HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-21; City Council; 5972; Posting of Gasoline Prices- - CITY OF CARLSBAD I *.- AGENDA BILL NO. DATE : . AUGUST 21.1979 DEPARTMENT: City' Manager & Initial : Dept . €Id. C . Att y .v C. Mgr. d, POSTING OF GASOLINE PRICES Sub j ect : .. Statement of the Matter Councilman Anear has asked the Council to consider an ordinance requiring service stations to post their gasoline prices in a conspicuous place, not just at the pumps. The Federal Government and San Diego County regulations do not make this a requirement, however, Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County do have such an ordinance. Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County Ordinances. .... Council Action: 8-21-79 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance requiring service stations in the City of Carlsbad to post their prices and types of gas available in a conspicuous .. place, other than at the pumps. I .. . .. c ORDINANCE NO. 10,846 An ordinance requiring every person selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel to immediately post a sign indicating the price of each grade of such gasoline or fuel and prohibiting any such person from advertising products which are not imme- diately available for sale, declaring the urgency thereof and that this ordinance shall take immediate effect. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles do SECTION 1. Every person, firm, copartnership, association, ordain as follows: 8 n or corporation offering for sale or selling any gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel to the public from any place of business in the unincorporated area of the County of Los Angeles shall ,post or display a sign which is clearly visible from any street or highwaysdjacenf3Qsuch place of business, and which indi- cates the- actual price _per galron, including all taxes, at which-- aach qrade of gasoline or other motor vehi2le fuel is currently being offered for sale or sold. 1 or corporation shall advertise, either in connection with the . L sign required by Section 1 of this ordinance or otherwise, any grade of gasoline, motor fuel, or other similar product which is not iwediately available for sale to the public on the business premises. I SECTION 2. No person, firm, copartnership, association, l I \ SECTION 3. Any sign posted or displayed pursuant to Section 1 of this ordinance shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of Article 8 of Chapter 7 of Division 8(Sections 20880, et seq.) of the California Business and Professions Code. SECTION 4. As a part of the energy crisis, there is a shortage of gasoline and other motor vehicle fuel and prices have risen dramatically. Elotorists are often forced to wait in lines for long periods of time before reaching fuel pumps at service stations, consuming scarce fuel in the process. If. fuel prices are not conspicuously posted so that they are visible from the street, motorists may be misled, and may not wish to,pay the fuel prices.being charged even after waiting in vance, additional time, money and fuel will be wasted. - -& >he. In addition, stations often run out of one or more grades / of gasoline. If motorists have no way of knowing this in ad- If this ordinance does not take immediate effect, the public will suffer great inconvenience and expense, and valua- ble fuel resources will be lost. By reason of the foregoing facts this ordinance is urgently required for the immediat preservation of the public peace, health, and safety and thf same shall take effect immediately upon the passage thereof. d I , P ORDINANCE NO. uc ..i" =, -2 ? An ordinance mending the Loa Argeles Municipal Code I by adding Section 18.16 thereto requiriw the posting of prices of motor vehicle fuels and includin8 thc thereof. THE F'EOPLE OF THE CITY OF LOS AIGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: .Section 1. The Los Angeles Municipal urgency Corlc is hrreby a-.cnded by adding Section 28.16 thereto, snid section to rend as follows: (a) Wery perron, Tim, partnership, association, trustee, or Forporntion which owns, opcratcs, mnnnacs, leasec or wntn a garolSne servlcc atatlon or other fnrlllty offered Tor sale, selllna or othrmiso dinpcnslng pasoline Or Other motor vehicle fuel to the puhlir from such a facility abutting or adjwent to n ntrret or hiehway shell post or c8use to be posted or dlsplnyed an9 maintain at sa14 premises at least one sign, banner or other adverttsing medium which is clearly visible from nll traffic laner'ln each direction on such street or hi#hway. Fach 8.14 elan, banner or other advertising medium shall be readablt from said trafflc lanes and shall indicate thereon the actual price per gallon, lncludlng -all taxes, at which each grade OT gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel irr currently being offered for sale, sold or othenriro dispensed, If at all, at said facility on said dote. (h)' Ilo pernon, fim, gartnerahip, association, trurtet, or corporation aich ami, operates, manages, leaces or rents a eanoline aervice station or other Tacility offere6 Tor sale, selling or otherwise dispensing (Insaline or other motor vehicle fuel to the public shall advertise, elther in connectlon with any signa, banners . or othtr 8tlvertlsing me41urn utilized to sntisfy the ' a requirement8 of this section or otherwise, the price OT any Rrade of Rasolins or other motor vehicle fun1 which irr not immediately available to be sold or dispenacd to the public said premises. (C) E.ch si~yr, bmer or other atlVertS61n#g medium ported, dl8plwed W Wlntdnsd pur8UUtt 20 rtyuiremnts Of this 88Ct&Ott .hill Mt be inCOrlEi8thnt With the (StCtfOnS 20880 et 8Cq.) Of the State Of CRlifOmiE( -1eiaw e *+tics. 0 as Ch8ptec T- of -Invisia\ 8 of fa.!.% nhowl~ I? s :~rrcncv: .';!I r:iPr,-v -rfsls exists in the nntlan, stn:r *:-.! ,!-, this -:t,.v has rrsultcd In a shortnRr of pnsolinr, on! elf..-?- cnt.n:' 5:rhfrlr curl nnd pricro thrrrof hnvr rlsrn tlr.?nnt lrnllv. !'-r!.ortc!s nrc cnuscd to wait ln line in ttt~ ntrwt for low pcrio,Ir. of Clmc brforc rcnchid p~l puapa nt srrvlrc farilltics an5 thereby arc'6auoed to rcnsuqe stl! 1 more scnrcr furl, add t.0 the traffic cortgcetim, and to the crrntion of poar.ihlr trnffir haznrds affrct,in(: the safe:?. fif boLh prdt-nt~rlnns and motoristn nllke. The imrdlct?e nerd 1: to rc4ttrr and to ellmlnrito to the extent posslhlc thest- wr~?.'rt UREG of vehicle fuel, the inconvcniencea to thr public, ar.5 the trnffic nnd snfcty hntards involved. Fuel prices nec,? to he conspiruously posted so as to bc clearly visible readable hy motorists at or new raid service facilitics tc assure that mot,orists will not be misled a8 to eithy the current price or current availability of gasoline dr 'other vehicle fuel hefore they reach the fuel pumps and to ht-lp a8sure the safety-of those walking or driving in the 1mcdia:c vicinity thereof, seck incress nnd egress to the facilit?, or seek to cross thc lines of stopped vehicles waiting in line to enter snid fncilities. . . Xf this ordinancc does not take imrcedlate effect, the puhlic will suffer &reat Inconvenience and expense, and valunble fuel sourcrs wlll bc lost. SW . The Citv Clerk rbll eentfy to the passag? of mddtnmrc and cause thr finme to be published in smo dally nrmspspr pnated and puhllshc the Cily Q( I.nz Anp+-s. .A I hrwhy rwttfy that ~hr forvyotng ordtnrnrr was prracd by the Counrll of Ih* City of Angrlca. 31 ita mni-ling of- REX E. LAYTON. CITY CLERK MAR 7 1974 . . . . . - __. .. .- - .- .*.