HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 5203-3; LAND ACQUISITION EAST OF CITY LIBRARYL Initial: 1) CITY !3z CF.”LSn,z\,n ,- e P- r 9 .T~~.A’2i~3i’~ BILL so. 52i)S - supplement ?io. 3 0 - DFtpt . Ed. i&L&,/$ August 7, IS79 --- - D4TE : I)Zi?A’?.TZ.iENT : C I TY l4AZ A G E R --_II_- - -. _I -- S-;lbj ec*; LAND ACQUISITION EAST OF CITY LIBRfiRY - - Sta-t.?nent a? the Matter By Cc:incii action, staff lwas authorized to obtain a -reappraisal ori lar,cl 2zst of the.City Library. This appraisal has now been receiv TI]<: reappraisal indicates a real valuation of $383,000 for the twc ~:CTL~ vacant site and s. valuayion of $105,400 for the 0.$7 acre sit the total appraisal fop the land only is S493,4C3. T!~is amount has been budgeted in the general bu 2:- Staff is GO! a;!tiny Counril to authmorize negotiations with t s-zker reFres=.n- the opiners of these two sites. As outlined in a previous report, this 2.50 acre :!:e ~0~116 5e adequate for a community center. bu-ilding as well 5s c:rovid? adeqa, il parking facilities. Soice thought has been give2 ::i ;taff as io L~ advisability of acquiring the entire site, includjr,; the rra7 prop -102 problems in the area involve, zmong others, rz.i?:arlion 2ssist to one occupant or providing a life estate. Both of these proces are time consuming and expensive for the City. AdditionaXy, one S-ince adequilto vaca(rt ‘iand is available for City ?ur?oses, staff recomnendinq land acqiJjsjtion oni;~. This reconmendation e: iin’lnat ne(:essity of granting ihe aforementioned life estate ani r??Yces 1 cozts jy approximatelg 75% to an estimated rnaximuin liabi!iz:: of S t,!ag of propert.y s hcwi k!?i:;2 fYom Redevelopment Coordinator dated 7-31-73. if Council conctlrs, a;it,norize staff to begin negotiations ~i th ti 8r0ker r2presefiting tile c~ners, to acquire approxinately 2.53 SCI fcr the total sum of ZLS3,400. 7-t ‘G!JQPT zt least is not intgrested in selling the r2E; pro?cnty; E :<hi b i t s ---._.._ land to b2 acquired. %zcom;n.enda ti on a --__ Council Action: 8-7-79 Council authorized staff to begin negotiations wjth the ~~~k representing the owners, to acquire approximately 2.50 acres the total sua of $393,400.00. ____----I -- Ir L : i e a P .. . b’ JULY 31, 1979 DATE : TO : AS S I STANT C I TY MANAGER FROM: Redevelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: RELOCATION LIABILITY 2.5 ACRE ACQUISITION k EAST OF CITY LIBRARY As requested, I have analyzed the above noted acquisition as it relates to relocation liability. As I understand it, the acquisition proposal involves 2.5 acres of unimproved land currently being used for agricultural purposes. The agricultural operation is carried on by virtue of leases granted on vacant por- tions of two parcels of land. third party. Given the understanding above, the relocation liability estimate is as follows: There is no indication of the involvement of a master leaseholder or any other Lessor #1 - $ 500 - maximum (search for new lea Lessor #2 - $ 500 - maximum (search for new lea Lessee - $10,000 - maximum (payment in lieu of Processing - $ 1,000 - maximum actual costs) $12,000 pGjj- ACK E. HENTHORN Redevelopment Coordinator JEH : gb