HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-21; City Council; 3648-5; Revised RAQS Transportation Control Requirements` CITY OF CARLSBAD • .Initial �G� AGENDA BILL N0: 3648, Supplement 5 Dept. Hd.� DATE: August 21, 1979 Cty. Atty��-_ Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: " IMPLEMENTATION OF REVISED RAQS TRANSPORTATION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS Statement of_ the Matter On February,2,•1979, the City Council adopted Resolution 5668, the Revised RAQS commitments to implement transportation control ' measures. In addition the Council requested•an update report on ; the progress in six months. Attached is the update as prepared by the City Engineer.. It appears we generally have made progres's'on most of these tactics. However, others such as expanded ride -sharing programs have,not been fully implemented. We will look into this more fully in the 'hear future. - Exhibits Memo from City Engineer dated August 7, 1979 Resolution 5668, with Attachment A, Attachment B Recommendation • No action required. Council Action: Dduncil directed staff to return in 6 months with an additiondl report on the matter. :i i • • Z MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Director FROM: City Engineer DATE: August 15, 1979 SUBJECT: PROGRESS REPORT ON RAQS COMMITMENTS I have reviewed the comni.tments made by the City Council in adopting Resolution No. 5668 and offer the following comments: Tactic T-2 Expanded Ridesharing 1. The City agreed to designate a ridesharing coordinator, actively promote ridesharing among employees and allow flexible working hours where necessary to accommodate ridesharing. A Commuter Computer survey has been taken and a ridesharing coordinator has been designated. 2. The City agreed to promote ridesharing programs to private employers and to consider adoption of an ordinance requiring employers to establish a ridesharing program and provide incentives for th�,ir employees to ride -- share. Further study remains to be done on this tactic. Tactic T-5 Expanded Transit 1. The City agreed to work with transit operators to identify areas of on -street parking and traffic congestion which adversely affect transit operations and bicycle use and eliminate on -street parking in areas where it is found to be detrimental to transit and bicycling. No on -street parking has been eliminated in the past six months. However, last summer an extensive coor- ination project with NCTD established 125 signed bus stops and no parking zones at 49 locations. 2. The Council agreed to provide incentives for their employees to use public transit for home -to -work trips by July, 1979. The Manager has authorized flexible work hours to fit bus schedules. Tactic T-7 Encourage Bicycle Travel 1 The City has made a commitment to establishing bicycle facilities. Recently the striping and signing of a bicycle path on La Costa Boulevard was completed, contracts were let for the C ,isbad Boulevard Bikeway and plans are nearing completion for the widening of Marron Road to accommodate a bicycle path. 2. The City has agreed to adopt a commuter bicycle program for its employees including designation of a bicycle coordinator, promoting commuter bicycling among employees and providing secure bicycle parking. The program is to be implemented by September, 1979. Thus far, the City has been active in distributing the CPO brochure "Commute by Bicycle," but has not really developed a commuter bicycle program. The City has surveyed all its employees in a bicycling questionnaire. -2- Planning Director August 15, 1979 Tactic_T-14 Traffic Flow Improvements 1. The City agreed to undertake traffic engineering improvements on appropri- ate major streets to relieve identified points of congestion. The City has made considerable effort to improve the traffic congestion problems in the vicinity of the,Plaza Camino Real. A new signal on Marron Road, improvement and interconnection of the E1 Camino Real signals and widening of the CALTRANS bridge over the freeway are all scheduled for completion this year'. 2. The City has a continuing program of adding new signals and upgrading old ones. Signals at Elm and Carlsbad Boulevard were upgraded to include East/ West split phasing, and signals at E1 Camino Real and Hosp Way have been installed. Signals at E1 Camino Real and Alga, E1 Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road, Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte and Elm and Pio Pico are scbeduled for installation during the next fiscal year. 3. The parking lot at Plaza Camino Real is in the process of being redesigned with driveways being consolidated and traffic being rechannelized. New sidewalks for safer pedestrian movements are also being provided. Tactic T-27 The City has agreed to encourage the pedestrian mode by incorporating pedestrian system improvements in all feasible public work and private projects. The City has taken a strong position on requiring sidewalks as part of all development. The City also completed the installation of an asphalt walkway along Chestnut Avenue during the past year. LE:mmt l RESOLUTION N0: 5668 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE REVISED REGIONAL AIR QUALITY 3 STRATEGY COMMITMENTS TO IMPLEMENT TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES 4 WHEREAS, all local jurisdictions within the San Diego Region reviewed the 5 proposed Revised Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) in September and October, 6 1978; and 7 WHEREAS, the Comprel:nsive Planning Organization (CPO) and the Air Pol-• 8 lotion Control Board (APCB -County Board of Supervisors) adopted the Revised 9 RAQS in October, 1978, and approved it for submittal to the State Air Resources 10 Board as the San Diego region's portions of the State implemantation Plan for air quality; and 12 WHEREAS, the CPO has recommended that the cities of the San Diego region, 13 County of San Diego, transit operators, the Neiropolitan Transit Development 14 Board, Commuter Computer, CALTRANS, and the California Transportation Commission, 15 commit to the actions required to implement the transportation control measures x6 as specified in Attachment A; and •17 WHEREAS, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 require development and 18 expeditious implementation of all reasonably available transportation control 19 measures by jurisdictions with the appropriate authority; and 20 WHEREAS, the Revised RAQS contains reasonably available transportation 21 control measures to be implemented beginning in 1978, and provides for the 22 analyses and possible demonstration by CPO of other back-up transportation mea- 23 sures; and 24 WHEREAS, the Revised RAQS contains fixed and mobile source technical con- 25 trots, as well as tra-isDortation controls, that will allow the region to achieve 26 healthy air quality and avoic Federal sanctions with the least cost and disrup- ` 27 tion to the economy and standard of living of the region; and 28 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 3915 on June 1, 1976 ;i I i 4h`' ~ , n(:r•t�' � t .. �.!.�" -.� 44i.`"� • •, . . � 3r • /- :'}�.4 �•:� • 1 the implementation program for the transportation measures contained in the j x 2 original RAQS adopted in 1976, which form the basis for the commitments in Attachment A; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad hold a public hearing on April 18, 1978 and 5 adopted Resolution No. 5372 for the commitments to implement air quality trans- 6 portation control measures; 7 NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the. City of Carlsbad adopts the conKnit- B ments to implement the Revised RAQS transportation 4ontrol measures as sched- _ r9 uled and delineated in Attachment A; and I 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad adopts the resource 11 commitments of staff time and funding as delineates' in Attachment B to carry -12 out the implementation•of the transportation control measures. i 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 1 14 A California, at a regular meeting held the day of � 1979, I 3,5' by the following vote, to wit: l ' 16 AYES: i ! 17 NOES: i .18 ABSENT: , i= • 19 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 20 21 ATTEST: 22 �I I 4 23 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN?, City Clerk 24 25 (SEAL) ' 26 1 - 27 Up 28 ' `ate, ,�` .. -, , . , ;� . ,"q��g� • 'At'=`'�'s�+;^!,`'�`^i;���r,'l��t�•'ata••ri,f,�+•per;.�.�;i5t���r."."c:"_',,:.y`y:„ '. ;' -i�� •.i., `.+ r`At' I ,w -2- • ATTACHMENT A REVISED SAN DIEGU REGIONA?. AIR QUALITY ZTRATEGY . COMMITMENTS TO IMPLEMENT' TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES I. LOCAL JURISDICTIONS IMPIEMENT.ATION SCHBDULE `- Tactic T-2 Expanded Ridesharing ; 1. Adopt a ridesharing program for jurisdiction July, 1979 employees. The program should include actions which are appropriate for each jurisdiction from the �r following list: .. •a. Designate a ridesharing coordinator. b. Actively promote ridesharing among employees. C. Al,ow flexible working hours where necessary , to accommodate ridesharing. d.=-P�rovide-free-parking far-ridesharers.N/A Parking is w freafor al e.-Eliminate.-subsidized parking-fGr iaoa-ri.des�harers. N/t•� 1 y employees, { 2. Promote voluntary• ridesharing program to private CONTINUOUS - employers within the jurisdiction. ' a_ Distribute ridesharing program information. b. , `Assist in setting up new programs. c.-Provide incentives -for vmployers'1.o establish- (This tactic capnot ridesharing•programs (e.-g: reduced require-McRoldtl id ed unt ments for•clevelcped-o sit 'parking) u *E' 9: Consider adoption of an ordinance proposed by CPO 1979-80 fiscal yea to require that employers establish a ridesharing program and provide incentives for their employees ' s to rideshare. (April -July 1979) t Tactic T-5 Expanded Transit CONTINUOUS 1. Work with transit operators to identify areas of on - street parking and traffic congestion which adversely affect transit operations and bicycle use. ' 2. Where warranted, eliminate on -street parking in areas CONTINUOUS where it is agreed to•be-detrimental to transit and - bicycling. , ~��� •�'- i� '��' ` �'t 4r,�� #,"�:.+slf`,,.b-'a}.�"Cc:� x•;;a;.'.7t.fitC:�"''.�7Li.1�. i , Revised San Diego Regional Air Quality Strategy t Page 2. I: LOCAL, JURISDICTION'S IMPLEMII`ITATIOis;• SC11EDULI_': Tactic T-5 Expanded Transit (cont'd.) XI�3R�IkiCU1C - 3. Undertake traffic engineering improvements on CONTINUOUS appropriate major streets to relieve identified points of congestion. (TIP -Table 5-3) 4. ` Cooperate in developing park -and -ride facilities +I contained in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and proposed through future revisions to the VV� Transportation System Management Element MIME). (TIP - Table 5-3) " 5. Provide incentives for jurisdictions' employees to use July, 'i979 public transit for home -to -work trips (e. g., fare reimbursement and/flexible work hours where necessary). or,. j( • i Tactic rT-7 Encourage Bicycle Travel 1. Commit to establishing the bicycling facilities CONTINUOUS � identified in the TIP (TIP - Table 1-3, 5-11) contingent on the availability of adequate funding. { 2. Adopt a commuter bicycle program for jurisdic' ion September, 1979 employees. The program should include actiona which are appropriate for each jurisdiction from the following list: a. Designate a bicycle coordinator. • • b. Actively promote commuter bicycling among employees. • c. Proyide free, secure bicycle parking.,, , d. Provide showers and locker rooms for bicycle commuters. (To be included only as part of new facilites as funding is available) 3. Include bicycles in the jurisdictions' vehicle fleet 1979-80 (f i sca Iyear for use on short trips, where warranted. (bicycles must. be pur•chaset I 4. Promote voluntary commuter bicycle programs to CONTINUOUS private employers within the jurisdiction. 6 r j Tactic T-14 Traffic •Plow-�Improvements k� , ., r, f Identify, and undertake the following improvements where _ CONTINUOUS ; ; appropriate to smooth traffieAlows and, maintain travel speeds ;(see, Attachmont,!B;�_ "A. 3 at current levels;' (TIP -"Table 5-3) for• funding) '`' Attachment A Revised San Diego Regional Air Quality Strategy Page 3 r I. LOCAL JURISDICTIONS IMPLEMENTATION " SCHEDULE.. Tactic T-14 Traffic Flow Improvements (cont'd. ) 1. Install computerized traffic control systems. ' 2. Convert from "time" to "traffic" actuated signals. ' 3. Replace "stop" signs with "yield" signs vrhere con- •sistent with public safety considerations. 4. Channelization of vehicles. ' S. One-way streets. 6. Tutn pockets separate from through lanes. 7.. Parking restrictions. 8.- Off-street loading. - Tactic T-27 Encourage Pedestrian Mode CONTINUOUS 1. Incorporate pedestrian system improvements in all ' feasible public work projects and encourage them in all feasible pz•ivate projects. Tactic T-28 Ex arded Interurban Bus and Rail _ AI/A-no - s pr 1 nas� _ngT- - train strops are planne 1. -Provide intermodal transportation -terminals to - for Carlsbad at this -ccrordinate-rail; bns, =4transit •serviee-where- time. , -needed: Process=T-1 (modified) Process for Coordinated Land j Use and Transportation Actions . 1. Continue to participate in the biennial Regional Growth CONTINUOUS Forecasting process. 2. Refer proposed general and community plans or plan CONTINUOUS ' amendments which are inccnsistent with the location and timing of development in the current Regional Growth Forecasts to the CPO Board of Iiirectors for review and recommendations regarding consistency with process T-1 (modified), and the Revised RAQS. 3. Consider adopting project level measures to facilitate (when provided by the use of transit, ridesharing, bicycles, and Nvalking. CPO; also included -` 6nTePTA1,1y) s Tactic F-4 Fugitive- Dust, Unpaved Roads 1980, *F "• „ 1. Participate in process with CPO and the APCD to designate s'eIed�ed unpaved roads•.tobe chip -sealed beginning in 1980. �' ATTACH13 - REVISED SAN DIEGO REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STRATEGY - - • RESOURCE COMMITMENTS TO rMPLENIEDNT • TRANSPORTATIOj`7 CONTROL MEASURES _ r; - Resource Commitments Fiscal.Year 3978-79 • . . • Tactic Title Staff -months Xui1X�CIS1- X Y s T-2 Expanded Ridesha.ring 3 staff 'fiima only'. ' T-5 Expanded Transit 3 ' staff time onl : T-7 Encourage Bicycle Travel 6 ' k�•233 • 8,000 T-I4 Traffic Flout Improveinents 9, 1 S i gna i - ECR 8 Hosp Way `$ 50, 000 f 2. Signal - ECR Alya, Dove• '3. Sfreet ov*erl ays 9$,000 _ a. Marron Road e17.5, 000 •100,000• 5 r, T-27 Encourage. Pedestrian Mode - _• '7 4 1. Chestnut Avenue walkway $ 000 T-28 Expanded Interurban Bus and Rail. ----- Process T-1 (modified) Process for 2 staff time only E Coordinated Land Use and Transpor- tation Actions , F • • • ..Y;lt rI. „�y,^% •TJ. „y § kM tiyti,: e��C,.#Yia �;° i A•J^•!• 9 ♦ ♦t•i+•t ,kP �G. j,l i�• 'M "iitii�2li*i "tw'�lYt7;,5`Y[Yi�}' v t1,�.� M�4^��i ♦ a�+...0 Vt 'Y '� F-_Fugitive bust, Vnpa�ved Roads £`