HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-18; City Council; 5993; LCWD effluent disposal line-- /-'a> q;..: /5,/ LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The Leucadia County Water Di strict has requested authorization from the City to install a 14-inch diameter pipeline in the street right-of-way (La Costa Avenue) north of the Lanakai Nobile Home Park and in a 30-foot sanitary easement parall'el to the AT&SF right-of-way from the northeast corner of Lanakai to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The proposed pipeline will' be parallel to and within a few feet of an existing sewer line in both areas. This line is necessary for the reactivation of the District's plant at La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. All necessary regulatory permits have been granted to Leucadia County Water District. The plans for the proposed pipeline have been reviewed by the Engineering Depart- ment. They have been found to be "not in conflict" with any existing facilities. It is recommended that Council authorize the use of City rights-of-way for the pro- posed pi pel i ne. EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. Resolution No. &93L( Letter from Leudadia County Water District dated August 15, 1979 Preliminary engineering plans (on file in the Engineering Department) RE COMM EN DATION If Council concurs with staff recomendation, adopt Resolution 'No.5933/ authorizing the Leucadia County Water District to install a force main in the City rights-of-way. Council Action: 9-18-79 Council continued the matter. 10-16-79 No .action was taken. If no co-terminus easements, exists, the * matter is to be returned for Counci.1 consideration. LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT POSTOFFICE BOX 2397 LEUCADIA. CALIFORNIA 92024 753-0155 August 15, 1979 Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Pub1 ic Works Administrator City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Failsafe Connection to Encina Ocean Outfall - LCWD Dear Ron : Submitted herewith is a preliminary set of plans for our proposed fail- safe 1 ine and connection to the Encina ocean outfall. being submitted to you for your review and approval as the proposed line is planned to be located within an existing utility easement of the City of Carlsbad. These plans are As you will recall, Greg McBain and I met with you some time ago and it was determined at that time this proposed alignment would be satisfactory. It is my understanding that the Encina Design Review Committee has also discussed the proposed alignment and connection to the ocean outfall and has: agreed with the location. It has been noted on the preliminary plans that there is an existing packing shed located over a portion of the utility easement. essitate the realignment of the line in that area, bwever, I would hope the matter can be resolved through your discussions with our design engin- eers. outfall will be of an interim nature. incorporated in the design of the proposed outfall metering station as part of Phase 111. This may nec- As you know, the initial connection of our failsafe line to the ocean A permanent connection will be On behalf of the Leucadia County Water District I request the City of Carlsbad approve the design and alignment of the proposed work and to grant the District necessary authroization to utilize the utility easement. DISTRICT OFFICE 1960 LA COSTA AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA ~ ~ ~. Mr. Ron Beckman August 15, 1979 Page 2 I would appreciate your response to this request by September 15, 1979. In the meantime, please contact me if you have any questions regarding the foregoing. Yours very truly, LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Richard E. Hanson Secret a ry -Ma na ge r REH/j rg cc: Greg McBain (Engineering-Science, Inc.) John H. Whitney .. .. 1 I 1 1 1t 1: 1: 1: 1L If 16 1'; 1E 15 2c 21 2% 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5934 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT AN EFFLUENT DISPOSAL FORCE MAIN IN CITY RIGHTS-OF-WAY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the Leucadia County Water District's request to construct an effluent disposal line in street rights-of-way iden- tified as La Costa Avenue in County Assessor's Book 214, Page 2, and in a 30-foot easement for sanitary sewer purposes, granted to the City of Carlsbad as recorded on Page 156152 of Book 1972 in the Office of the County Recorder, is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 1979, by the following vote, to wit: day of AYES: NOES : ABS ENT : RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST: LETH HA L. RAU TENKRANZ, CITY C LERK (SEAL)