HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 5836-1; Zone Code Amendment RV Storage/Mini Warehouse37 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 . ' Initial AGENDA BILL NO: \5~f3 d> - ^L^X^^^L-jf **I Dept. Hd. DATE: AUGUST 7, 1979 . ctY- AttY DEPARTMENT: Planning Cty. Mgr. "TV SUBJECT: • ZONE.CODE AMENDMENT - RV STORAGE/MINI-WAREHOUSE Statement of the Matter On May 1, 1979, the City Council reviewed a request by Mr. Joe Sandy for a zone code amendment to allow mini-warehouses and RV storage by conditional use permit. Both of _ these uses were discussed by the City Council as to their appropriateness in the various zones.- The action taken as contained in the minutes indicates that the City Council directed staff . to prepare an ordinance amendment for RV storage. Mini- warehouses were not included in this motion. Staff understood this motion to mean that the City Council would consider RV storage in certain zones by conditional use permit but not mini-.warehouses . This appeared proper _ to staff because RV storage is quite different than .mini-warehouses, especially in residential zones. W storage is the use of vacant land with little capital improve- •ments/ while mini-warehouses require a capital investment and are a permanent use. • Although residents, may use the .warehouse, they are also available to commercial and industrial storage.; Staff "prepared an ordinance, amendment to permit RV storage in certain zones. This was reviewed with Mr. Sandy, who indicated it was' his understanding that the City Council wished to include mini-warehouses. Mr. Sandy submitted a latter, dated July -3, 1979, which we received on July 18, 1979, requesting reconsideration of the City Council's' direction. . ' . • The Planning 'Commission, on July 25, 1979, held a hearing on the ordinance amendment f or RV storage. The question of mini-^warehouse ' inclusion was also discussed. The Planning Commission felt that mini-warehouse should, be included in the ordinance amendment and by minute motion made this request. . • * Exhibits Letter from Joe Sandy, dated April .6, 1979, and July *3, 1979 City Council minutes of May 1, 1979 .Letter, to Joe Sandy from PI anning' Dept. , dated July 27, 1979 RECOMMENDATIOSI The Planning Commission reccntmended that the City Council direct staff to include mini- warehouse storage in the RV Storage amendment. Staff recommends mini-warehouse not be part of the RV storage amendment . If the City 'Council desires to add mini- warehouse, staff recommends that the City Council direct 'staff to prepare a separate ordinance amendment for Planning Commission consideration. •« Agenda Bill No. 5836 - Supplement #1 Page 2 Council Action: 8-7-79 Council directed staff to prepare a separate ordinance amendment for Planning Commission consideration for mini-warehouses. 1200 ELM AVENUE g| )x«?j f« TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 l»^Ql/ dim (714)729-1181 Citp of Carisimb July 27, 1979 Joseph Sandy THE AGATEP CORPORATION 2921 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - RV STORAGE Dear Joe: Thank you for informing us of staff's possible misunderstanding of City Council's direction on the ordinance amendment for RV storage and mini-warehouse. This problem was discussed by the Planning Commission on July 25, 1979, during their public hearing en the zone code amendment for RV storage. They requested that the matter be .- reviewed by the City Council to determine what exactly was their directions. The zone code amendment of RV storage was continued to the August 22, 1979, Planning Commission hearing. The item will more than likely be heard if the City Council is in agreement that RV storage should be separate. If, however, the City Council wishes to include mini-warehouses, the item will have to be returned to staff for further input. The determination of City Council direction will be on August 7, 1979. I will submit your letter dated July 3, 1979, for City Council information. BUD PLENDER Assistant Planning Director•s BP/ar _l July 3, 1979 Paul Bussey City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Re: Zone Code Amendment for Mini-Warehouse and R.V. Storage Facilities by CUP On May 1 1979, the City Council heard a request for a Zone Code Amendment to allow mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facilities by Conditional Use Permit (CUP). (More specifically outlined in our letter of April 6, 1979). After considerable discussion, the Council agreed that there was merit to the proposal. Although they denied our specific request because it included, or referenced a specific parcel, they did however, direct staff to prepare an ordinance amendment for submission to the Planning Commission, I believe the intent of that Council action was to include an evaluation of both mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facilities. Council discussion included both activities. Unfortunately, we feel the Council's direction to the Staff may have been inadvertantly translated to address only R.V. storage. Our original intention, and I believe the Council's intention, was to include mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facilities together. I hope that the final Staff Report and Ordinance objectives will include both. I hope that it will not be necessary to request Council clarification, although I would be willing to do so if necessary. If I can be of additional assistance, please call at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, P. Sandy Tanning Consultant cc: Jim Hagainan JPS:vl 1ECEIVED JUL181979 CITY OF CARL38AD Planning Department 2921 Roosevelt Street • Post Office Box 590 • Carlsbad • CA 92008 • (714) 729-8973 April 6, 1979 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Re: Siting of Mini-Warehouse and R.V. Storage Facilities On June 29, 1978, a request was submitted to the City to review the potential for allowing mini warehouse and R.V. storage facilities by conditional use permit (CU?). The reasons for this proposal were: There are no specific provisions for these types of facilities in the existing zoning ordinance. There is a need for these types of facilities, expecially in close proximity to residential areas. These facilities will encourage off-street boat and R.V. storage. There are properties throughout the City that are, for reasons of topography, lot configuration, or proximity to transmission lines or major circulation networks, not suitable for development as outlined in existing zoning or General Plan. Mini warehouse and R.V. storage facilities may be appropriate for some of these locations. Mini warehouse and R.V. storage facilities are a low intensity use, however, the existing ordinance only allows them by right in PM, CM and M zones which, incidentally, also allow high intensity commercial or heavy manufacturing uses. Although our request was prompted from the desire to develop a particular piece of property, we felt that a zone code amendment 2921 Roosevelt Street-Post Office Box 590 - Carlsbad • CA 92008 - (714) 729-8973 /*• April 6, 1979 Page Two City of Carlsbad Re: Mini-Warehouse & R.V. Storage Facilities was appropriate as similar situations could be found in other areas of the City as well. After several months of review, City staff informed us that although they were aware of the situation, a proposal to allow mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facilities by CUP would open the possibility of permitting those uses on most residential land. We are therefore back to our original problem. We have a parcel ideally suited for low intensity mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facility use, however, the existing ordinance does not provide for this specific use without a zone change which would also allow several undesirable uses. The parcel in question (Figure 1) is located East of El Camino Real and South of Plaza South (G.P.=RM Zoning-Rl 10,000). In the past, the City has identified a potential traffic problem on the property if a high intensity use were allowed. Secondly, the site's close proximity to El Camino Real makes it undesirable for residential development. During initial discussions with the planning staff, they have indicated that a mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facility with proper design, would be ideal for the site, however, it would require a GP amendment and zone change. As you know, this approach would most likely be denied as a zone change would allow other high intensity uses which the City would not allow. In considering our situation, the City should also consider that mini-warehouse and R.V. storage facilities offer the following: 1. low traffic generation 2. no demand for park or school services 3. no increased demand for sewer services 4. provide an alternative to on-site/on-street R.V. and boat storage 5. generates a high tax base We still maintain that a zone code amendment with proper controls, may be appropriate. However, we will work with the City if the Council wishes to pursue other solutions. We therefore, respectfully present this problem and ask the Council for your guidance. Respectfully, [oaeph P. Sandy Planning Consultant