at this site. Again, this problem can be resolved by rezoning the property to appropriate zone to implement the industrial land use of the General Plan. None of thes uses are presently under City adopted abatement process. However the automobile wrecking yard in Ponto was allowed by a CUP, (CUP-64), which placed a 10 year limitation (City Council Resolution No. 3053). This CUP will expire on January 16, 1983. At that time the wrecking yard would have to be removed or the City could grant an extension througn an amendment to the CUP. Zone Code Amendment Carlsbad's nonconforming provisions do not contain a specific statement of how to regulate nonconforming uses that are non- conforming because of improper zoning. However, Section 21.44.020, "limitation of land use" states "Except as provided March 30, 1979 Page 4 in this chapter no building shall be erected, reconstructed, or structurally altered nor shall any building or land be used for any purpose other than is specifically permitted in the same zone in which such building or land is located." This is the section that prohibits building permits for nonconforming uses. A minor change of substituting "code" for "chapter" would be helpful for clarity. Staff reviewed nonconforming provisions from other cities; but found little help, including the newer ordinances such as the City of Cerritos and San Diego County. The City of San Diego and the County both permit repair and alteration of nonconforming buildings based on a percentage of the total value of the building, The City Council in directing staff to prepare the report raised some questions for consideration; they are: 1) What type of building or improvements could be excepted from the prohibition of new construction? 2) Should the City require time limits on such new construction and if so what should those limits be? 3) Should the City require such building to be removeable? 4) Should such structure be required to be removed within a specified time? Based on this research and consideration, staff drafted an ordinance that permits construction of structures and the expansions of nonconforming uses that are nonconforming because of zoning. In summary the attached draft (Exhibit "A") does the following: 1) Reconstruction if rendered necessary by ordinary wear and tear, limited to 50% of replacement value. See paragraph (c) of Section 21.48.080. 2) Expansions can be alterations, enlargements, new structures, and increase in the site. See paragraph (d) of Section 21.48.080. 3) Requires a Conditional Use Permit with final action by the Planning Commission (Zone Code provides appeal to the City Council). See paragraph (d) of Section 21.48.080. 4) Changes to an existing building are limited to 25% of the value of all improvements on site. See paragraph (d)-l of Section 21.48.080. March 30, 1979 Page 5 5) Requires that approved expansion can be easily removed. See paragraph (d)-2 of Section 21.48.080. 6) The expansion must meet all development requirements for the Carlsbad Municipal Code. See paragraph (d)-3 of Section 21.48.080. 7) Expansion is permitted only if an abatement period is established by the CUP that abates all nonconforming uses and buildings from the site. See paragraph (d) of Section 21.48.080. 8) Nonconforming buildings and uses can't be changed to another type of nonconforming use or building. 9) In addition, Section 21.44.020 has been modified to expand the scope of this section to include the "Title" instead of the "Chapter". See Section 1 of Ordinance amendment. This ordinance amendment is basically a give and take proposition. The City will be in a position to give a benefit to a nonconforming use by allowing it to expand while at the same time establish abatement proceedings for the use. In addition, the CUP permits the requiring of measures to better assure compatibility between the nonconforming use and the immediate area. For example, the City could require buffering or shielding landscaping and walls, improve public facilities such as street improvements, etc. Staff drafted this amendment at the direction of the City Council. We are not advocating its adoption, but we feel it will accomplish in a reasonable manner what the City Council desires. Staff sees limited use of this amendment under the present zoning and general plan land use configuration in the City. However, it is possible that some of the examples listed in this report could from time to time request expansion. The Code as drafted also reconstitutes the original Section 21.48.080 or paragraph (b) and adds paragraph (a) as an opening statement. Neither of these two paragraphs add new regulations to the Code. BP: jd 4/2/79 Attachment: Exhibit "A", dated 2/15/79