HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-21; City Council; 5182-8; CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BIKEWAY PROJECT ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTSr . e * CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial - : DATE : August 21, 1979 c. Atty AGENDA BILL NO. 5182 Supplement No. 8 q+ Dept. Head DEPARTMENT : Engineering C. Mgr. SUBJECT: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BIKEWAY PROJECT ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS STATEMENT OF THE MATTER At their March 6, 1979 meeting, the City Council approved plans and specifications for the widening of Carlsbad Boulevard to accommodate a bicycle route. The project also included revising of curb lines at intersections to provide for safer turning move ments. This revision and the requirement for wheelchair access ramps necessitated the acquisition of eleven small "corner cut-o parcels of property. Accordingly, the City engaged an appraiser to negotiate the purchase of the "corner cut-offs." Easements fi seven of the eleven parcels have now been received. The appraisl recommends acceptance of the seven easements and payment of cons eration as follows: Parcel 1 Civalleri $1635. Parcel 3 McDonald $1165. Parcel 5 Henon/ Edwards $1236. Parcel 7 Monroy $1300. Parcel 8 Watson $1375. Parcel 9 Chen $ 900. Parcel 10 Mason $1163. Funds for the payment of consideration have been appropriated by Council and are included in the budgeted amount for the Bikeway Project. EXHIBITS A. Resolution No.flpp$ Accepting Grand Deed from Civalleri B. Resolution No. -<9 08 Accepting an Easement from McDonald C. Resolution No. \790~ Accepting an Easement from Henon/Edwai D. Resolution No. .q 9 a~ Accepting an Easement from Monroy E. Resolution No. 59 o3 Accepting an Easement from Watson F. G. Resolution No. 59osAccepting an Easement from Mason H. Resolution No. ~-9~4, Authorizing Payment of Consideration j Resolution No. ,9qQf'Accepting an Easement from Chen various Easements and a Grant Deed. RECOMMENDATION If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No'sdp9Y , 5900 , & 5702 9 67'03 3 57ad78 9 \5"?OS., and S?O$,. 0 0 AGENDA BILL NO. 5182 - Supplement #8 Page 2 Council Action: 8-21-79 Council adopted Resolution No. 5899, accepting a grant deed from Joe and Charlotte L. Civalleri for street purposes; adopted Resolution 5900, accepting an easement for real property from Donald and Maxine MacDonald for street purpose adopted Resolution 5901, accepting an easement for real property from Dan and Helen Henon, and Chandler B. and Betty P. Edwards for street purposes; adopted Resolution 5902, accepting an easement for real property from Mario R. and Marjorie A. Monroy for street pur adopted Resolution 5903, accepting an easement for real property from Robert L. and Marjorie L. Watson for street pi adopted Resolution 5904, accepting an easement for real pror from David W, and Rose H, Chen for street purposes; adopted Resolution 5905, accepting an easement for real property from John and Dorothy Mason for street purposes; and adopted Resolution 5906, authorizing payment of consider for various easements and a grant deed. 2 A RZSOLUTSO?~? OF TIIE CITY COU??";CL OF THE CITY cr c;\E$s jj[\]), cfi;!:rQW i,A, ACCET3!II'.iG A G RjjP{'.j' DEED FKOi", JOE AND Clm0T-E L . cI~~~~1~I __---I 4- 3~ *I 61 4 51 17 8 9 3-0 11 STEET FJURl~~SES - -. FU!i - _- c_ Joe and Charlotte L. Civalleri has subn r;tHE?.EAS , - c_I- i--------- .. to 1 Grant Ileecl conveying City of Carlsbad for an easement L ; sa.ic -I_ street purposes I ! is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is inccrpori I ~ reference herein; and I ! i 1 detem,ined. it to be in the public interest to zccept Sai.d WKEXEAS, the City Counc~.l of thc City of CarLsbad ha >-u k 0 18 'I 3-9 io 2f 23 22 24 25 26 2 r?, 20 ! I origir,al Deed to b;-? recorded in the Office of the County ! j of 3:an Diego Coullty, State of dalifornia, with the appro? 1 I I Certificate of Acceptance zttached. PASSED, APPxO~~~i3 AXE ADOPTED at a regular meeting o 3. r 1 Carlshad City Council held on tkieua day of ~,,~~f the following vote, to wit: AYES: ' Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear and Counci lwoman Ca.sl er NOES :, None AUSENT: Councilman Lewis ______- I ... pJt!LJaL -____- p+ 9 * I j Az;L d&m ..- p . +.+$-;,,, , ,,-,.;..-:, ,; r, ; ,%?g-r 3. 2 3 i 4 KESOLUTIOS x0 5900 - A RESOLUTTON OF THE CI'I'Y COU?I;CIL OF THE CITY OF CATU,SBnD , CAtlFORFJTA, ACCEPTiIJG AN EASEF1EYI' PO2 REAL PROPEkTY f;F.OFi FOR ST!!EE'T PUR?OLES. - -- DOMAL9 AND 14'IXINE MacDONALD -- DONALT) .4SD MAXINE Nac9ONALD has 1 -~ IhJHEREAS, - I 51 an E2Seri.cnt for Real Pro?erty to the City of Carlsbzd fsr s 6 and is inccrporated by reference herein; and \ f 9 20 31 32 13 I dctermined it to be in the public interest to accept said F NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Sy the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: I 1. That the above recitations are trce and correc'i. 2. ThaL the Easement conveying real property to t!;e '14 15 16 of Carlsbad for street purposes, is hereby accepted. 3.. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cause original Easemsnt to be recorded in the Office of the Count (1 "'1 Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, With th< 28 2-29 20 21 22 , 23 24 25 26 271 26 appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting af [ 1 Carlsbad City Council held on the 7isj--day of August 5 I! i the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Ancar and Councilwoman Cas1 er NOES : i\ione ABSENT: CounciIman ~gwis A[ E&2d&<LlR RONALD C . PACKARD 5 M3yo.r ATTEST: ~1,~~~Ii~ 0&8X&- 1,. i,r\il,~~:~~~~~~~~~ 1 ISEAL) 2 3 44 . 5 61 I/ 7 I I ..9 20 3.2. 3.2 23 . 54 CITY OF CAI!I.,SCljliI, C!\LIFCi~X1i\, ACCEPTIXG AN EASE><EN T YOR !tEi’\L pRC!I)E!\TY Fi?g.kI DAN AND FIEI!EN EEXOTd, AA>!D CI-!A>!.’DSER B&J mTY- 1’. ED\‘!i‘‘.XDS, FOR STREST ~UR~GSFS, _I- __________________-- --- DAN AiJD HELEN I-;ENON ANI) CHA?4;!DSER 3. AHD BETTY I>. zi)lqp&jns ?ias x-l- R vni,nl;lzs, - -_I - an Zasenient for ~cal Property to t?:~ Cit)r of Car3.~52d for s burposc2s; sgiid- Easerr,ent is on file in tj;~ Ofiice of the Cit and is incorporated by referelrce he-reix; 2nd WE!’;E.4S, :he City Covxcil of the City of Carl.sbad his .est eo accept said E: NOW, THEREFO?,E, BE IT RESOLY”S3 by the City Council o! Cetermiln2d it ts be in the public Inte- : . City of Carlsbsd, CalifGI-nla, as follows: 1. 2, ‘fhat the above recitations are true and correct. That the Easement ccnveying real property to the -- of Carlsbad Eor street puqoses; is he-t-eby accepted. 3.‘ That *the City Clerk is hereby authorized to caw I 15 x6 original Easement to be recorded in the Office of the Ccun J7 18 19 20 Recoxder of San Diego County, State of Calilorniz, with 13 appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. FASSED, APPRO?’ED AND AD0PTE.D at a regular meeting of 3 y Cnrlsbad City Council held on ‘the 21 st day of ~~~~t. 22 22 23 24 25 %G 27 28 the fcllowing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, ,4near and , Councilwoman Cas1 el- .*--. ,/--- NOES : ABSENT: Councilman Lewis N o n e / ”” &x< /J(/Jz----@-&/ P( * fiONALlj C . I’ACKAR11 , hlayo 7 ATTEST:. .e , - w LE’J’li.4 -_c_ L. f%62uz2z&gzz l<i’‘~I‘l~~~i~~l~~ , City I IIESSOLUTICN XO. 5902 I $j 4 FOR STREET ?LITrl'OSI:S. 7 6 '1 8l 9 10 3-3. 1 121 3-25 ZII Easement for Real Property to the City of Carlsbad for st purposes; said Easement is on file in the Office oi the City and is incorporated by reference herein; and 'I!THEREf\S, the City Ccuncil of the City cf Carlsbad has deterr~ined it to be in the public interest to accept said 2: NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follo:.js: 1, That the above recitations are true 2nd correct- 2. That The Easement conveying real property to the ' 3.4 . 2.5 16 of Carlsbad for street pur?oses, is hereby accepted. 3.. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cavsc original Easement to be recorded in the Office of the Coun. 17 28 IRecorder of San Diego County, State of California, with thc appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. l9 20 21 . 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular rnecting of 4 I Carlsbad City Council held on the 21stday of AUqUst the foll-owing vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen- Packard, Skotnicki, Anear and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lewis /- dYbt F7 A- &p&+ RONALD C . PACKARl), Mayo.r ATTEST: Ua AIAE'~IIil I,, RAU'lI;b4 /.d$ .iL!&~~~ ; 1 2 3 RESOl,r;TZON ?IO. 5903 I A IlESOLUTI0K OF TIiE CI'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAIlLSBAP, CAEIFOR?iXA, ACCEPTING Ah' EASEMEW FOR ilEAI, I:XOI'ERTY FROM ROBERT L. AND MARJO2IE L. !'?ATSON FOR STF,EE'T PURP(3SE,S . _____I-p ~__ i 4 I . 5 6 '7 81 9 10 3.2. 12 13 2.4 I5 96 27 X8 2.9 ROBERT L. AYD TVUIRJORTE L . WATSON has I__- NMERZAS, - an Easement for Real Property to the City of Carlsbad for s purposes;-said Easement is 011 file in the Office of the Cit and is incorporated by reference herein; and WEREAS, the City Comcil of the City of Carlsbad has deterinirled it to be in the public interest tc7 accept said € NON, THEREFORE, 3% IT RESOLVED by the City Cour^cil 0; City o€ Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2, That the above recitations a. are true and correct. That the Easement conveying real property to the of Carlsbad foi- street purposes, is hereby accepted. 3. Th'at the City Clerk is hereby atzthorized to causc original Easement to bs recorded in the Office of the Coun. Recorder of San Diego ~cunty, State of California, with thc appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of I iO\ 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 9 Carlsbad City Collncil held on the 7iSt day cf- August the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear and Councilwoman Cas1 e?- NOES : None ABSENT: Councilman Lewis&// .- -7 d/NE~w, ?-c--w- RONALD C . PACKAIW, Mayor ATTEST: i 1 I n &4 3 3 fI 0 RESOL~Y~03 NO, 593ft -- - 0 A RESOLIJTTCN OF Tlif;, CITY CCUNC:I, OF THE CIlY OF C-~,:.ilLSBAD, CALPFOR>~IA, ACCEPTIKG AX EASY4ENT €;OK REAL P2OPERTY FRO4 DAVID I'J- AX3 ROSE H ISYEN ---____I-- ~--~- FOR STREET PIIKFOSES. - --- - .9 3.0 3.1 determined it to be in the public interest to accept sai6 E XOW, THEiZEFOXE, BE fT RESOLVED by the City Council of City cf Carlsbsd, California, as follows: X? I 13 14 3-5 I a'? 3.8 V!!IIE33LS, tkLe City Ccuncil gf the City cf Carlsbali f1u 1, That the aboiie recjtations are true and correct. 2. That the Easement conveyirig real property to t;ie -. -. of Carlsbad for street PurPoses, is hereby accepted. 3, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cause IG.origina1 Easement to be recorded in the Office of the Count Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, with the appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '1 PASSED, APPROVED AND A30PTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 2lstday- of Atrqust -~ 9 19 the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Atiear and Councilwoman Cas1 er NOES: None ABSENT: None && l;(ktgL/ RONALD C. PACKRRL), Mayor ATTEST:. L!ii&&R ALL'YIi.4 I,. R*4Gt;l:NK&-*p- (SEAL) ---__ KESCi,!J'T1:03 NL?. 5905 6 7 G m Ezsexicnt fsr Real Property to the City Gf Carlsbad for s Ipurposes; said EasemeRt is on file in the Office of the Cit and. is incorporated by reference herein; 2nd WHEREAS, the City Council. of the City af C.zrisbaG hes 9' determined it to be In the public interest to accept said E 3.1 3.2 13 'I , City cf Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. Tha.t the Esrsement conveying real property to the 16 1'7 18 19 origins1 Easement to be recorded in the Office of the Coml Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, with thc appropriate Certificate of Acce?tance attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 20 'i .21 22 23 24 25 Carlsbad City Council held on the 21stda'j of st r 1' the foilowing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear and Councilwoman Casler NOES : None ABSENT : . c o u n c i 1 ma n Le w i sfl~/K F / L?-+5z,~7/ L:~~ 1 RONALD C. YACKAIID, M3yor 27/ 2 8 I &2&-& ii L 1: '1' I i i'i L . itth. LI?' 1; 1.j i~Ti + >d , ti<=gx f ST: A T .I .J 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 7i 8' 9 3.0 2.1 12 13 14 I 15 16- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 REsoLU'rIoY NO. 5906 0 --- A RESOL~IOY OF YE crTy COTXCIL OF TCE CITY OF CAIUSEAD, CALIFORKI-4 iZlITH9RIZING PAYTEW OF CONSID- ERATION FOR VARIOUS EfiEXEhTS Ah9 A GRANT DEE9 IIWREXS, the City Couxil of the City of Carlsbad has approved 1 acquisitim of right-of-way to accomidate the widening of Carlsbad Bo1 from Taiiarack Avenue to Eh AXY~E; and M-IEREAS, appraisals have been n:ade for the eleven pai.ce1-s of prr which are necessary for the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the City Comcil has detcnriined it ts be in the public interest to acquirz said rigTLts-of-way and authorize payment of consjdi NOd, TEREFOP.E, BE IT RES3LVED by the City Council, of the CiZy Carlsbad, California as follo~is : 1. That the zbove recitations are true and correct; 2. That the Finmce Director is authorized to nake paynent of consideration to the following parties jn the folkwing momts: 1. Joe and Charlot'te L. Civalleri - Considexation $i635. 2. Danald and Maxine McEonald - Consideration $1165. 3. Dan and Helen Henor, and Chandler B. ad Betty P. Edwards, es The consideration of $1236 is to be 1 an undivided one-half interest. on the basis of $618 to each party. 4. Mario R. and hlarjorie A. Monroy - Consideration $1300. 5. Robert L. and hhrjorie L. Watson - Consideration $1575. 6. David W. and iiose €3. Chen - Consideration $900. 7. John and Dorothy Mason - Consideration $1163. xxx XXX XXX XXY m * -1 2l L 3 I I PASSED, APPROVE13 AND ATWIXD at a re-plar meetj.ng of the: Ca-lsba City Comcil lizld an the 21 st day of Auqu st , 19~ by tlie foilowi vote, to wit: / 51 6' 7 81 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 2.8 19 I 21 2o i 22 23 24 i 25 Councilwoman Casler Tms : NGne ABSErn: Counci lman Lewis ,/----J // ,.( &L&,fG&d/.\ '// *..2 /G>dY Ad- //d ~ -------_I_ ROWD 6. PACUWI, Flayor ATEST: - AL,E'I'ffi L. .3AElT2KRA\i, A. 9&z-q Ci'cy 1 Cler & (SEAL) . a. 4 I 26 27 28 I