HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-04; City Council; 5980; Comprehensive Planning OrganizationE2 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 5- 9J'Q Initial: Dept. Hd.���.�/d. DATE: September 4, 1979 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. Subj ect: COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION - JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (Amendment) COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION - NEW EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS TO BOARD Statement of the Matter The Board of Directors of the Comprehensive Planning Organization has requested Council to consider an amendment to the CPO Joint Powers Agreement. The purpose of the amendment is limited to changing the name of the Comprehensive Planning Organization to the San Diego Council of Governments (SANCOG). They feel the proposed change would more accurately reflect the purpose and function of the joint powers agency. The Board of Directors of CPO would also like to receive Council comments on the addition of new ex-officio (non -voting) members to their board. The proposal would add the following ex-officio members: 1. One member of the San Diego Unified Port District Board of Commissioners. 2. One member representing the school districts within the region. 3. Two members representing special districts within the region. - Exhibit Letter from CPO dated 8-23-79 Third Amemdment to Joint Powers Agreement Resolution No. _ _ 9a.3 Recommendation After Council consideration of the CPO Board of Directors' request regarding the name change, if Council concurs, action would be to adopt Resolution No.,5-a? and authorize the Mayor to execute the Third Amendment to the Joint Powers agreement. Council Action: 9-4-79 Council adopted Resolution 5923, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Third Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement changing the name of the Comprehensive Planning Organization to San Diego Council of Governments (SAHCOG). AW 'PLAAMNING C) COMPREHENSIVE ORGANIZATION Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92101 (714) 236.5300 TO: City Managers FRCM: Executive Director August 23, 1979 AUG 1979 b� ..w P— Or Pursuant to -direction of the Comprehensive Planning organization's Board of Directors, two items are being presented for your Council's consid- eration. The first item is an amendment to the CPO Joint Foyers Agreement (attached). %his amendment will require review and formal action by your Council. The purpose of this is limited to changing the name of the O - prehensive Planning Organizatiotr (M) in order to more accurately reflect the purpose, functions, and organization at the joint powers agency. %his anendment in no way reflects any change in t.iti dowers or. respore a- bilities of the organization. %his amendment, when execuL•Zlby all of the voting member agencies of the CPO, would change the organization': ri=e to the San Diego Council of Governments (SANCOG). The amerelment language should not be changed. If either you, or your Council, have any questions about the language of the amendment, do not hesitate to contact Debra Greenfield, CPO Counsel, at 236-5366. Please docket this amendment for consideration by your Council as soon as possible, preferably before September 14, 1979. When reviewed and approved by your Council., kindly forward a copy of the authorizing resolution or action to CPO. The second item deals with the addition of new ex-officio (r:on-voting) members to the CPO Board of Directors. The Board would like to receive your Council's caments on this proposal prior to CPO Board action on the matter which is scheduled for September 17. specifically, the proposal is to add the following ex-officio members to the Board: A. One member of the San Diego Unified fort District Board of Commissioners B. one member representing the school districts within the region C. Two members representing special districts within the region SAN DIEGO REGION'SCOUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Member Agencies Cites of Cat Isbad, Chula Vista, Cut unadu, Del Mai, L Catuu, Imperial Beach. La Mesa, Lemun Grove, Natioaal Cav, Q(,vaasale. Son Oww.SanMarcos. Vista. and Cuurrtyuf3anDteguitLxuf6uwMembet California Departmenjotrtansrunatwn/Hon rat yMember.Tquana,B.CFA, Page 2 The rationale for these additional members, which has been discussed by the Board, is the eed to improve communication and coordination between local general purpos'c governments and special purpose government agencies. Again, please forward a copy of your Council's action on the Joint Powers Agreement amendment, and their comments on the ad— dit�on of ex -off icio members to CFO as soon as possible, but no later than September 14, 1979. Your assistance in providing timely consideration of these matters is appre- ciated. Sincerely, S e� QkZ7. HUF Executive Director RIH:DCirw Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO.5923 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING 3 THE 14AYOR TO EXECUTE A THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT CHANGING THE a NAME OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION TO SAN DIEGO COUNCIL OF 5 GOVERNMENTS (SANCOG). 6 WHEREtiS, the Board of Directors of the Comprehensive Planning Organization 7 has deemed it desirable to chanae the name of the organization to San Diego 8 Council of Governments; and 9 WHEREAS, any amendment to the CPO Joint Pourers Agreement requires the 3.0 .consent by resolution of each and every member agency to be effective; and 11 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad ?s a member agency of the CPO; and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad deems it desirable to 13 execute the referenced amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement; 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 15 as follows: 16 1. That the above recitations are true and corrept. 17 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby approves the 18 referenced amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement and authorizes the Mayor to 19 execute said amendment, the Form of which is on file in the City Clerk's offiice. 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPlZO at a regular meeting of the Carls.bad City 21 Council held the 4th day of Sejtember , 1979, by the following 22 vote, to writ: 23 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lew -is and It Councilwoman Casler 24 NOES: None 25 ABSENT: None 26 D-�L��� lG-,4 27 ATTEST: RONAID C. PACKAff Mayor ?8 ALE f IA L. RAUl EIdKRANZ; c;� erk � . (SEAL) L r ;EIIItD AM�II�`li�1T � JOINT PaIrM AGREFr1DR CCt4PRC11WSIVG PIAIINING ORGIANIZATIa4 `MIS 711IRD AMENUIDIR to Joint Powers Agreement is made between the CITZ OF CARTSBAD, CITY OF CHUI,A VISTA, CITY Cr COMNa W, CITY CF DEL MAR, CITY OF E,f, CA7014 C M. OF IMPERIAL BEACH, CITY Cr fA MESA, CITY OF II;W)N UWE, CITY OF NINTIONAL CITY, CITY CF- OCEANSIDE, CITY a QN1 DIEGO, (CITY Cr, ;JUN etARCOS, CITY Or VISTA, and the CCUtiry W, W4 DIEGD, h-ereinafter collectively or individual?;; referred to as "Member Agencies". RECITALS A. 'lire Board of Directors of the Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPU) of the San Diego Region desires to change the name of the Comprehensive Planning Organization to wore accurately reflect the purpose, furrctiazs and organization of the joint pa,�--rs agency. B. Such nary change requires an amendment to the original Joint Powers Agreement which ca:eated CPO. NCW 111EERE; VaC, in consideration of these recitals, Meng Agencies agree as follows: i. Ubat paragraph 2 of that certain Joint Powers Agreement entered into between Morber Agencies an August 23, 1972, as amended, which created the present CPO, the original of which is held by CR), be deleted and a new paragraixi 2 be adJed to read as follows: "2. rstablislurent of Sm= There is hereby created an organization to be known and denaninated as the San Diego Council. of Governments (SANCOG) which shall be a public entity separate and apart from any Member Agency. SANMG shall be governed by the terms of this Joint Lowers Agreement and any bylaws passed and adopted by its governing board." 2. `Ihat all other references U) the "Canprehensive Planning Organization" or "CPO" in that certain Joint Powers -ment be deleted and "San Diego Council of Governments" or "SANCOG" be su-st_'tuted therefor without any effect whatsoever except to change the name: of the cx9anization in all its references, publications, bylaws;, administrative procedures, etc. 3. That the San Diego Council of Govenumr WelCOG) is the successor in interest to all rights and liabilities r- .Cmprehensive Planning Organization. 4. 'ihat ra additional authority or responsi-ility is implied or granted to the joint powers agency as a result of the 11irre- change. ..2- 5. That all other terms and conditions of said agreeinent entered into on August 23, 1972 as amended, among Member Agencies shall remain in full force and effect. 6. That this Ihfrd Amendment will become effective on that date the last .signature is affixed.to the amendment counterparts. IN WITNESS MIERDOF, each of the following ft.iber Agencies has caused this Third Amendment to Joint Flowers k :«r-nt to be executed by having affixed theref-o the signatures of the agent of said Agency authorized by resolution therefor by the legislative body of that: Agency. 12 BV ! L d'Yt y2,'�/� n_. _ . •:ice u-+'"!'�d•t-r'"' % "`$ � tr or CI'PY Cr CARLSBAD da� E IIy r for CrPY OF C11ULA VISPA date i BY -- for CITY Ci' CORONADO date By. for CITY CV DrL 6IAR date BY or CITY W. F1 CA.70N date i. for CITY Cr IMPCRiAL BEACH date for CITY CF des 14ES 1 date DY or CITY C. Ii, im GRJVG ��� 1 r rt BY for, Cl' PY a UNTIONAL CITY date i Cor CSTY OF OCEANSIDE date for CITY OF SAi7 DIEM date I3y for CITY CF SAID 6fARCOS date By , for CITY W VI,,,TA date r BY for CODUN OF S1W DIEW _ date r -3-