HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-02; City Council; 6006; California Conservation Corps Assistance-.- - Subject: CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORPS ASSISTANCE _L ~ Statement of the Matter -_----- The Parks and Recreation Department has $5,500 budgeted for Carrillo Ranch improvements. This amount is for material, with labor to be provided by Parks personnel. However, the City may be able to accomplish these projects through the labor services of the California Conservation Corps. These projects are the re-roofing of an adobe structure, rechanneling a stream threatening the house foundation and landscaping/restoration of the cabana and pool area. Additionally, as a second priority, this organization could assist with the development and renovation of portions of Holiday Park and the construction of trash enclosures and concrete slabs at various parks throughout the City. The work at Holiday Park is for construction of a small parking lot, irrigation and landscaping around this area and placing a barrier of telephone poles and/or railroad ties around the existing tot lot. These projects will be funded from existing budgeted accounts. The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that the City apply for this assistance through the California Conservation Corps. Any work performed would be under the supervision of the Parks Division. has its om liability and worker compensation coverage. The City will incur no additicmal costs related to these projects. The Corps Exhibits Project proposals for the various projects. Recommendation If the City Council concurs, authorize the Parks and Recreation Director to sign the agreement with the California Conservation Corps to provide labor for projects budgeted for this fiscal year. Council Action: lrQ-.2-7,9: Council authorized the Parks and Recreation Director to sign the agreement with the California Conservation Corps to provide labor for projects budgeted for this fiscal year. lccc .vss[ Project Ember Date Received ~ ~. ~~ Spike a Commute a 1 I R. A. Nielsen or Walt WiLkel Title Parkwtmce Worker 11 Phone (714 1 729-1181 Fxt. 67 1. 2. 3* 4. 5- I i 6, ?~Q:~ST DITSCRIWIOX: (Pleas2 be specific. Attach supplementary sheet if necessary.) Developnent & Renovation of Holida Park. 0K-l a 30,000 sq. ftfliky Pai instail: * 1) parking 2) three horseshoe pits; 3) irrigatiun and landscaping around the area. would be to install a barrier of telephone poles and/or railroad ties around the ?he renovation €&sting tot lot. - F~!J,::;; LCzi,T;O:.i: ~7~3; ir. rural areas, provide distance from nearest tom, (Flease attach plan/rnap of site as well as road/street rap of surrouqdir. Indicate legal owner C: property City of Carlsbad, Holiday Park, 3900 Pi0 Pic0 Ave. Legal Owner: City of %isbad &ps and plans included) ~roj.;ct is (drivixg time) ?$ &ten from (ni.arest CCC Center)- CC:;SEr’:?ATIQI: VAL22 OF P2OJECT: (e.&. paturd resource enhancement environmental protection, cultural/historic value, etc,) This project would aesthetically improve the area, as well as provide mvir-tal protection by eliminating vehicles frm cQbing and parking on the existing park. ~23.~1~ D~.XI:D FO3/3ZNaIT FSGS PSOU’ECT: Estiz.nt2 r;uzber of visitors/..sers expected to benefit f‘ron! this project, The developent ad renovation of this area will help meet the public demand for mre active recreational areas, as well as provide mre adequate parking facilities for Holiday Park. The barrier armad the tot lot will add to the safety of the area. TCO~~ ;;;3 XJI?$:X:T mq~I~z9: (e, g. comnrmity involvement, complaints, Legislat’ It will aslo slove anplaints of undevelopent for the specific area. - (CfX caq sup2ly hsnd ‘’Firet1 to3ls an6 transportn?.lon!, Shovels, rakes, raaciller, trzctor, trencller, chain saw. Telephone poles and/or railroad ties, irrigatiun pipe, sprinkler heads, grass seed, plants, cenmx ,“ . .,-.-,, L. ., -\ i . y..:. ’ .. I_ ,,~~l~~I.~ <(-yj;;-; ) ’, ., .,I I .i . .*.- 7. 'b0t'L,fi~,-j03 T~:I;III;G o~~JO,XU;LITIZS for Corpsnexbers: (e,& construction skills, toel usage, forestry pyactlces). Tool usage opportxmities: General knowledge of park usage. G, -.Job. training opportxmities : landscape & turf installation, gradkg experience, concrete wrk chain saw, rototiller, trencher, tractor 2. EFC.GIO:;-;L VALCZ: (imp. F'istoric, cul~ral, social or conservation elements ttat would ex?:?:+ the ger.era1 kno::.ledge of Corpsmembers), 9. ?,, **'Y equipment used. SY2dS2 OF EVV,'!I!ES E3UCATIOI;XL PRSSEil:TATIOIJ: at the CCC bZse center or other suita3le location). (to be given by the sponsor's representative .. Plant identification, irrigation installation principals and general use and safety of 1 15 working days A??XXXl VALliS OF !s'O3K DOX 31 CCC: lahr 2 ,orce; izclar!r: la'scr, mterla'l-s, supervision, cverheads, okher costs.) (i.e. cost if privately contracted or done by om $7,000 b) Le2:tt: of pro!ect: 15 degs weeks (30 day limit preferred ' 9 is ?reject bx?ptt< in ?yoposing rzency's b-adgct? to fina:;ce nrojec f ': Have other funds been made availa5le Not budgeted specifically, but funds are milable. If pro,i=ct lccation is ore thx: one hour fro? nearest CCC Center, give locatiori end de~cri,t:o- of ternnorary living facility to \;'e provided by sponsor for CCC use. .. 1J/A €la-es of CCC p-:xic:inel with whom project has been discusocd. Eave all applicable local, state or federal permits for the project been approved? Is there project clearance regarding Californiz Environrnentd Qurtlity Act? (ZLease attach co;Jies). N/A Ac'2itlonal cozmntz: aspects, incluce/attach a?;. related information which wogld make the project morc interesting, educational or instructive to CCC Corpsmembers,) (cog, if project or site has historic, scientific or technical Project would give CCC members a basic background in landscape construction. * . be 4 - STKTE OF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES A. -MY CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORPS 1530 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95814 EDMUND G. BRW JR, Goemor - -= . L I--_ (976) 445-8183 PUBLIC SERVICE CONSERVATION WORK PFtOJECT PROPOSAL Date Sept. 13 19 - 79 Date Received Spike Commute a Spr.sc?ring kgercy City of Carl sbad Parks & Recreation Department "I i-:dreCz 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sponsor's on-sit e Technical Superviso ~. 7.;- i'; L&i Administrative Assistant R. A. Nielsen or Walt Wilkel -- Title Park Maintenance Worker I1 i)r,oy,? (714) 729-1181 Ext 67 / Phone (714) 729-1181 Ext 67 1. 2. PXXECP DECRIiTION: (Plezne be specific. Attach supplementary sheet if necessary.) Construction of trash enclosures and concrete slabs of picnic tables. Trash enclosures are to be built in the parks of Carlsbad. These trash enclosures are to be 3'x3'x3'6", they are 'to be made of 2"x8" pine lumber framed with 4"x4" posts and set on a slab of 4'x4' concrete. They are to be bolted together. The concrete slabs-are t-o be lO'x10' for the placement .of 1800 lb, concrete picnic tables. ii2O;S.X LC)ZATIO;i: (Please attach plan/rnap of site as well as road/street map of .surroundin, area; in rural areas, provide distance from nearest town, Indicate leqpl owner of propert:? I City of Carlsbad; Holiday Park, 3900 Pi0 Pic0 Ave., rmds, 3400 H arding S.D. G&E; Cannon Park , 100 *Cannon Rd. Railroad; Rotary Park, 2900 Washington St. Maxton Brown, 500 Laguna Dr., Pi0 Pic0 Park, 2600 Pi0 Pic0 Dr Project is (driving time) 30 minutes from (nearest ccc Center) Escondi do 3. C0:;SEXVATIOZ VALU3 OF PXOJECT: (e.&. natural resource enhancement, environmental protection, cultural/historic value, etc.) This project would enhance the areas by eliminating much of the trash in the parks. 4, PUBLIC DD!flND FO3/BENLIIT FRO)! PilCJECT: Estimate nuEber of visitors/users expected to benefit from this project. This project would be a city beautification project. It would eliminate the unsightly aluminum trash cans in the parks as well as much of the trash. (e.g. community involvement, complaints, legislati 5. TOOLS AHD XJEXSI!T €GQ?JIRD: (CCC can supply hand "Firet1 tools and transportation), Saws (hand and power skill), cement mixer, hammers, levels, wrenches,'and shovel s. 6. MATZRIALS RQUIAEil: (To be furnished by sponsoring agency.) Cumber, nuts and bolts, cement (sand and rock), tampers, trowels, brooms. CC-10 (rev, 2/2/79) (OVER ) - 1 )i -' .+ . OH-'ZZ-JOS TUINING OPPOX'UXITIES for Corpsmembers: (e,g. construction skills, tool usage, forestry practices). Opportunity to learn carpentry skills, and concrete work. expand the ger.era1 kno:.:ledgc of Corpsmembers). New concepts in designing parks to cut maintenance costs. 2. EC'JCXT1Oi;AL VALUZ: (i.c. historic, cultural, social or conservation elements that would 9, 2 Theory on park design presentation. (December 3 - 21) SUUZZT OF EVEafRS EDUCATIONAL PREiEI\"L'ATIOI.I : (to be given by the sponsor's representative at the CCC base center or other suitable location). M 54' 3 -0, *. RXJ!!E5!23 STAZ21SG/COY.?LETIOil D,1TZ: ASAP / 15 working days t -1. P.PP2AISZD VALUS OF LO2K DOiZ 31 CCC: (i.e. cost if privately contracted or done by own labor force; iRclur!e lzkcr, material:;, supervision, cverheads, other costs.) \ $4,000 "?,. W?IKTED LASGZ: a) crew size: (use of full IO-persor, crew preferred) 10 man crew working 5) Ler.ct-tt: of project: '15 ' weeks (30 day limit preferred -3. Is Fyoject budpted in proposing qexy's budcet? Have other funds been made available to fiqxce proJejc:': Lumber already purchased - more funds available for cement, rock, and sand. -4. 2eiinbureeeent avsilaLlc for CCC labor cost? None i -5, If ~roject locatio:: is more t:?iL? one hour from nearest CCC Center, give location and de.scrip?io:i of teqorary living facility to be provided by sponsor for CCC use, .6. flaznes of CCC personnel with trfiom project has been discussed. 7. Kave all applicable local, state or federal permits for the project been approved? Is there project clearance regarding Califorcia Environmental Quality Act? (Please attach copies). .8. Aci2itional cozments: (e.g. if project or site has historic, scientific or technical asgects, inclcde,!at tach any related information which would make the project mom interesting, eCucationa1 or icstructive to CCC Corpsmembers.) Project would give CCC members an understanding of concrete work and carpentry skills. . .......... -.. ... -.-. - ..- . w- --,, ............. I ..... . .... I. .i-r .. .. I ,$ . .. .* .. ' ?I >92 .... . _. . .... ...... ..... ... .. Date - - . .. .... . ......... ... .. .. -i .. .. ... .... ' .. , .. : .. *' .. .. PROEGT*?ROfOSW, -. . .. I .... . . -. . *. .. . _. .. :-:....:. .-.. . -- ... pb~~ring Agr~r;Cy City of Cirlsbad - . ._ - . :. Date Received e. .:" , .* . . :Parks and Recreation .. Spike a f Comufe. a .ddrisg . 1.230 El m Ave . I .. .. Sponsort a ac-site Technical. SI:.~~V~S .-*ne ,t,.Lh.,or * s Bepresentative M i k e L i t t 1 e . ~ie Administrative Assistant Keith Bkverly . ,*--+ : , Title Cari 11 o IR'anch hone ( 7&729-1181 - Phone (714 ) 727-3643 .. f- . >. P2(MZCT IESCRIWIOX: (Please be. specific', . Attach suppIernent~-; sket iZ necessary,) -, .... .. Restoration for the, prese-rvation.of A 22' X, 22.'. adobe strubture.. .Project- i 'to include .re-roofing (1.urnber.and .tar paper -; rep'lace existing con,crete. . fount~atiori, resurface. j.n.terior-waIis, ;patcti-ext.erior ....... .. ........ -. .- .. .. .. ... :. - . . ... ... .... .. - .. ~ . ... '." .. .. .. -. - and revegata'te surr.ountling area.*. ' ;. *. F~QJECT J~OCATIOS: (Please attach plan/mzp of site as well as roazlstreet Imp OT surroundi: .e.. area; 5n mrd. areas, provide distance from nearest tom, Indicste leg&. C>ircnr of pz-o~ezt- .*.-. .. .. .. 4 .. .- ... . .Appro~. 2 mi. from San Marcos. 'Legal . -. .... ... - *' . ... ... ... . ............ .... . - -. . _. --. _. - .-. ..... ...- ... - _. *. ......... .. .. .. 'g '. n.cluded ' . _. . ... .. .' .... .. .. .. ri 11 o Ranch P..aik" EEIVATICEI VM.IE. OF FZWSCT :'. cei.g, -'=.':.-.Project .will. 'conse'rve. a builh'ing .. .. .:. *. .._ -. .. -.. .. .. ct is. (driviq time) ' 20 min : '1 ... .. ..... ectiox; cultural/historic value;' c- '.- . .. .... ... .- .... ..... ... ... .. .: ... .... .. ..! -. .- .. -enhance. the surrounding natural' environment., .. .. . .I . . .5 . ._ -. .-. ,. .. PUSLIC DZ-YJSL) FG3'3LYZE'IT FRO?! however, 'area will.be opened to community groups on a'limi .. -. :Zsti.=te nuxber of visitors/users expected to benefit; €ran this project, - .... Si$nificant visitor/user days will ,not occur for approx. 3 .. ..... .. .. C'. until) such time as the park can be developed to facilitatd public use.. .I i .. .. .. I . I. 1 .* , TOOLS XiJD Z&J1F3'3:31 ?SQUIm; (CCC cai supply hand Virc" tools dd .tran:>p&~tic~,), .I * Shovsls, TroGels, Saws, Ladders, Tampers Hammers., Levels i i . :iy. '. . ~:rli?iT9LlIS RF;CIUIEil: (TO be furnished by Gponsoring ngency,) I .*- - STLqmber (l"x6"), cement, tarpaper, native pl'ant materia; . ! I. .. - . .... .+ .. ..... *- -. ....... .. .... .- .... .. .. . -. . ''I - t ... .- . ..... ... ... .- .. ... ... ... ...... ... ...... .. $5,000 .. .. .. i I N /.A AC-5itlsrAal ccsncr,'i~: ZST)CC~S, inclcde/attach cmy related inforcatim vhich would make the project c3~c icteresting,. educ2tional or instructive to CCC Corpxnbers,) (c,g, if projzct or site has historic, Gcientifrs or techqicaf ,* :co 'Z 5 1 .. Th 1. va as ;..an -"Be .* is project site was construckd 'in.1939 for' Leo Carrillo,! a famous udivil le actor and Hollywood movie star. a-member of the California State Parks and Recreation cbmmission d 'as an unofficial goodwill ambassador to the. Uniied StaGes. cause of a deep admiration for his ancestors, he had th'elsite: . . nstructed to represent the early Spanish Ranch'o way of ljfe. Th'e te has recently' been dedicated to 'the city of Carlsbad'to be administered In later. years'! he, served . .. . I ... ,.. #.e'*' (0V.ER') .-.f * '-1 . ... .. t- .& by the parks and recreation deparment for'future park use. Until such time as the park can be developed to facilitate public use there ' * are certain projects which need to be undertaken to preserve the existing buildings and grounds. Involvement by the C.C.C. in these projects would provide its members with a unique exposure to the conservation of a cultural, historical and natural resource environment. . ,. . .. ..' ." :. .'i . ., . ._ -- ... ,A - I. . ...a f*,'. _-. ~ .- .. *. .- &. . _. . ,. ,, -..-. - .- -_. .. E&VnCY G. BZClTW JR.. kcmr - '. .",$ I . I ._- - =-=. :7s: pa, ---_.-- -.--------- -- 7%+-z--=%=:-- . .- ---- XATE OF-? .t.l=ORMi- nESOUaCES AGE:) =ji.?j ;~~~~~,G, OQI'.ISERVA-PIOM COZTS 0.. 9161 4454123 .. .; ', < y *:. .I , c-.wsz=--- --& __----- ........ ..... . . . ...... .' . p->< ........ .... ............. +c;$.- --sur' . , _ ._. . ,,..- . :: : --n+-*. , , .. * . ' :h'o . ... ........ I ... ... , ..o -. ._ . ... *. ' ._ ' .. ..: - .. ....... .. ... ........ .- : ....... c .. .. i520 Capitol Avmwa, Sacramento, CA 96874 . ... ... _. pU3Lzc 'SZRiIfCZ CG?ISL?VXTXCX WOX< ..... ... Date- . . ' .. PROLEXZ. Pil0,DOSA.L .. : .. 1. .. .. 0. ..* -. . .* .... . . -, ., ' :. . .. . . - .. . __. -6.. - .; : .- *- ;pj.nsori.n,- Asrpi16y City of CaF'lsbad .. .. ...... ..- ... ..: '' Parks and kcreation Dept. .. . ?. :dckes$,ZOO Elm Ave. , Carlsbad, Calif ..- '. .. .. pozsor's 2epresentative L.II-u Mi ke Li t t T e itlc Administrative Assistant ' Spmsorts on.-site Techicrit Sc2emls KEITJ BEVERLY . . Title CARIiLO RANCH CARETAKER .. e. . -- .. hone ( 714) 729-1181 . i .... 8. ' ' X~P (714 727-3643 . .* .. ... . I. . Pi?@JiCT DESCRIFTIO3: (Please be specific; ' Attach ... Erosion Control. Sandbag. creek to prohibit. .. .. i adobe structure. 'P'roject .will .als.o .inClude~.pTan.ting .. . .......... .. -. ..... -. .. .. .. .. . :. .. .. .. . ..... .:. ... ' .. , .. .. .. . . .- .. .. .. , .to pre,vent.-*soil, loss. . .- . -. . .. .. .. ---<- . , . -. .. ..... . * .. ... .... .. ... k .._ . .. .. I .-. ,- .r . .. .. .- .... .. .... ....... ..... ... .... ..... -. 1 ~. . :. * .. - .. _. . I . . PU3LIC DZLUJ!) FO2/BZE3?I'J! FRQX XW3CT: : . Zstiate iiuxber of visitors/users eqectc$ to benefit €ro= this project, -' .Siini.fi'cant user/visitor days will 'not occur 'for approximalely 3,s. yrs; .::-. *: ( e. g. cornmmity involvement, corqlaj.nts, legislat. * ~ However, area will be open to various community groups 'on 'a limited - . .. basis until such time as. thcbark can be developed to faciditate public use. ' .. I' e. : .i .. ,. .. c . A 1 . , Z'C'OLS AIID QUZFXZUT A%qUIRZD: (CCC c& supply hand ffFirc" tools mid tmnsp&tim:), ' Shovels, Hand Picks .? . m I' ....... c '. ' .. ..- ... ..I.., . 7- 1 .. .. ....... .. . .-. ... .i:.: ... .. _- .. .. ._ -. .. .. '. . ,.*. . ,:. * ./ ? f 4. :.-* . I !. I ~a*.-e .IS there pro>-ict clearance regarding Cdiforzia Ewironeental Quality Act? applica51e locnl, state or federai perzits for the prozect been q?roved? i ... .. .. .. ... ... .. Not Applicab.le . . -. i .*., s .*' *. (?Lease attzcki co?ies)- ' .., - N/A ' t. ! .. I ~<.:ltior,sl cccficr,ts: ~,.?ects, inclcde/a:tach XTJ relate:! informtion Kkich would cuke the project KCXC (='.go if project or site has historic, scientif5.c: or tech3icol icteres:ing, educational or instructive to CCC ~or~s~ern~ers- 1 ! This project site was constructed ip 1939 'for Leo Carril'l.of, a famous : member of the California State .Parks and' Recreation 'Cornmi-skidn .and as '. vaudiville actor and Hollywood movie star. ..,an un-officid gocdwill ambassador to the United. States. .*\Because of .a deep admiration for his 'ancestry,;he had the.$ite constructed .-- .to represent the early Spanish Rancho way of 1if.e. '.* been drodicated to'the city 0.f ,Carlsbad t'o'be administered by the 'Parks In later years! he served as a - The s4te ha's recently .: .\ . . I .. . I , and Recreation Department fo-r future park use. Until such time as the park can be developed to facilitate public use, there are certain projects which need to be undertaken to preserve the existing buildings and grounds. Involvement by the C.C.C. in these projects would provide its members with a unique exposure to the conservation of a cultural, historical and natural resource environment. .. ... .,.. i '5t3.e - Administrative Asst. - i ... Kei'tlp Beverly' .--. - .. .Title Cari i lo. Ranch Caretaker 'hlc 714) 729-1181 . - 0 ~, .. .. ?hole f714) 727-3643 .. t- . J. .- ?XCU33! DZSCRIFTIOX: (Please be specific'. ' Attach sup$emP=tl,--r s;?eet if necesszry,) . . '.-. Restoration of cabana and. swimming pool to prevent furtherideterio,ration.. -.- :Clearing .-of immedfdte ground's .$ur.r 'ounzi-ing -ar&a:.-.' Restoratton 'will in- -.-- .. .- -. .. ..cl~u&rep'lacing .uplifted 'foundation o'f -cabana.-flopr and rou h-carpentry. .... -. .. . .. .... .. . .. .. .... ... .. .--' Pool needs 'to be drained, c3eaned and patched:" .' .. .. .. .. I .- .- .. -. .. .. . .- .. - .. .. ! - .* , *. _. .. - . L mme7 LCCATIIOX: (PIea.se attach p~~./rz-p of 6it.e as wen as roa~]street m? of surroundi: ... area; in rurd areas, provide distance from nearest tom, Indicate lup2 cmor of DI-S-;-~ .. Leo 'Carr.i 7 1 o Ran,ch Park -_ 'City of ,Ca.rlsbad ;.--::. 2 mi . from San Marcos ' . - - .... .. .. - -. . ..- -? .i .I . -. - *. .. -. .. -. . . ., . '0:. . -. .... ........ ._ . .. -. ... ... .. . .......... .- . .. * - - _- -.- : . c.*..':-. .. . .- .-. -_- .-- .. .. ' .. ..- c. ' .. .- .. .. c.; > .._-. . -. CC Cerr'ier) Escondi do: ... ..... ... 1. .Project is (driving tfme) 20 min. .. .- I. . .. ESATIOI: .VALE. OF PIWSCT:.. (elg, PatLra reijdurce 'enbc.;mzntJ enviebnmifit& ..... ..: .. . - .. _. -. . ......... ... ... ... .. .C ... :7;. . ? . _..-_. .- ... . ... ... ... .. ... - _. .. :r,:,protectios; -. .. ~ cultural/histbric value;' etc;) :- .:s;'--Proje,.ct -wi 11- serv.e to enhance - and conserve - .. ._ . . .. , . I :. : *LHi..storicaI. si'gnificance. .. PU3LIC D3XtEl F02/3ZEZ'IT FXG?! FZCECT: [ e,g, -. . -. - .. .- . L. -1- Zstirite nuniber of visitors/users expect@ to benefit fron this project, - . r- - I .. .. 'Si gni fi cant vi sitpr/user days wi 11 not occur for approx.ima ely 3.-5. yrs .'.. However, area will be ,open to. various community groups on limited . - basis until such time as the. park .. can be devel'oped to faci i.tate.public .I .. . .use: .. f . t. L. . %(XIS MID E?JIE.ZlZ! RXCp1R.D: *'- (CCC cd supply hand Vire" tools and trans;ro&tioc), Saws, Hammers, Sledge; Trowels, Tampers-, Ladders ,. Rakes ,*,S$ovels. .- .;;a: '. .. .... ...... .:. . ... .. .. . .; ,. . ... ......... -. .. .. . I- .' . * ' $4.,000 '\ . . .. .:Naaes of CCC personriel with wkos project bas been discussed.. ... .. t II Ezye 22.1 appliczXe loscl, state or federal pemits for the project been qproved? Jk thorc projcct clearance repr~izg Chiforziz Erivironoental Qcality Act? . .. .. e. .- Not ARplicable . * i ' (?Lease attzct; coTies), . N /A I I XC5itiond. ccz.;.ncr,t~: zspcts, inclcdc/attach a~p refa',ed inforcation c;:?fch would &e the pro jcct E~ZC (e-g, if project or site hss historic, scientific or technical icttrestinc, educational or instructive to CCC CoqsnanSers,) ! This project site was constructed in 1939 for Leo Carrill+, a famous *. vaudeville actor and .Hollywood movi'e star. In later 'yearq he served . as a member of the California State Park's and Recreation (lomtnission ,. .. and'.as an unofficial goodwill ambassador to the United Stdtes. . .*' Because of a deep admiration for hi's-ancestors;, be had -th' site .*: constructed to represent the early Spanish Rancho way of jife. The 0 .i .. -: \ I * 1 .+ -* site has recently been,dedicated to the city of Carlsbad to be . administered by the parks and recreation department for future park use. Until such time as the park can be developed to facilitate public use, there are certain projects which need to be undertaken to preserve the existing buildings and grounds. Involvement by the C.C.C. in these projects would provide its members with a unique exposure to the conservation-.of !a.coltural, historical and natural resource environment. I .. i \ \ \ t AGREEMENT D. E. F. 1. .7 - . I;. ,L. t“1 . N. 0. P. I I worlc pt.rfomed under this agrc*emcnt will be under tlic immediate supervisiwn of the CCC officials. The Sponsor !vi]] provido such operation supervision, Icchnical assistance. ~uiilarrce and inspection as it considers necessary to pro~wrly coniplctc the work. Nothink: l~crcjn shall he construed 8s oblieatinE the Spsnsor to expend or obligate funds in excess of appro- priations autliorizcd by law. I, property of thr Sponsor. ,.e- AU inlprolremcnts constructed in whole or in part on lands owned or controlled by Sponsor will remain the ‘t Pernission to crimp and perfom work on lands owned or controlled by Sponsor does not in any U’DV convey to Ule CCC, ils staff, or nny person or persons working wjth the CCC in the performance of said Lvvork, employee status that wolild extend to them the benefits afforded lo permanent employees of Sponsor. Upo:~ cornple~ion of cach project, or any phase thereof, permission is hereby erantcd to the CCC to place upon alc project site a sign or emblem, consistent in size and design to its surroundings. indicating thc p,articipation of the CCC ad the year thereof. The CCC and Sponsor each agree to indemnify and hold harmless the othcr, its officers, agents and cmplcyees from a11 claini::, dcmands or liability caused by thc indemnifying party durinc or after completion of thc project. Neither party may assign this contract or any interest therein without the written consent of the other party. A11 contrar!s rclatinl: to the construction or operation of the project, including those executed following corn- plction of the project, shall contain a clause prohibiting discrimination against any emp!oyee or employcc appli- cant engaced in project work or project operation, on the basis of race, religion, sex, color. ancestry, age. physical handicap or national origin. Such clause shall include all nspects of employer-employee and employer- cmployce applicant relations. Subject to the Provisions herein, all rerr.edies allowcd by law are available to either party for enforcenent of this contract. Any waiver of rights by either party on any matter relating to this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver on any other matter relating to this contrart. If an)- part of this contract is found to be invalid the rcmaindcr of the contract shall continue in effect. This c-ontract may be modified by mutual written agreement of the parties. This agrecment shall remain in effect unless terminated upon sixty (60) days written notirc from either party lo the other. N.0 mcmbcr of. or dcle~ite to, Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of lhis aRreement, or to any benefit that may arisc therefrom; but this provision she11 not be construed to extcr.d this ac:rremrnt if made with a corporation for its general benefit. (Applicahle only if Sponsor is an agcncy of thc Unitcd .States Government). ‘ I IN \\‘lTh’ESS U’IIEIIEOF. the parties have agreed to the conditions of this Agrccment as of the last date written belov:. . .. , n;,te: October 3, 1979 Date: _.