HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; 5948; Health Systems Agency nominations5 initial: De$ (. €id -c c, Atty, m LI'iY vi.. uPlItLsi;llu oq * AGFMDA B1LL i.IO p 4- 9 \ 13" ill!Ja r E? : ALJGUST 7, 1979 DEPARTPIE3U'T : CITY NANAGER c * Mgr . S1-!b-j cct r -. _.-___.-- NOMINATIONS TO HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY 0% SAN DIEGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES-. S-tzkicrcent of the Matter --- '!he Health Systems Agency of San Diego and Imperial Counties wi designated by the DepartmeRt of I-Iealth, Education, and Welr'are as a public regional health,planning body. This organization provides a .forum to disciss. health issues ar,d needs. Functionl L L~~~ h a '&SA is involved in health planning, implementation, and pri r-eview on designated health care projects. The HSA governing body is comprised of 30 voluntsers. ,- A major are citizens at large and the remainder are ''p~,3-z =xrr- sf &a care - There is a vacancy in the citizens at large.. cpts,cry and it . is the inter,t of the board to fill this vacailcy xitk an elicte official r'rorn a srnall community. The names of txo norniness ar to be submitted for the position on the forms provided. Final.appointment$ will be made by the HSA Governing Boa.rd.f ba on recommenda-kionk 02 the Nominating Committee ZEC the Governi Body,, - .. Exh I b i t s --- .- .. Lztter from Health Systems Agency dated July 18, 1979, 2.2 c OX~ '=? n da t ion .By minute notion noreinate two Council members for the positiorj citizen at large, Council Action: 8-7-79 Council took no action. .. e e P F July 18, 1979 The Honorable Ron Packard Nayor of the City of Carlsbad 1209 Elm Ave Carl sbad CA 92008 Dear Mayor Packard : In September, 1976, the Health Systems Agency (HSA) of San Diego and Imperial Counties was designated by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare as a public regional health planning body. The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum in which health issues and health needs can be discusset is involved in health planning, implementation, and project review and commen- on designated health care projects. Of the thirty volunteers who comprise the HSA Governing Body, a majority are "consumers1' (citizens at large) of health care, and the remainder are "pro- viders" (health professionals) of health care. Currently we have a vacancy in a consumer position tnat is designated tG represent Non-Metropolitan Publil Officials; it is the intent of the Governing Board that this category will be filled by an elected official Prom a small community. Therefore, we are re- questifig that each such comunity submit two nominations for the pcsition. Final appoiiitments io the Governing Body will be made by the HSA Governing Eo (five elected officials), based on recommendations of the Nominating Committe and the Governiilg Body. We woul d appreci ate your compl eti ng the enclosed norci nati ng forms and retwni i them to the Health Systems Agency by September 7, 1979. If you have any questiom regarding the nominating process, please do not hes' tate to contact Jim Hamilton at (714) 297-4721. Si ncere'iy 5 and possible solutions to these matters brought forth, Functional ly, the HSA HSA Nominating Committee DJ:apt 2831 CAMIN0 DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 204 / SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 714 1297-4721 NAME First Mi ddl e Last RES ID ENCE ADDRESS Number Street City Zi p Have yoc ever served as a If yes, please indicate which SAG Have you ever served as a member of any of the HSA Committees? please indicate which Comi ttee and Dates of Service, From To Federal law requires that the Governing Body of a Health Systems Agency be bruarl representative of the social, linguistic, economic and racia? groups in the Agency's health service area. It would be helpful if you would provide the foll ing information, but it is not mandatory. (CHECK ONE IN EACH GROUP) - AGE FAMILY INCOME LEVEL RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP - 18-34 - Under $7 0,000 - American Indian/Alaskan Nati $lO,OQO ta - $75,000 to ber of an HSA Subarea Adviso Council (SAC)? and Dates of Service, !P From To - - a If yes . 35-44 65 and over Asian/ Paci f i c Is 1 ander Black Caucasian/Mhi te Mexi can-her' can/% spani c - 45-64 $7 4,999 - - - $24,999 Over 925,000 Decline - - - s EX MALE FENALE AREA OF IlTEREST (Please comment on your concerns aid interest in hea7th issues and what improvements or changes in the health care- system that you feel are neec Please be specific. Attach one additional page if necessary. -- - -- The HSA is attempting to improve its community outreacb efforts. How would you increase the awareness and participation of the constituencies you represent? - Please be specific. 1 - 8 *, a @ 1 !hat experience or medical knowledge can you contribute to the work of tbe Hei Systems Agency Governing Body? Please be specific and make comments in each ( fol 7 owi ng areas : A. Health planning D. Health economics C. Legislative process (P1 ease attach an add: ti onal page if necessary. ) 8. Community development E. Other PROFESSIONAL Ah!D VOLUNTEER AFFILIATIONS ROLE (NEYBER, OFFICER, FROM -- M FREQUENCY OF ORGANIZATION SPECIAL AWARDS, ET C. ) (!do. /YEAR) MEETINGS Please provide a statement of your occupational experience. The HSP Governing Body usually meets on the fourth Friday of every month in afternoon and rnernbers often spend several hours reviewing materials in prepa for each meeting. Additionally, members are also asked. to serve on committe meet monthly. In general y a body member spends 70 to 15 hours a month to fu their duties. Can you commit this amount of your time for this public semi Signature Date LC Please return completed form to Health Systems Agency of San Diego and Imper Counties, 2831 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 204, San Diego, California 92108