HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 5936; Contract to provide Lifeguard ServicesAGENDA BILL NO 6 Initial: Dept-Hd. k (4 C. Atty. DATE : Auqust 7, 1979 DEPAARTMENT : Ci tv Manager C. Mgr. Subject : P -- CONTRACT TO PROVIDE LIFEGUARD SERVICES Carlsbad City Beach (San Diego Gas and Electric Co. Lease) Statement of the Matter The State of California,Department of Parks and Recreation, has agreed to provide lifeguard and attendent services on the Carlsbad City Beach leased from San Diego Gas and Electric Company. These services will be provided until the end of October, 1979 which is the ending period for similar service on state beaches for the year. The City cost for the service amounts to $6,682.40 and has been included in the budget. Exhibit Resolution No. 5B/o& with agreement Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 5fbb and authorize the Mayor to execute on behalf of the city. Counci 1 Action: 8-7-79 Council adopted Resolution 5866, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract to provide lifeguard services on Carlsbad City Beach. -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 I. 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5866 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT TO PROVIDE LIFE- GUARD SERVICES ON CARLSBAD CITY BEACH. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does iereby resolve as follows: 1. That the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and :he State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation to xovide lifeguard services, beach pick-up and toilet services on Zarlsbad Beach for the sum of $6,682.40, a copy of which agreement LS attached hereto, identified as Exhibit A and incorporated by references, is hereby approved. 2. That. the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said igreement on behalf of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular neeting of the :ity.Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the , 1979 by the following 7th day of August rote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki , Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Counci.lwoman Casler ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, city Clerp (SEAL) APPROVED n, THE *ATT3iNt < GENERbL LSTANI)ARD AGREEkENT - - STATE OF C:LIFORNIA STD. 2 IHEV :If731 TITLE OF OFFICER ACTIMG FOR STATE AGENCY - DEPT. OF GEN. sr NUMBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGENCY WITNESSETH: That thc Contractor for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions. agreements, and stipulations of the Stat hereinafter expressed, does hereby agree to furcish to the State services and materials, 3s follows: [Set forth srrvice to bc rcmdcrcd by ContructJr, amount to hc [mid Contractor, time for perfurmclnco or coniplcfion. id attnch plons urd sl~cifictrtions. if ciny.J Contractor will provide funding in the amount not to exceed Six Thousand Six Ilundred Eighty Two Dollars and 40/100 ($6,682.40) plus all applicable taxes to cover cost incurred by the State Department of Parks and Recreation to provide lifeguard services, beach litter pick up and chemical toilet services on beach area identified .e6 Csrlsbad City Beach (San Diego Gas and Electric Lease). CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR tir OTHER TUAN AN INDIVIDUAL. STA~E WUETUCR A CORPORATION State shall provide services in accordance with Schedule "A" made a part of the agreement by this reference, The City of Carlsbad Resolution: identified as Exhibit "E" and made n part of thio agreement by this reference. Authority to the City to enter into this agreement is Department of Parks, and bcreatgon I 7 BY IAUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE1 b Contractor to mke a lump sum payment in arrears upon receipt of an invoice in triplicate. Payment to be made to the State Department of Parks and Recreation within 60 days from date shown on invoice, / PAR IN LRSWI P, LTC.) C.i t.y of earlsbad TITLE 11 TITLE Superintendent, District 0 II Mayor ICONTINUED ON-SHEETS. EACH OEAn - Deportment of Ccncrol Services Use ONLY 2 NAVE OF CONTRICTORI 11 1 20G ' El rn Avpn ue ~ Carl - AMOUNT ENCUMBEREG APPROPRIATION FUND $ 6,682.40 PMS 7-30-7101-1 -- UNENCUMBERED OALANCE ITEM CHAPTER STATUTES - LIFEGUARD AND CIIEMICAI. TOILET SERVICES .Lifeguard Service: August 31 days Sept. 20 day8 Oct. 8 days 59 days 2 guards x 59 days = 118 days 118 days x 8 hr, per day x $5.71 per hr. * Staff benefits 6.2% x $5,390.24 = . Beach Clean Up: August 31 days Sept. - 15 days 46 days .. 1 Park Aid (3 4 hr. per day x 31 days = 124 hr. 1 Park Aid @ 2 hr. per day x 15 days 30 hr. U4 hr. - 154 hr. x $4.19 per hr. = Chemical Toilets: August 2 units * Units pumped 3 times each week. $5.390.24 334.19 $5,724 . 43 645.26 - 312.00 . : ; .c .J. ,: .- -- , . .’ Total Cost $G ,682.40