HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-23; City Council; 5926; MOU with Miscellaneous Employees AssociationCITY OF CARLSBAD 59G7 g I- -.. 3bEi\iCIA SILL ?SO. DATE: --- 7-23- 79 1niti.al: Dept.Hd. f/ C. Atty. - Sub j ect : MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH CARLSBAD CITY MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION Scatenent of the i4atter Representatives of the Carlsbad City Miscellaneous Employees' Association and the City have reached agreement regarding wages and other terms and conditions of employment for Fiscal Year 1979-1980. These terms are included in a Memorandum of Understanding herewith submitted to the City Council for approval and modified salary plans. Exhibit Resolution No. 3-x.5-3 , with Exhibit A, Memorandum of Understanding. Resolution No. .&fzJ, with Exhibit A and B, Salary Plans. Recommendations If the City Council concurs, the adoption of the resolutions is re- commended. . I. r’ .. , 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 -. . a 9 10 1. 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 2E 2E 27 2E RESOLUTION NO. 5853 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING REPRESENTATIVES (>F YJQWGEMENT AND THE CARLSBAD CITY MISCELLWEOUS EEIPLOYEES’ A MEMORANDUE OF UNDEFGTANDING BETS’EEN ASSOCIATION. - WHEREAS, representatives cf manilgement and the Carlsbad City liscellaneous Employees’ Association have been conducting negotia- lions pursuant to the Meyers-Milius-Brown Act, regarding wages n’nd other terms and conditions of employment for Fiscal Year L979-1980; and WHEREAS, said representatives have reached agreement which :hey desire to submit to the City Council for approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the ?ublic interest to accept such an agreement in the form of a Yemorandum of Understanding, marked Exhibit A and incorporated ~y reference herein: NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED by the City Council for the Zity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the Carlsbad City Miscellaneous Employees’ Association and representatives of management is hereby accepted. 3. That the City Council intends to implement said memu- randum by incorporating its terms into the Salary Plan for Fiscal Year 1979-1980 and the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of Carlsbad and by other appropriate actions necessary in accord with its terms; , xx I. 7 \. J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 3.0 1 3. 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/regufar meeting of the Cawlsbad City Council held on the - 23rd day of July , 1971 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None, Councjlwoman Casler ABSENT: None ..-- RTTEST : City Clerk (SEAL) '. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into this 23rd day of July, 1979, by and between designated management representatives of the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and the designated representatives of the Carlsbad City Employees' Association affiliated with AFSCME Local 978 (hereinafter referred to as "Employees") . PREAMBLE It i's the purpose of this Nemorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum") to promote and provide for harmoni- ous relations, cooperation and understanding between the City Management representatives and the miscellaneous employees covered under this Memorandum, as shown on Attachment A; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstandings or differences which may arise under this Memorandum; and to set forth the agreement of the parties reached as a result of good faith negotiations regarding wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment of the employees covered under this Memorandum, which agreement the parties intend jointly to submit and recommend to the City Council for its determination. ARTICLE 1. RECOGNITION The City of Carlsbad recognizes CCEA affiliated with AFSCME Local 978 as representative for all classifications in this Unit, as set forth in Attachment A. ARTICLE 2. IMPLEMENTATION This Memorandum constitutes a mutual recommendation to be jointly submitted to the City Council subsequent to the ratification of the Memorandum by the membership of CCEA,/AFSCME Local 978. It .is agreed that this Memorandum shall not be binding upon the parties either in whole or in part unless and until: A. B. C. The City Council acts, by majority vote, formally to approve and adopt said Memorandum, or The City Council acts to appropriate the necessary funds required to implement the provisions of this Memorandum which require, or The City acts in a timely manner to make the changes in City ordinances, resolutions, rules, policies and procedures necessary to implement this Memorandum. -. -2- ARTICLE 3. TERV The term of this Memorandum shall conrnence on the date when the terms and conditions for its effectiveness, as set forth in Implementation, are fully met. This Memorandum shall expire and otherwise be fully terminated at 12:OO midnight cn June 30, 1980. ARTICLE 4. RENEGOTIATION Section 1. In the event either party desires to 'meet and confer in good faith on the provisions of a successor Memorandum, such party shall serve upon the other party, during the period from December 1, 1979 to February 1, 1980, its written request to commence meeting and conferring in good faith. meet' and confer in good faith shall begin no later than March 1, 1980. Upon receipt of such written notice, Section 2. 1. Unless the City serves upon the employees by March 1, 1980, propo- sals to amend, add to, Gelete, or otherwise change any of the pro- visions of the Memorandum, this Memorandum shall constitute City'z full proposal for a successor agreement. Upon receipt of such notice and proposals, meet and confer shall begin no later than March 1, 1980. Notwithstanding the above, if federal or state governments take action that has direct effect upon areas which fall within meet and confer, the City may submit proposals concerning these areas at later dates. Section 3. If neither party requests a reopening for the purpose of renegotia- tion, all conditions of this Memorandum remain in full force and effect for one year from the date it would have terminated as set forth in Article 3, Term, unless either party gives thirty (30) days notice to terminate subsequent to June 30, 1980. ARTICLE 5. RETENTION OF BENEFITS The employees of the City of Carlsbad shall retain all present benefits for the term of this agreement, except as amended by this Memorandum. ARTICLE 6. COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS The parties agree to recommend the City Council anend the existing provide salary increases in the amounts described below to be effective as of July 1, 1979. i City Salary Plan adopted by City Council Resolution No. 5635, to I a. For all miscellaneous employees covered under this Memorandum, Attachment A, an increase in the amount of seven and one half percent (7 1/28) effective July 1, 1979. b. For the below listed classifications covered under this Memorandum the additional percentages, in addition to the above mentioned seven and one half percent (7 1/2%j shown below. Civil Engineer Assistant 2% Civil Engineer Associate 2% Assistant Planner 2% Associate Planner 2% Librarian 111 1% Librarian I1 1% Audio Visual Librzrian . 1% Reference Librarian 1% The above described amendnents are to be computed, based upon the above described and agreed to amounts, in increments applicable to each range and step in the salary pian. ARTICLE 7. HEALTH, MEDICAL, DENTAL AISD OPTICAL INSURANCE The City agrees to amend its present Health and Medical Insurance Plan as shown on Attachment B. sum up to Sixty-Five Dollars ($65.00) per month to pay the cost of employee health and medical insurance premiums. All or any of the amount which is in excess of the cost of the employee's health and medical. care insurance premium payment may be designated by the employee for the following. The City further agrees to pay a a. Applied to defray the cost of health and medical insurance provided by the City's carrier for the employee's dependent/s. Applied to defray the cost of a dental care plan provided by the City's carrier for the employee or the employee's dependent/s. b. c. Applied to defray the cost of a'n optical care plan provided by the City's carrier for the employee or the employee's dependent/s. ARTICLE 8. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN The City shall provide for a Deferred Compensation Plan which may be utilized by any employee on an optional basis. the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. implemented without cost to the City. The City reserves Such plan shall be ARTICLE 9. ADVANCEMENT AT RATE OF COMPENSATION WITHIN A FANGE The parties agree to rec0mmen.d the City Council amend existing Section 4, Rule IV, Personnel Rules and Regulations to read'as follows. Section 4. Advancement at Rate of Compensation Within a Range. Employees shall be considered for compensation adjustments within their respective compensation ranges in accordance with the following schedule. c .. - -4- Step B - at the satisfactory completion of their probationary period of one year in Step A. Step C - at the completion of one year of satis- factory service in Step B. Step D - at the completion of one year of satis- factory service in Step C. Step E - at the completion of one year of satis- factory service in Step D. Advancements to Step B through E shall be approved by the City Manager following approval by the Personnel Officer and written recommendation by the department head under whom the employee serves. Any non-probationary miscellaneous employees may be advanced to the next higher salary step in range regardless of time served at the present step. Such advancement to be the result of a recommenda- tion originated by the supervisor responsible for completion and submission of the employee's performance evaluation. Recommendations shall be approved by the employee's department head and the City Manager. ARTICLE 10. - HOLIDAYS The City will amend its present holiday schedule of eleven paid holidays to include an additional floating holiday; the floating holiday to be taken at the discretion of the individual employee with the approval of the employee's department head. Schedules are as follows. A. Employees working Monday through Thursday. July 4 September 3 November 12 November 22 December 25 January 1 February 12 February 18 May 26 Wednesday Monday Monday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday Independence Day . Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Year's Day Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Floating Holiday B. Ermployees working Tuesday through Friday. July 4 September 4 November 22 November 23 December 25 January 1 February 12 Rebruary 19 May 27 Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday' Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Friday Christmas Day New Year's Day Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Floating Holiday * C. All otherlfivc day work week employees will observe 'the following holiday scheuule for Fiscal Year 1.979-1980. July 4 September 3 October 8 ~ November 12 November 22 November 23 December 25 January 1 February 12 February 18 May 26 Wednesday Monday Konday Ko n d a y Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgivina Friday Christmas Day New Year's Day Lincoln ' s Rirtliday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Floating Holiday ARTICLE 11. STANDBY COMPENSATION Parties agree to recommend that the present daily compensation rate of five dollars ($5.00) paid to the Utility Maintenance Department employees designated and required to standby by the department head . be changed to a sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per day of standby. ARTICLE 12. SICK LEAVE CONVERSTION Parties agree to reconmend that City Co'uncil authorize a change in the disposition of accumulated uncompensated sick leave as follows. Any employee who has accrued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of accunulated uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The initial opportunity to elect the conversion of sick leave to vacation shall be offered to employees during the first ten calendar days of August, 1979. Thereafter, the sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. If conversion to vacation is not elected, earned sick leave to be added to the existing total and converted to service credit upon retire- ment or expended as such leave. - ARTICLE 13. PROMOTIONAL PROBATIONARY PERIOD - Parties agree to recommend that City Council authorize a change in the existing Personnel Rules and Regulations whereby the proba- tionary period for a promotional appointment be established as a period of six months. ARTICLE 14. INTERNAL SALARY RELATIONSHIP CHANGES Parties agree to recommend the City Council authorize the internal salary relationship changes shown on Attachment IC'. ARTICLE 15. AUTHORIZED AGENTS i For the purpose of administering the terms and provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding: - -1 I -6- A. City's principal. authorized agent shall bc the City Manager, or a duly authorized representative (Acidress: 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92608; Telephone: (714) 729-1181), Except where a particular City Representative is specifically designated in connection with the performance of a specific function or obligation set forth herein. CCEA affiliated with AFSCME Local 978 authorized representa- tive shall be its Business Representative (Address: 2266 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, California, 92110; Telephone: (714) 298-4390), or its President or a duly authorized representative (Address: 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008; Telephone: (714) 729-7933) . . B. ARTICLE 16. PROVISIONS OF LAW It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all current and future applicable federal and state laws, federal and state regulations. If any part or provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or iaconsistent with such above applicable laws, rules and regulations, or is otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such part or provision shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable law or regulations, and the remainder of this Memoranduii of Understanding shall not be affected thereby. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representative to execate this Memorandum of Under- standing the day, month, and year first above written. CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION/ AFSCME Local 978 n - An m{'/ JmES ANDERSON, President City Attorney - 0.. TITLE LIST--CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES--REPRESENTED EY CCME ACCOUNTANT ADMIX I S TRATIVE INTERN ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLAVNE R AUDIO VISTJAL CLERK AUDIO VISUAL LIBRARIAN BUILDING INSFECTOR CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN CIVIL EKGINEERING ASSISTANT CIVIL,ENGINEE€?ING ASSOCIATE CLERK STENOGRAPHER CLERK TYPIST CONTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCEMAN CUSTODIAN DEPUTY CITY CLERK ENGINEERING AIDE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FOREMAN EQUIPMENT MECHANXC EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HELPER GAIZFiGE ATTENDANT HEAVY EQUlPMENT OPERATOR INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNT CLERX JUNIOR PLANNER LIBRARIAN I1 LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARY ADM1NISTRM"i'VE ASST. LIBRARY ASSISTANT LIBRARY CLERK LIBRARY CLERK I1 (Artist) MAINTENANCEFAN MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR PARK CARETAKER PARK FOREMAN PARK LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN PLANNING TECHNICIAN PROP E RTY FA1 f! T EN AN CE F OREEI_\IJ PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAf; PUBLIC WORKS LEADMAN P. W. SANITATION INSPECTOR RECmATION LEADER I RECREATION LEADER I1 RECREATION LEADER I11 RECREATION SUPERVISOR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN SECRETARY SECRETARY TO CITY ATTOWEY SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGZ'K SECRETARY TO POLICE CHIEF SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK SENIOR CLERK STENOGWPHER SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE SENIOR LIBRARIAN SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK SENIOR MAINTENANCEMAN SENIOR WATER SERVICEMAE SWITCHBOARD OPR. RECEPTIONIST TREE TRIMMER LEADMAN WATER LEADMAN WATER MAINTENANCE FOREMAN WATER PUMP FOREMAN WATER PUMP OPERATOR WATER SERVICEMAN PARK MAINTENANCE LEADMAN Base Benefits_ Pres en t Proposed Hospital Room G Board-120 days $50.00 $85.00 Other Hospitai Services $1250.00 - . $1250.00 Surgical Expense $1409-$7.00 RV5 $140O-$7 .OO RVS . Kedical Charges $1200-$10 Per $1200-$10 Per Diagnostic X-Ray 5 Lab $100 * 00 $100 .oo Accident Rider- .. . .a. . $500.00 $500.00 .- Visit Visit haj ar Nedical Maxinuin Deductible .2 Family Maximum Co-Insurance RVS 1964 at 'haes thetist born & Board Intensive Care Unit Maternity (As any other illness) Rates - (does not include ADSD) Ernployee Only Dependents Only $250,000. GO $100.00 Yes 80% $2500.00 (1OOX thereafter; $14.00 $105.00 3 Times Included $17. oo $23.00 $45.35 31,090 ,G9O .OO $100.00 93% $25Ct).OO (100% tha-eaf ter) $18 .oo $20.00 $140 .OO 3 Tines Included. 7- 12s -.. $27.50 $57.35 .* 1' MISCELLANEOUS EFP1,OYEE - CLASSIFICATICN AND SALARY RAFIGE - SCHEDULE - -- CLASS IF XCAT T9M RANGE - ACCOUNTAXT 35 ACCZ,'JNTING TZCHNICIAIJ 24 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 21 ASS IS TANT PLANNER 37 ASSISTANT LIEFSRY CIEZECTOR 38 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 45 AUDIO TJISUAL SPECIALIST 38 BUILrjlXG INSPECTOR 38 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CARPENTER 2 8 CIVIL EKGINEER ASSISTANT 42 CIVIL ENGINEER ASSOCIATE 49 CLERK TYPIST I 15 CLERK TYPIST I1 17 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 I CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 40 CUSTODIAIJ 16 DEPUTY CITY C1tE-W 25 ENGINEERING TXCHNICIAR I 27 ENGIEERIXG TECENICIAN I1 34 EQUIPMENT MGCHAWIC I 28 EQUIPMENT MECI-IASIC I1 30 EQUIPIYENT ,WCHANIC LEA!lWORKER 35 EQUIPIJIEXT SERVICE WORKER 21 LIBRARY ASSISYAXT I 24 LIUPLC-?.Y ASSISTANT I1 29 LIF3:lWY CLERK I 21 LTBRA2Y CLERK I1 23 LIBRARIAN I 30 LIbRA,9IPJ!I I1 36 Lf3XAxIm 111 38 1L.IXZENANCE ELECTRICIAN I 28 DEVELOP. PROCESS. COOPDINATOR 29 CLASSIFICATION RANGE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I1 30 MAINTEN-4KCE WO3K5'R I 21 METER READEE/ilEi?AIIIER I 21 METER PZZDEEI/2ZPF.IFCER I1 25 EIETER SHOP SijlEXVISOil 3? PARK I@-INTEX-WCE WORXEX I1 25 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 29 PARK SUPEIiVISOR 37 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 28 WCEPTIONIST CLEM 15 RECREATION Ss'P3:ilVISOR I 29 RECREATION SUTZXVISOR I1 32 SANITATION SU'Z3.VISOR 37 SECRETARY I 23 SECRETARY I1 25 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTOPLiiEY 29 SECRETARY TO CITY IILATJAG3:il 29 SENIOR CONSTFXZTLON INSPZCTOR 42 SEWER ' MA1 NTENA'i ZE 37 STENO CLERK I I7 STENO CLERK I1 3-3 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 25 STREET MAIMTEXAXCS Ir70RKXR 111 3C STREET PiAINTENANCE SUPE2S7ISOP. 37 SWEEPER OPERATOR 29 TRANSPORTATION ENGIPUEER 51 TREE TTIIMMEP. LEADKORKER 31 UTILITY ,MAINTENAlYCE WORKER XI 25 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WOP-KER I11 30 UTILITY PUMP OPERATOR 29 WATER MilINTEYAXCE SUPEIiVISOR 37 WATER PUMP SUPERVISOR 37 S W PE Ki I S OR 12 '(? A% * .I4 2: IC 17 1& 19 20 -21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- RESOLUTION 30. 5854 A WSOLTJTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE SALARY PL?J I702 EMPLOYEES AXEPRESENTED BY THE CARLSBAD CITY MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-1-980. I by WHEREAS, the City CcunciL did on July 23, 1979 Resolution No. 5853 approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Management and representatives of the Carlsbad City Miscellaneous Employees' Association which called for certain salary adjustments; and WHEREAS, it ism& appropriate in accord with said resolution for the City Council to iniplement said adjustments by amending the interim salary plan adopted by Resolution No. 5829; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 3ity of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitaticns arc true and correct. 2, That the Classification and Salary Range Schedule and 3iweekly Salary Step Schedule for Fiscal Year 1979-1980 as set )ut in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof are iereby adopted as the Salary Plan of the City of Carlsbad for ill Miscellaneous employees covered by said schedules €or Fiscal rear 1979-1980. 3. That the schedules adopted by this resolution shall be :etroactive to July 1, 1979 and shall supersede any portions )f the interim salary plan inconsistent therewith. cx xx xx .* .. . ,.-. .. . ., . ,. .. . . __ ,, ”, - . .. .- I i 2 4 : € ‘i E s 1c 11 li 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 _- adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at qlregular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 23rd day of July , 1979 by the fpllowing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilrnen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None , CouncSlwoman Caslzr ABSENT: None 4TTEST: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor Fiscal Year 1978-1979 MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION ANG SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNTANT 35 ' IWTER SHOP FOREMAN 37 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN 29 MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 29 ASSISTANT CITY LIi3R9RIAN 38 PARK CARETAKER 21 ASSISTANT PLANNER 37 PARK FOREMAN 32 ASSOCIATE: PLANNER 45 PARK LANDSCAPE' TECH. 28 AUDIO VISUAL CLERK 17 PARK MAIMT. LEADMAN 26 AUDIO VISUAL LIBRARIAN 36 PLANNING TECI-IN1 C IAN 28 AUDIO VISUAL TECH. 17 PROPERTY MAINT. FOREMAN 38 BUILDING INSPECTOR 37 PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN 37 CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN 36 PUBLIC WORKS LEADNIAN 28 C. E. ASSISTANT 42 P.W. SANITATION INSP. * 29 C. E. ASSOCIATE 49 IIECREATION LEADER I11 22 CLERK STEN0GFtAE"ER 16 RFXREATION SUPERVISOR 32 I CLERK TYPIST 13 EFERENCE LIBRARIAN 30 CONSTRUCTION INSFECTOR 38 SECRETARY 21 CONSTRUCTION MAINT' MAN 19 SECR. TO CITY ATT. 23 CONSTRUCTICN SUPERVISOR 46 SECR. TO CITY MGR. 24 CUSTODIAN 16 SEC. TO PLANNING DIR. 23 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 23 SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK 22 DEVZLOP. PROCESS. COORD. 29 SR. CLERK STENO. 18 ENGINEERING AIDE 27 SR. CONSTR. INSPECTOR 42 EQUIPMENT MAIET. FOREMAN 38 SR, ENGINEERING AIDE 34 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 32 SR. LIBRARY ASSISTANT 29 EQUIPIENT MECH. HELPER 20 SR, LIBRARY CLERK 21 GARAGE ATTENDANT 22 SR. MAINTENANCEMAN 25 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPE,WTOR 2 9 SR. WATER SERVICE.MAN 25 INTEF3IED. ACCOUNT CLERK 17 SWITCHBOARD OPR. RECEP. 15 JUNIOR PLANNER 31 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 51 LIBRARIAN I1 36 TREE TRIMMER LEADMAN 28 LIBRARIAN I1 (Hd.Tech,Svc. 136 WATER JX..INT. FOREPAN 37 LIBRqilIAN I11 38 WATER PUMP FOREMAN 37 LIBRARY ADMIN. ASST. 28 WATER FUMP OPERATOR 29 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25 . WATER SERVICEMAN 21 LIBRARY CLERK 15 WATER SYSTEM llECII. MAINT. 27 LIBRARY CLERK II(Artist) 17 EWINTENANCEMAN 21 . *I . .. .. 1 RANGE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 - A 385.26 393.34 402. os 41G.10 418.80 428.14 436.84 446.15 456.08 466.03 475.98 485.92 496.4% 507.66 518.85 530.03 541.85 553.65 565.45 578.50 590.92 603.96 617.65 631 - 31 645.60 659.89 674.80 ~ 690.33 722.01 738.17 754.96 772.34 789.74 808.84 826.41 845.66 864.91 884.81 905.31 925.81 947.55 705.87 B 402.03 410.10 418.80 428.14 136.84 446.15 456.08 455.G3 475.98 485.92 496.48 507.66 530.03 541.85 553.55 565.45 578.50 590.92 603.96 617.65 631.31 645.60 659.89 674.80 690.33 705.87 722.01 738.17 754.96 772.34 789.74 808.84 825.41 845.66 864.91 905.31 925.81 947.55 969.28 991.65 518 (. 85 884.ai C 41%. 80 428.14 436.84 444.15 456.08 466.03 475.98 485.92 496.48 507.55 518.85 530.03 541.85 553.65 565.45 578.50 5Q0.92 603.96 617.65 631.31 645.60 659:E9 674.80 690.33 7'05.87 722.01 738.17 754.96 772.34 789.74 808.84 826.41 84s. 66 864.91 884 81 905.31 925.81 947.55 969.28 991-65 1015.26 1.038. a7 D 436.84 446.15 456.08 466.03 475.98 485.92 496.48 507.66 518.85 530.03 541.85 553.65 555.45 573.50 590.92 653.96 Sii.55 531.31 645.60 659.89 674.80 590.33 '705.87 722.01 738.17 754 * 96 772.34 759.74 808.84 826.41 845.66 864.91 884.81 905.31 925.81 947.55 959.28 991.65 1915.26 1038.87 1063.14 1087.34 E 456.08 466.03 475.38 485.92 496.48 507.66 518.35 530.03 541.85 553.65 565.45 578.50 590.92 603.96 617.65 631.31 545.60 659.89 674.80 690.33 705.87 722-al 732.17 754.96 :.772.34 789.74 808.84 826-41 845.66 864.92. 884.81 905.31 925.81 947.55 969.28 991.65 1015.26 1038.87 1063.14 1087.34 1112.81 1138.29 RANGE 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 CITY OF CARLSBAD SALARY RXTGE AND STEP S~EDULE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES Professional Group 1979 - 1980 Steps CLASSIFICATION RAb?GE F! a C D E LIBRARIAN I A. V. SPECIALIST LIBRARIAN I1 ASST. PLANNER C. E. ASSISTANT ASSOC. PLANNER C. E. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN nr 30P 535.33 559.18 584.29 610.00 637.62 36P 610.00 637.62 666.49 697.23 729.23 36P 610.00 637.62 666.49 697.23 729.23 37P 630.00 658.51 688.30 719.99 752.93 38P 637.62 666.49 697.23 729.23 762.51 42P 704.14 736.45 770.06 805.53 842.94 45P 752.93 787.79 825.02 862.57 902.51 49P 825.02 862.57 902.51 944.33 988.60 WGE 30P 36P 36P 37P 38P 42P 45P 4 9P I