HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 5938; Classification Plan Change Miscellaneous EmployeesDATE: '. August 7, 1979 Initial : i3cpt. Hd . c. ntty.IF6 DEPARTMENT : Personnel C. Mgr. ,I Subject : -------- CLASSIFICATION PLAN CHANGES FOR MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES -*.- -.-. I -..---.- _.---- .- Stateni.eL,t of the Matter - - -- Classification Manual and Position Classification Study Final Report prepared by Ralph Andersen and Associates previously had been submitted to the council for information. Copies are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Staff has reviewed the Classification Manual and Position Classifi- cation Final Report. of Carlsbad City Employees' Association which represents miscellaneous employees for the city. as presented on attachments to the enclosed'resolution have been agreed to between the city and CCEA with two exceptions. Staff has reviewed both with representatives All classification titles and salary ranges The first case involves the classification of Heavy Equipment Operator. The consultant has recommended that the present classification of Heavy Equipment Operator, Range 29, be included in the new classifi- cation of Street Maintenance Worker 111, Range 30. Also included in the new classification would be the present classification of Public Works Leadman, Range 28. Such a change means Street Maintenance Worker I11 tould be employed in either role. CCEA contends that the equipment operator classification should be separate and at Range 31 while the lead worker classification be subordinated and at Range 30. Staff recommends the consultants proposal be adopted. The second case involves a recommendation from CCEA that the classi- fication of Water Maintenance Supervisor and Water Pump Supervisor be at salary Range 38 instead of Range 37, the range for all other similar supervisory positions. classification requirement that each,position must hold a state opera- tor's permit and, therefore, should be at a higher range. The permits are part of the job qualifications which were considered when the classifications were placed at Range 37. Staff recommends adoption of the consultant's-recommendations. CCEA's contention is based upon the All other items are concurred. in and are forwgrded to the City Council for their consideration. Exhibit Adopt Resolutioh NO.~-F&,F, classification plan changes for miscellaneous employees. Adopt Resolution No. 3Griy, mdifying Yiscellaneow Empl oyees C 1 ass i f i ca ti on P1 an. Recommendation If the City Council concurs with the staff recommendation it is recommended that they adopt Resolution No. Jzl&r, Classification Plan, Miscellaneous Employees and Resolution No.SFb 9 salary. modifying 'I Agenda Bill No. 5938 Page 2 Council Action: 8-7-79 Council adopted Resolution #5868, amending the Classification Plan of the City of Carlsbad; and adopted Resolution 5869, modifying the existing Allocation of miscellaneous employees to classifications. In addition, Council requested an additional report as to the positions of Leadman and Heavy Equipment Operator as combined into Street Maintenance Worker I11 and as to the classification and duties of the secretary in the Planning Department. t 1 2 3 4 5 6 'I 8 9 ' 11 32 1.3 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTJGN NO. --. 5869 A RESOLUTION OF TYi3 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, CkLIF'C)ItNIA, MODTFYI&G THE EXISTING ALJJOCATI011 i)F MISCELTLAXEOUS ---I_._-___ EMPLOYEES ro CLZ~,SSI~TCATYONS. _--_.- -I--- WHEREAS, the City .Council has amended t.he classification plan for miscellaneom employees; and WHEREAS, these amendments require rnodif i.cati.ons in the allocation of miscellaneous employees to the amended classifica- tions ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coiincil of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the attached al.location of miscellaneous employees to amended classifications is hereby adopted to be effective from July 1, 1979, superceding any previously adopted. allocations of miscellaneons employees. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the , 1973, Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of - August -- by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None 1 #gE&g2kLJ nw RONALD. C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : (SEAL) MISCELLAMECUS EMPLOYEE ALLOCATION TO NEW TITLE BY N.A!!E AND DEPARTMENT -I- -..- ----- CITY MANAGER ---- CITY CLERK MURPFIY, Anita STEVENS, Karen MARSH, Roberta RAIIWILSE, Helen OSORIO, Jaime NICHOLS, Larry MARTINEZ, Elias NEW TITLE SECRETARY TO THE CITY MANAGER STENO CLERK I DEPUTY CITY CLERK SECRETARY I STENO CLERK 1 RECEPTIONIST CLERK RECEPTIONIST CLERK CUSTODIAN CUSTODIAN CITY ATTORNEY ARNOI,D, Mary Lou SECRETARY TO THE CITY ATT03RNEY FINANCE ---- FAILING, Majorie MCCLAIN, Donna MTNOR, Lorraine ROBINSON, Susan WOOD, Lucille NEU, Carol PLANNING -- NAGEPrLAN , Thorias ZANDER, Michael ABRAMS, David GRIMM, Charles LEE, Karen NICHOLAS, Catherine SACKRIDER, Margaret Hlsi4OS , Anita DAUBNEY Soan MILICH, Brian PURCHASING ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOLJNT CLERK I1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSISTANT PLAN.NER PLANNING TECHNICIAN STENO CLERK I1 STENO CLERK I1 ASSISTANT PLANNER SECRETARY rr .IANDWER, Elvira ACCOUNT CLERK I1 MUNTZ, Marilyn CLERK TYPIST I1 PERSONNEL SCHULDT, Virginia MCAVOY, Hatsunti SECRETARY I1 STENO CLERK 11 DEPARTMENT/NAME BUILDING MATA, Anthony NELSON, John SCUDDER, Edith PLUDE, Emile LODEN, Gayle CPJVIERO, Merardo HEILXANN, Xelen PHILLIPS Timothy QUEBADA, Edwin PUBLIC WGfiKS BURKIN, Victoria CRATTY, Patricj-a UTILITY MAINT. -- BATHO, Pamela EWGINEERIXG GUNTHEIT, Douglas MORRISON, Russell SPREHE, Leo LIN, Hshing Lmy HAUSER, David WOJCIK, Robert THEIS, Ms.ry Ann HENDERSON, Christopher MURRAY, James RACON, Hadley TISDALE, Steven CENTO, James RECRFATION RETTS, Lynda PRICE, Kenneth PARKS -- ALMACK, Donald BARLOW, Michael BEVERLY, Keith BURNELL, Fred FERRITTO, Ted HUGHES, Valerie HOBBS, Joseph HOLDSWORTH, Robe LOPEZ, Daniel MINOR, Wayne NILSEN, Raymond rt BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPEC TOR CLERK TYPIST I1 BUILDING INSTECTOR SECR.ETARY I1 BUILDING INSPECTOR CLERK TYPIST I1 BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR SECRETARY I1 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IEG COORDINATOR SECMCTAHY I1 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER ENGINEEiUMG 'I'ECHNICIAI~ 11 ASSOCIATE CIVIL EKGINEXR ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINECR STEM0 CLERK I1 CONSTRLJCTION INSPECTOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I CONSTRUCTION INSPXCTQR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 RECREATION SUPEXVISOR I PARK MAINTENANCE WORKEK I1 PARK LMAINTENANCE WORKER I1 TREE TRIMMER LEXDWORKER PARK MAINTENAMCE WGRKER I1 SECRETARY I1 MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WOXKER I11 PARK MAINTRNANCE WORKER I1 PARK MAIN'J'ENIINCE WORKER I I I PARK MAINTENANCE WGRKER I I I TREE TRII-VIER XI I' RAMOS, Tony RODRIGUEZ I Reginald TERH.Y, Kermit WILKEL, Walter GP,P.RISON, Ray DASHNAW, Christine BEJARANO, Mike RINCOI?, Y'ohn BUILDING ,XAINT. COLEMAN, William STREETS BRINE, Robert CLAVIER, Gregory CUNNINGHAM, Earl FRAKCO, Joe GREAGORY I C1 if ton MILLER, Matthew MILLER, Robert MITCHELL, Charles PACKER, Alan ROMERO, Alonzo SAWYER, Rodney SCHLUETER, Marlin WOODS, Gregory SKRIPSY, Gerald MCMICHAEL, John SHOOK, Robert LININGER, Robert FENNELL, William SMIGIEL, William -- M.ECH . MAINT. .. HAGEDORN, Herbert MCINTOSH, Ed WHITLEY,, Robert PINES, Reginald WASTE COLLECTION -- PACKER, David SANITATION KELLEY, Patrick MONTANEZ , John PEARCE, Steven GRACIANO, Rudy NEW TITLE --- TREE TRIMI~~R rI PARK SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I MAII?TEXANC% WORKER I MAINTENANCE WC)RKER I MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE CARPENTER MAINTENANCE WORKER SWEEPER OPERATOR STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE WORKER STREET LYAINTENANCE STREET ?4A INTENANC E STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MATNTENANCE SWEEPER OPERATOR STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER SWEEPER OPERATOR I WORKER 111 SUPERVISOR I WORKER 111 SUPERCTISOR WORKER I1 WORKER I1 WORKER I11 WORKER I13 WORKER I1 I I I I I EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I SANITATION SERVICES SUPERVISOR UTILITY PUMP OPERATOR SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE WORKER I UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 I- 4 \?ATER ---- NEW TITLE BACKUS, Chester GUEVARA, Louis MUTCHINS, Richard JONES, Kobert KYZER, IIerbcrt MOORE, Donald PARTAIM, Paul RAMOS, Carlos ROY, Daniel RUSSELL, Charles SANCHEZ, Henry TRACKER, Robert INCIYAN, Ann LIBRARY ALMACK, Julie ANDERSON, 3ames ARMOUR, Geoffrey ARNSAN, Daniel COATES, Renata FORMOSA, Kay HANSEN, Patrj-cia BROOKHART, Ray HOLT, Christine MAERKEL, Betty NAREZ, Prank REED, Rebecca SULLIVAN, Calista SXYMSA, Joseph SPANGLEK, Geraldine EGEA, Charlotte GRIER, Elsie KENNEDY, Charlene POLICE --- BIRD, Dorothy ESTRADA, Nikki WATER PUMP SUPERVISOR UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 UTILITY PUMP OPEKATOR MAINTENANCE WORKER I ENGINEERIWG TECHNICIAN I1 UTILITY P'JMP 0PF:RATOR WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR METER SHOP SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE WORKEK I METER READER/REPAIRER I1 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 METER READER/REPAIRER I STENO CLEiiK 11 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR LIBRARY CLERK I1 LIBRARiAN I11 LIBRARIAN -111 LIBRARIAN I LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 CUSTODIAN LIBRARY ASSISTANT I LIBRARY CLERK I1 LIBRARIAN I11 .AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 CLERX TYPIST I LIBRARIAN I . LIBRARY CLERX I SECRETARY I1 STENO CLERK I1 FIRE KLEINSCHMIDT, Lois SECRETARY I1 3 2 3 4 5 6 ‘I 8 9 10 11 22 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NG. 5868 A RESOLUTION OF THE CLTY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF CBRLSRI-D, ZALIFOENIA, FL4ENDIMG CARLSBAD. THE CLASSIFICATIOS PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEREAS, a study of the city’s existing classification plan has Seen completed; and WHEREAS, certain amendments to the city’s classification p1.a~ have Seen recommended; and WHEREAS, the City Council. concurs in the recommendati.ons to amend the classification plan for miscellaneous positicns; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califcrnia, .as Bollows: 1. That t.he above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Classifi.cation Plan of the Cit.y of Caxlshad is hereby amended by the addition of the class specifications and titles for miscellaneous employees contained in the Classification Manual and Position Classification Study Final Report prepare2 by Ral.ph Andersen and Associates which are on file in the office of the City Clerk. The class specifications amd titles adopted shall supercede any class specifications and titles previously adopted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of ~uust , 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None e- RONALD C. PACKARI), Mayor (SEAL) . . "L MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICBTION - AND SALARY -- RANGE SCI~DULE -- -I__I__.--__.--. CLASS IF ICATION RANGE ACCOTJMTANT 35 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 24 ACCOUNT CLERK I 17 ACCOUXT CLERK 17: 21 i ASSISTANT PLANNER P37 ASSIS'I'AYT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 38 ASSOCIATE PLANNER P45 P38 38 AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST BUILDJEX MAINTENAEJCX CARPENTER 28 ASSIS,TLLNT CIVIL ENGINEER P42 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER P4 9 ' CLERK T'J'PIST I 15 CLERK TYPIST I1 17 CONSTHUCTIOSI INSPECTOR 38 CONSTR-UCT ION SUPERVISOR . 46 CUS!COD IAE 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 25 DEVELGP. PXOCESS. COORDINATOR 29 ENGINZERING TECIINICIAN I 27 ENGINEERI'NG TECHNICIAN 11 34 EQUIPMEET MECHANIC I 28 EQUIPMENT MECHNAIC I1 30 -- -. --- BUILDING INS PECTGR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER 35 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 21 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 24 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 29 LIBWRY CLERK I 23 LIEKRRY CLERK I1 23 LIBRARIAN I P30 LIBRARIAN' I1 P36 LIBRllliIAW I11 P38 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I 23 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I1 30 RANGE .----. CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE WORKER I 21 METER READER/KEPAIRER I 2 1 METER REAEER/KEPAIREK I1 25 METER SHOP SUFERVISOE 37 PARK MAINTENAXE WORKER I I: 25 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 29 PARK SUPERVISOR 35 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 28 RECEPTIONIST CLERK 15 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 29 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 32 SANITATION SUPERVISOR 37 SECRETARY I 23 SECRETARY I1 25 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 29 SECRETARY TO CITY LYANAGER 29 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 4 2 SEWER .MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 37 STENO CLEM I 3.7 STENO CLERK I1 19 STREET MAINli'ENAhCE WORKEX I1 25 STREET PAIP;jTENAi?iCE WORKEP. 1 I I 3 0 STREET -MAINTENANCE SUFERlirIS3K 37 SWEEPER. OPERATOR 29 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 51 TREE TRIMMER I 23 TREE TRIMMER I1 27 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 31 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 25 IJTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 30 UTILITY PUMP OPERATOR 29 WATER MAINTEXANCE SUPERVISOR 37 WATER PUMP SUPEKVISOR 37 ., . . *, - .I -. - I- I -- STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I I I - DE FIN IT I ON lJndcr general supervision, to operate heavy power-driven street maintenance eciuiprnent as a major assignnmt; to perform the most skilled public works maintenance, construction, and repair work; and to do related work as assigned. -- D I ST I 14 Gll I SH I11 G - C HA R ACT E R I ST I C S A position in the Street ihintenance Worker 111 class is distinguished from low~!r level iiiaintenance classes by the rcsponsiSility for frequently operating heavy power-drivcn constructjon equipment, and assuming lead supervisory responsibility for small ~ork crews. .,' @pI-"ra';e a motor grader and other heavy pov;er-driven nquipzmt j~ the maintenance and construction of City streets, curbs, gutters, parking facilities and sidemfks as a major work assignment. Cut, level , slope and otherpiise finish grades under construction. Operiite tractor, trucks, rollers, backhoe and other equipwrit. Dig and backfi 7 7 d-itches and excavatimss. Fer-form mincr mintenance acd repair on assigned eyuipmnt. Supervise and perfomi pa? nti:;g or stenci 1 ing of sticii trraffic directional mark- ings as crosswa.l!:s, safety ioadi~g ZrJiIes, parking tii-id center tat?es, and railroad and school crossings. Insure that cones and signs zre installed proper!)! to contruS traffic for safety purposes. Supervise and perform ski1 led carpentry and masor-iry work. Rcquis-ition and purchase materials and supplies. Main-Lain recGrds of work performzd and supplies used. instafl and remove concrete and asphalt on streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other public facilities. Coordi tiate assi ynecl area of responsi hi 1 i fy with ot.her City departments and d i vi s i o ns . Supcwi se , train and eval uate subordinates. A I Know1 edge o f : Tools, niethods, acd materials applicable to spccial-ized ares. of assignment. Operation arid mintenance of powei*-dr-i veri equipment such as motor graders, tractors, backhoes, and rol lers. Tools, me thuds and niaterials used in strwt construction and rr,a intenance work. S2I'd: \icl\ I, pr2:cticf r; stld procedures. c ' el r.. * Ability to: Operate assigned equiprent with skill and safety. *, i i . r Supervise and perfcrm skilled work within area of assignment. Nork effectively without inmediate supervision. Perform heavy irianual 1 abor. Understand and carry out oral and written directions. Experience and Education Any conibination equivalent to experience and education that could 1 i kely provide the required ktiowledge and abi 1 i ties would be qualifying. typical way to obtain the know7edgc and abilities would bc three years of experience in construction and maintenance work, including some experience and training in the operation of heavy power equipment such as graders, tractors and rollers, and at least two years experience performing duties similar to those of the Street blaintenance h!orker II c72ss. Flecessary Speci -.- a1 Requirement Possession of a Class 1 California driver's license. A c 1 I i I i i i E I i