HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-04; City Council; 5977; ACCEPTANCE OF DEED - EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES* Initial.: e -,# @ CITY OF CARLSEAD AGENDA BILL NO. - 5 7 7 7 . DATE: -- September 4, 1979 DEPARTMZNT: City Clerk Su~b j ect : ACCEPTANCE OF DEED - Easement for Public Street Purposes - Statement of the Matter As a requirement of Adjustment Plat No. 165, Gerald and Carline Bryan are required to grant to the C,ity an easement for public street purposes@ Therefore, pursuant to Resolution No. 5546, the following Deed i offered for Council acceptance: From: Gerald William Mitchell Bryan and Carline Kay Br To : The City of Carlsbad For : Easement for public street purposes Location: Northeast corner of Laguna and Pi0 Pic0 Exhibits: 1. Copy of Deed 2. 1’ Resolution No. S?/i5/. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No.<?/< accepting the deed and authorizing the City Clerk to record same. Council Action: 9-4-79 Council adopted Resolution No. 5915, accepting a Grant Deed from Gerald and Carline Bryan for public street purposes. M: EAf6 /fl/.E&&,/L/b JECT: /AfO/v/r,L/AL L/2Rn/7 dESd DATE : 23 -23-79 I. . % ..:a:: .?I .,. 521 13 .* {714> 278-477 ... .dur ---- *=ewF,- %J ha * pi b p . u JOF,L:A Bg<x A55 T . 221 @:?a geEg S-p[EEf g<g;j3sxcg3 g:, Date ;",t?F,;l, &* ,1979 Attenticn : ~y~~Lpl T~Yz~~;~~ Your No. sri~$j Oiur KO. 2 l;{: 3&43 p DareJ as ol ..... .x9%-22,. 2.>.. .............. 13 ... -79. :it 7:m ti.x4. 311 response io :he above refermcetl applir:aiio:l for lky of ti:!: i~istirmxt the ir?si:rt.: here!>]; reports that ii is 1: isslle, if5 .of th(! cjtlte &?reof, ;1 Caitforriia Lar?c? 'i'it!~ A aticii! SLarit!.ti-ti Covimge k'om i'oii(:? of 'K;Ic liisiirawe JW lanci nrld i!ie estate oy interest t!leiein hcxein::ftpr set forth iri Sc?:c~tt~!i: A. i:ishI-in; agaii1:ii loss ir!:idi ~nat IH; sustzinol !), arlv Jef.xt, jiFiI or encGmhrc:iC< riot shorvri or re{crrw.! to ;i6 ail Excei,!ion ilk St:hctlulc B ci' riot rsctud::ii frc13ri cc;)-crage f the prinir:d Schedules, CohdItioni ard Stipulztions of said policy f~1.m. .. ?-'I , ,,*J . ici,:,;; (:& ;cy q,p:"":""Lj *>r ;::)cZ::ncfii> ih?W?<i) ij &stir cj!c!.,; for %C ~i~~i;~~~:~ G! f::yi!it'itizg thc I.-!c!xY c,f ~itle insi!r:\rl!;e arlcl no liabiliiy &j assumed hereby-. 11 it is (?r:siit:(l t titit: ~risuranrc, ;1 Binder wr Commitment shouid he isriucsted. fiai)ililli 1)s assunled prior 10 the ........................................ TITLE OFFICER i .' Ll J$&"Zf 7%-%[;s -. :. 1 ,.\ 5 @ s{:... I i i : t > I j i , i . !'\ 0 -1. ! ; \(: i2: 1:;;s :<\.!,,~(l!!!,.. Lyj';,,:l':~l.! :>\, :;+. J.L?2,)i[ i,,: 1 lii' L,hi:i:c or iiitc;.c>,; i!i ihc ia~l clc:.;cri!?l:i.i oi' 1 I " 1. ;:; '- . , ..I, Tit!Lb t(j saki estate 1-x in:crcst at thc i c Itercc;C is \:csitr! in: : l.>' 1 Ti1c I:II;<! rcfcrred to jr: tiiis, rcpc:r: j:, sil;::i:cd iri [tic :id i.; cii.scr.iSctl :is, is!!i: i; <:i (~;~lj~:):i~iq. {:c)~.:i!:> \\{ ::j:r' ::;<<';,! , .. >. 0 a ALIA Tc!AT PORTION OF TL!K KAS'L' HA!,F OF THk: SOI!TIII.IBST QVilR'TEK 01; TiIL ?.X)RTtIEA QU'IRI'EK OF THE EORTii',.lilS'X QUARTEK OF SECTLO?! 6, TOWSS:IIF 12 SOWTi1, RAXGk: (S \$!EST, IK '1'HI.i CITY OF CAR!.SE.U, COIIN'JY OF Sr\K DIECO, ST.41'E 01: CALZFO?J'[A ACCOWIKC TO THE OFFICTAL PLAT ~lWER~~OF7 LYING iZI:S?'EP,I,Y ANI) SOU'I'HERLY OF A DESCRIBED AS FOi,LOiJS: COPIPI~~NCFHG AT P. CONCRETE P!ONUMENT AT TflE h'l3KTklEAST CORNER OF T!IAC'i' 117 OF Z'ilE CdSiNiY ?,:EZORDEK 05 SAiN LILEGL' CUUCiTY , F1AKC;i 1 , 1915; TkiENCE ALOK THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 117, iWRTt! 59'57'00" WEST, 752.06 FEET TO TH SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIEEl) it4 FARCEL 3 OF DEED TO 5:TOXLO FlISS T>!C, 1 r,I;(;(?{{DED yi;!{:\[\A:{y 23, 1!)7;/ ;\S {:I i,K ;:\:). ]i-'jh6fJ/J ,',til) ];[<I:,/[; 'iiig TiiijI] IJOLNT OF tmnwnx; mmcE ALONC: 'rtit; E:ASTI'RLY LINE 01: SRLI) t,!w NORW 00°5S '08'' LIEST, 240.00 FEET Tit THE h'OKTiIIL4ST CORNER THEKEIK; TtIEWE ALDX THE NORTHERLY LINE OF S4ID LAND, SORTII 89"57'00" \JEST, 106.79 FEET TO THE NORTlIWEST CO,Q!EK 04 S4ID LAND, EEINC A POINT 15 THE LAN!) DESCKLBKD L%DEP, PARCEL i IN SAID DEED TO NORLD MISSIONS, rxc- ; THEXCE ALONC' SAID EASTERLY LIbX NOR" 00"55p00" WEST, 100.42 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORMER OF' SAIL) P 1; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LEE OF SAII! PAKCEL I, SGLTTiI 89"52*33" NEST, 86.75 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF TiiE LARD DESCRIBED Zh' DEED TO SC COAST LAXE COWANY, RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1926 IN EDOK 1258, PAGE 418 OF T CARLSI3AI) JANDS, ACCORDTXC TO P14P -r!!$:!?C:?Y "io. 15hI., Fii.E9 ZS TCZ 02':'"iC17 9Y 7, -> RECORDS CF SA8 DIEGO COUN'ii kVT3 THE Ic'EE*IIiJljS OF StZID LIKE. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT TORTION LYING SOUTHWESTERLil OF TiiE SOkTHEASTERLF LINE CF TiiE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,^ SAID' KQKTF EASTEN-Y LINE EEING DESCKIBED AS FOLLGWS: REGENNING AT A POINT IN THE NOKTKERLY LIKE OF SA111 TRACT 117 OF CAKLSBAE LAEDS, DISTANT THEREON NORTH 89°25023" WEST, 786.88 FEET FROIFTHE XbRTKE: EAST, 4O.Oi) FEET TO THE NORTBERLY LINE OF LAGUNA DRIVE; THEXCT: LEAVING Sf ?!CR;'kiEXLY LI??E F"n3iLi i\ TiiX.SE?;T \TitICti CXt'iKS I;i)riTri 89"25 '23" ifEST ,Q,g;;e & C[ TO TWE RICflT LJXTH PA RADIUS OF 40.03 FEET TFiROUGfI AN AYGLE OF 60'37'25" A T&ICE OF 42.32 FEET TO A POINT OF CO?i?OUND CURVATURE; ,THEhTCE ALONG A CUE TO THE RIGHT WITH A MIUS 0.F 723.03 FEET THROUGH A!! AXGLE CF 03"40i25" DISThYCE OF 46.16 FEET TO A POINT OF COXPOUND CUKVATURE; THENCE ALOX A f DiSrANCE OF 153,05 FEET TO A POINT OF Ci)t,I?OUND CURVATURE; THEXCE ALOX A CURVE TO TIiE F.IGHT WITH A RATJIUS 9F 2O.Oc) FELT T!i?.CIY,'CH AX GYGLE OF 95"38' A DISTANCE OF 34.43 FKK'C TO A WIKT OY THE SOUTI! LZN% (.I? STRATFOZ3 I,XX I CORNER OF sAh TRACT 117 ; THENCE LEAVINC: SAID N0IZTIIERI.Y- LINE NOK'fi! 00°3! TO THE RIGHT WITK A WIUS OF 99:0.00 Fwr THROUGH M WGLE OF 0i~o3?07~~ / 0 0 ., 1, DEDLC8TED I\Y YtIE CITY UE' CARLSi3AiI lbl RESC)LUTTO:I XQ. 1291, Tj>,Yf<U C.i'G'L'ST 2, 1966; THENCE NORTH 29" 19'36" VEST, 5.5 .46 t.'E:E?' TO E!E ?iO?T,L! LIXE OF S'fP&'I'i+': LRXE; T'r!ESC'r: LEAVTtiG SAID NORTCi. LLXE FK0i.i "i T?-.?;CZS.i \?Exc2 ij..?ris SOUfi! 73" 1 WEST .4I,OI?'C; A CURVE TO T"iE RLCHT L'lTii A PdJjZUS 0:: 2O.Oil FEET TiLRClgCiI A:: IC;( UF 83"lSPOl" A DISTANCE OF 29.05 l;L:E'f '!'O ti POINT 0; CO!.IPOL:!:D CUR!/ATL!KE; Ti AI,ONG A CURVE TO TSIE RiGt!T WITH A P,.r,DT;jS Ci? 5970 .03 FEE':' T;iE31!GB AX .QXLE. 00"5~'3~" ), DISTANCE 017 169.80 FEET; 'j'[i!r;[{(:b: XGRTi!, 22'33'07" k[EST, 85.00 Ff THENCE NORTil 25'14'08'' KAS'C, 53.93 ;,T".F;){ci%. -c'tIl;;Y(;E >;:s;<'yii (!(,"33'2 /" f:t,\S'f OF SAID womts AVEXUE, msmx-r AI,CRG stm CE:;TEY. LIKE :;ouii 89c06i33f1 YE: 140.00 FEET FROX THE INTERSECTT.ON OF SAID CE:;iER ~1.x WrTH TkE CExrzK LINE > QF GREGORY T$ZVE. -,.. . -. -. 0 SCY !E!>:, u:. 13 0 t -;. ,. ( >\t?iii: k!;ic.c i:c:.cd !7,uci.plions io CO~CI';I~?C ii: additic;!; 1;) ;!ic i-F::i::%ti c::c<l>i,i<)r1.; i:riJ i.sc-ici~ic~n~ coi![;lit~~:~l iii 'r'ornt tx, oulti ix as follt~~s: E, ca,T%% 2 E-+frl& p-%-g:yy $CjD c. Tf yyzs Ff": ~,~ -.* L>JZ FXSS&*:, - II ..e.-+ &y//cj-i?3:) T:y; F:L(,:@pS 5";R c 32 .(iq&rg'. - .. 33 p$<?.cz? ?$$* 1 :5&'i&-25 LkL. i. ;I; : $i2,725,Q$ x-.,; p gC?:Qpppjs : $2,503,00 ByJ or2'kg =32;y?-'T@HS z 32;;s F%%$T pJ@&rL?;z2ty : $343,27 PAT9 Tc&y p~?&~ps 33% ; 1373-9973 cszz '%x{%;& z ~3?&~~ 2233.g& .zs ~ , * 2:;- *>;-1@-23 : $1,925,03 Fj;zsfy*& v:d>-l& ?-. bLB v *x Li:EPJ' ETjT ys;p L fJCf'nA 1 ..zrv;> CGir?? &?p?z... : . . r,%-s?) . &3SA.?2 : ' [--ln5prj ..ur<t " I?'? +l "7 >.1',?p rr 4 +XJ*.L; t;.i?i 3AIC ; rpp:a : gpg ~ b<:5.'-- - -.. : $.$?,39 ?LIED : $h?>TI ggc PAE?- 2, z;:: T2LyE$9 2cggE; 02 p~~~$~;~~s :;ILL yjp ZJtPgE-zFJ -upg, X?&? $&ID L&a p$:{ .f:az gpl;-'f"JSES SF;"\Tk?) ?17..n?---*. i' $ /$/:, .A&, pJ72R Q,y : id 2. ::I ?i <'/." y, 0 ggj;Q-i $;F S@j DIE@ 1- : EW3 /)! .? 38 zg=JpJ :. , Eas:Tip fp SAID uA::g D;jsS $132 ER~-,U~X ~>yf R~-I~T UP siz $$cst;Ay c3;;5y~cJJ@gs *LT2)-;?Lscs i&pD ",xazLq pAx;xr; P F3-T :i-i,+ 'i;t - @,j-F:', Q7 Fzg zs p?--Sj? I>S ELE ytj, qJ>TiG gp I ' ,' *. - ~::~E"3~~.j.193S &-;y $62 ~ ?eC ), fi:38 ;,zy i;Tzzcg r_yCH;u ;;z:'bhp; XT3i: rp.:?;A::;>; KA\Y s=$$z9 ~~s~,~~~ $~:<3 TfiF< -+'?IC: LA\. ..,-+- :;I> : $:k&72cG TI-jLE i-?:~~~A\-;:cg {:pp;&yy* ph CAr, 1F8?EEB C:;2;iZG&,"L7;fON .I &:pz; - Ua ge$i:<gLD jtLJ0 'Z%ESSY,i?. E, ugg+;?]LlJ7 ?S.>C.JD gpg +G JZp??~ pW\&;i:f+7S &$s TO 42; ;y>%&-=a TG-3 ras ~A~gu~$~ AT3 g:3?.yJ p;~ss~$~~, EZ:6, A w:m3Af$$ @o~~,~~y&$3 615 m Zby 2zz:-:329 2 ??GEXZ*% 7, 1977 AS FZE XI. 77-5593223 5, t;zTgt tz &T;2g2sTaw p-%T sp; ?~~pU~q~&%$@ L9eg-T 75 &z&?G ZS$i,V& @Axyzg$l y:yn, gj!?::~QS~ n-AT 2: CEE2?EX TBLS C3Wb:E :sa Ems2 T$ &f;R%E:xQ, XTLSrn cga rdxpa ~jJ~~~s~ ;rAxcd ;CAT p,E BEgLQsB Tf ,327 Qj$pzpgG.": 01 scg L25 9 8, Y'EFTE Qy Ty5 ym37,E : xi 3x5 !KQyI5?%3 ST E?3? BZcQFam *z;; fjg--g ?sf?=$ &qLa3 TMH GAT% &EZE$T', B i 3 4 ‘.# -3 e * . P c A !r 33, e. t .- -3 A ”+ 2). ’ I -II, c * , - -- MAP @ l. --- -_ -_ - -_ . - - __ - I . SEC.6 - TIZS-ilqY - Pi3 NE 9/4 Of N4 \,’hi 7- 5 ‘?3.!32 2 -i i f 1 I \ nt 2 -- - i) 2- & ~:;l~pp.j&- - __ - 11-. D u-3 r’?d 0.4 -+es; ?e.1 -------I----- a B --- -_ L, @ B!W~ MAPPED OR ASSESS~ENT PURPOSES CNCy -flSAii D I EGO COUiiTY ASSESSOR’S HAP 8% 155 PG 16 ‘. F I 2 3 A KESCLUTION OF TEE CITY C0UP;ICIL GI7 THE wry OF C.~RLSUAQ, CALIFORXIA , A.CCZ:~-’TING FOR PUBLIC S??.EET -_ --.- A GRANT DEE9 FE3f.l GERALD AND CARLINE BR’fA$- --__- _.______ __ -pURPOS-zS * --- 6 7 to t - Grant Deed conveying - a, FaSpm2, City of carlsbad for --- . public street purpo.r;es ; said a)/ y1 10 12 12 y g 13 E$ m’ dLUQ 14 Z>WO L7 Q .m -cc rv cC?=g. u: ‘ d$ I- L G c; 16 g E, g 5 5 p 17 c I8 19 20 21 22 L?I-~% mG>J 15 7.. o L!JLN< u u 23 24 25 26 27 28 is on file in the Office cf the City Clerk and is incorporat reference herein; and I I WHEREAS; the City Council of the Ciky of Carlshad has determined it to be in the p!iblic interest to accept said DE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT EESOLVED by the City Cou:.icil of ,City of Carisbad, California, as f‘o~~ows: 1, That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Grant Deed conveying an ez>-e.mnt the City ;of Carlsbad for public street purcose--- s -- ___e- liercbp accepted. 1 3. That the City Clerk is herehy authorized to cause /original Deed to be recorded. in the Office of the CourlCy €?e i of San Diego County, State of California, with the appropri . .. Certificate of Acceptance attached. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular rr;eeting Of Carlshad Ci.”,y Council- held on the-&:-k day of Sep-i;embat 19 - the foll-owing vote, Lo wit: . AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis a Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None Az&E44%.&>&.~ r” Q/- p I I /--- RoPmLr:, c o PACKARD , playor 1 .. ATTEST: 4 ___ QA __._-._- 7$% d ---3-- , J9Jgg*&fl/&Lf?./F ’- “ I ALI~TIIA L. RAUTEMKPANZ, cifiy CLe-+lc 2- I - __ - - .