HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 3611-3; QUITCLAIM DEED CITY OF CARLSBAD TO KATHRYN A AND RICHARD S MCCAULEY (AREA - ELM EXTENSION)# CITY OF CARLSPJAD @ - AGENDA BILL NO. 3611 Supplement No.3 Initial: Dept . €Id. DATE : DEPARTMENT: City Manager Sub] ect: I C. Atty. 1: C. Mgr. 1 Auqust 7, 1979 ‘4 - r - QUITCLAIM DEED - City of Carlsbad to Kathryn A. and Richard S. McCauley (Area - Elm extension) Statement of the Matter When the City obtained slope easements and title to the area extending Elm Avenue to Donna Drive, the escrow instructions provided that a 0.334 acre surplus landlocked portion that would not be needed by the City would be returned via a quit- claim deed. The appropriate quitclaim deed has now been prepared. Exhibit Quitclaim Deed Map showing quitclaim area Escrow Instructions Recommendation Authorize Mayor to execute quitclaim deed by minute motion. Council Action: 8-7-79 Council authorized execution of the quitclaim deed. c* B II. 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPHI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 729 Cttp of clCarI$batr November 26, 1979 Richard & Kathryn McCauley 2988 Valley St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 A Quitclaim Deed from the City of Carlsbad to you has been recorded evidencing release of the slope easemects granted by you to the City of Carlsbad. This deed was recorded on August 10, 1979, with - the San Diego County Recorder as document No. 79-350518, and is hereby being returned to you. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR: krs Enclosure THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowIedged, The City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation hereby REMISE (S) , RELEASE (S) AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM (S) to Kathryn A. and Richard S. FllcCauley the following described real property in the City Of Carlsbad county of San Diego state of California: Parcel "A" consisting of 0.334 acres as shown on Parcel Nap no. 1210 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 2, 1973. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of Valley Street 14.49' southeasterly of the centerline of Elm Street as shown on said Parcel Map, thence North 550 58' 59" East a distance of 464.2' to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along a line bearing North 69O 25' 54" East 118.19' to a tangent curve concav, northeasterly having a radius of 958 feet a distance of 273.07 feet; thence along the prolongation of the centerline of Canyon Street (40' wide) a distant of 54.42 feet Rorth 18O 55' 13" West; thence 400.12 feet South 55O 58' 59" We to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING the following described slope easements: hereto and made a part hereof. See Exhibit A attached abz &$($&/fld4:. 67'2, &-& Mayor 2, 1?7? 3-Y7 TC, 449 c (Corporation } ,, €sown to mc to lie tilePlaynr x%xccrx, and Aletha L. Rautenkranz known to nie to he myafdL..- k&X&$of the corporation that exccuted the within Instrument, know to me tQ he the perwns who executed tlle within lndrwnent on hrhalf of the corporation therein ,lamed. ar,d '>qtriirnent pursuant til its I~y-laws or a resolution of its 1~0ar.d icknow~edged to me that such corporation executed the witllin y~/I/~~L"l~~~~=~~~~~~~~ .' * 1 3 x. tJ 8 .. *' .e r/ & ', EXHIBIT A SLOPE EASEMENT I Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Parcel "A" distant 464.20 feet from the centerline of Valley Street as shown on said map; thence North 690 25' 54" East 178.19 feet to a tangent curve concave northeasterly having a radius of 958 feet; thence along sa.id curve 145 feet to a point on a line bearing North 740 37' 58" West; thence along said line to the northwesterly line of Parcel to the Point of Beginning. SLOPE EASEMENT I1 "A"; thence along said North line 107.58 feet Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Parcel "A" a distant 864.32 feet from the centerline of Valley Street as shown on said map; thence South 180 55' 13" East 54.42 feet to the southeasterly boundary of said parcel; thence along said southerly boundary being a circular curve having a radius of 958 feet, a distance of 128.07 feet; thence North 750 13' 11'' East 152.33 feet to the Point of Beginning.